6 research outputs found

    New Formula for Conversion Efficiency of RF EH and its Wireless Applications.

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    yesExisting works on energy harvesting wireless systems often assume a constant conversion efficiency for the energy harvester. In practice, the conversion efficiency often varies with the input power. In this work, based on a review of existing energy harvesters in the literature, a heuristic expression for the conversion efficiency as a function of the input power is derived by curve fitting. Using this function, two example energy harvesters are used to analyze the realistic performances of wireless relaying and wireless energy transfer. Numerical results show that the realistic performances of the wireless systems could be considerably different from what predicted by the existing analysis

    Wireless energy harvesting using signals from multiple fading channels

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    In this paper, we study the average, the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of the harvested power. In the study, the signals are transmitted from multiple sources. The channels are assumed to be either Rician fading or Gamma-shadowed Rician fading. The received signals are then harvested by using either a single harvester for simultaneous transmissions or multiple harvesters for transmissions at different frequencies, antennas or time slots. Both linear and nonlinear models for the energy harvester at the receiver are examined. Numerical results are presented to show that, when a large amount of harvested power is required, a single harvester or the linear range of a practical nonlinear harvester are more efficient, to avoid power outage. Further, the power transfer strategy can be optimized for fixed total power. Specifically, for Rayleigh fading, the optimal strategy is to put the total power at the source with the best channel condition and switch off all other sources, while for general Rician fading, the optimum magnitudes and phases of the transmitting waveforms depend on the channel parameters

    Analysis of energy transfer efficiency in UAV-enabled wireless networks

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    Wireless power transfer (WPT) is a promising charging technology for battery-limited sensors. In this paper, we study the energy transfer in a wireless network using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Instead of charging the remote wireless sensors directly from the access point (AP), we study the schemes of using a UAV to charge the remote wireless sensors after it is charged by the AP. To this end, two schemes are proposed. The performances of these two schemes are examined and compared with the conventional scheme without using a UAV. A distance threshold beyond which the new schemes have superiority over the conventional scheme is derived by solving energy equations. Numerical results show that the proposed schemes can achieve significantly higher energy efficiency than the conventional scheme when the transmission distance is within the derived critical range

    Optimization of a Power Splitting Protocol for Two-Way Multiple Energy Harvesting Relay System

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    Energy harvesting (EH) combined with cooperative communications constitutes a promising solution for future wireless technologies. They enable additional efficiency and increased lifetime to wireless networks. This paper investigates a multiple-relay selection scheme for an EH-based two-way relaying (TWR) system. All relays are considered as EH nodes that harvest energy from renewable energy and radio frequency (RF) sources. Some of them are selected to forward data to the destinations. The power splitting (PS) protocol, by which the EH node splits the input RF signal into two components for EH and information transmission, is adopted at the relay nodes. The objective is to jointly optimize i) the set of selected relays, ii) their PS ratios, and iii) their transmit power levels in order to maximize data rate-based utilities over multiple coherent time slots. A joint-optimization solution based on geometric programming (GP) and binary particle swarm optimization is proposed to solve non-convex problems for two utility functions reflecting the level of fairness in the TWR transmission. Numerical results illustrate the system's behavior versus various parameters and show that the performance of the proposed scheme is very close to that of the optimal branch-and-bound method and that GP outperforms the dual problem-based method

    Specific Absorption Rate-Aware Beamforming in MISO Downlink SWIPT Systems

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    This paper investigates the optimal transmit beamforming design of simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in the multiuser multiple-input-single-output (MISO) downlink with specific absorption rate (SAR) constraints. We consider the power splitting technique for SWIPT, where each receiver divides the received signal into two parts: one for information decoding and the other for energy harvesting with a practical non-linear rectification model. The problem of interest is to maximize as much as possible the received signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the energy harvested for all receivers, while satisfying the transmit power and the SAR constraints by optimizing the transmit beamforming at the transmitter and the power splitting ratios at different receivers. The optimal beamforming and power splitting solutions are obtained with the aid of semidefinite programming and bisection search. Low-complexity fixed beamforming and hybrid beamforming techniques are also studied. Furthermore, we study the effect of imperfect channel information and radiation matrices, and design robust beamforming to guarantee the worst-case performance. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed algorithms can effectively deal with the radio exposure constraints and significantly outperform the conventional transmission scheme with power backoff.Comment: to appear in TCO