463 research outputs found

    Remote Laboratories Multiuser based on Embedded Web Server

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    Abstract—This paper presents a new design of remote laboratory multiuser based embedded web server that is used for the lab microcontroller system. Architecture of Remote Lab System consists of a computer server, two experiment module microcontroller system and two embedded web server for controlling lab modules. The computer server is used as a web server remote lab that serves as a homepage and user management. Embedded web server serves as the user interface to control the lab module microcontroller via the internet. The novelty of the system proposed is the remote laboratory architecture is multi user, and embedded web server designed more intelligently that function as lab modul controller, such as ability to send log event data to database server and ability to send message to chat applications. This research activity has resulted a remote laboratory based on embedded web server, the system is multiuser so that at the same time can be used by more than one user. Test result, the system can work quite well. Index Terms—Remote Laboratories, Embedded Web Server, Microcontrolle

    New Architecture of Remote Laboratories Multiuser based on Embedded Web Server

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    Abstract—This paper presents a new architecture for multiuser remote laboratory based on an embedded web server used for experiment with the MCS-51 microcontroller system. The design for the remote lab uses a green computing approach, with the aim of reducing energy consumption, lowering the cost of procurement systems, improving performance and use, and also saving space. The remote lab system uses multi user and multi device architecture to support collaborative work and improve scalability. The design of the remote lab has n modules experiment, and each module can be accessed by a single user or a group which consists of several user. The prototype of a remote lab that has been realized consists of an embedded web server based on Raspberry Pi as the remote lab gateway and 2 experiment modules that are controlled by an embedded web server based on MCS-51 microcontroller. Development of the system is expected to contribute to creating an efficient remote lab that is able to facilitate collaborative work and support green computing. Index Terms—Remote Laboratories, Embedded Web Server, Microcontroller, Multiuser, Collaborative Work, Green Computin

    Remote Spectrum Analyzer based on Web Software Defined Radio for Use in Telecommunication Engineering Remote Laboratory

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    Software defined radio (SDR) is a new paradigm in the design of wireless communication devices. Currently SDR technology is widely used in the field of telecommunications such as mobile phones and is very popularly used on amateur radio. SDR technology not only can be used for radio transceiver system, but SDR can also be used as a spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer is an instrumentation that is needed by researchers in the field of telecommunications and amateur radio activists. The problem of researchers and amateur radio activists is how to use spectrum analyzers that can be accessed remotely, so that they can observe the spectrum of the radio frequency that produced by their communication devices remotely when they experiment with the radio transmitters or antenna. From this background, this research proposes the development of a remote spectrum analyzer system based on web software defined radio. The remote spectrum analyzer will be integrated with remote laboratories that can be accessed by the wider community either by researchers, amateur radio activists, and students at educational institutions, by accessing it through the internet network

    Development Architecture of Remote Laboratory as Learning Solution in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

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    Industrial worlds nowadays is encountering a change by entering industrial revolution 4.0 era. This era is also disrupting a lot of human’s activities, including science, technology and higher education. In facing industrial revolution 4.0 in education, Indonesian government has tried Cyber University program and the development of 4.0 learning, like distance learning system that is facilitated by SPADA (Indonesian online learning system). SPADA is a program of the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to improve equitable access towards quality learning in higher education. Aggregator of the SPADA Indonesia is used to connect learning management system of higher education and the LMS of SPADA Indonesia. The problem in SPADA and LSM system is generally in a state of having shortcomings in the learning of engineering field, where to achieve learning outcomes, it needs facilities to do laboratory work activity. Using this background, the researchers in this research is integrating between LMS and remote laboratory system. It is expected that the solution of distance learning that integrated with remote laboratory can fulfill all resources needed to achieve learning outcomes education of the engineering field like in conventional learning

    Design and implementation of a Framework for remote experiments in education

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    Remote Controlled laboratories is a teaching and learning tool that increasingly becomes fundamental in the teaching and learning processes at all the levels. A study of available systems highlights a series of limitations on the used programming languages, overall architecture and network communication patterns that, that hinder these systems to be further adopted. Current technologies and modern WEB architectures allow the resolution of such limitations. Here we present the FREE (Framework for Remote Experiments in Education) platform, a novel system, that, using modern technologies, architectures, and programming practices, will be easier to integrate with external tool and services and new experiments. FREE was developed in Python, Django programming framework, HTML, JavaScript, and web services to easy the development of new functionalities. The designed architecture provides a louse coupling between the infrastructure and the remote experiments facilitating further developments and allow new experiment integrations. Currently FREE is already running in various countries providing access to about five types of experiments in the area of physics), integration with various Learning Management Systems and external Authentication mechanisms. Using FREE the development and integration of new experiments (independently of the supporting Hardware and programming language) is now easier to be made available to remote users.Comment: Accepted for publication and presentation on 2022 VIII International Engineering, Science and Technology Conference, Panama City, October 19-21, 202

    Remote Spectrum Analyzer based on Web Software Defined Radio for Use in Telecommunication Engineering Remote Laboratory

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    Abstract—Software defined radio (SDR) is a new paradigm in the design of wireless communication devices. Currently SDR technology is widely used in the field of telecommunications such as mobile phones and is very popularly used on amateur radio. SDR technology not only can be used for radio transceiver system, but SDR can also be used as a spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer is an instrumentation that is needed by researchers in the field of telecommunications and amateur radio activists. The problem of researchers and amateur radio activists is how to use spectrum analyzers that can be accessed remotely, so that they can observe the spectrum of the radio frequency that produced by their communication devices remotely when they experiment with the radio transmitters or antenna. From this background, this research proposes the development of a remote spectrum analyzer system based on web software defined radio. The remote spectrum analyzer will be integrated with remote laboratories that can be accessed by the wider community either by researchers, amateur radio activists, and students at educational institutions, by accessing it through the internet network. Index Terms—Web Software Defined Radio; Embedded System; Remote Laboratory

    Cloud Based Remote FPGA Lab Platform: An Application of Internet of Things

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    IoT (Internet of Things) is the next generation of the Internet. The main goal of IoT is to connect each and every physical object to the Internet Cloud. This concept is introduced by bringing IoT technology to the laboratories, making expensive laboratory equipment available on-cloud for real-time experimentation. In this paper, an on CLP (Cloud Laboratory Platform) is presented by employing the concept of IoT to the academic experimentation environment. The CLP allows a rapid deployment of an online laboratory system enabling students and researchers to perform actual experiments on the on-Cloud laboratory equipment using a web interface. A web interface for end users to access front end of the system. This interface was developed for login purposes so that any user can perform experiments from anywhere. The interface also provides options for comments and feedback. Moreover, this research contribution also facilitate users to test their designs and record observations in real-time on the equipment. For demonstration purposes, a remote lab has been developed for high-tech Xilinx FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) development boards, namely Spartan-II and Spartan-III. This project aims to provide students a new tool to enhance their learning experience and encourage them to test their theoretical knowledge in practical applications

    IP Based Module for Building Automation System

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    Embedded systems technology has a lot of applications in the various ïŹelds of life to bring ease and comfort for humans. One kind of applications is in the development of modern buildings, where embedded systems are applied to the control system. Building Automation Systems (BAS) are often encountered in modern buildings today. They are responsible to automatically control the building appliances such as electrical equipments, ïŹre alarms, security systems, and others. Conventionally, a smart home that can be controlled by an embedded system is connected to a central monitoring unit such as a computer. The system commonly employs RS232 or RS485 serial communication, so that the control activities cannot be carried out from a long distance. With the rapid technology development in the ïŹeld of communication, many recent communication devices are practical and have a good performance. One of them is a device with the Android operating system that can access the internet, thus it has a signiïŹcant role in simplifying the management of smart homes. This research proposes the design of a smart home that can conserve energy by turning off unneeded electrical appliances, detect disorders such as ïŹ‚ood, ïŹre, and theft, and also serve as an early warning system through SMS Gateway. It can be monitored and controlled remotely over the Internet by an Android device

    Virtual laboratories for education in science, technology, and engineering: A review

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    Within education, concepts such as distance learning, and open universities, are now becoming more widely used for teaching and learning. However, due to the nature of the subject domain, the teaching of Science, Technology, and Engineering are still relatively behind when using new technological approaches (particularly for online distance learning). The reason for this discrepancy lies in the fact that these fields often require laboratory exercises to provide effective skill acquisition and hands-on experience. Often it is difficult to make these laboratories accessible for online access. Either the real lab needs to be enabled for remote access or it needs to be replicated as a fully software-based virtual lab. We argue for the latter concept since it offers some advantages over remotely controlled real labs, which will be elaborated further in this paper. We are now seeing new emerging technologies that can overcome some of the potential difficulties in this area. These include: computer graphics, augmented reality, computational dynamics, and virtual worlds. This paper summarizes the state of the art in virtual laboratories and virtual worlds in the fields of science, technology, and engineering. The main research activity in these fields is discussed but special emphasis is put on the field of robotics due to the maturity of this area within the virtual-education community. This is not a coincidence; starting from its widely multidisciplinary character, robotics is a perfect example where all the other fields of engineering and physics can contribute. Thus, the use of virtual labs for other scientific and non-robotic engineering uses can be seen to share many of the same learning processes. This can include supporting the introduction of new concepts as part of learning about science and technology, and introducing more general engineering knowledge, through to supporting more constructive (and collaborative) education and training activities in a more complex engineering topic such as robotics. The objective of this paper is to outline this problem space in more detail and to create a valuable source of information that can help to define the starting position for future research
