418 research outputs found

    Systematic Measurement of Centralized Online Reputation Systems

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    Background: Centralized online reputation systems, which collect users' opinions on products, transactions and events as reputation information then aggregate and publish it, have been widely adopted by Internet companies. These systems can help users build trust, reduce information asymmetry and lter information. Aim: Much research in the area has focused on analyzing single type systems and the cross-type evaluation usually concentrates on one aspect of the system. This research proposes a systematic evaluation model (SERS) that can measure different types of reputation system. Method: From system perspective, all reputation systems can be divided into five underlying components. Input refers to the collection of ratings and reviews; Processing is the aggregation of ratings. Output publishes the information. Feedback Loop is the collection of the feedback of the review, which can be seen as the `review of the review'; Finally, Storage stores all the information. Therefore, based on each component's characteristics, a series of benchmark criteria can be dened and incorporated into the model. Results: The SERS has dened 29 criteria, which can compare and measure different aspects of reputation systems. The model was theoretically assessed on its coverage of the successful factors of reputation systems and the technical dimensions of information systems. The model has also been empirically assessed by applying it to 15 commercial sites. Conclusion: The results obtained indicated that the SERS model has identified most important characteristics that have been proposed by reputation systems literature. In addition the SERS has covered most dimensions of the two basic technical information system measurements: information quality and system quality. The empirical assessment has shown that the SERS can evaluate dierent types of reputation systems and is capable of identifying the weakness of current systems

    The Effect of Blockchain on Customer-To-Customer Electronic Commerce

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    The popularity of the Internet and e-business has led more people to online shopping, especially customer-to-customer (C2C) electronic commerce (e-commerce). However, C2C e-commerce faces challenges such as security, product and vendor trust, and more. One of the most important solutions to such problems is the use of decentralized and distributed technologies such as blockchain, which play an important role in identifying, verifying, and validating data, developing information security, and creating transparency and trust in a business. Therefore, this study uses a qualitative method to investigate the effect of blockchain on C2C e-commerce. After conducting the conceptual study, the experiences of experts in this field were used through semi-structured interviews. The data from the interviews were then coded and analyzed. Finally, 12 conceptual codes were extracted. Due to the high frequency of the transparency code, other concepts were studied around this axis and based on it. According to the results, strategies such as transparency, trust, and legal barriers were more important in using blockchain in C2C e-commerce, respectively

    The dilemma of intellectual property transaction and mechanism optimizing in China

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    This Thesis focuses on the difficulties and solutions regarding intellectual property (IP) transactions. High transaction costs and low exchange values in the context of sporadic trades and massive IP availability constitute a hurdle when a country seeks to realize the full potential of knowledge and innovation as part of its development strategy. The purpose of this Thesis is to address these challenges and to contribute to achieving workable solutions. This Thesis is based on a survey of China’s economic situation, IP institutional system, IP application development, and the status of IP transaction. To move forward, it puts forward the following research questions: "What are the suitable mechanisms of IP transaction to reduce transaction costs and maximize exchange value? And, how should we optimize the mechanisms to solve the dilemma of IP transaction?" Also, the Thesis develops conceptual discussion of IP transactions consisting of transaction subjects, objects and processes. This perspective is compatible with practical requirements and recent theoretical advances. Issues on the take-off and trends of IP transactions in China are reviewed, and requirements on IP tradability, transaction pattern and evaluation are analyzed. This Thesis implements empirical research of trademark transactions, studies case study information on IP platforms, and analyzes the factors influencing trademark transaction price. A rich array of experience regarding patent transaction mechanisms is summarized. Finally, this Thesis argues that a feasible detailed solution can be designed, named "O3" IP transaction mechanism. Three strands of policy suggestions are given to enhance IP transactions by optimizing transaction mechanisms.A presente Tese foca-se nos problemas das transacções envolvendo propriedade industrial (PI), que se prendem com a raridade do comércio deste tipo de activos em contraste com a sua abundância massiva. Duas perguntas articulam as inquietações de pesquisa desta Tese: Como diminuir os custos de transacção em mercados de PI? Como maximizar o valor dos ganhos deste tipo de actividade? A Tese revê as fontes destas dificuldades e procura perspectivar soluções técnicas e económicas. Em primeiro lugar, através de uma introdução à da economia da China por via da descrição do sistema da China de PI e das tendências recentes a Tese dá um contexto para a abordagem às perguntas de investigação. Posteriormente, o fenómeno das transações de PI são revistas através apreciações teóricas e de observações sobre aplicações concretas de experiências reais. Em seguida, um estudo empírico das transações de marcas é realizado bem como um estudo de caso sobre as várias soluções que existem em termos de operações de negócio em torno da PIs. Um modelo econométrico é usado para analisar os factores que afectam as condições de transação de marcas. Um estudo qualitativo sobre dinâmicas de troca de patentes em contexto chinês e estrangeiro permite mostrar e comparar as características-chave das plataformas de transacção existentes. Com base nos resultados conceptuais, empíricos quantitativos e empíricos qualitativos elaborados a Tese explora uma solução de comércio designada "O3" e propõe este como modelo-base para discussão de políticas favoráveis à transacção de PI

    Innovative online platforms: Research opportunities

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    Economic growth in many countries is increasingly driven by successful startups that operate as online platforms. These success stories have motivated us to define and classify various online platforms according to their business models. This study discusses strategic and operational issues arising from five types of online platforms (resource sharing, matching, crowdsourcing, review, and crowdfunding) and presents some research opportunities for operations management scholars to explore

    CHINA'S K12 ONLINE EDUCATION RESEARCH UNDER THE EPIDEMIC : Satisfaction Analysis on K12 Distance Learning

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    The value that the Internet brings to the K12 education industry is reflected in four aspects: supply chain, efficiency improvement, experience optimization and clear output. In this research, we first briefly introduce the K12 online education and its history of development. Additionally, we discuss the general features of the online educations according to analyzing the comments under the relevant applications. Then we analyze the market of K12 online education in China, including the dominant applications in the current market, the business model, and the supply chain of the online education. Next, we analyze the evaluation framework for online education which is proposed by Quality Matters as a model. Even though it is still very difficult to design a model that can perfectly evaluation the quality of online education, however, at least, according to the analysis, we see the possibility. To analyze the satisfaction of the distance learning in K12, we design a questionnaire and receive responses from 218 student and more than 100 responses from their parents. Based on the data, we find the result is relatively positive. Evidence shows the potential bright future of online education. Therefore, we use SWOT model to analyze and predict the future development of K12 online education from different dimensions. Finally conclude the research

    Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications : how will the fast fashion industry adapt?

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    With climate change, our planet has been suffering dramatic changes and environmental crises. The fast fashion textile industry plays a significant role, being the third most polluting industry in the world. With this problem, sustainable trends around fashion have gained traction over the years. Supported greatly by these trends, the market for resale fashion has grown, rising 11 times faster than traditional retail into 2025. The second-hand fashion market is forecasted to be twice the size of the fast fashion one by 2030. Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications follow eCommerce and digital trends having advantages like an easy and userfriendly direct buy-sell online process, more agility and profitability for buyers and sellers, and a wide pool of products and therefore users. This dissertation concluded that multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications are a driver for growth of the second-hand fashion market, as they will be the business model of the future for the market. Since the second-hand fashion market is becoming an important segment of the fashion industry, multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications positively impact the fashion industry in Western Europe growing its value. Furthermore, a scenario analysis showed that the most likely scenario for the evolution of fast fashion, being multisided C2C secondhand fashion applications a prevalent part of the Western European fashion industry, would be maintaining their core business, while adopting brand’s used clothes retake programs where clients would sell back their items to brands gaining store credit or discounts.Com as mudanças climáticas, nosso planeta tem vindo a sofrer mudanças dramáticas e crises ambientais. A indústria do fast fashion desempenha um grande papel neste problema ameaçador, sendo a terceira indústria mais poluente do mundo. Com este problema, as tendências sustentáveis em torno da moda ganharam força ao longo dos anos. Apoiado por essas tendências, o mercado de moda de revenda tem registado um crescimento notável, crescendo 11 vezes mais rápido do que a moda tradicional até 2025. O mercado em segunda mão tem previsão de duplicar o fast fashion em 2030. Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications seguem tendências como o eCommerce e a digitalização, tendo vantagens como, um processo online de compra e venda direta entre clientes fácil e user-friendly, mais agilidade e lucratividade para os usuários e uma ampla pool de produtos e clientes. Concluímos que as aplicações multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications são um impulsionador do crescimento do mercado em segunda mão, uma vez que serão o modelo de negócio do futuro. Segunda mão está a tornar-se um grande segmento, as multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications impactam positivamente a indústria na Europa Ocidental, aumentando seu valor. A análise de cenário realizada mostrou que o cenário mais provável para a evolução do fast fashion, sendo as Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications uma parte predominante da indústria, será manter seu core business, mas adotar programas de retomada de roupa da marca onde os clientes vendem seus itens de volta às marcas em troca de crédito ou descontos na loja

    Transport packaging waste management in E-commerce industry: Opportunities and risks

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    Free and easy returns cause more packaging waste in online purchases. With a growing number of waste import bans in Asian countries, waste exports are now a less viable option. The high quality and low market value of post-consumer packaging increase the difficulties of packaging waste recycling. Current research often focuses on the design and material choices of packaging, the broad perspective of considering the factors leading to sustainability in E-commerce packaging has yet to be explored empirically. This study has two primary objectives: a) to explore the role and responsibilities of the E-commerce business in post-consumer packaging waste management under the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations and b) to identify the barriers and drivers to improve packaging waste management across the E-commerce industry. As part of the first objective, the study adopted a systematic review method to review 34 papers about the best practices of packaging waste management across the retail sector over ten years (2011-2020). The results reveal that the best practices in packaging waste management are primarily based on five objectives of packaging sustainability guidelines, including optimizing resources, responsible sourcing, resource recovery, material health, and consumer engagement. Of these, consumer engagement is highlighted as a strong effort on packaging waste recycling with low cost and high efficiency. In pursuit of the second objective, the study employed a case study method to assess the current E-commerce package waste program with the best practices. The results show that best practices in the retailing industry are applied to the E-commerce business, and improvements are needed. The author undertook a content analysis to assess each e-commerce firm's packaging sustainability. This analysis confirms that firms in the E-commerce industry become similar to meet the needs of legitimacy, and institutional pressures affect green practices. Barriers have been explored and scopes of improving the packaging waste management framework identified. E-commerce businesses are aware of packaging issues and take green practices, but the packaging sustainability strategies vary across business models. The hybrid firms, which have both Business to Consumer (B2C) and Consumer to Consumer (C2C) models, perform better in packaging sustainability than B2C and C2C businesses. For a shift towards a full EPR in packaging waste, harmonized identification of the packaging producer in the E-commerce industry is also needed, a fundamental requirement for EPR regulation implementation. The role and responsibilities of the online platform should be recognized in transport packaging sustainability, especially for C2C online retailing. Besides the government's outcome-results requirements, design and operation guidelines for sustainable packaging would be required in the E-commerce industry. Overall, this work is the first attempt to evaluate online platforms' current packaging waste sustainability and the potential for complete producer control in the E-commerce industry. Furthermore, the study offers insight into how institutional theory might be adopted in corporate green strategies analysis across the industry

    Enhancing User Loyalty through Network Externality: An Empirical Study on B2B Platform

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    Loyal users are vital to the future of B2B platform with rapid development and intensive competitions. This study examines how network externality, in terms of direct network externality and indirect network externality, enhances B2B platform users\u27 perceived value, and how such perception of value, in turn, influences their satisfaction and loyalty. First, we develop a conceptual model to describe the formation mechanism of user (seller) loyalty on B2B platform. Second, based on literature home and abroad, we develop a questionnaire. With a well-known B2B platform, we get 1,348 valid samples. At last, using structural equation modeling approach, we get the conceptual model fitted. The empirical results show that: network externality can be used as pre-drivers of perceived value thereby affecting user loyalty, but it has no direct influence on user satisfaction

    Challenges in Short Text Classification: The Case of Online Auction Disclosure

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    Text classification is an important research problem in many fields. We examine a special case of textual content namely, short text. Examples of short text appear in a number of contexts such as online reviews, chat messages, twitter feeds, etc. In this research, we examine short text for the purpose of classification in internet auctions. The “ask seller a question” forum of a large horizontal intermediary auction platform is used to conduct this research. We describe our approach to classification by examining various solution methods to the problem. The unsupervised K-Medoids clustering algorithm provides useful but limited insights into keywords extraction while the supervised Naïve Bayes algorithm successfully achieves on average, around 65% classification accuracy. We then present a score assigning approach to this issue which outperforms the other two methods. Finally, we discuss how our approach to short text classification can be used to analyse the effectiveness of internet auctions