55 research outputs found

    Remote terminal system evaluation

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    An Earth Resources Data Processing System was developed to evaluate the system for training, technology transfer, and data processing. In addition to the five sites included in this project two other sites were connected to the system under separate agreements. The experience of these two sites is discussed. The results of the remote terminal project are documented in seven reports: one from each of the five project sites, Purdue University, and an overview report summarizing the other six reports

    A missional study of the use of social media (Facebook) by some Ghanaian Pentecostal Pastors

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    Social media as a new phenomenon has become a tool used by many televangelists and pastors all over the world.  It is against this background that this research sought to explore the Facebook activities of some Ghanaian Pentecostal pastors from a missional perspective. The article discusses the concept of social media, Facebook and its potential for mission purposes, the Facebook phenomenon among Ghanaians and how Ghanaian Pentecostal Pastors are using Facebook for missional purposes.  The study revealed that Ghanaian pastors are followed by people from different religious and societal backgrounds. It has also offered the pastors and their congregations the opportunity to form relationships with a wide and diverse range of people without being bound by geographical space.https://doi.org/10.19108/KOERS.81.2.225

    IMPACT: Investigation of Mobile-user Patterns Across University Campuses using WLAN Trace Analysis

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    We conduct the most comprehensive study of WLAN traces to date. Measurements collected from four major university campuses are analyzed with the aim of developing fundamental understanding of realistic user behavior in wireless networks. Both individual user and inter-node (group) behaviors are investigated and two classes of metrics are devised to capture the underlying structure of such behaviors. For individual user behavior we observe distinct patterns in which most users are 'on' for a small fraction of the time, the number of access points visited is very small and the overall on-line user mobility is quite low. We clearly identify categories of heavy and light users. In general, users exhibit high degree of similarity over days and weeks. For group behavior, we define metrics for encounter patterns and friendship. Surprisingly, we find that a user, on average, encounters less than 6% of the network user population within a month, and that encounter and friendship relations are highly asymmetric. We establish that number of encounters follows a biPareto distribution, while friendship indexes follow an exponential distribution. We capture the encounter graph using a small world model, the characteristics of which reach steady state after only one day. We hope for our study to have a great impact on realistic modeling of network usage and mobility patterns in wireless networks.Comment: 16 pages, 31 figure

    Analysis of UML

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    This document presents an analysis of the Unified Modelling Language (UML). It includes an introduction to the different kinds of UML diagrams, an overview of the unified software development methodology, a survey concerning the availability of tools that support UML and an example of the use of UML

    Compact extensible authentication protocol for the internet of things : enabling scalable and efficient security commissioning

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    Internet of Things security is one of the most challenging parts of the domain. Combining strong cryptography and lifelong security with highly constrained devices under conditions of limited energy consumption and no maintenance time is extremely difficult task. This paper presents an approach that combines authentication and bootstrapping protocol (TEPANOM) with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) framework optimized for the IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The solution achieves significant reduction of network resource usage. Additionally, by application of EAP header compacting approach, further network usage savings have been reached. The EAP-TEPANOM solution has achieved substantial reduction of 42% in the number of transferred packets and 35% reduction of the transferred data. By application of EAP header compaction, it has been possible to achieve up to 80% smaller EAP header. That comprises further reduction of transferred data for 3.84% for the EAP-TEPANOM method and 10% for the EAP-TLS-ECDSA based methods. The results have placed the EAP-TEPANOM method as one of the most lightweight EAP methods from ones that have been tested throughout this research, making it feasible for large scale deployments scenarios of IoT

    A Dynamic, Broad Spectrum Approach to Covert Channels

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    In most covert channel systems, bandwidth is sacrificed for covertness. By using a dynamic, broad spectrum approach it was possible to use multiple covert channels to create a larger pipeline for data transmission. This approach utilized a monitor to determine how much data the network would be able to support before suspicion would be drawn to the change in traffic utility. The system then dispersed this traffic to each protocol proportionately using their monitored utility as a guide. A feedback channel was also utilized to determine if channel transmissions were successful and disabled any channels for future use that the network security blocked. In this way, a robust channel system was created that also increased bandwidth of communication

    Data Quality Challenges in Net-Work Automation Systems Case Study of a Multinational Financial Services Corporation

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    With the emerging trends of IPv6 rollout, Bring Your Own Device, virtualization, cloud computing and the Internet of Things, corporations are continuously facing challenges regarding data collection and analysis processes for multiple purposes. These challenges can also be applied to network monitoring practices: available data is used not only to assess network capacity and latency, but to identify possible security breaches and bottlenecks in network performance. This study will focus on assessing the collected network data from a multinational financial services corporation on its quality and attempts to link the concept of network data quality with process automation of network management and monitoring. Information Technology (IT) can be perceived as the lifeblood within the financial services industry, yet within the discussed case study the corporation strives to cut down operational expenditures on IT by 2,5 to 5 percent. This study combines both theoretical and practical approaches by conducting a literature review followed by a case study of abovementioned financial organization. The literature review focuses on (a) the importance of data quality, (b) IP Address Management (IPAM), and (c) network monitoring practices. The case study discusses the implementation of a network automation solution powered by Infoblox hardware and software, which should be capable of scanning all devices in the network along with DHCP lease history while having the convenience of easy IP address management mapping. Their own defined monitoring maturity levels are also taken into consideration. Twelve data quality issues have been identified using the network data management platform during the timeline of the research which potentially hinder the network management lifecycle of monitoring, configuration, and deployment. While network management systems are not designed to identify, document, and repair data quality issues, representing the network’s performance in terms of capability, latency and behavior is dependent on data quality on the dimensions of completeness, timeliness and accuracy. The conclusion of the research is that the newly implemented network automation system has potential to achieve better decision-making for relevant stakeholders, and to eliminate business silos by centralizing network data to one platform, supporting business strategy on an operational, tactical, and strategic level; however, data quality is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome to achieve process automation and ultimately to achieve a passive network appliance monitoring system.siirretty Doriast
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