9 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Sanders-Freiman-Ruzsa Theorem in Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n and its Application to Non-malleable Codes

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    Non-malleable codes (NMCs) protect sensitive data against degrees of corruption that prohibit error detection, ensuring instead that a corrupted codeword decodes correctly or to something that bears little relation to the original message. The split-state model, in which codewords consist of two blocks, considers adversaries who tamper with either block arbitrarily but independently of the other. The simplest construction in this model, due to Aggarwal, Dodis, and Lovett (STOC'14), was shown to give NMCs sending k-bit messages to O(k7)O(k^7)-bit codewords. It is conjectured, however, that the construction allows linear-length codewords. Towards resolving this conjecture, we show that the construction allows for code-length O(k5)O(k^5). This is achieved by analysing a special case of Sanders's Bogolyubov-Ruzsa theorem for general Abelian groups. Closely following the excellent exposition of this result for the group F2n\mathbb{F}_2^n by Lovett, we expose its dependence on pp for the group Fpn\mathbb{F}_p^n, where pp is a prime

    Secure Computation with Preprocessing via Function Secret Sharing

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    We propose a simple and powerful new approach for secure computation with input-independent preprocessing, building on the general tool of function secret sharing (FSS) and its efficient instantiations. Using this approach, we can make efficient use of correlated randomness to compute any type of gate, as long as a function class naturally corresponding to this gate admits an efficient FSS scheme. Our approach can be viewed as a generalization of the TinyTable protocol of Damgard et al. (Crypto 2017), where our generalized variant uses FSS to achieve exponential efficiency improvement for useful types of gates. By instantiating this general approach with efficient PRG-based FSS schemes of Boyle et al. (Eurocrypt 2015, CCS 2016), we can implement useful nonlinear gates for equality tests, integer comparison, bit-decomposition and more with optimal online communication and with a relatively small amount of correlated randomness. We also provide a unified and simplified view of several existing protocols in the preprocessing model via the FSS framework. Our positive results provide a useful tool for secure computation tasks that involve secure integer comparisons or conversions between arithmetic and binary representations. These arise in the contexts of approximating real-valued functions, machine-learning classification, and more. Finally, we study the necessity of the FSS machinery that we employ, in the simple context of secure string equality testing. First, we show that any online-optimal secure equality protocol implies an FSS scheme for point functions, which in turn implies one-way functions. Then, we show that information-theoretic secure equality protocols with relaxed optimality requirements would follow from the existence of big families of matching vectors. This suggests that proving strong lower bounds on the efficiency of such protocols would be difficult

    On Public Key Encryption from Noisy Codewords

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    Several well-known public key encryption schemes, including those of Alekhnovich (FOCS 2003), Regev (STOC 2005), and Gentry, Peikert and Vaikuntanathan (STOC 2008), rely on the conjectured intractability of inverting noisy linear encodings. These schemes are limited in that they either require the underlying field to grow with the security parameter, or alternatively they can work over the binary field but have a low noise entropy that gives rise to sub-exponential attacks. Motivated by the goal of efficient public key cryptography, we study the possibility of obtaining improved security over the binary field by using different noise distributions. Inspired by an abstract encryption scheme of Micciancio (PKC 2010), we consider an abstract encryption scheme that unifies all the three schemes mentioned above and allows for arbitrary choices of the underlying field and noise distributions. Our main result establishes an unexpected connection between the power of such encryption schemes and additive combinatorics. Concretely, we show that under the ``approximate duality conjecture from additive combinatorics (Ben-Sasson and Zewi, STOC 2011), every instance of the abstract encryption scheme over the binary field can be attacked in time 2O(n)2^{O(\sqrt{n})}, where nn is the maximum of the ciphertext size and the public key size (and where the latter excludes public randomness used for specifying the code). On the flip side, counter examples to the above conjecture (if false) may lead to candidate public key encryption schemes with improved security guarantees. We also show, using a simple argument that relies on agnostic learning of parities (Kalai, Mansour and Verbin, STOC 2008), that any such encryption scheme can be {\em unconditionally} attacked in time 2O(n/logn)2^{O(n/\log n)}, where nn is the ciphertext size. Combining this attack with the security proof of Regev\u27s cryptosystem, we immediately obtain an algorithm that solves the {\em learning parity with noise (LPN)} problem in time 2O(n/loglogn)2^{O(n/\log \log n)} using only n1+ϵn^{1+\epsilon} samples, reproducing the result of Lyubashevsky (Random 2005) in a conceptually different way. Finally, we study the possibility of instantiating the abstract encryption scheme over constant-size rings to yield encryption schemes with no decryption error. We show that over the binary field decryption errors are inherent. On the positive side, building on the construction of matching vector families (Grolmusz, Combinatorica 2000; Efremenko, STOC 2009; Dvir, Gopalan and Yekhanin, FOCS 2010), we suggest plausible candidates for secure instances of the framework over constant-size rings that can offer perfectly correct decryption

    New bounds for matching vector families

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    A matching vector (MV) family modulo m is a pair of ordered lists U = (u1,ut) and V = (v1,vt) where ui, vj ∈ ℤnm with the following inner product pattern: for any i, 〈ui, vi〉 = 0, and for any i ≠ j, 〈ui, vj〉 ≠ 0. An MV family is called q-restricted if inner products 〈ui, vj〉 take at most q different values. Our interest in MV families stems from their recent application in the construction of subexponential locally decodable codes (LDCs). There, q-restricted MV families are used to construct LDCs with q queries, and there is special interest in the regime where q is constant. When m is a prime it is known that such constructions yield codes with exponential block length. However, for composite m the behavior is dramatically different. A recent work by Efremenko [SIAM J. Comput., 40 (2011), pp. 1154-1178] (based on an approach initiated by Yekhanin [J. ACM, 55 (2008), pp. 1-16]) gives the first subexponential LDC with constant queries. It is based on a construction of an MV family of superpolynomial size by Grolmusz [Combinatorica, 20 (2000), pp. 71-86] modulo composite m. In this work, we prove two lower bounds on the block length of LDCs which are based on black box construction using MV families. When q is constant (or sufficiently small), we prove that such LDCs must have a quadratic block length. When the modulus m is constant (as it is in the construction of Efremenko) we prove a superpolynomial lower bound on the block-length of the LDCs, assuming a well-known conjecture in additive combinatorics, the polynomial Freiman.Ruzsa conjecture over ℤm

    New Bounds for Matching Vector Families

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    A Matching Vector (MV) family modulo m is a pair of ordered lists U = (u1,..., ut) and V = (v1,..., vt) where ui, vj ∈ Zn m with the following inner product pattern: for any i, 〈ui, vi 〉 = 0, and for any i = j, 〈ui, vj 〉 = 0. A MV family is called q-restricted if inner products 〈ui, vj〉 take at most q different values. Our interest in MV families stems from their recent application in the construction of subexponential locally decodable codes (LDCs). There, q-restricted MV families are used to construct LDCs with q queries, and there is special interest in the regime where q is constant. When m is a prime it is known that such constructions yield codes with exponential block length. However, for composite m the behaviour is dramatically different. A recent work by Efremenko [Efr09] (based on an approach initiated by Yekhanin [Yek08]) gives the first sub-exponential LDC with constant queries. It is based on a construction of a MV family of super-polynomial size by Grolmusz [Gro00] modulo composite m. In this work, we prove two lower bounds on the block length of LDCs which are based on black box construction using MV families. When q is constant (or sufficiently small), we prove that such LDCs must have a quadratic block length. When the modulus m is constant (as it is in the construction of Efremenko [Efr09]) we prove a super-polynomial lower bound on the block-length of the LDCs, assuming a well-known conjecture in additive combinatorics, the polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture over Zm