4,411 research outputs found

    Analysing Scientific Collaborations of New Zealand Institutions using Scopus Bibliometric Data

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    Scientific collaborations are among the main enablers of development in small national science systems. Although analysing scientific collaborations is a well-established subject in scientometrics, evaluations of scientific collaborations within a country remain speculative with studies based on a limited number of fields or using data too inadequate to be representative of collaborations at a national level. This study represents a unique view on the collaborative aspect of scientific activities in New Zealand. We perform a quantitative study based on all Scopus publications in all subjects for more than 1500 New Zealand institutions over a period of 6 years to generate an extensive mapping of scientific collaboration at a national level. The comparative results reveal the level of collaboration between New Zealand institutions and business enterprises, government institutions, higher education providers, and private not for profit organisations in 2010-2015. Constructing a collaboration network of institutions, we observe a power-law distribution indicating that a small number of New Zealand institutions account for a large proportion of national collaborations. Network centrality concepts are deployed to identify the most central institutions of the country in terms of collaboration. We also provide comparative results on 15 universities and Crown research institutes based on 27 subject classifications.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, accepted author copy with link to research data, Analysing Scientific Collaborations of New Zealand Institutions using Scopus Bibliometric Data. In Proceedings of ACSW 2018: Australasian Computer Science Week 2018, January 29-February 2, 2018, Brisbane, QLD, Australi

    Predictive modeling for occupational safety outcomes and days away from work analysis in mining operations

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    Mining is known to be one of the most hazardous occupations in the world. Many serious accidents have occurred worldwide over the years in mining. Although there have been efforts to create a safer work environment for miners, the number of accidents occurring at the mining sites is still significant. Machine learning techniques and predictive analytics are becoming one of the leading resources to create safer work environments in the manufacturing and construction industries. These techniques are leveraged to generate actionable insights to improve decision-making. A large amount of mining safety-related data are available, and machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze the data. The use of machine learning techniques can significantly benefit the mining industry. Decision tree, random forest, and artificial neural networks were implemented to analyze the outcomes of mining accidents. These machine learning models were also used to predict days away from work. An accidents dataset provided by the Mine Safety and Health Administration was used to train the models. The models were trained separately on tabular data and narratives. The use of a synthetic data augmentation technique using word embedding was also investigated to tackle the data imbalance problem. Performance of all the models was compared with the performance of the traditional logistic regression model. The results show that models trained on narratives performed better than the models trained on structured/tabular data in predicting the outcome of the accident. The higher predictive power of the models trained on narratives led to the conclusion that the narratives have additional information relevant to the outcome of injury compared to the tabular entries. The models trained on tabular data had a lower mean squared error compared to the models trained on narratives while predicting the days away from work. The results highlight the importance of predictors, like shift start time, accident time, and mining experience in predicting the days away from work. It was found that the F1 score of all the underrepresented classes except one improved after the use of the data augmentation technique. This approach gave greater insight into the factors influencing the outcome of the accident and days away from work

    Diagnosis and Prognosis of Occupational disorders based on Machine Learn- ing Techniques applied to Occupational Profiles

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    Work-related disorders have a global influence on people’s well-being and quality of life and are a financial burden for organizations because they reduce productivity, increase absenteeism, and promote early retirement. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, in particular, represent a significant fraction of the total in all occupational contexts. In automotive and industrial settings where workers are exposed to work-related muscu- loskeletal disorders risk factors, occupational physicians are responsible for monitoring workers’ health protection profiles. Occupational technicians report in the Occupational Health Protection Profiles database to understand which exposure to occupational work- related musculoskeletal disorder risk factors should be ensured for a given worker. Occu- pational Health Protection Profiles databases describe the occupational physician states, and which exposure the physicians considers necessary to ensure the worker’s health protection in terms of their functional work ability. The application of Human-Centered explainable artificial intelligence can support the decision making to go from worker’s Functional Work Ability to explanations by integrating explainability into medical (re- striction) and supporting in two decision contexts: prognosis and diagnosis of individual, work related and organizational risk condition. Although previous machine learning ap- proaches provided good predictions, their application in an actual occupational setting is limited because their predictions are difficult to interpret and hence, not actionable. In this thesis, injured body parts in which the ability changed in a worker’s functional work ability status are targeted. On the one hand, artificial intelligence algorithms can help technical teams, occupational physicians, and ergonomists determine a worker’s workplace risk via the diagnosis and prognosis of body part(s) injuries; on the other hand, these approaches can help prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders by identifying which processes are lacking in working condition improvement and which workplaces have a better match between the remaining functional work abilities. A sample of 2025 for the prognosis part (from the years of 2019 to 2020) and 7857 for the prognosis part of Occupational Health Protection Profiles based on Functional Work Ability textual re- ports in the Portuguese language in automotive industry factory. Machine learning-based Natural Language Processing methods were implemented to extract standardized infor- mation. The prognosis and diagnosis of Occupational Health Protection Profiles factors were developed in reliable Human-Centered explainable artificial intelligence system to promote a trustworthy Human-Centered explainable artificial intelligence system (enti- tled Industrial microErgo application). The most suitable regression models to predict the next medical appointment for the injured body regions were the models based on CatBoost regression, with R square and an RMSLE of 0.84 and 1.23 weeks, respectively. In parallel, CatBoost’s best regression model for most body parts is the prediction of the next injured body parts based on these two errors. This information can help tech- nical industrial teams understand potential risk factors for Occupational Health Protec- tion Profiles and identify warning signs of the early stages of musculoskeletal disorders.Os transtornos relacionados ao trabalho têm influência global no bem-estar e na quali- dade de vida das pessoas e são um ônus financeiro para as organizações, pois reduzem a produtividade, aumentam o absenteísmo e promovem a aposentadoria precoce. Os distúr- bios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho, em particular, representam uma fração significativa do total em todos os contextos ocupacionais. Em ambientes automotivos e industriais onde os trabalhadores estão expostos a fatores de risco de distúrbios osteomus- culares relacionados ao trabalho, os médicos do trabalho são responsáveis por monitorar os perfis de proteção à saúde dos trabalhadores. Os técnicos do trabalho reportam-se à base de dados dos Perfis de Proteção da Saúde Ocupacional para compreender quais os fatores de risco de exposição a perturbações músculo-esqueléticas relacionadas com o tra- balho que devem ser assegurados para um determinado trabalhador. As bases de dados de Perfis de Proteção à Saúde Ocupacional descrevem os estados do médico do trabalho e quais exposições os médicos consideram necessária para garantir a proteção da saúde do trabalhador em termos de sua capacidade funcional para o trabalho. A aplicação da inteligência artificial explicável centrada no ser humano pode apoiar a tomada de decisão para ir da capacidade funcional de trabalho do trabalhador às explicações, integrando a explicabilidade à médica (restrição) e apoiando em dois contextos de decisão: prognóstico e diagnóstico da condição de risco individual, relacionado ao trabalho e organizacional . Embora as abordagens anteriores de aprendizado de máquina tenham fornecido boas pre- visões, sua aplicação em um ambiente ocupacional real é limitada porque suas previsões são difíceis de interpretar e portanto, não acionável. Nesta tese, as partes do corpo lesiona- das nas quais a habilidade mudou no estado de capacidade funcional para o trabalho do trabalhador são visadas. Por um lado, os algoritmos de inteligência artificial podem aju- dar as equipes técnicas, médicos do trabalho e ergonomistas a determinar o risco no local de trabalho de um trabalhador por meio do diagnóstico e prognóstico de lesões em partes do corpo; por outro lado, essas abordagens podem ajudar a prevenir distúrbios muscu- loesqueléticos relacionados ao trabalho, identificando quais processos estão faltando na melhoria das condições de trabalho e quais locais de trabalho têm uma melhor correspon- dência entre as habilidades funcionais restantes do trabalho. Para esta tese, foi utilizada uma base de dados com Perfis de Proteção à Saúde Ocupacional, que se baseiam em relató- rios textuais de Aptidão para o Trabalho em língua portuguesa, de uma fábrica da indús- tria automóvel (Auto Europa). Uma amostra de 2025 ficheiros foi utilizada para a parte de prognóstico (de 2019 a 2020) e uma amostra de 7857 ficheiros foi utilizada para a parte de diagnóstico. . Aprendizado de máquina- métodos baseados em Processamento de Lingua- gem Natural foram implementados para extrair informações padronizadas. O prognóstico e diagnóstico dos fatores de Perfis de Proteção à Saúde Ocupacional foram desenvolvidos em um sistema confiável de inteligência artificial explicável centrado no ser humano (inti- tulado Industrial microErgo application). Os modelos de regressão mais adequados para prever a próxima consulta médica para as regiões do corpo lesionadas foram os modelos baseados na regressão CatBoost, com R quadrado e RMSLE de 0,84 e 1,23 semanas, res- pectivamente. Em paralelo, a previsão das próximas partes do corpo lesionadas com base nesses dois erros relatados pelo CatBoost como o melhor modelo de regressão para a mai- oria das partes do corpo. Essas informações podem ajudar as equipes técnicas industriais a entender os possíveis fatores de risco para os Perfis de Proteção à Saúde Ocupacio- nal e identificar sinais de alerta dos estágios iniciais de distúrbios musculoesqueléticos

    21st-Century U.S. Safety Professional Educational Standards: Establishing Minimum Baccalaureate Graduate Learning Outcomes for Emerging Occupational Health and Safety Professionals

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    How can the public be assured of competency in those professing to protect its occupational health and safety (OSH)? Currently, in the U.S. there are 193 higher education OSH programs, 186 with baccalaureate degrees with over 55 different degree titles. This research seeks to define minimum OSH baccalaureate graduate core competencies across all programs by asking: What would employers look for in a portfolio to demonstrate competence in a new OSH graduate? Professional members of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) participated as subject matter experts in an anonymous online survey to provide framing data. The ASSE Educational Standards Committee and Framing the Profession Task Force engaged in an action research method of facilitated discussion and consensus building, (Modified Nominal Group Technique), distilling 741 portfolio examples to 22 competency themes, and 11 learning outcomes. Recommendations include: establish a standardized set of core competencies of evidence based learning outcomes across all OSH and related programs; look to the Nursing and Education professions\u27 processes of shifting from prescribed courses to a learning outcomes model; shift pedagogy to student-centered, highly engaged, outcomes-based approach; enhance educational content for 21st-century knowledge and skills, including: teamwork, internship experience, organizational skills, ethics, critical thinking, scientific method, continuous improvement, systems thinking, sustainable applications, and strategic planning; enhance partnerships between professional safety associations and higher education for collaboration and consensus building; and collaborate with global OSH associations. The electronic version of this Dissertation is at the Ohio Link ETD Center at http://ohiolink.edu/et

    Prediction of Safety Performance by Using Machine Learning Algorithms: Evidence from Indian Construction Project Sites

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    The construction industry in India happens to be the second most contributor to its gross domestic product (GDP) but high rates of accidents and fatalities have tarnished the image of the industry in India. To enhance the importance and alertness among the stakeholders in construction project sites, the present study proposes a framework for predicting safety performance. In this retrospective study, the data pertaining to the 69 construction project sites across India from January, 2021, to July, 2022 was analysed. The data analysis was conducted in two phases, in the first phase of the study the efficiency of project sites was computed by implementing data envelopment analysis (DEA). In the second phase, the results of the first phase are utilized to predict the safety performance of construction sites by applying four machine learning (ML) algorithms. In the first phase of the study, three input and three output variables were considered to compute the efficiency of the project sites. Results of four ML classifiers revealed that the random forest classifier with high recall percentage of 95.0 is considered the best in predicting the safety performance. Finally, the results indicate that the ML classifiers enable a good accuracy level in predicting the safety performance of project sites. Among the four ML classifiers, notably the Random Forest Classifier enables identifying the inefficient project sites and advising the site management to implement control measures. Finally, a safety performance prediction tool was developed to understand the results

    Machine learning for the prediction of psychosocial outcomes in acquired brain injury

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    Acquired brain injury (ABI) can be a life changing condition, affecting housing, independence, and employment. Machine learning (ML) is increasingly used as a method to predict ABI outcomes, however improper model evaluation poses a potential bias to initially promising findings (Chapter One). This study aimed to evaluate, with transparent reporting, three common ML classification methods. Regularised logistic regression with elastic net, random forest and linear kernel support vector machine were compared with unregularised logistic regression to predict good psychosocial outcomes after discharge from ABI inpatient neurorehabilitation using routine cognitive, psychometric and clinical admission assessments. Outcomes were selected on the basis of decision making for care packages: accommodation status, functional participation, supervision needs, occupation and quality of life. The primary outcome was accommodation (n = 164), with models internally validated using repeated nested cross-validation. Random forest was statistically superior to logistic regression for every outcome with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) ranging from 0.81 (95% confidence interval 0.77-0.85) for the primary outcome of accommodation, to its lowest performance for predicting occupation status with an AUC of 0.72 (0.69-0.76). The worst performing ML algorithm was support vector machine, only having statistically superior performance to logistic regression for one outcome, supervision needs, with an AUC of 0.75 (0.71-0.80). Unregularised logistic regression models were poorly calibrated compared to ML indicating severe overfitting, unlikely to perform well in new samples. Overall, ML can predict psychosocial outcomes using routine psychosocial admission data better than other statistical methods typically used by psychologists

    Exploring the link between early constructor involvement in project decision-making and the efficacy of health and safety risk control

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    The position of the constructor in communication networks, including those before the commencement of construction, is likely related to the quality of work health and safety (WHS) outcomes realized. In order to examine the extent of this relationship, 23 cases were drawn from 10 participating construction projects in Australia and New Zealand. Social network analysis was used to mathematically and graphically model information exchanges in 13 of these cases. For each case, the quality of WHS risk control outcomes was measured. This measurement was based on an established 'hierarchy of control' in which risk controls are classified in descending order of effectiveness from the elimination of a hazard (the most effective) to the reliance on personal protective equipment (the least effective). Social network metrics were calculated reflecting: (1) the ratio of actual links among parties in the project network relative to the maximum number of links possible (network density); and (2) the extent to which the constructor communicated with other parties in pre-project planning and design stages (the constructors' degree centrality). Network metrics were compared for cases in which the risk control scores were higher and lower than average. The results showed a significant difference in constructors' pre-construction degree centrality for cases with high and low risk control scores. The results provide preliminary evidence as to the potential WHS benefits of ensuring that constructors' knowledge about construction methods, materials, WHS risks and means of risk control, are integrated into pre-construction decision-makin

    Functional brain networks reveal the existence of cognitive reserve and the interplay between network topology and dynamics

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    We investigated how the organization of functional brain networks was related to cognitive reserve (CR) during a memory task in healthy aging. We obtained the magnetoencephalographic functional networks of 20 elders with a high or low CR level to analyse the differences at network features. We reported a negative correlation between synchronization of the whole network and CR, and observed differences both at the node and at the network level in: the average shortest path and the network outreach. Individuals with high CR required functional networks with lower links to successfully carry out the memory task. These results may indicate that those individuals with low CR level exhibited a dual pattern of compensation and network impairment, since their functioning was more energetically costly to perform the task as the high CR group. Additionally, we evaluated how the dynamical properties of the different brain regions were correlated to the network parameters obtaining that entropy was positively correlated with the strength and clustering coefficient, while complexity behaved conversely. Consequently, highly connected nodes of the functional networks showed a more stochastic and less complex signal. We consider that network approach may be a relevant tool to better understand brain functioning in aging.Comment: Main manuscript: 23 pages including references, 20 pages text, 8 figures and supplementary information include

    Predictive analytics in agribusiness industries

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    Agriculturally related industries are routinely among the most hazardous work environments. Workplace injuries directly impact labor-market outcomes including income reduction, job loss, and health of the injured workers. In addition to medical and indemnity costs, workplace incidents include indirect costs such as equipment damage and repair, incident investigation time, training new personnel for replacement of the injured ones, an increase in insurance premiums for the year following the incidents, a slowdown of production schedules, damage to companies’ reputation, and lowering the workers’ motivation to return to work. The main purpose of incident analysis is the derivation and development of preventative measures from injury data. Applying proper analytical tools aimed at discovering the causes of occupational incidents is essential to gain useful information that contributes in preventing those incidents in future. Insight gained from the analyses of workers’ compensation data can efficiently direct preventative activities at high-risk industries. Since incidents arise from a combination of factors rather than a single cause, research on occupational incidents must go deeper into identifying the underlying causes and their relationship through applying more comprehensive analyses. Therefore, this study aimed at identifying underlying patterns in occupational injury occurrence and costs using data mining and predictive modeling techniques instead of traditional statistical methods. Utilizing a workers’ compensation claims dataset, the objectives of this study were to: investigate the use of predictive modeling techniques in forecasting future claims costs based on historical data; identify distinctive patterns of high-cost occupational injuries; and examine how well machine learning methods work in finding the predictive relationship between factors influencing occupational injuries and workers’ compensation claims occurrence and severity. The results lead to a better understanding of injury patterns, identification of prevalent causes of occupational injuries, and identification of high-risk industries and occupations. Therefore, various stakeholders such as policymakers, insurance companies, safety standard writers, and manufacturers of safety equipment can use the findings of the study to plan for remedial actions and revise safety standards. The implementation of safety measures by agribusiness organizations can prevent occupational injuries, save lives, and reduce the occurrence and cost of such incidents in agricultural work environments