1,076,941 research outputs found

    Considering Structural Properties of Inter-organizational Network Fragments during Business-IT Alignment

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    Value exchange models can be used to reason about possible networked business constellations. Such inter-organizational business settings are determined in most cases solely from a financial point of view, i.e. by assessing the economic sustainability of the constellation. In this paper we discuss also other criteria that are relevant and should additionally be considered, namely the structural properties of the inter-organizational constellation itself. The multitude of possible interorganizational business constellations – and underlying systems constellations respectively – makes it a necessary requirement to split such constellations into recurring structural patterns, which we call fragments. The structural properties are helping the designer to reason about quality related issues of the inter-organizational network, and may have an influence on design choices to be made. The paper suggests to design new e-business constellations not only on the basis of financial criteria, but to consider also quality issues of the inter-organizational network

    Policy, economic, and industry repercussions of current e-business diffusion rate In European food industry

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    European policy is focussed on promoting the business techniques and new ways of working which will provide the economic and social foundation of the information society in Europe. To help policy makers define their programmes, and to monitor the effectiveness of these policies, it is essential to examine progress as well as identify areas requiring active support. This study examined the repercussions of e-business progress in the food sector based on the findings of a large quantitative survey that investigated the extent, scope, nature of and factors affecting the speed of e-business development in Europe for the Food, beverages and tobacco sector. For this purpose a pan European survey was conducted by EU market observatory called “European e-Business Market Watch” during the period February and March 2003. This study is based on the findings and reports of “European e-Business Market Watch” which can be accessed in the Internet (www.e-businesswatch.org). This study discusses the economic implications for the individual enterprise, the industry structure as well as policy issues such as quality assurance, promotion of ICT education, training and “cultural” change. Regarding economic implications, e-business has played a indirect role because it has significantly involved only in Large Scale Enterprises which proportionally are a small percentage in food industry. For SMEs, the impact of e-business was mainly to the ICT facilities currently at their disposal: websites, the Internet, and e-mail. Regarding industry implications, e-business has not led to significant structural changes, but it has steamed up certain processes. E-business has armoured supply chain management with advanced but sophisticated network technologies. Regarding policy issues, an e-business solution capable of guaranteeing food safety to consumers and vertically integrating business operations across the supply chain would have a good chance of extraordinary diffusion in the food industry


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    On January 30, 2008, at the Romanian-American University, the Microsoft Innovation Center was opened, in the presence of Mr. Szomogy, state secretary at the Telecommunications Ministry, Mr. Silviu Hotăran, general manager of Microsoft Romania, prof. univ. dr. Ion Smedescu, founding rector of the Romanian-American University, teaching staff, students and representatives of prestigious companies in IT. On a global scale, there are, at present, 110 Microsoft Innovation Centers working in 60 countries, Romania joining, now, this network. With this opportunity the Contract of Collaboration between Microsoft Romania and the Romanian-American University was signed, which marked de creation of the first Microsoft Innovation Center in Romania, its goal being the increase of students abilities in business applications.innovation, e-campus platform, quality characteristics, business

    A user perspective of quality of service in m-commerce

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2004 Springer VerlagIn an m-commerce setting, the underlying communication system will have to provide a Quality of Service (QoS) in the presence of two competing factors—network bandwidth and, as the pressure to add value to the business-to-consumer (B2C) shopping experience by integrating multimedia applications grows, increasing data sizes. In this paper, developments in the area of QoS-dependent multimedia perceptual quality are reviewed and are integrated with recent work focusing on QoS for e-commerce. Based on previously identified user perceptual tolerance to varying multimedia QoS, we show that enhancing the m-commerce B2C user experience with multimedia, far from being an idealised scenario, is in fact feasible if perceptual considerations are employed

    Evaluating the Performance and Quality of Web Services in Electronic Marketplaces

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    A Web service is a software interface that describes a collection of operations that can be accessed over the network through standardized messaging. Effective performance and quality measures of Web services on Web service electronic marketplaces should include both technical and business aspects and consider Web services as business services delivered through multiple channels. In this research, we integrate technical measures of e-service performance with established measures for evaluating service quality in a business. This integrated view of Web service performance is lacking in extant knowledge and is critically needed to evaluate the overall quality and performance of business environment where information services are delivered through Web services

    The E-Business Research Network: summary of the results of the Dutch pilot survey

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    A project has been started with the intention to develop an E-Business Research Network on E-business related research in business and management. The initiative has been taken in co-operation between Erasmus University and UMIST to develop a project in which the first stage concerns the development of a database of researchers and their activities in e-business related research in business and management. The next stage will be to investigate the needs in companies in relation to e-business. It is hoped that an Internet-based database will stimulate interaction and communication between the supply and demand sides of e-business related research. This assumption is based on our previous research in Quality Management conducted in the early to mid 1990's. This paper describes the project and also summarises the results of the first pilot questionnaire based on responses from researchers at universities in The Netherlands

    Decentralized Agent-based Electronic Marketplace Supply Chain Ecosystem

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    Electronic marketplaces have become an essential part of the business to business e-commerce. Supply chain concept is fully taking advantage of using the network effects in electronic marketplaces due to augmented added value from each participant. However, highly desirable network effects lead to one company monopoly over the whole marketplace. To prevent this effect, authors are proposing and devising a decentralized agent-based electronic marketplace for supply chain ecosystem. The goal of our research is to improve overall supply chain service quality by allowing companies’ agents to evaluate the service quality of their partners through the history of their transactions. Consequently, since in their procurement activities more informed decisions are being made instantaneously, continuously and autonomously at each node of a supply chain, supply chain service quality is being improved along the whole supply chain

    E-business and e-commerce applications and trends in the retailing sector in Zimbabwe

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    This paper discusses e-commerce adoption trends in the Zimbabwean retail sector. Data were collected using questionnaire and interviews of 170 retailers and 73 customers selected in Harare. Zimbabwe’s retail sector lags behind in e-business adoption. Key ecommerce applications were in administration, accounting, management and control systems with barcode-driven systems and debit card swipe technologies being most common. Mismatch between the demand for e-business solutions by customers and the supply of such solutions by retailers and a pronounced digital divide between multiple store and single store retailers in the areas of network technologies were identified. The impact of e-business on business processes and company productivity is positive for multiple store and minimal for single store operators. Internal work organisation, procurement costs of supply goods and quality of product and services impacts are minimal. Scope exists for improved adoption and development of e-business for Zimbabwean retailers through better policies and supportive legislation

    An Investigation paper on Congestion Control Policy

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    In the advancement of network technology traffic affects performance factors like file synchronization, communication throughput and overall all the scenario where one are having continues connectivity of business to the rectifying organizations, all the business functionality are going for the achievement of paperless communication infrastructure where one are deploying all his working by the internet technology such high speed network communication infrastructure always required well suited congestion less architecture scheme to achieve quality of services ,In the field of different communication area there are many applications has be running at present for all type of users likesenior, junior and all business users categories. Network proposed many protocols and algorithm for the improvement in flow of the network,Ethernet project 802 and protocols series 802.11a/b/c/d/e has been working at network layer in which user’s found some times network work well with priorities choice of network connection but sometimesstruggles with the same.To analyze the actual report of congestion policies here author of the paper are presenting analytical study so that one can understand the lack of functionality in communication with specific network implementations
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