23 research outputs found

    Symmetry-Adapted Machine Learning for Information Security

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    Symmetry-adapted machine learning has shown encouraging ability to mitigate the security risks in information and communication technology (ICT) systems. It is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that relies on the principles of processing future events by learning past events or historical data. The autonomous nature of symmetry-adapted machine learning supports effective data processing and analysis for security detection in ICT systems without the interference of human authorities. Many industries are developing machine-learning-adapted solutions to support security for smart hardware, distributed computing, and the cloud. In our Special Issue book, we focus on the deployment of symmetry-adapted machine learning for information security in various application areas. This security approach can support effective methods to handle the dynamic nature of security attacks by extraction and analysis of data to identify hidden patterns of data. The main topics of this Issue include malware classification, an intrusion detection system, image watermarking, color image watermarking, battlefield target aggregation behavior recognition model, IP camera, Internet of Things (IoT) security, service function chain, indoor positioning system, and crypto-analysis

    Mustererkennungsbasierte Verteidgung gegen gezielte Angriffe

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    The speed at which everything and everyone is being connected considerably outstrips the rate at which effective security mechanisms are introduced to protect them. This has created an opportunity for resourceful threat actors which have specialized in conducting low-volume persistent attacks through sophisticated techniques that are tailored to specific valuable targets. Consequently, traditional approaches are rendered ineffective against targeted attacks, creating an acute need for innovative defense mechanisms. This thesis aims at supporting the security practitioner in bridging this gap by introducing a holistic strategy against targeted attacks that addresses key challenges encountered during the phases of detection, analysis and response. The structure of this thesis is therefore aligned to these three phases, with each one of its central chapters taking on a particular problem and proposing a solution built on a strong foundation on pattern recognition and machine learning. In particular, we propose a detection approach that, in the absence of additional authentication mechanisms, allows to identify spear-phishing emails without relying on their content. Next, we introduce an analysis approach for malware triage based on the structural characterization of malicious code. Finally, we introduce MANTIS, an open-source platform for authoring, sharing and collecting threat intelligence, whose data model is based on an innovative unified representation for threat intelligence standards based on attributed graphs. As a whole, these ideas open new avenues for research on defense mechanisms and represent an attempt to counteract the imbalance between resourceful actors and society at large.In unserer heutigen Welt sind alle und alles miteinander vernetzt. Dies bietet mächtigen Angreifern die Möglichkeit, komplexe Verfahren zu entwickeln, die auf spezifische Ziele angepasst sind. Traditionelle Ansätze zur Bekämpfung solcher Angriffe werden damit ineffektiv, was die Entwicklung innovativer Methoden unabdingbar macht. Die vorliegende Dissertation verfolgt das Ziel, den Sicherheitsanalysten durch eine umfassende Strategie gegen gezielte Angriffe zu unterstützen. Diese Strategie beschäftigt sich mit den hauptsächlichen Herausforderungen in den drei Phasen der Erkennung und Analyse von sowie der Reaktion auf gezielte Angriffe. Der Aufbau dieser Arbeit orientiert sich daher an den genannten drei Phasen. In jedem Kapitel wird ein Problem aufgegriffen und eine entsprechende Lösung vorgeschlagen, die stark auf maschinellem Lernen und Mustererkennung basiert. Insbesondere schlagen wir einen Ansatz vor, der eine Identifizierung von Spear-Phishing-Emails ermöglicht, ohne ihren Inhalt zu betrachten. Anschliessend stellen wir einen Analyseansatz für Malware Triage vor, der auf der strukturierten Darstellung von Code basiert. Zum Schluss stellen wir MANTIS vor, eine Open-Source-Plattform für Authoring, Verteilung und Sammlung von Threat Intelligence, deren Datenmodell auf einer innovativen konsolidierten Graphen-Darstellung für Threat Intelligence Stardards basiert. Wir evaluieren unsere Ansätze in verschiedenen Experimenten, die ihren potentiellen Nutzen in echten Szenarien beweisen. Insgesamt bereiten diese Ideen neue Wege für die Forschung zu Abwehrmechanismen und erstreben, das Ungleichgewicht zwischen mächtigen Angreifern und der Gesellschaft zu minimieren

    A Security Situation Awareness Approach for IoT Software Chain Based on Markov Game Model

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    Since Internet of Things (IoT) has been widely used in our daily life nowadays, it is regarded as a promising and popular application of the Internet, and has attracted more and more attention. However, IoT is also suffered by some security problems which seriously affect the implementation of IoT system. Similar to traditional software, IoT software is always threated by many vulnerabilities, thus how to evaluate the security situation of IoT software chain becomes a basic requirement. In this paper, A framework of security situation awareness for IoT software chain is proposed, which mainly includes two processes: IoT security situation classification based on support vector machine and security situation awareness based on Markov game model. The proposed method firstly constructs a classification model using support vector machine (IoT) to automatically evaluates the security situation of IoT software chain. Based on the situation classification, we further proposed to adopt Markov model to simulate and predict the next behaviors of participants that involved in IoT system. Additionally, we have designed and developed a security situation awareness system for IoT software chain, the developed system supports the detection of typical IoT vulnerabilities and inherits more than 20 vulnerability detection methods, which shows great potential in IoT system protection

    Dynamics of Information Distribution on Social Media Platforms during Disasters

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    abstract: When preparing for and responding to disasters, humanitarian organizations must run effective and efficient supply chains to deliver the resources needed by the affected population. The management of humanitarian supply chains include coordinating the flows of goods, finances, and information. This dissertation examines how humanitarian organizations can improve the distribution of information, which is critical for the planning and coordination of the other two flows. Specifically, I study the diffusion of information on social media platforms since such platforms have emerged as useful communication tools for humanitarian organizations during times of crisis. In the first chapter, I identify several factors that affect how quickly information spreads on social media platforms. I utilized Twitter data from Hurricane Sandy, and the results indicate that the timing of information release and the influence of the content’s author determine information diffusion speed. The second chapter of this dissertation builds directly on the first study by also evaluating the rate at which social media content diffuses. A piece of content does not diffuse in isolation but, rather, coexists with other content on the same social media platform. After analyzing Twitter data from four distinct crises, the results indicate that other content’s diffusion often dampens a specific post’s diffusion speed. This is important for humanitarian organizations to recognize and carries implications for how they can coordinate with other organizations to avoid inhibiting the propagation of each other’s social media content. Finally, a user’s followers on social media platforms represent the user’s direct audience. The larger the user’s follower base, the more easily the same user can extensively broadcast information. Therefore, I study what drives the growth of humanitarian organizations’ follower bases during times of normalcy and emergency using Twitter data from one week before and one week after the 2016 Ecuador earthquake.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Business Administration 201

    Towards Semantic Clone Detection, Benchmarking, and Evaluation

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    Developers copy and paste their code to speed up the development process. Sometimes, they copy code from other systems or look up code online to solve a complex problem. Developers reuse copied code with or without modifications. The resulting similar or identical code fragments are called code clones. Sometimes clones are unintentionally written when a developer implements the same or similar functionality. Even when the resulting code fragments are not textually similar but implement the same functionality they are still considered to be clones and are classified as semantic clones. Semantic clones are defined as code fragments that perform the exact same computation and are implemented using different syntax. Software cloning research indicates that code clones exist in all software systems; on average, 5% to 20% of software code is cloned. Due to the potential impact of clones, whether positive or negative, it is essential to locate, track, and manage clones in the source code. Considerable research has been conducted on all types of code clones, including clone detection, analysis, management, and evaluation. Despite the great interest in code clones, there has been considerably less work conducted on semantic clones. As described in this thesis, I advance the state-of-the-art in semantic clone research in several ways. First, I conducted an empirical study to investigate the status of code cloning in and across open-source game systems and the effectiveness of different normalization, filtering, and transformation techniques for detecting semantic clones. Second, I developed an approach to detect clones across .NET programming languages using an intermediate language. Third, I developed a technique using an intermediate language and an ontology to detect semantic clones. Fourth, I mined Stack Overflow answers to build a semantic code clone benchmark that represents real semantic code clones in four programming languages, C, C#, Java, and Python. Fifth, I defined a comprehensive taxonomy that identifies semantic clone types. Finally, I implemented an injection framework that uses the benchmark to compare and evaluate semantic code clone detectors by automatically measuring recall

    ChimeRScope: a novel alignment-free algorithm for fusion gene prediction using paired-end short reads

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    Fusion genes are those that result from the fusion of two or more genes, and they are typically generated due to the perturbations in the genome structure in cancer cells. In turn, fusion genes can contribute to tumor formation and progression by promoting the expression of an oncogene, deregulation of a tumor-suppressor, or producing much more active abnormal proteins. More importantly, oncogenic fusion genes are specifically expressed in the tumor cells, which provide enormous diagnostic and therapeutic advantages for cancer treatment. With the development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, RNA-Seq becomes increasingly popular for transcriptomic study because of its high sensitivity and the capability of detecting novel transcripts including fusion genes. To date, many fusion gene detection tools have been developed, most of which attempt to find reliable alignment evidence for chimeric transcripts from RNA-Seq data. It is well accepted that the alignment quality of sequencing reads against the reference genome is often limited when significant differences in the genomes exist, which is the case with cancer genomes that contain many genomic perturbations and structural variations. Hence, regions where fusion genes occur in the cancer genome tend to be largely different from those in the reference genome, which prevents the alignment-based fusion gene detection methods from achieving good accuracies. We developed a tool called ChimeRScope. ChimeRScope, being an alignment-free method, bypasses the sequence alignment step by assessing the gene fingerprint profiles (in the form of k-mers) from RNA-Seq paired-end reads for fusion gene prediction (Chapter Two). We also optimized the data structure and ChimeRScope algorithms, in order to overcome the common limitations (memory-utilization, low accuracies) that are commonly seen in alignment-free methods (Chapter Two). Results on simulated datasets, previously studied cancer RNA-Seq datasets, and experimental validations on in-house datasets have shown that ChimeRScope consistently performed better than other popular alignment-based methods irrespective of the read length and depth of sequencing coverage (Chapter Three). ChimeRScope also generates graphical outputs for illustrations of the fusion patterns. Lastly, we also developed downloadable software for ChimeRScope and implemented an online data analysis server using the Galaxy platform (Chapter Four). ChimeRScope is available at https://github.com/ChimeRScope/ChimeRScope/

    Malgazer: An Automated Malware Classifier With Running Window Entropy and Machine Learning

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    This dissertation explores functional malware classification using running window entropy and machine learning classifiers. This topic was under researched in the prior literature, but the implications are important for malware defense. This dissertation will present six new design science artifacts. The first artifact was a generalized machine learning based malware classifier model. This model was used to categorize and explain the gaps in the prior literature. This artifact was also used to compare the prior literature to the classifiers created in this dissertation, herein referred to as “Malgazer” classifiers. Running window entropy data was required, but the algorithm was too slow to compute at scale. This dissertation presents an optimized version of the algorithm that requires less than 2% of the time of the original algorithm. Next, the classifications for the malware samples were required, but there was no one unified and consistent source for this information. One of the design science artifacts was the method to determine the classifications from publicly available resources. Once the running window entropy data was computed and the functional classifications were collected, the machine learning algorithms were trained at scale so that one individual could complete over 200 computationally intensive experiments for this dissertation. The method to scale the computations was an instantiation design science artifact. The trained classifiers were another design science artifact. Lastly, a web application was developed so that the classifiers could be utilized by those without a programming background. This was the last design science artifact created by this research. Once the classifiers were developed, they were compared to prior literature theoretically and empirically. A malware classification method from prior literature was chosen (referred to herein as “GIST”) for an empirical comparison to the Malgazer classifiers. The best Malgazer classifier produced an accuracy of approximately 95%, which was around 0.76% more accurate than the GIST method on the same data sets. Then, the Malgazer classifier was compared to the prior literature theoretically, based upon the empirical analysis with GIST, and Malgazer performed at least as well as the prior literature. While the data, methods, and source code are open sourced from this research, most prior literature did not provide enough information or data to replicate and verify each method. This prevented a full and true comparison to prior literature, but it did not prevent recommending the Malgazer classifier for some use cases

    Internet censorship in the European Union

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Internetzensur innnerhalb der EU, und hier insbesondere mit der technischen Umsetzung, das heißt mit den angewandten Sperrmethoden und Filterinfrastrukturen, in verschiedenen EU-Ländern. Neben einer Darstellung einiger Methoden und Infrastrukturen wird deren Nutzung zur Informationskontrolle und die Sperrung des Zugangs zu Websites und anderen im Internet verfügbaren Netzdiensten untersucht. Die Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert. Zunächst werden Fälle von Internetzensur in verschiedenen EU-Ländern untersucht, insbesondere in Griechenland, Zypern und Spanien. Anschließend wird eine neue Testmethodik zur Ermittlung der Zensur mittels einiger Anwendungen, welche in mobilen Stores erhältlich sind, vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus werden alle 27 EU-Länder anhand historischer Netzwerkmessungen, die von freiwilligen Nutzern von OONI aus der ganzen Welt gesammelt wurden, öffentlich zugänglichen Blocklisten der EU-Mitgliedstaaten und Berichten von Netzwerkregulierungsbehörden im jeweiligen Land analysiert.This is a thesis on Internet censorship in the European Union (EU), specifically regarding the technical implementation of blocking methodologies and filtering infrastructure in various EU countries. The analysis examines the use of this infrastructure for information controls and the blocking of access to websites and other network services available on the Internet. The thesis follows a three-part structure. Firstly, it examines the cases of Internet censorship in various EU countries, specifically Greece, Cyprus, and Spain. Subsequently, this paper presents a new testing methodology for determining censorship of mobile store applications. Additionally, it analyzes all 27 EU countries using historical network measurements collected by Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) volunteers from around the world, publicly available blocklists used by EU member states, and reports issued by network regulators in each country