175,556 research outputs found

    Network Analysis of the French Environmental Code

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the network constituted by the citations in a legal code, we search for hidden structures and properties. The graph associated to the Environmental code has a small-world structure and it is partitioned in several hidden communities of articles that only partially coincide with the organization of the code as given by its table of content. Several articles are also connected with a low number of articles but are intermediate between large communities. The structure of the Environmental Code is contrasting with the reference network of all the French Legal Codes that presents a rich-club of ten codes very central to the whole French legal system, but no small-world property. This comparison shows that the structural properties of the reference network associated to a legal system strongly depends on the scale and granularity of the analysis, as is the case for many complex systemsComment: AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems (AICOL 2009), Rotterdam : Netherlands (2009

    Developing a comparative marine socio-economic framework for the European Atlantic Area

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    Availability and easy access to a wide range of natural and human-activity data on the oceans and coastal regions of Europe is the basis for strategic decision-making on coastal and marine policy. Strategies within Europe’s Integrated Maritime Policy, including the Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic Area, Blue Growth, Maritime Spatial Planning and Marine Data and Knowledge, require coherent and comparable socio-economic data across European countries. Similarly, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires member states to carry out economic and social analysis of their waters and the reformed Common Fisheries Policy includes a social dimension requiring socio-economic data. However, the availability of consistent, accessible marine socio-economic data for the European Atlantic Arc regions is limited. Ocean economy studies have been undertaken in some countries (for example, Ireland, France, and UK) but timescales and methodologies are not necessarily comparable. Marnet is an EU transnational co-operation project involving eight partners from five member states of the Atlantic Area (Ireland, Spain, UK, France and Portugal). Marnet has developed a methodology to collate comparable marine socio-economic data across the Atlantic regions. The comparative marine socio-economic information system developed by Marnet could provide a template for other European States to follow that could potentially facilitate the construction of a Europe-wide marine economic information system as envisaged under the EU Integrated Maritime Policy

    Adaptive Resonance: An Emerging Neural Theory of Cognition

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    Adaptive resonance is a theory of cognitive information processing which has been realized as a family of neural network models. In recent years, these models have evolved to incorporate new capabilities in the cognitive, neural, computational, and technological domains. Minimal models provide a conceptual framework, for formulating questions about the nature of cognition; an architectural framework, for mapping cognitive functions to cortical regions; a semantic framework, for precisely defining terms; and a computational framework, for testing hypotheses. These systems are here exemplified by the distributed ART (dART) model, which generalizes localist ART systems to allow arbitrarily distributed code representations, while retaining basic capabilities such as stable fast learning and scalability. Since each component is placed in the context of a unified real-time system, analysis can move from the level of neural processes, including learning laws and rules of synaptic transmission, to cognitive processes, including attention and consciousness. Local design is driven by global functional constraints, with each network synthesizing a dynamic balance of opposing tendencies. The self-contained working ART and dART models can also be transferred to technology, in areas that include remote sensing, sensor fusion, and content-addressable information retrieval from large databases.Office of Naval Research and the defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-1-95-0657); National Institutes of Health (20-316-4304-5

    Pacioli 16 : changing agricultural markets: consequences for FADN

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    The PACIOLI network explores the need for and feasibility of innovation in farm accounting and its consequences for data gathering for policy analysis in Farm Accountancy Data Networks (FADNs). PACIOLI 16 took place in Zagreb, Croatia in June 2008. The theme of the workshop was 'Changing agricultural markets: Consequences for FADN'

    An Evaluation of the Knight International Journalism Fellowships

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    Reviews the achievements of 2007-10 fellows, including government policy changes in response to reporting, networks and educational institutions created, and new funding leveraged; the projects' sustainability and attainment of goals; and lessons learned

    International crop trade networks: The impact of shocks and cascades

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    Analyzing available FAO data from 176 countries over 21 years, we observe an increase of complexity in the international trade of maize, rice, soy, and wheat. A larger number of countries play a role as producers or intermediaries, either for trade or food processing. In consequence, we find that the trade networks become more prone to failure cascades caused by exogenous shocks. In our model, countries compensate for demand deficits by imposing export restrictions. To capture these, we construct higher-order trade dependency networks for the different crops and years. These networks reveal hidden dependencies between countries and allow to discuss policy implications