580,305 research outputs found

    Putting the horse before the cart: formulating and exploring methods for studying cognitive technology

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    The First International Conference on Cognitive Technology (CT'95, Hong Kong, 1995) explored a radically new way of thinking about the impact computer technology has on humans, especially on the human mind. Our main aim at that time was a consideration of these effects with respect to rendering the interface between people and computers more humane. And we exemplified our approach by pointing to existing trends and tendencies in the vast new loosely organized field of research often referred to as `HCI' (`human computer interaction'; the replacement for the politically and factually `incorrect' MMI, `man machine interface')published_or_final_versio

    My Machine and I: ChatGPT and the Future of Human-Machine Collaboration in Africa

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    Recent advancements in technology have necessitated a paradigm shift in the people use technology necessitating a new research field called Human-Machine collaboration. ChatGPT, an Artificial intelligence (AI) assistive technology, has gained mainstream adoption and implementation in academia and industry; however, a lot is left unknown about how this new technology holds for Human-Machine Collaboration in Africa. Our survey paper highlights to answer some of these questions. To understand the effectiveness of ChatGPT on human-machine collaboration we utilized reflexive thematic analysis to analyze (N= 51) articles between 2019 and 2023 obtained from our literature search. Our findings indicate the prevalence of ChatGPT for human-computer interaction within academic sectors such as education, and research; trends also revealed the relatively high effectiveness of ChatGPT in improving human-machine collaboration.Comment: 8 pages, 1 tabl

    Computer Entertainment Technologies for the Visually Impaired: An Overview

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    Over the last years, works related to accessible technologies have increased both in number and in quality. This work presents a series of articles which explore different trends in the field of accessible video games for the blind or visually impaired. Reviewed articles are distributed in four categories covering the following subjects: (1) video game design and architecture, (2) video game adaptations, (3) accessible games as learning tools or treatments and (4) navigation and interaction in virtual environments. Current trends in accessible game design are also analysed, and data is presented regarding keyword use and thematic evolution over time. As a conclusion, a relative stagnation in the field of human-computer interaction for the blind is detected. However, as the video game industry is becoming increasingly interested in accessibility, new research opportunities are starting to appear

    Music notation: a new method for visualizing social interaction in animals and humans

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    BACKGROUND: Researchers have developed a variety of techniques for the visual presentation of quantitative data. These techniques can help to reveal trends and regularities that would be difficult to see if the data were left in raw form. Such techniques can be of great help in exploratory data analysis, making apparent the organization of data sets, developing new hypotheses, and in selecting effects to be tested by statistical analysis. Researchers studying social interaction in groups of animals and humans, however, have few tools to present their raw data visually, and it can be especially difficult to perceive patterns in these data. In this paper I introduce a new graphical method for the visual display of interaction records in human and animal groups, and I illustrate this method using data taken on chickens forming dominance hierarchies. RESULTS: This new method presents data in a way that can help researchers immediately to see patterns and connections in long, detailed records of interaction. I show a variety of ways in which this new technique can be used: (1) to explore trends in the formation of both group social structures and individual relationships; (2) to compare interaction records across groups of real animals and between real animals and computer-simulated animal interactions; (3) to search for and discover new types of small-scale interaction sequences; and (4) to examine how interaction patterns in larger groups might emerge from those in component subgroups. In addition, I discuss how this method can be modified and extended for visualizing a variety of different kinds of social interaction in both humans and animals. CONCLUSION: This method can help researchers develop new insights into the structure and organization of social interaction. Such insights can make it easier for researchers to explain behavioural processes, to select aspects of data for statistical analysis, to design further studies, and to formulate appropriate mathematical models and computer simulations

    Multi-touch Technology in Early Childhood: Current Trends and Future Challenges

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    © ACM 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Interacción '15 Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interactionhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1145/{10.1145/2829875.2829887The advantages of the direct manipulation style make the multi-touch technology an ideal mechanism to support learning activities for children. Moreover, although pre-kindergarten children are becoming frequent users of the technology little work has been done in the area to assess their actual abilities. This paper goes over the state of the art of multi-touch technology targeting pre-kindergarten children and its use for educational purposes. In addition, in this work we present future challenges that should be faced in the area in the near future to establish the basis on which designers will develop educational applications for children that fully exploit the multi-touch technology according to the actual abilities of pre-kindergarten children.Work supported by the MINECO (grants TIN2010-20488 and TIN2014-60077-R) and from GVA (ACIF/2015/075).Nácher-Soler, VE.; Jaén Martínez, FJ. (2015). Multi-touch Technology in Early Childhood: Current Trends and Future Challenges. ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2829875.2829887SAbdul Aziz, N.A., Batmaz, F., Stone, R., and Paul, C. Selection of touch gestures for children's applications. Proc. of SIC'13, 721--726.Abdul Aziz, N.A., Mat, N.S., Batmaz, F., Stone, R., and Paul, C. Selection of Touch Gestures for Children's Applications: Repeated Experiment to Increase Reliability. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 5, 4 (2014), 97--102.Baloian, N., Pino, J. a., and Vargas, R. Tablet gestures as a motivating factor for learning. Proc. of ChileCHI'13, 98--103.Bebell, D., Dorris, S., and Muir, M. Emerging Results From The Nation's First Kindergarten Implementation of iPads. Auburn, 2012.Buxton, B. Multi-touch systems that I have known and loved. 2013. http://billbuxton.com/multitouchOverview.html.Chiong, C. and Shuler, C. Learning: Is there an app for that? Investigations of young children's usage and learning with mobile devices and apps. New York, 2010.Common Sense Media. Zero to Eight: Childrens Media Use in America 2013. 2013.Egloff, T.H. Edutainment: a case study of interactive cd-rom playsets. Computers in Entertainment 2, 1 (2004), 13.Hinrichs, U. and Carpendale, S. Gestures in the wild: studying multi-touch gesture sequences on interactive tabletop exhibits. Proc. of CHI'11, 3023--3032.Hourcade, J.P. Interaction Design and Children. Foundations and Trends® in Human-Computer Interaction 1, 4 (2007), 277--392.Ingram, A., Wang, X., and Ribarsky, W. Towards the establishment of a framework for intuitive multi-touch interaction design. Proc. of AVI'12, 66--73.Johnson, L., Adams, S., and Cummins, M. The NMC Horizon Report: 2012 K-12. The New Media Consortium, Austin, Texas, 2012.Kammer, D., Dang, R., Steinhauf, J., and Groh, R. Investigating interaction with tabletops in kindergarten environments. Proc. of IDC'14, 57--66.Knoche, H., Rasmussen, N.A., and Boldreel, K. Do Interactions Speak Louder than Words? Dialogic Reading of an Interactive Tablet-based E-book with Children between 16 Months and Three Years of Age. Proc. of IDC'14, 285--288.Kremer, K.E. Conducting Game User Experience Research with Preschoolers. Workshop on Games User Research: practice, methods, and applications (collocated to CHI'12).Nacher, V., Jaen, J., Catala, A., Navarro, E., and Gonzalez, P. Improving Pre-Kindergarten Touch Performance. Proc. of ITS '14, 163--166.Nacher, V., Jaen, J., and Catala, A. Exploring Visual Cues for Intuitive Communicability of Touch Gestures to Pre-kindergarten Children. Proc. of ITS '14, 159--162.Nacher, V., Jaen, J., Navarro, E., Catala, A., and González, P. Multi-touch gestures for pre-kindergarten children. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 73, (2015), 37--51.Piaget, J.The Child and Reality. Grossman, New York, 1973.Rushton, S. and Juola-Rushton, A. Classroom Learning Environment, Brain Research and The No Child Left Behind Initiative: 6 years Later. Early Childhood Education Journal 36, 1 (2008), 87--92.Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Cohen, M., and Jacobs, S. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction. Prentice Hall, 2009.Shuler, C. iLearn II: An Analysis of the Education Category of the iTunes App Store. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, New York, 2012.Smith, S.P., Burd, E., and Rick, J. Developing, evaluating and deploying multi-touch systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 70, 10 (2012), 653--656.Vatavu, R., Cramariuc, G., and Schipor, D.M. Touch interaction for children aged 3 to 6 years: Experimental findings and relationship to motor skills. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 74, (2015), 54--76.Wakefield, J. and Smith, D. From Socrates to Satellites: iPad Learning in an Undergraduate Course. Creative Education 03, 05 (2012), 643--648.Wolock, E., Ann Orr, E.D., and Buckleitner, W. Child development 101 for the developers of interactive media. Active Learning Associates, Inc., 2006.Zaranis, N., Kalogiannakis, M., and Papadakis, S. Using Mobile Devices for Teaching Realistic Mathematics in Kindergarten Education. Creative Education 04, 07 (2013), 1--10

    Studying the service encounter: Addressing the passive user experience in design

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    The computer system is playing an increasingly important role in the face-to-face service encounter with the rapid development of technology and strong growth in services. The design focus of Human-computer interaction is traditionally the user who primarily interacts with the interface of the computer system, but the other users who also get affected by the system are not often addressed in research. This scenario typically occurs in the face-to-face service encounter that includes a computer system, where the customer, as the passive user of the system, relies on frontline employee`s interaction with the system to get information. Essentially, the passive user experience is a part of the overall customer experience, which focuses on the moment of the service encounter. Therefore, understanding the passive user and involving the passive user experience into design practice can lead to more appealing customer experience. The main objectives of this thesis are to clarify the aspects that influence the passive user experience in Helsinki Central Library Oodi and to give corresponding proposals for designing an appealing passive user experience. The literature review explicates several notions of service and the definition of the passive user. Based on that, the research is conducted with human-centered methods consisting of mapping the passive user journey, the passive user UX curve, and the semi- structured interview. The reasons behind the dynamic trends of the UX curves and pain points of the passive user are further summarized by data analysis. The study finds the service outcome, system feedback and transparency, waiting, encouragement, customer characteristics, graphical user interface, and physical layout of products are the aspects that influence the passive user experience. Besides, the recommendations of methodology to study the passive user are provided for later research. The findings from the study delineated the characteristics of the passive user experience, and the proposals enable service suppliers to improve their service encounters from a new perspective