16 research outputs found

    A Classification-based Approach for Approximate Reachability

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    Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability analysis has been developed over the past decades into a widely-applicable tool for determining goal satisfaction and safety verification in nonlinear systems. While HJ reachability can be formulated very generally, computational complexity can be a serious impediment for many systems of practical interest. Much prior work has been devoted to computing approximate solutions to large reachability problems, yet many of these methods may only apply to very restrictive problem classes, do not generate controllers, and/or can be extremely conservative. In this paper, we present a new method for approximating the optimal controller of the HJ reachability problem for control-affine systems. While also a specific problem class, many dynamical systems of interest are, or can be well approximated, by control-affine models. We explicitly avoid storing a representation of the reachability value function, and instead learn a controller as a sequence of simple binary classifiers. We compare our approach to existing grid-based methodologies in HJ reachability and demonstrate its utility on several examples, including a physical quadrotor navigation task

    Asymptotic Stability and Asymptotic Synchronization of Memristive Regulatory-Type Networks

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    Memristive regulatory-type networks are recently emerging as a potential successor to traditional complementary resistive switch models. Qualitative analysis is useful in designing and synthesizing memristive regulatory-type networks. In this paper, we propose several succinct criteria to ensure global asymptotic stability and global asymptotic synchronization for a general class of memristive regulatory-type networks. The experimental simulations also show the performance of theoretical results

    A brief review of neural networks based learning and control and their applications for robots

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    As an imitation of the biological nervous systems, neural networks (NN), which are characterized with powerful learning ability, have been employed in a wide range of applications, such as control of complex nonlinear systems, optimization, system identification and patterns recognition etc. This article aims to bring a brief review of the state-of-art NN for the complex nonlinear systems. Recent progresses of NNs in both theoretical developments and practical applications are investigated and surveyed. Specifically, NN based robot learning and control applications were further reviewed, including NN based robot manipulator control, NN based human robot interaction and NN based behavior recognition and generation

    Temperature Control via Affine Nonlinear Systems for Intermediate Point of Supercritical Once-Through Boiler Units

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    For the operation of the supercritical once-through boiler generation units, the control of the temperature at intermediate point (IPT) is highly significant. IPT is the steam temperature at the outlet of the separator. Currently, PID control algorithms are widely adopted for the IPT control. However, PID cannot achieve the optimal performances as the units’ dynamic characteristic changes at different working points due to the severe nonlinearity. To address the problem, a new control algorithm using affine nonlinear system is adopted for a 600 MW unit in this paper. In order to establish the model of IPT via affine nonlinear system, the simplified mechanism equations on the evaporation zone and steam separator of the unit are established. Then, the feedback linearizing control law can be obtained. Full range simulations with the load varying from 100% to 30% are conducted. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm, the performance of the new method is compared with the results of the PID control. The feed-water flow disturbances are considered in simulations of both of the two control methods. The comparison shows the new method has a better performance with a quicker response time and a smaller overshoot, which demonstrates the potential improvement for the supercritical once-through boiler generation unit control

    Two-Phase Iteration for Value Function Approximation and Hyperparameter Optimization in Gaussian-Kernel-Based Adaptive Critic Design

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    Adaptive Dynamic Programming (ADP) with critic-actor architecture is an effective way to perform online learning control. To avoid the subjectivity in the design of a neural network that serves as a critic network, kernel-based adaptive critic design (ACD) was developed recently. There are two essential issues for a static kernel-based model: how to determine proper hyperparameters in advance and how to select right samples to describe the value function. They all rely on the assessment of sample values. Based on the theoretical analysis, this paper presents a two-phase simultaneous learning method for a Gaussian-kernel-based critic network. It is able to estimate the values of samples without infinitively revisiting them. And the hyperparameters of the kernel model are optimized simultaneously. Based on the estimated sample values, the sample set can be refined by adding alternatives or deleting redundances. Combining this critic design with actor network, we present a Gaussian-kernel-based Adaptive Dynamic Programming (GK-ADP) approach. Simulations are used to verify its feasibility, particularly the necessity of two-phase learning, the convergence characteristics, and the improvement of the system performance by using a varying sample set