62,013 research outputs found

    The degree/diameter problem in maximal planar bipartite graphs

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    The (¿;D) (degree/diameter) problem consists of nding the largest possible number of vertices n among all the graphs with maximum degree ¿ and diameter D. We consider the (¿;D) problem for maximal planar bipartite graphs, that are simple planar graphs in which every face is a quadrangle. We obtain that for the (¿; 2) problem, the number of vertices is n = ¿+2; and for the (¿; 3) problem, n = 3¿¿1 if ¿ is odd and n = 3¿ ¿ 2 if ¿ is even. Then, we study the general case (¿;D) and obtain that an upper bound on n is approximately 3(2D + 1)(¿ ¿ 2)¿D=2¿ and another one is C(¿ ¿ 2)¿D=2¿ if ¿ D and C is a sufficiently large constant. Our upper bound improve for our kind of graphs the one given by Fellows, Hell and Seyffarth for general planar graphs. We also give a lower bound on n for maximal planar bipartite graphs, which is approximately (¿ ¿ 2)k if D = 2k, and 3(¿ ¿ 3)k if D = 2k + 1, for ¿ and D sufficiently large in both cases.Postprint (published version

    The Flip Diameter of Rectangulations and Convex Subdivisions

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    We study the configuration space of rectangulations and convex subdivisions of nn points in the plane. It is shown that a sequence of O(nlogn)O(n\log n) elementary flip and rotate operations can transform any rectangulation to any other rectangulation on the same set of nn points. This bound is the best possible for some point sets, while Θ(n)\Theta(n) operations are sufficient and necessary for others. Some of our bounds generalize to convex subdivisions of nn points in the plane.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, an extended abstract has been presented at LATIN 201

    Graphs with Diameter nen-e Minimizing the Spectral Radius

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    The spectral radius ρ(G)\rho(G) of a graph GG is the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix A(G)A(G). For a fixed integer e1e\ge 1, let Gn,neminG^{min}_{n,n-e} be a graph with minimal spectral radius among all connected graphs on nn vertices with diameter nen-e. Let Pn1,n2,...,nt,pm1,m2,...,mtP_{n_1,n_2,...,n_t,p}^{m_1,m_2,...,m_t} be a tree obtained from a path of pp vertices (012...(p1)0 \sim 1 \sim 2 \sim ... \sim (p-1)) by linking one pendant path PniP_{n_i} at mim_i for each i{1,2,...,t}i\in\{1,2,...,t\}. For e=1,2,3,4,5e=1,2,3,4,5, Gn,neminG^{min}_{n,n-e} were determined in the literature. Cioab\v{a}-van Dam-Koolen-Lee \cite{CDK} conjectured for fixed e6e\geq 6, Gn,neminG^{min}_{n,n-e} is in the family Pn,e={P2,1,...1,2,ne+12,m2,...,me4,ne22<m2<...<me4<ne2}{\cal P}_{n,e}=\{P_{2,1,...1,2,n-e+1}^{2,m_2,...,m_{e-4},n-e-2}\mid 2<m_2<...<m_{e-4}<n-e-2\}. For e=6,7e=6,7, they conjectured Gn,n6min=P2,1,2,n52,D12,D2G^{min}_{n,n-6}=P^{2,\lceil\frac{D-1}{2}\rceil,D-2}_{2,1,2,n-5} and Gn,n7min=P2,1,1,2,n62,D+23,DD+23,D2G^{min}_{n,n-7}=P^{2,\lfloor\frac{D+2}{3}\rfloor,D- \lfloor\frac{D+2}{3}\rfloor, D-2}_{2,1,1,2,n-6}. In this paper, we settle their three conjectures positively. We also determine Gn,n8minG^{min}_{n,n-8} in this paper

    Universality for critical heavy-tailed network models: Metric structure of maximal components

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    We study limits of the largest connected components (viewed as metric spaces) obtained by critical percolation on uniformly chosen graphs and configuration models with heavy-tailed degrees. For rank-one inhomogeneous random graphs, such results were derived by Bhamidi, van der Hofstad, Sen [Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 2018]. We develop general principles under which the identical scaling limits as the rank-one case can be obtained. Of independent interest, we derive refined asymptotics for various susceptibility functions and the maximal diameter in the barely subcritical regime.Comment: Final published version. 47 pages, 6 figure

    Hadwiger number of graphs with small chordality

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    The Hadwiger number of a graph G is the largest integer h such that G has the complete graph K_h as a minor. We show that the problem of determining the Hadwiger number of a graph is NP-hard on co-bipartite graphs, but can be solved in polynomial time on cographs and on bipartite permutation graphs. We also consider a natural generalization of this problem that asks for the largest integer h such that G has a minor with h vertices and diameter at most ss. We show that this problem can be solved in polynomial time on AT-free graphs when s>=2, but is NP-hard on chordal graphs for every fixed s>=2

    On bipartite graphs of defect at most 4

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    We consider the bipartite version of the degree/diameter problem, namely, given natural numbers {\Delta} \geq 2 and D \geq 2, find the maximum number Nb({\Delta},D) of vertices in a bipartite graph of maximum degree {\Delta} and diameter D. In this context, the Moore bipartite bound Mb({\Delta},D) represents an upper bound for Nb({\Delta},D). Bipartite graphs of maximum degree {\Delta}, diameter D and order Mb({\Delta},D), called Moore bipartite graphs, have turned out to be very rare. Therefore, it is very interesting to investigate bipartite graphs of maximum degree {\Delta} \geq 2, diameter D \geq 2 and order Mb({\Delta},D) - \epsilon with small \epsilon > 0, that is, bipartite ({\Delta},D,-\epsilon)-graphs. The parameter \epsilon is called the defect. This paper considers bipartite graphs of defect at most 4, and presents all the known such graphs. Bipartite graphs of defect 2 have been studied in the past; if {\Delta} \geq 3 and D \geq 3, they may only exist for D = 3. However, when \epsilon > 2 bipartite ({\Delta},D,-\epsilon)-graphs represent a wide unexplored area. The main results of the paper include several necessary conditions for the existence of bipartite (Δ,d,4)(\Delta,d,-4)-graphs; the complete catalogue of bipartite (3,D,-\epsilon)-graphs with D \geq 2 and 0 \leq \epsilon \leq 4; the complete catalogue of bipartite ({\Delta},D,-\epsilon)-graphs with {\Delta} \geq 2, 5 \leq D \leq 187 (D /= 6) and 0 \leq \epsilon \leq 4; and a non-existence proof of all bipartite ({\Delta},D,-4)-graphs with {\Delta} \geq 3 and odd D \geq 7. Finally, we conjecture that there are no bipartite graphs of defect 4 for {\Delta} \geq 3 and D \geq 5, and comment on some implications of our results for upper bounds of Nb({\Delta},D).Comment: 25 pages, 14 Postscript figure