484 research outputs found

    Spike Clustering and Neuron Tracking over Successive Time Windows

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    This paper introduces a new methodology for tracking signals from individual neurons over time in multiunit extracellular recordings. The core of our strategy relies upon an extension of a traditional mixture model approach, with parameter optimization via expectation-maximimization (EM), to incorporate clustering results from the preceding time period in a Bayesian manner. EM initialization is also achieved by utilizing these prior clustering results. After clustering, we match the current and prior clusters to track persisting neurons. Applications of this spike sorting method to recordings from macaque parietal cortex show that it provides significantly more consistent clustering and tracking results

    A Miniature Robot for Isolating and Tracking Neurons in Extracellular Cortical Recordings

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    This paper presents a miniature robot device and control algorithm that can autonomously position electrodes in cortical tissue for isolation and tracking of extracellular signals of individual neurons. Autonomous electrode positioning can significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of acute electrophysiolgical experiments aimed at basic understanding of the nervous system. Future miniaturized systems of this sort could also overcome some of the inherent difficulties in estabilishing long-lasting neural interfaces that are needed for practical realization of neural prostheses. The paper describes the robot's design and summarizes the overall structure of the control system that governs the electrode positioning process. We present a new sequential clustering algorithm that is key to improving our system's performance, and which may have other applications in robotics. Experimental results in macaque cortex demonstrate the validity of our approach

    Feature extraction using extrema sampling of discrete derivatives for spike sorting in implantable upper-limb neural prostheses

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    Next generation neural interfaces for upper-limb (and other) prostheses aim to develop implantable interfaces for one or more nerves, each interface having many neural signal channels that work reliably in the stump without harming the nerves. To achieve real-time multi-channel processing it is important to integrate spike sorting on-chip to overcome limitations in transmission bandwidth. This requires computationally efficient algorithms for feature extraction and clustering suitable for low-power hardware implementation. This paper describes a new feature extraction method for real-time spike sorting based on extrema analysis (namely positive peaks and negative peaks) of spike shapes and their discrete derivatives at different frequency bands. Employing simulation across different datasets, the accuracy and computational complexity of the proposed method are assessed and compared with other methods. The average classification accuracy of the proposed method in conjunction with online sorting (O-Sort) is 91.6%, outperforming all the other methods tested with the O-Sort clustering algorithm. The proposed method offers a better tradeoff between classification error and computational complexity, making it a particularly strong choice for on-chip spike sorting

    Bayesian clustering and tracking of neuronal signals for autonomous neural interfaces

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    This paper introduces a new, unsupervised method for sorting and tracking the non-stationary spike signals of individual neurons in multi-unit extracellular recordings. While this method may be applied to a variety of problems that arise in the field of neural interfaces, its development is motivated by a new class of autonomous neural recording devices. The core of the proposed strategy relies upon an extension of a traditional expectation-maximization (EM) mixture model optimization to incorporate clustering results from the preceding recording interval in a Bayesian manner. Explicit filtering equations for the case of a Gaussian mixture are derived. Techniques using prior data to seed the EM iterations and to select the appropriate model class are also developed. As a natural byproduct of the sorting method, current and prior signal clusters can be matched over time in order to track persisting neurons. Applications of this signal classification method to recordings from macaque parietal cortex show that it provides significantly more consistent clustering and tracking results than traditional methods

    A New Signal Processing Approach to Study Action Potential Content in Sympathetic Neural Signals

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    Sympathetic nerve activity plays an essential role in the normal regulation of blood pressure in humans and in the etiology and progression of many chronic diseases. Sympathetic nerve recordings associated with blood pressure regulation can be recorded directly using microneurography. A general characteristic of this signal is spontaneous burst activity of spikes (action potentials) separated by silent periods against a background of considerable gaussian noise. During measurement with electrodes, the raw muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) signal is amplified, band-pass filtered, rectified and integrated. This integration process removes important information regarding action potential content and their discharge properties. The first objective of this thesis was to propose a new method for detecting action potentials from the raw MSNA signal to enable investigation of post-ganglionic neural discharge properties. The new method is based on the design of a mother wavelet that is matched to an actual mean action potential template extracted from a raw MSNA signal and applying it to the raw MSNA signal using a continues wavelet transform (CWT) for spike detection. The performance of the proposed method versus two previous wavelet-based approaches was evaluated using 1) MSNA recorded from seven healthy participants and, 2) simulated MSNA. The results show that the new matched wavelet performs better than the previous wavelet-based methods that use a non-matched wavelet in detecting action potentials in the MSNA signal. The second objective of this thesis was to employ the proposed action potential detection and classification technique to study the relationship between the recruitment of sympathetic action potentials (i.e., neurons) and the size of integrated sympathetic bursts in human MSNA signal. While in other neural systems (e.g. the skeletal motor system) there is a well understood pattern of neural recruitment during activation, our understanding of how sympathetic neurons are coordinated during baseline and baroreceptor unloading are very limited. We demonstrate that there exists a hierarchical pattern of recruitment of additional faster conducting neurons of larger amplitude as the sympathetic bursts become stronger. This information has important implications for how blood pressure is controlled, and the malleability of sympathetic activation in health and disease

    Information efficacy of a dynamic synapse

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    Spike Sorting of Muscle Spindle Afferent Nerve Activity Recorded with Thin-Film Intrafascicular Electrodes

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    Afferent muscle spindle activity in response to passive muscle stretch was recorded in vivo using thin-film longitudinal intrafascicular electrodes. A neural spike detection and classification scheme was developed for the purpose of separating activity of primary and secondary muscle spindle afferents. The algorithm is based on the multiscale continuous wavelet transform using complex wavelets. The detection scheme outperforms the commonly used threshold detection, especially with recordings having low signal-to-noise ratio. Results of classification of units indicate that the developed classifier is able to isolate activity having linear relationship with muscle length, which is a step towards online model-based estimation of muscle length that can be used in a closed-loop functional electrical stimulation system with natural sensory feedback

    Spike detection using the continuous wavelet transform

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    This paper combines wavelet transforms with basic detection theory to develop a new unsupervised method for robustly detecting and localizing spikes in noisy neural recordings. The method does not require the construction of templates, or the supervised setting of thresholds. We present extensive Monte Carlo simulations, based on actual extracellular recordings, to show that this technique surpasses other commonly used methods in a wide variety of recording conditions. We further demonstrate that falsely detected spikes corresponding to our method resemble actual spikes more than the false positives of other techniques such as amplitude thresholding. Moreover, the simplicity of the method allows for nearly real-time execution

    Spike detection and clustering with unsupervised wavelet optimization in extracellular neural recordings

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    Classification of functional brain data for multimedia retrieval

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    This study introduces new signal processing methods for extracting meaningful information from brain signals (functional magnetic resonance imaging and single unit recording) and proposes a content-based retrieval system for functional brain data. First, a new method that combines maximal overlapped discrete wavelet transforms (MODWT) and dynamic time warping (DTW) is presented as a solution for dynamically detecting the hemodynamic response from fMRI data. Second, a new method for neuron spike sorting is presented that uses the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform and rotated principal component analysis. Third, a procedure to characterize firing patterns of neuron spikes from the human brain, in both the temporal domain and the frequency domain, is presented. The combination of multitaper spectral estimation and a polynomial curve-fitting method is employed to transform the firing patterns to the frequency domain. To generate temporal shapes, eight local maxima are smoothly connected by a cubic spline interpolation. A rotated principal component analysis is used to extract common firing patterns as templates from a training set of 4100 neuron spike signals. Dynamic time warping is then used to assign each neuron firing to the closest template without shift error. These techniques are utilized in the development of a content-based retrieval system for human brain data