158,239 research outputs found

    Maintaining Replica Consistency Over Large-Scale Data Grid Using Update Propagation Technique

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    A Data Grid is an organized collection of nodes in a wide area network which contributes to various computation, storage data, and application. In Data Grid high numbers of users are distributed in a wide area environment which is dynamic and heterogeneous. Data management is one of the current issues where data transparency, consistency, fault-tolerance, automatic management and the performance are the user parameters in grid environment. Data management techniques must scale up while addressing autonomy, dynamicity and heterogeneity of the data resource. Data replication is a well known technique used to reduce accesses latency, improve availability and performance in a distributed computing environment. Replication introduces the problem of maintaining consistency among the replicas when files are allowed to be updated. The update information should be propagated to all replicas to guarantee correct read of the remote replicas. An asynchronous replication is a commonly agreed solution for the problem in consistency of replicas. A few studies have been done to maintain replica consistency in Data Grid. However, the introduced techniques are neither efficient nor scalable. They cannot be used in real Data Grid since the issues of large number of replica sites, large scale distribution, load balancing and site autonomy where the capability of grid site to join and leave the grid community at any time have not been addressed. This thesis proposes a new asynchronous replication protocol called Update Propagation Grid (UPG) to maintain replica consistency over a large scale data grid. In UPG the updates reach all on-line secondary replicas using a propagation technique based on nodes organized into a logical structure network in the form of two-dimensional grid structure. The proposed update propagation technique is a hybrid push-pull and dynamic technique that addresses the issues of site autonomy, efficiency, scalability, load balancing and fairness. A two performance analysis studies have been conducted to study the performance of the proposed technique in comparison with other techniques. First study involves mathematical and simulation analysis. Second study is based on Queuing Network Model. The result of the performance analysis shows that the proposed technique scales well with high number of replica sites and with high request loads. The result also shows the reduction on the average update reach time by 5% to 97%. Moreover the result shows that the proposed technique is capable of reaching load balancing while providing update propagation fairnes

    Managing data using neighbor replication on a triangular-grid structure.

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    Data is one of the domains in grid research that deals with the storage, replication, and management of large data sets in a distributed environment. The all-data-to-all sites replication scheme such as read-one write-all and tree grid structure (TGS) are the popular techniques being used for replication and management of data in this domain. However, these techniques have its weaknesses in terms of data storage capacity and also data access times due to some number of sites must ‘agree’ in common to execute certain transactions. In this paper, we propose the all-data-to-some-sites scheme called the neighbor replication on triangular grid (NRTG) technique by considering only neighbors have the replicated data, and thus, minimizes the storage capacity as well as high update availability. Also, the technique tolerates failures such as server failures, site failure or even network partitioning using remote procedure call (RPC)

    Implementation of AMI Systems in CFE-Distribution, Mexico

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    The Smart Grid concept has been conceived as the integration of the electrical grid (generation, transmission and distribution) and the communications network of an electric utility. Although, traditional communications interfaces, protocols and standards has been used in the electrical grid in an isolated manner, modern communications networks are considered as the fundamental enabling technologies within a Smart Grid environment. Emerging communications technologies, protocol architectures and standards can help to build a common communications network infrastructure for data transport between customer premises, power substations, power distribution systems, utility control centers and utility data centers. The Smart Grid will support traditional applications such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), distribution automation (DA), energy management systems (EMS), demand site management (DSM) and automated meter reading (AMR), etc., as well as new applications like advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), substation automation (SA), microgrids, distributed generation (DG), grid monitoring and control, data storage and analysis, among others. To make this possible, the Smart Grid requires a two-way wide area communications network between different dispersed areas, from generation to consumer premises. An AMI system uses communication technologies for smart meter reading several times a day to get data consumption of electricity, as well as sending outage alarm information and meter tampering almost in real time, from the meter to the control center. Currently, there are various communication technologies to implement AMI systems. This paper presents an overview of the most relevant communications technologies that can be used to implement AMI communications infrastructure such as neighborhood area networks (NAN), field area networks (FAN) and wide area networks (WAN) using different transmission media such as fiber optics, spread spectrum radio frequency, microwave, WiMax, Wi-Fi, ZigBee, cellular, and power line carrier. In addition, a review of the current state of various AMI projects around the world, including the progress in the implementation of AMI systems in Mexico, besides the evaluation performance of CFE´s AMI networks

    Data management in dynamic distributed computing environments

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    Data management in parallel computing systems is a broad and increasingly important research topic. As network speeds have surged, so too has the movement to transition storage and computation loads to wide-area network resources. The Grid, the Cloud, and Desktop Grids all represent different aspects of this movement towards highly-scalable, distributed, and utility computing. This dissertation contends that a peer-to-peer (P2P) networking paradigm is a natural match for data sharing within and between these heterogeneous network architectures. Peer-to-peer methods such as dynamic discovery, fault-tolerance, scalability, and ad-hoc security infrastructures provide excellent mappings for many of the requirements in today’s distributed computing environment. In recent years, volunteer Desktop Grids have seen a growth in data throughput as application areas expand and new problem sets emerge. These increasing data needs require storage networks that can scale to meet future demand while also facilitating expansion into new data-intensive research areas. Current practices are to mirror data from centralized locations, a technique that is not practical for growing data sets, dynamic projects, or data-intensive applications. The fusion of Desktop and Service Grids provides an ideal use-case to research peer-to-peer data distribution strategies in a hybrid environment. Desktop Grids have a data management gap, while integration with Service Grids raises new challenges with regard to cross-platform design. The work undertaken here is two-fold: first it explores how P2P techniques can be leveraged to meet the data management needs of Desktop Grids, and second, it shows how the same distribution paradigm can provide migration paths for Service Grid data. The result of this research is a Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Data-Intensive Cycle Sharing (ADICS) that is capable not only of distributing volunteer computing data, but also of providing a transitional platform and storage space for migrating Service Grid jobs to Desktop Grid environments

    Survey and Analysis of Production Distributed Computing Infrastructures

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    This report has two objectives. First, we describe a set of the production distributed infrastructures currently available, so that the reader has a basic understanding of them. This includes explaining why each infrastructure was created and made available and how it has succeeded and failed. The set is not complete, but we believe it is representative. Second, we describe the infrastructures in terms of their use, which is a combination of how they were designed to be used and how users have found ways to use them. Applications are often designed and created with specific infrastructures in mind, with both an appreciation of the existing capabilities provided by those infrastructures and an anticipation of their future capabilities. Here, the infrastructures we discuss were often designed and created with specific applications in mind, or at least specific types of applications. The reader should understand how the interplay between the infrastructure providers and the users leads to such usages, which we call usage modalities. These usage modalities are really abstractions that exist between the infrastructures and the applications; they influence the infrastructures by representing the applications, and they influence the ap- plications by representing the infrastructures