12,630 research outputs found

    Parametric Approach to Blind Deconvolution of Nonlinear Channels

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    A parametric procedure for the blind inversion of nonlinear channels is proposed, based on a recent method of blind source separation in nonlinear mixtures. Experiments show that the proposed algorithms perform efficiently, even in the presence of hard distortion. The method, based on the minimization of the output mutual information, needs the knowledge of log-derivative of input distribution (the so-called score function). Each algorithm consists of three adaptive blocks: one devoted to adaptive estimation of the score function, and two other blocks estimating the inverses of the linear and nonlinear parts of the channel, (quasi-)optimally adapted using the estimated score functions. This paper is mainly concerned by the nonlinear part, for which we propose two parametric models, the first based on a polynomial model and the second on a neural network, while [14, 15] proposed non-parametric approaches

    MISEP - Linear and Nonlinear ICA Based on Mutual Information

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    MISEP is a method for linear and nonlinear ICA, that is able to handle a large variety of situations. It is an extension of the well known INFOMAX method, in two directions: (1) handling of nonlinear mixtures, and (2) learning the nonlinearities to be used at the outputs. The method can therefore separate linear and nonlinear mixtures of components with a wide range of statistical distributions. This paper presents the basis of the MISEP method, as well as experimental results obtained with it. The results illustrate the applicability of the method to various situations, and show that, although the nonlinear blind separation problem is ill-posed, use of regularization allows the problem to be solved when the nonlinear mixture is relatively smooth

    Using state space differential geometry for nonlinear blind source separation

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    Given a time series of multicomponent measurements of an evolving stimulus, nonlinear blind source separation (BSS) seeks to find a "source" time series, comprised of statistically independent combinations of the measured components. In this paper, we seek a source time series with local velocity cross correlations that vanish everywhere in stimulus state space. However, in an earlier paper the local velocity correlation matrix was shown to constitute a metric on state space. Therefore, nonlinear BSS maps onto a problem of differential geometry: given the metric observed in the measurement coordinate system, find another coordinate system in which the metric is diagonal everywhere. We show how to determine if the observed data are separable in this way, and, if they are, we show how to construct the required transformation to the source coordinate system, which is essentially unique except for an unknown rotation that can be found by applying the methods of linear BSS. Thus, the proposed technique solves nonlinear BSS in many situations or, at least, reduces it to linear BSS, without the use of probabilistic, parametric, or iterative procedures. This paper also describes a generalization of this methodology that performs nonlinear independent subspace separation. In every case, the resulting decomposition of the observed data is an intrinsic property of the stimulus' evolution in the sense that it does not depend on the way the observer chooses to view it (e.g., the choice of the observing machine's sensors). In other words, the decomposition is a property of the evolution of the "real" stimulus that is "out there" broadcasting energy to the observer. The technique is illustrated with analytic and numerical examples.Comment: Contains 14 pages and 3 figures. For related papers, see http://www.geocities.com/dlevin2001/ . New version is identical to original version except for URL in the bylin
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