19 research outputs found

    Making Software Cost Data Available for Meta-Analysis

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    In this paper we consider the increasing need for meta-analysis within empirical software engineering. However, we also note that a necessary precondition to such forms of analysis is to have both the results in an appropriate format and sufficient contextual information to avoid misleading inferences. We consider the implications in the field of software project effort estimation and show that for a sample of 12 seemingly similar published studies, the results are difficult to compare let alone combine. This is due to different reporting conventions. We argue that a protocol is required and make some suggestions as to what it should contain

    Current Trends in Intelligent Control Neural Networks for Thermal Processing (Foods): Systematic Literature Review

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    Thermal processing is a technique for sterilizing foods through heating at high temperatures. Thermal processing plays a significant role in preserving foods economically, efficiently, reliably, and safely. Control in thermal processing of foods is necessary to avoid any decrease in food quality, i.e., color change, reduced content, sensory quality, and nutrition. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been developed as a computing method in research and developments on thermal processing methods to discover one suitable for food processing without damaging food quality. To this date, ANN has been used in food industries for modeling many processes. The paper aims to identify the latest trend in intelligent neural network control for the thermal processing of foods. The paper conducted a systematic literature review with five research questions using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review (PRISMA). According to screening results and article selection, 240 potential articles have fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Then, each article was explored to identify the advantage and the advance of intelligent network control in thermal food processing. It can be concluded that the technology in information and computations of food processing has rapidly developed and advanced through the utilization of a combination of ANN with fuzzy logic and/or genetic algorithms

    The relationship between search based software engineering and predictive modeling

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    Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) is an approach to software engineering in which search based optimization algorithms are used to identify optimal or near optimal solutions and to yield insight. SBSE techniques can cater for multiple, possibly competing objectives and/or constraints and applications where the potential solution space is large and complex. This paper will provide a brief overview of SBSE, explaining some of the ways in which it has already been applied to construction of predictive models. There is a mutually beneficial relationship between predictive models and SBSE. The paper sets out eleven open problem areas for Search Based Predictive Modeling and describes how predictive models also have role to play in improving SBSE

    A New Methodology for Quantifying the Impact of Non-Functional Requirements on Software Effort Estimation

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    The effort estimation techniques used in the software industry often tend to ignore the impact of Non-functional Requirements (NFR) on effort and reuse standard effort estimation models without local calibration. Moreover, the effort estimation models are calibrated using data of previous projects that may belong to problem domains different from the project which is being estimated. The approach described in this thesis suggests a novel effort estimation methodology that can be used in the early stages of software development projects. The proposed methodology initially clusters the historical data from the previous projects into different problem domains and generates domain specific effort estimation models, each incorporating the impact of NFRs on effort by sets of objectively measured nominal features. The complexity of these models is reduced using a feature subset selection algorithm. In this thesis, our approach is discussed in detail, and the results of our experiments using different supervised machine learning algorithms are presented. The results show that our approach performs well by increasing the correlation coefficient and decreasing the error rate of the generated effort estimation models and achieving more accurate effort estimates for the new projects

    Search-based approaches for software development effort estimation

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    2011 - 2012Effort estimation is a critical activity for planning and monitoring software project development and for delivering the product on time and within budget. Significant over or under-estimates expose a software project to several risks. As a matter of fact under-estimates could lead to addition of manpower to a late software project, making the project later (Brooks’s Law), or to the cancellation of activities, such as documentation and testing, negatively impacting on software quality and maintainability. Thus, the competitiveness of a software company heavily depends on the ability of its project managers to accurately predict in advance the effort required to develop software system. However, several challenges exists in making accurate estimates, e.g., the estimation is needed early in the software lifecycle, when few information about the project are available, or several factors can impact on project effort and these factor are usually specific for different production contexts. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to support project manager in estimating software project development effort. In the last years the use of Search-Based (SB) approaches has been suggested to be employed as an effort estimation technique. These approaches include a variety of meta-heuristics, such as local search techniques (e.g., Hill Climbing, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing) or Evolutionary Algorithms (e.g., Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming). The idea underlying the use of such techniques is based on the reformulation of software engineering problems as search or optimization problems whose goal is to find the most appropriate solutions which conform to some adequacy criteria (i.e., problem goals). In particular, the use of SB approaches in the context of effort estimation is twofold: they can be exploited to build effort estimation models or to enhance the use of existing effort estimation techniques. The usage reported in the literature of SB approaches for effort estimation have provided promising results that encourage further investigations. However, they can be considered preliminary studies. As a matter of fact, the capabilities of these approaches were not fully exploited, either the employed empirical analyses did not consider the more recent recommendations on how to carry out this kind of empirical assessment in the effort estimation and in the SBSE contexts. The main aim of the PhD dissertation is to provide an insight on the use of SB techniques for the effort estimation trying to highlight strengths and weaknesses of these approaches for both the uses above mentioned. [edited by Author]XI n.s