250,414 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian cycles in faulty random geometric networks

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    In this paper we analyze the Hamiltonian properties of faulty random networks. This consideration is of interest when considering wireless broadcast networks. A random geometric network is a graph whose vertices correspond to points uniformly and independently distributed in the unit square, and whose edges connect any pair of vertices if their distance is below some specified bound. A faulty random geometric network is a random geometric network whose vertices or edges fail at random. Algorithms to find Hamiltonian cycles in faulty random geometric networks are presented.Postprint (published version

    Statistics of Cycles: How Loopy is your Network?

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    We study the distribution of cycles of length h in large networks (of size N>>1) and find it to be an excellent ergodic estimator, even in the extreme inhomogeneous case of scale-free networks. The distribution is sharply peaked around a characteristic cycle length, h* ~ N^a. Our results suggest that h* and the exponent a might usefully characterize broad families of networks. In addition to an exact counting of cycles in hierarchical nets, we present a Monte-Carlo sampling algorithm for approximately locating h* and reliably determining a. Our empirical results indicate that for small random scale-free nets of degree exponent g, a=1/(g-1), and a grows as the nets become larger.Comment: Further work presented and conclusions revised, following referee report

    Tensor Spectral Clustering for Partitioning Higher-order Network Structures

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    Spectral graph theory-based methods represent an important class of tools for studying the structure of networks. Spectral methods are based on a first-order Markov chain derived from a random walk on the graph and thus they cannot take advantage of important higher-order network substructures such as triangles, cycles, and feed-forward loops. Here we propose a Tensor Spectral Clustering (TSC) algorithm that allows for modeling higher-order network structures in a graph partitioning framework. Our TSC algorithm allows the user to specify which higher-order network structures (cycles, feed-forward loops, etc.) should be preserved by the network clustering. Higher-order network structures of interest are represented using a tensor, which we then partition by developing a multilinear spectral method. Our framework can be applied to discovering layered flows in networks as well as graph anomaly detection, which we illustrate on synthetic networks. In directed networks, a higher-order structure of particular interest is the directed 3-cycle, which captures feedback loops in networks. We demonstrate that our TSC algorithm produces large partitions that cut fewer directed 3-cycles than standard spectral clustering algorithms.Comment: SDM 201

    Mathematical evolution in discrete networks

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    This paper provides a mathematical explanation for the phenomenon of \triadic closure" so often seen in social networks. It appears to be a natural consequence when network change is constrained to be continuous. The concept of chordless cycles in the network's \irreducible spine" is used in the analysis of the network's dynamic behavior. A surprising result is that as networks undergo random, but continuous, perturbations they tend to become more structured and less chaotic