5,601 research outputs found

    Prefrontal rhythms for cognitive control

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    Goal-directed behavior requires flexible selection among action plans and updating behavioral strategies when they fail to achieve desired goals. Lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) is implicated in the execution of behavior-guiding rule-based cognitive control while anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is implicated in monitoring processes and updating rules. Rule-based cognitive control requires selective processing while process monitoring benefits from combinatorial processing. I used a combination of computational and experimental methods to investigate how network oscillations and neuronal heterogeneity contribute to cognitive control through their effects on selective versus combinatorial processing modes in LPFC and ACC. First, I adapted an existing LPFC model to explore input frequency- and coherence-based output selection mechanisms for flexible routing of rate-coded signals. I show that the oscillatory states of input encoding populations can exhibit a stronger influence over downstream competition than their activity levels. This enables an output driven by a weaker resonant input signal to suppress lower-frequency competing responses to stronger, less resonant (though possibly higher-frequency) input signals. While signals are encoded in population firing rates, output selection and signal routing can be governed independently by the frequency and coherence of oscillatory inputs and their correspondence with output resonant properties. Flexible response selection and gating can be achieved by oscillatory state control mechanisms operating on input encoding populations. These dynamic mechanisms enable experimentally-observed LPFC beta and gamma oscillations to flexibly govern the selection and gating of rate-coded signals for downstream read-out. Furthermore, I demonstrate how differential drives to distinct interneuron populations can switch working memory representations between asynchronous and oscillatory states that support rule-based selection. Next, I analyzed physiological data from the LeBeau laboratory and built a de novo model constrained by the biological data. Experimental data demonstrated that fast network oscillations at both the beta- and gamma frequency bands could be elicited in vitro in ACC and neurons exhibited a wide range of intrinsic properties. Computational modeling of the ACC network revealed that the frequency of network oscillation generated was dependent upon the time course of inhibition. Principal cell heterogeneity broadened the range of frequencies generated by the model network. In addition, with different frequency inputs to two neuronal assemblies, heterogeneity decreased competition and increased spike coherence between the networks thus conferring a combinatorial advantage to the network. These findings suggest that oscillating neuronal populations can support either response selection (routing), or combination, depending on the interplay between the kinetics of synaptic inhibition and the degree of heterogeneity of principal cell intrinsic conductances. Such differences may support functional differences between the roles of LPFC and ACC in cognitive control

    Neuromorphic Computing Applications in Robotics

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    Deep learning achieves remarkable success through training using massively labeled datasets. However, the high demands on the datasets impede the feasibility of deep learning in edge computing scenarios and suffer from the data scarcity issue. Rather than relying on labeled data, animals learn by interacting with their surroundings and memorizing the relationships between events and objects. This learning paradigm is referred to as associative learning. The successful implementation of associative learning imitates self-learning schemes analogous to animals which resolve the challenges of deep learning. Current state-of-the-art implementations of associative memory are limited to simulations with small-scale and offline paradigms. Thus, this work implements associative memory with an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) and neuromorphic hardware, specifically Intelโ€™s Loihi, for an online learning scenario. This system emulates the classic associative learning in rats using the UGV in place of the rats. In specific, it successfully reproduces the fear conditioning with no pretraining procedure or labeled datasets. The UGV is rendered capable of autonomously learning the cause-and-effect relationship of the light stimulus and vibration stimulus and exhibiting a movement response to demonstrate the memorization. Hebbian learning dynamics are used to update the synaptic weights during the associative learning process. The Intel Loihi chip is integrated with this online learning system for processing visual signals with a specialized neural assembly. While processing, the Loihiโ€™s average power usages for computing logic and memory are 30 mW and 29 mW, respectively

    Mortal Computation: A Foundation for Biomimetic Intelligence

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    This review motivates and synthesizes research efforts in neuroscience-inspired artificial intelligence and biomimetic computing in terms of mortal computation. Specifically, we characterize the notion of mortality by recasting ideas in biophysics, cybernetics, and cognitive science in terms of a theoretical foundation for sentient behavior. We frame the mortal computation thesis through the Markov blanket formalism and the circular causality entailed by inference, learning, and selection. The ensuing framework -- underwritten by the free energy principle -- could prove useful for guiding the construction of unconventional connectionist computational systems, neuromorphic intelligence, and chimeric agents, including sentient organoids, which stand to revolutionize the long-term future of embodied, enactive artificial intelligence and cognition research.Comment: Several revisions applied, corrected error in Jarzynski equality equation (w/ new citaion); references and citations now correctly aligne

    Analysis of CT Brain Images using Radial Basis Function Neural Network

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    Medical image processing and analysis is the tool to assist radiologists in the diagnosis process to obtain a moreaccurate and faster diagnosis. In this work, we have developed a neural network to classify the computer tomography(CT) brain tumor image for automatic diagnosis. This system is divided into four steps namely enhancement, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. In the first phase, an edge-based selective median filter is usedto improve the visibility of the loss of the gray-white matter interface in CT brain tumor images. Second phaseuses a modified version of shift genetic algorithm for the segmentation. Next phase extracts the textural featuresusing statistical texture analysis method. These features are fed into classifiers like BPN, Fuzzy k-NN, and radialbasis function network. The performances of these classifiers are analyzed in the final phase with receiver operating characteristic and precision-recall curve. The result shows that the CAD system is only to develop the tool for braintumor and proposed method is very accurate and computationally more efficient and less time consuming.Defence Science Journal, 2012,ย 62(4), pp.212-218,ย DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.62.183


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    A computational cognitive neuroscience approach was used to examine processes of visual attention in the human and monkey brain. The aim of the work was to produce a biologically plausible neurodynamical model of both spatial and object-based attention that accounted for observations in monkey visual areas V4, inferior temporal cortex (IT) and the lateral intraparietal area (LIP), and was able to produce search scan path behaviour similar to that observed in humans and monkeys. Of particular interest currently in the visual attention literature is the biased competition hypothesis (Desimone & Duncan. 1995). The model presented here is the first active vision implementation of biased competition, where attcntional shifts are overt. Therefore, retinal inputs change during the scan path and this approach raised issues, such as memory for searched locations across saccades, not addressed bv previous models with static retinas. This is the first model to examine the different time courses associated with spatial and object-based effects at the cellular level. Single cell recordings in areas V4 (Luck et al., 1997; Chelazzi et al., 2001) and IT (Chelazzi ct al., 1993, 1998) were replicated such that attentional effects occurred at the appropriate time after onset of the stimulus. Object-based effects at the cellular level of the model led to systems level behaviour that replicated that observed during active visual search for orientation and colour feature conjunction targets in psychophysical investigations. This provides a valuable insight into the link between cellular and system level behaviour in natural systems. At the systems level, the simulated search process showed selectivity in its scan path that was similar to that observed in humans (Scialfa & Joffe, 1998; Williams & Reingold, 2001) and monkeys (Motter & Belky. 1998b), being guided to target coloured locations in preference to locations containing the target orientation or blank areas. A connection between the ventral and dorsal visual processing streams (Ungerleider & Mishkin. 1982) is suggested to contribute to this selectivity and priority in the featural guidance of search. Such selectivity and avoidance of blank areas has potential application in computer vision applications. Simulation of lesions within the model and comparison with patient data provided further verification of the model. Simulation of visual neglect due to parietal cortical lesion suggests that the model has the capability to provide insights into the neural correlates of the conscious perception of stimuli The biased competition approach described here provides an extendable framework within which further "bottom-up" stimulus and "top-down" mnemonic and cognitive biases can be added, in order to further examine exogenous versus endogenous factors in the capture of attention

    Decline and fall:a biological, developmental, and psycholinguistic account of deliberative language processes and ageing

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    Background: This paper reviews the role of deliberative processes in language: those language processes that require central resources, in contrast to the automatic processes of lexicalisation, word retrieval, and parsing. 10 Aims: We describe types of deliberative processing, and show how these processes underpin high-level processes that feature strongly in language. We focus on metalin- guistic processing, strategic processing, inhibition, and planning. We relate them to frontal-lobe function and the development of the fronto-striate loop. We then focus on the role of deliberative processes in normal and pathological development and ageing, 15 and show how these processes are particularly susceptible to deterioration with age. In particular, many of the commonly observed language impairments encountered in ageing result from a decline in deliberative processing skills rather than in automatic language processes. Main Contribution: We argue that central processing plays a larger and more important 20 role in language processing and acquisition than is often credited. Conclusions: Deliberative language processes permeate language use across the lifespan. They are particularly prone to age-related loss. We conclude by discussing implications for therapy
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