55 research outputs found

    Prediction Of Scour Depth Around Bridge Piers Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)

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    Earth\u27s surface is continuously shaped due to the action of geophysical flows. Erosion due to the flow of water in river systems has been identified as a key problem in preserving ecological health but also a threat to our built environment and critical infrastructure, worldwide. As an example, it has been estimated that a major reason for bridge failure is due to scour. Even though the flow past bridge piers has been investigated both experimentally and numerically, and the mechanisms of scouring are relatively understood, there still lacks a tool that can offer fast and reliable predictions. Most of the existing formulas for prediction of bridge pier scour depth are empirical in nature, based on a limited range of data or for piers of specific shape. In this work, the application of a Machine Learning model that has been successfully employed in Water Engineering, namely an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is proposed to estimate the scour depth around bridge piers. In particular, various complexity architectures are sequentially built, in order to identify the optimal for scour depth predictions, using appropriate training and validation subsets obtained from the USGS database (and pre-processed to remove incomplete records). The model has five variables, namely the effective pier width (b), the approach velocity (v), the approach depth (y), the mean grain diameter (D50) and the skew to flow. Simulations are conducted with data groups (bed material type, pier type and shape) and different number of input variables, to produce reduced complexity and easily interpretable models. Analysis and comparison of the results indicate that the developed ANFIS model has high accuracy and outstanding generalization ability for prediction of scour parameters. The effective pier width (as opposed to skew to flow) is amongst the most relevant input parameters for the estimation

    Meta-heuristic Optimization Algorithms for Predicting the Scouring Depth Around Bridge Piers

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    An accurate estimation of bridge pier scour has been considered as one of the important parameters in designing of bridges. However, due to the numerous involved parameters and convolution of this phenomenon, many existing approaches cannot predict scour depth with an acceptable accuracy. Obtained results from the empirical relationships show that these relationships have low accuracy in determining the maximum scour depth and they need a high safety factor for many cases, which leads to uneconomic designs of bridges. To cover these disadvantages, three new models are provided to estimate the bridge pier scour using an adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system. The parameters of the system are optimized by using the colliding bodies optimization, enhanced colliding bodies optimization and vibrating particles system methods. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed methods, their results were compared with those of simple adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system and its improved versions by using the particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm as well as the empirical equations. Comparison of results showed that the new vibrating particles system based algorithm could find better results than other two ones. In addition, comparison of the results obtained by the proposed methods with those of the empirical relations confirmed the high performance of the new methods

    Group method of data handling to predict scour depth around vertical piles under regular waves

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    AbstractThis paper presents a new application of the Group Method Of Data Handling (GMDH), to predict pile scour depth exposed to waves. The GMDH network was developed using the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) method in the training stage for scour prediction. Scour depth due to regular waves was modeled as a function of five dimensionless parameters, including pile Reynolds number, grain Reynolds number, sediment number, Keulegan–Carpenter number, and shields parameter. The testing results of the GMDH-LM were compared with those obtained using the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Radial Basis Function-Neural Network (RBF-NN), and empirical equations. In particular, the GMDH-LM provided the most accurate prediction of scour depth compared to other models. Also, the Keulegan–Carpenter number has been determined as the most effective parameter on scour depth through a sensitivity analysis. The GMDH-LM was utilized successfully to investigate the influence of the pile cross section and Keulegan–Carpenter number on scour depth

    Grnn Based Modelling of Pier Scour Depth Using Field Dataset

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Estimation of the Local Scour from a Cylindrical Bridge Pier Using a Compilation Wavelet Model and Artificial Neural Network

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    In the present study, an artificial neural network and its combination with wavelet theory are used as the computational tool to predict the depth of local scouring from the bridge pier. The five variables measured are the pier diameter of the bridge, the critical and the average velocities, the average diameter of the bed aggregates, and the flow depth. In this study, the neural wavelet method is used as a preprocessor. The data was passed through the wavelet filter and then passed to the artificial neural network. Among the various wavelet functions used for preprocessing, the dmey function results in the highest correlation coefficient and the lowest RMSE and is more efficient than other functions. In the wavelet-neural network compilation method, the neural network activator function was replaced by different wavelet functions. The results show that the neural network method with the Polywog4 wavelet activator function with a correlation coefficient of 87% is an improvement of 8.75% compared to the normal neural network model. By performing data filtering by wavelet and using the resulting coefficients in the neural network, the resulting correlation coefficient is 82%, only a 2.5% improvement compared to the normal neural network. By analyzing the results obtained from neural network methods, the wavelet-neural network predicted errors compared to experimental observations were 8.26, 1.56, and 1.24%, respectively. According to the evaluation criteria, combination of the best effective hydraulic parameters, the combination of wavelet function and neural network, and the number of neural network neurons achieved the best results

    Scour detection with monitoring methods and machine learning algorithms - a critical review

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    Foundation scour is a widespread reason for the collapse of bridges worldwide. However, assessing bridges is a complex task, which requires a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. This literature review first presents recent scour detection techniques and approaches. Direct and indirect monitoring and machine learning algorithm-based studies are investigated in detail in the following sections. The approaches, models, characteristics of data, and other input properties are outlined. The outcomes are given with their advantages and limitations. Finally, assessments are provided at the synthesis of the research.This research was funded by FCT (Portuguese national funding agency for science, research, and technology)/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) under the R&D Unit Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering (ISISE), under reference UIDB/04029/2020 and trough the doctoral Grant 2021.06162.BD. This work has also been partly financed within the European Horizon 2020 Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail through contract no. 101012456 (IN2TRACK3)

    Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Assessing the Equilibrium Depth of Local Scour Around Bridge Piers

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    Scour can have the effect of subsidence of the piers in bridges, which can ultimately lead to the total collapse of these systems. Effective bridge design needs appropriate information on the equilibrium depth of local scour. The flow field around bridge piers is complex so that deriving a theoretical model for predicting the exact equilibrium depth of local scour seems to be near impossible. On the other hand, the assessment of empirical models highly depends on local conditions, which is usually too conservative. In the present study, artificial neural networks are used to estimate the equilibrium depth of the local scour around bridge piers. Assuming such equilibrium depth is a function of five vari- ables, and using experimental data, a neural network model is trained to predict this equilibrium depth. Multilayer neural net- works with backpropagation algorithm with different learning rules are investigated and implemented. Different methods of data normalization besides the effect of initial weightings and overtraining phenomenon are addressed. The results show well adoption of the neural network predictions against experimental data in comparison with the estimation of empirical models

    Particle swarm optimization model to predict scour depth around bridge pier

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    Scour depth around bridge piers plays a vital role in the safety and stability of the bridges. Existing methods to predict scour depth are mainly based on regression models or black box models in which the first one lacks enough accuracy while the later one does not provide a clear mathematical expression to easily employ it for other situations or cases. Therefore, this paper aims to develop new equations using particle swarm optimization as a metaheuristic approach to predict scour depth around bridge piers. To improve the efficiency of the proposed model, individual equations are derived for laboratory and field data. Moreover, sensitivity analysis is conducted to achieve the most effective parameters in the estimation of scour depth for both experimental and filed data sets. Comparing the results of the proposed model with those of existing regression-based equations reveal the superiority of the proposed method in terms of accuracy and uncertainty. Moreover, the ratio of pier width to flow depth and ratio of d50 (mean particle diameter) to flow depth for the laboratory and field data were recognized as the most effective parameters, respectively. The derived equations can be used as a suitable proxy to estimate scour depth in both experimental and prototype scales
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