15 research outputs found

    Convolutional Analysis Operator Learning: Dependence on Training Data

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    Convolutional analysis operator learning (CAOL) enables the unsupervised training of (hierarchical) convolutional sparsifying operators or autoencoders from large datasets. One can use many training images for CAOL, but a precise understanding of the impact of doing so has remained an open question. This paper presents a series of results that lend insight into the impact of dataset size on the filter update in CAOL. The first result is a general deterministic bound on errors in the estimated filters, and is followed by a bound on the expected errors as the number of training samples increases. The second result provides a high probability analogue. The bounds depend on properties of the training data, and we investigate their empirical values with real data. Taken together, these results provide evidence for the potential benefit of using more training data in CAOL.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The effect of perturbations of linear operators on their polar decomposition

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    The effect of matrix perturbations on the polar decomposition has been studied by several authors and various results are known. However, for operators between infinite-dimensional spaces the problem has not been considered so far. Here, we prove in particular that the partial isometry in the polar decomposition of an operator is stable under perturbations, given that kernel and range of original and perturbed operator satisfy a certain condition. In the matrix case, this condition is weaker than the usually imposed equal-rank condition. It includes the case of semi-Fredholm operators with agreeing nullities and deficiencies, respectively. In addition, we prove a similar perturbation result where the ranges or the kernels of the two operators are assumed to be sufficiently close to each other in the gap metric.Comment: 13 page

    Lossless digraph signal processing via polar decomposition

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    In this paper, we present a signal processing framework for directed graphs. Unlike undirected graphs, a graph shift operator such as the adjacency matrix associated with a directed graph usually does not admit an orthogonal eigenbasis. This makes it challenging to define the Fourier transform. Our methodology leverages the polar decomposition to define two distinct eigendecompositions, each associated with different matrices derived from this decomposition. We propose to extend the frequency domain and introduce a Fourier transform that jointly encodes the spectral response of a signal for the two eigenbases from the polar decomposition. This allows us to define convolution following a standard routine. Our approach has two features: it is lossless as the shift operator can be fully recovered from factors of the polar decomposition. Moreover, it subsumes the traditional graph signal processing if the graph is directed. We present numerical results to show how the framework can be applied

    Generalized Orthogonal Procrustes Problem under Arbitrary Adversaries

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    The generalized orthogonal Procrustes problem (GOPP) plays a fundamental role in several scientific disciplines including statistics, imaging science and computer vision. Despite its tremendous practical importance, it is generally an NP-hard problem to find the least squares estimator. We study the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) and an iterative method named generalized power method (GPM) to find the least squares estimator, and investigate the performance under a signal-plus-noise model. We show that the SDR recovers the least squares estimator exactly and moreover the generalized power method with a proper initialization converges linearly to the global minimizer to the SDR, provided that the signal-to-noise ratio is large. The main technique follows from showing the nonlinear mapping involved in the GPM is essentially a local contraction mapping and then applying the well-known Banach fixed-point theorem finishes the proof. In addition, we analyze the low-rank factorization algorithm and show the corresponding optimization landscape is free of spurious local minimizers under nearly identical conditions that enables the success of SDR approach. The highlight of our work is that the theoretical guarantees are purely algebraic and do not assume any statistical priors of the additive adversaries, and thus it applies to various interesting settings.Comment: The first draft was posted in 2021; this version of manuscript has gone through a significant revision. The proof has been completely re-written and shortened to make it more readabl

    A new scaling for Newton's iteration for the polar decomposition and its backward stability

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/070699895.We propose a scaling scheme for Newton's iteration for calculating the polar decomposition. The scaling factors are generated by a simple scalar iteration in which the initial value depends only on estimates of the extreme singular values of the original matrix, which can, for example, be the Frobenius norms of the matrix and its inverse. In exact arithmetic, for matrices with condition number no greater than 101610^{16}, with this scaling scheme no more than 9 iterations are needed for convergence to the unitary polar factor with a convergence tolerance roughly equal to 101610^{-16}. It is proved that if matrix inverses computed in finite precision arithmetic satisfy a backward-forward error model, then the numerical method is backward stable. It is also proved that Newton's method with Higham's scaling or with Frobenius norm scaling is backward stable

    Stability of polar decompositions

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    Certain continuity properties of the factors in generalized polar decompositions of real and complex matrices are studied. A complete characterization is given of those generalized polar decompositions that persist under small perturbations in the matrix and in the scalar product. Connections are made with quadratic matrix equations, and with stability properties of certain invariant subspaces

    A Cheeger Inequality for the Graph Connection Laplacian

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    The O(d) Synchronization problem consists of estimating a set of unknown orthogonal transformations O_i from noisy measurements of a subset of the pairwise ratios O_iO_j^{-1}. We formulate and prove a Cheeger-type inequality that relates a measure of how well it is possible to solve the O(d) synchronization problem with the spectra of an operator, the graph Connection Laplacian. We also show how this inequality provides a worst case performance guarantee for a spectral method to solve this problem.Comment: To appear in the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX

    How and why to solve the operator equation AX-XB= Y

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    The entities A, B, X, Y in the title are operators, by which we mean either linear transformations on a finite-dimensional vector space (matrices) or bounded (= continuous) linear transformations on a Banach space. (All scalars will be complex numbers.) The definitions and statements below are valid in both the finite-dimensional and the infinite-dimensional cases, unless the contrary is stated

    Decentralized Complete Dictionary Learning via 4\ell^{4}-Norm Maximization

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    With the rapid development of information technologies, centralized data processing is subject to many limitations, such as computational overheads, communication delays, and data privacy leakage. Decentralized data processing over networked terminal nodes becomes an important technology in the era of big data. Dictionary learning is a powerful representation learning method to exploit the low-dimensional structure from the high-dimensional data. By exploiting the low-dimensional structure, the storage and the processing overhead of data can be effectively reduced. In this paper, we propose a novel decentralized complete dictionary learning algorithm, which is based on 4\ell^{4}-norm maximization. Compared with existing decentralized dictionary learning algorithms, comprehensive numerical experiments show that the novel algorithm has significant advantages in terms of per-iteration computational complexity, communication cost, and convergence rate in many scenarios. Moreover, a rigorous theoretical analysis shows that the dictionaries learned by the proposed algorithm can converge to the one learned by a centralized dictionary learning algorithm at a linear rate with high probability under certain conditions