21 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the comparative study of research work done in the field of Image Filtering. Different noises can affect the image in different ways. Although various solutions are available for denoising them, a detail study of the research is required in order to design a filter which will fulfill the desire aspects along with handling most of the image filtering issues. An output image should be judged on the basis of Image Quality Metrics for ex-: Peak-Signal-to-Noise ratio (PSNR), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Execution Time

    Photoelastic stress analysis under unconventional loading

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    This paper presents use of conventional photoelastic techniques under unconventional loading situations to evaluate their efficacy in sensing applications. The loading is unconventional in the sense that low modulus photoelastic material is deformed under vertical load in the direction of light travel to induce the photoelastic effect. This is atypical of conventional methods where loading is across the light travel. Both RGB calibration and phase shining techniques have been used to study the characteristics of fringe patterns obtained under vertical and shear loads. The results obtained under these conditions are discussed with their limitations specially when this is applied for sensing applications. Finally a case study has been conducted to analyze the foot image and conclusions drawn from this have been presented. Copyright © 2007 by ASME

    Electrostatic Field Classifier for Deficient Data

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    This paper investigates the suitability of recently developed models based on the physical field phenomena for classification problems with incomplete datasets. An original approach to exploiting incomplete training data with missing features and labels, involving extensive use of electrostatic charge analogy, has been proposed. Classification of incomplete patterns has been investigated using a local dimensionality reduction technique, which aims at exploiting all available information rather than trying to estimate the missing values. The performance of all proposed methods has been tested on a number of benchmark datasets for a wide range of missing data scenarios and compared to the performance of some standard techniques. Several modifications of the original electrostatic field classifier aiming at improving speed and robustness in higher dimensional spaces are also discussed

    Tactile whole-field imaging sensor on photoelasticity

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    The paper describes a whole-field imaging sensor developed on the principles of photoelasticity. The sensor produces colored fringe patterns when load is applied on the contacting surface. These fringes can be analyzed using conventional photoelastic techniques, however, as the loading in the present case is not conventional some new strategies need to be devised to analyze the load imprint. The loading is unconventional in the sense that low modulus photoelastic material is deformed under vertical load in the direction of light travel to induce the photoelastic effect. The paper discusses the efficacy of both RGB calibration and phase shifting techniques in sensing applications. The characteristics of fringe patterns obtained under vertical and shear loads have been studied and the results obtained under these conditions are discussed with their limitations specifically when this is applied for sensing applications. Finally a case study has been conducted to analyze a foot image and conclusions drawn from this have been presented. Copyright © 2007 by ASME

    Learning Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier Models From Data: To Combine or Not to Combine?

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    To combine or not to combine? Though not a question of the same gravity as the Shakespeare’s to be or not to be, it is examined in this paper in the context of a hybrid neuro-fuzzy pattern classifier design process. A general fuzzy min-max neural network with its basic learning procedure is used within six different algorithm independent learning schemes. Various versions of cross-validation, resampling techniques and data editing approaches, leading to a generation of a single classifier or a multiple classifier system, are scrutinised and compared. The classification performance on unseen data, commonly used as a criterion for comparing different competing designs, is augmented by further four criteria attempting to capture various additional characteristics of classifier generation schemes. These include: the ability to estimate the true classification error rate, the classifier transparency, the computational complexity of the learning scheme and the potential for adaptation to changing environments and new classes of data. One of the main questions examined is whether and when to use a single classifier or a combination of a number of component classifiers within a multiple classifier system

    Combining Neuro-Fuzzy Classifiers for Improved Generalisation and Reliability

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    In this paper a combination of neuro-fuzzy classifiers for improved classification performance and reliability is considered. A general fuzzy min-max (GFMM) classifier with agglomerative learning algorithm is used as a main building block. An alternative approach to combining individual classifier decisions involving the combination at the classifier model level is proposed. The resulting classifier complexity and transparency is comparable with classifiers generated during a single crossvalidation procedure while the improved classification performance and reduced variance is comparable to the ensemble of classifiers with combined (averaged/voted) decisions. We also illustrate how combining at the model level can be used for speeding up the training of GFMM classifiers for large data sets


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    Combining Labelled and Unlabelled Data in the Design of Pattern Classification Systems

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    There has been much interest in applying techniques that incorporate knowledge from unlabelled data into a supervised learning system but less effort has been made to compare the effectiveness of different approaches on real world problems and to analyse the behaviour of the learning system when using different amount of unlabelled data. In this paper an analysis of the performance of supervised methods enforced by unlabelled data and some semisupervised approaches using different ratios of labelled to unlabelled samples is presented. The experimental results show that when supported by unlabelled samples much less labelled data is generally required to build a classifier without compromising the classification performance. If only a very limited amount of labelled data is available the results show high variability and the performance of the final classifier is more dependant on how reliable the labelled data samples are rather than use of additional unlabelled data. Semi-supervised clustering utilising both labelled and unlabelled data have been shown to offer most significant improvements when natural clusters are present in the considered problem

    Nature-Inspired Adaptive Architecture for Soft Sensor Modelling

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    This paper gives a general overview of the challenges present in the research field of Soft Sensor building and proposes a novel architecture for building of Soft Sensors, which copes with the identified challenges. The architecture is inspired and making use of nature-related techniques for computational intelligence. Another aspect, which is addressed by the proposed architecture, are the identified characteristics of the process industry data. The data recorded in the process industry consist usually of certain amount of missing values or sample exceeding meaningful values of the measurements, called data outliers. Other process industry data properties causing problems for the modelling are the collinearity of the data, drifting data and the different sampling rates of the particular hardware sensors. It is these characteristics which are the source of the need for an adaptive behaviour of Soft Sensors. The architecture reflects this need and provides mechanisms for the adaptation and evolution of the Soft Sensor at different levels. The adaptation capabilities are provided by maintaining a variety of rather simple models. These particular models, called paths in terms of the architecture, can for example focus on different partition of the input data space, or provide different adaptation speeds to changes in the data. The actual modelling techniques involved into the architecture are data-driven computational learning approaches like artificial neural networks, principal component regression, etc