13 research outputs found

    Message Recovery Attack in NTRU through VFK Lattices

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    In the present paper, we implement a message recovery attack to all variants of the NTRU cryptosystem. Our approach involves a reduction from the NTRU-lattice to a Voronoi First Kind lattice, enabling the application of a polynomial CVP exact algorithm crucial for executing the Message Recovery. The efficacy of our attack relies on a specific oracle that permits us to approximate an unknown quantity. Furthermore, we outline the mathematical conditions under which the attack is successful. Finally, we delve into a well-established polynomial algorithm for CVP on VFK lattices and its implementation, shedding light on its efficacy in our attack. Subsequently, we present comprehensive experimental results on the NTRU-HPS and the NTRU-Prime variants of the NIST submissions and propose a method that could indicate the resistance of the NTRU cryptosystem to our attack

    A Generic Attack on Lattice-based Schemes using Decryption Errors with Application to ss-ntru-pke

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    Hard learning problems are central topics in recent cryptographic research. Many cryptographic primitives relate their security to difficult problems in lattices, such as the shortest vector problem. Such schemes include the possibility of decryption errors with some very small probability. In this paper we propose and discuss a generic attack for secret key recovery based on generating decryption errors. In a standard PKC setting, the model first consists of a precomputation phase where special messages and their corresponding error vectors are generated. Secondly, the messages are submitted for decryption and some decryption errors are observed. Finally, a phase with a statistical analysis of the messages/errors causing the decryption errors reveals the secret key. The idea is that conditioned on certain secret keys, the decryption error probability is significantly higher than the average case used in the error probability estimation. The attack is demonstrated in detail on one NIST Post-Quantum Proposal, ss-ntru-pke, that is attacked with complexity below the claimed security level

    (One) Failure Is Not an Option:Bootstrapping the Search for Failures in Lattice-Based Encryption Schemes

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    Lattice-based encryption schemes are often subject to the possibility of decryption failures, in which valid encryptions are decrypted incorrectly. Such failures, in large number, leak information about the secret key, enabling an attack strategy alternative to pure lattice reduction. Extending the failure boosting\u27\u27 technique of D\u27Anvers et al. in PKC 2019, we propose an approach that we call directional failure boosting\u27\u27 that uses previously found failing ciphertexts\u27\u27 to accelerate the search for new ones. We analyse in detail the case where the lattice is defined over polynomial ring modules quotiented by and demonstrate it on a simple Mod-LWE-based scheme parametrized à la Kyber768/Saber. We show that, using our technique, for a given secret key (single-target setting), the cost of searching for additional failing ciphertexts after one or more have already been found, can be sped up dramatically. We thus demonstrate that, in this single-target model, these schemes should be designed so that it is hard to even obtain one decryption failure. Besides, in a wider security model where there are many target secret keys (multi-target setting), our attack greatly improves over the state of the art

    On the impact of decryption failures on the security of LWE/LWR based schemes

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    In this paper we investigate the impact of decryption failures on the chosen-ciphertext security of (Ring/Module)-Learning With Errors and (Ring/Module)-Learning with Rounding based primitives. Our analysis is split in three parts: First, we use a technique to increase the failure rate of these schemes called failure boosting. Based on this technique we investigate the minimal effort for an adversary to obtain a failure in 3 cases: when he has access to a quantum computer, when he mounts a multi-target attack and when he can only perform a limited number of oracle queries. Secondly, we examine the amount of information that an adversary can derive from failing ciphertexts. Finally, these techniques are combined in an attack on (Ring/Module)-LWE and (Ring/Module)-LWR based schemes with decryption failures. We provide both a theoretical analysis as well as an implementation to calculate the security impact and show that an attacker can significantly reduce the security of (Ring/Module)-LWE/LWR based schemes that have a relatively high failure rate. However, for the candidates of the NIST post-quantum standardization process that we assessed, the number of required oracle queries is above practical limits due to their conservative parameter choices

    Provably secure NTRU instances over prime cyclotomic rings

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    Due to its remarkable performance and potential resistance to quantum attacks, NTRUEncrypt has drawn much attention recently; it also has been standardized by IEEE. However, classical NTRUEncrypt lacks a strong security guarantee and its security still relies on heuristic arguments. At Eurocrypt 2011, Stehlé and Steinfeld first proposed a variant of NTRUEncrypt with a security reduction from standard problems on ideal lattices. This variant is restricted to the family of rings ℤ[X]/(Xn + 1) with n a power of 2 and its private keys are sampled by rejection from certain discrete Gaussian so that the public key is shown to be almost uniform. Despite the fact that partial operations, especially for RLWE, over ℤ[X]/(Xn + 1) are simple and efficient, these rings are quite scarce and different from the classical NTRU setting. In this work, we consider a variant of NTRUEncrypt over prime cyclotomic rings, i.e. ℤ[X]/(Xn-1 +…+ X + 1) with n an odd prime, and obtain IND-CPA secure results in the standard model assuming the hardness of worst-case problems on ideal lattices. In our setting, the choice of the rings is much more flexible and the scheme is closer to the original NTRU, as ℤ[X]/(Xn-1+…+X+1) is a large subring of the NTRU ring ℤ[X]/(Xn-1). Some tools for prime cyclotomic rings are also developed

    Key Recovery Attacks against NTRU-based Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Schemes

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    A key recovery attack allows an attacker to recover the private key of an underlying encryption scheme when given a number of decryption oracle accesses. Previous research has shown that most existing Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) schemes suffer from this attack. In this paper, we propose efficient key recovery attacks against two NTRU-based SHE schemes, which have not gained much attention in the literature. One is published by Lopez-Alt et al. at STOC conference 2012 and the other is published by Bos et al. at the IMACC conference 2013. Parallel to our work, Dahab, Galbraith and Morais have also proposed similar attacks but only for specific parameter settings at ICITS conference 2015. In comparison, our attacks apply to all parameter settings and are more efficient than theirs

    Efficient provable-secure NTRUEncrypt over any cyclotomic field

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    NTRUEncrypt is a fast lattice-based cryptosystem and a probable alternative of the existing public key schemes. The existing provable-secure NTRUEncrypts are limited by the cyclotomic field it works on - the prime-power cyclotomic field. This is worth worrying, due to the subfield attack methods proposed in 20162016. Also, the module used in computation and security parameters rely heavily on the choice of plaintext space. These disadvantages restrict the applications of NTRUEncrypt. In this paper, we give a new provable secure NTRUEncrypt in standard model under canonical embedding over any cyclotomic field. We give an reduction from a simple variant of RLWE - an error distribution discretized version of RLWE, hence from worst-case ideal lattice problems, to our NTRUEncrypt. In particular, we get a union bound for reduction parameters and module for all choices of plaintext space, so that our NTRUEncrypt can send more encrypted bits in one encrypt process with higher efficiency and stronger security. Furthermore, our scheme\u27s decryption algorithm succeeds with probability 1-n^{\o(\sqrt{n\log n})} comparing with the previous works\u27 1-n^{-\o(1)}, making our scheme more practical in theory

    Exploring Decryption Failures of BIKE: New Class of Weak Keys and Key Recovery Attacks

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    Code-based cryptography has received a lot of attention recently because it is considered secure under quantum computing. Among them, the QC-MDPC based scheme is one of the most promising due to its excellent performance. QC-MDPC based scheme is usually subject to a small rate of decryption failure, which can leak information about the secret key. This raises two crucial problems: how to accurately estimate the decryption failure rate and how to use the failure information to recover the secret key. However, the two problems are challenging due to the difficulty of geometrically characterizing the bit-flipping decoder employed in QC-MDPC, such as using decoding radius. In this work, we introduce the gathering property and show that it is strongly connected with the decryption failure rate of QC-MDPC. Based on the gathering property, we present two results for QC-MDPC based schemes. The first is a new construction of weak keys obtained by extending the keys that have gathering property via ring isomorphism. For the set of weak keys, we present a rigorous analysis of the probability, as well as experimental simulation of the decryption failure rates. Considering BIKE\u27s parameter set targeting 128128-bit security, our result eventually indicates that the average decryption failure rate is lower bounded by DFRavg≥2−122.57DFR_{avg} \ge 2^{-122.57}. The second is a key recovery attack against CCA secure QC-MDPC schemes using decryption failures in a multi-target setting. By decrypting ciphertexts with errors satisfying the gathering property, we show that a single decryption failure can be used to identify whether a target\u27s secret key satisfies the gathering property. Then using the gathering property as extra information, we present a modified information set decoding algorithm that efficiently retrieves the target\u27s secret key. For BIKE\u27s parameter set targeting 128128-bit security, a key recovery attack with complexity 2119.882^{119.88} can be expected by using extrapolated decryption failure rates

    NEV: Faster and Smaller NTRU Encryption using Vector Decoding

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    In this paper, we present NEV -- a faster and smaller NTRU Encryption using Vector decoding, which is provably IND-CPA secure in the standard model under the decisional NTRU and RLWE assumptions over the cyclotomic ring Rq=Zq[X]/(Xn+1)R_q = \mathbb{Z}_q[X]/(X^n+1). Our main technique is a novel and non-trivial way to integrate a previously known plaintext encoding and decoding mechanism into the provably IND-CPA secure NTRU variant by Stehl\\u27e and Steinfeld (Eurocrypt 2011). Unlike the original NTRU encryption and its variants which encode the plaintext into the least significant bits of the coefficients of a message polynomial, we encode each plaintext bit into the most significant bits of multiple coefficients of the message polynomial, so that we can use a vector of noised coefficients to decode each plaintext bit in decryption, and significantly reduce the size of qq with a reasonably negligible decryption failure. Concretely, we can use q=769q = 769 to obtain public keys and ciphertexts of 615 bytes with decryption failure ≤2−138\leq 2^{-138} at NIST level 1 security, and 1229 bytes with decryption failure ≤2−152\leq 2^{-152} at NIST level 5 security. By applying the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation in a standard way, we obtain an IND-CCA secure KEM from our basic PKE scheme. Compared to NTRU and Kyber in the NIST Round 3 finalists at the same security levels, our KEM is 33-48% more compact and 5.03-29.94X faster than NTRU in the round-trip time of ephemeral key exchange, and is 21% more compact and 1.42-1.74X faster than Kyber. We also give an optimized encryption scheme NEV\u27 with better noise tolerance (and slightly better efficiency) based on a variant of the RLWE problem, called Subset-Sum Parity RLWE problem, which we show is polynomially equivalent to the standard decisional RLWE problem (with different parameters), and maybe of independent interest