7 research outputs found

    Systematic Literature Review Robust Graph Coloring on Electric Circuit Problems

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    Graph Coloring Problem (GCP) is the assignment of colors to certain elements in a graph based on certain constraints. GCP is used by assigning a color label to each node with neighboring nodes assigned a different color and the minimum number of colors used. Based on this, GCP can be drawn into an optimization problem that is to minimize the colors used. Optimization problems in graph coloring can occur due to uncertainty in the use of colors to be used, so it can be assumed that there is an uncertainty in the number of colored vertices. One of the mathematical optimization methods in the presence of uncertainty is Robust Optimization (RO). RO is a modeling methodology combined with computational tools to process optimization problems with uncertain data and only some data for which certainty is known. This paper will review research on Robust GCP with model validation to be applied to electrical circuit problems using a systematic review of the literature. A systematic literature review was carried out using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta Analysis (PRISMA) method. The keywords used in this study were used to search for articles related to this research using a database. Based on the results of the search for articles obtained from PRISMA and Bibliometric R Software, it was found that there was a relationship between the keywords Robust Optimization and Graph Coloring, this means that at least there is at least one researcher who has studied the problem. However, the Electricity keyword has no relation to the other two keywords, so that a gap is obtained and it is possible if the research has not been studied and discussed by other researchers. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that it can be used as a consideration and a better solution to solve optimization problems

    New Steiner 2-designs from old ones by paramodifications

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    Techniques of producing new combinatorial structures from old ones are commonly called trades. The switching principle applies for a broad class of designs: it is a local transformation that modifies two columns of the incidence matrix. In this paper, we present a construction, which is a generalization of the switching transform for the class of Steiner 2-designs. We call this construction paramodification of Steiner 2-designs, since it modifies the parallelism of a subsystem. We study in more detail the paramodifications of affine planes, Steiner triple systems, and abstract unitals. Computational results show that paramodification can construct many new unitals

    DSA-aware multiple patterning for the manufacturing of vias: Connections to graph coloring problems, IP formulations, and numerical experiments

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    In this paper, we investigate the manufacturing of vias in integrated circuits with a new technology combining lithography and Directed Self Assembly (DSA). Optimizing the production time and costs in this new process entails minimizing the number of lithography steps, which constitutes a generalization of graph coloring. We develop integer programming formulations for several variants of interest in the industry, and then study the computational performance of our formulations on true industrial instances. We show that the best integer programming formulation achieves good computational performance, and indicate potential directions to further speed-up computational time and develop exact approaches feasible for production