220,681 research outputs found

    Social Networks In The Classroom: Personality Factors As Antecedents Of Student Social Capital

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    This study examines personality factors as antecedents of student social capital. We hypothesize relationships between two constructs taken from the five-factor model of personality (agreeableness and extraversion) and two variables that reflect a student’s social capital (quantity of ties and strength of ties) in an academic setting. Analysis of roster-based, sociometric data suggests that agreeableness is associated with higher quantity of ties, but not higher tie strength. In contrast, extraversion is linked to higher tie strength, but not higher overall network size. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of student social capital for educational research and practice

    Relationship Between Online and Offline Social Capital: Evidence from a Social Network Site in China

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    This study explores the impact of Social Network Sites (SNSs) usage on the formation of online bridging and bonding social capital, and the relationship between online and offline social capital. It is hypothesized that use of SNSs forms online social capital and online and offline social capital are positively correlated. A Chinese SNS, Renren, is studied specifically. Social capital scales and personality measures were adapted from existing literature to develop a questionnaire and a survey of 183 students was conducted in a university in China. Regression analyses suggest a strong positive relation between use of SNSs and online bridging social capital. Online social capital is demonstrated to be positively correlated with offline social capital. User extraversion is shown to predict certain use behaviors but its interaction effect with SNSs usage is not significant. Discussions about the theoretical and practical implications of the findings are provided

    Modal Politik dan Modal Sosial Athari Gauthi Ardi Pada Kemenangan Pemilu Legislatif Tahun 2019 di Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    In the 2019 legislative elections in West Sumatra, social capital and political capital are one of the ways in which actors can compete with their political opponents, in order to attract the attention of the public to support it. Birner and Witmer state that the concept of political capital makes it possible to study local communities using social capital to achieve political goals, and Bourdieu also said that social capital is in the form of actual and potential resources owned by someone from an institutionalized and ongoing social network that provide collective support for its members. The focus of this study is to explain how Athari Gauthi Ardi used Political Capital and Social Capital as a tool to win himself in political contestation in the 2019 legislative elections. Parental power used by Athari Gauthi Ardi to win the 2019 legislative elections in West Sumatra. Researchers' assumptions emerge that one of Athari Gauthi Ardi's capitals is political capital owned by his parents. The purpose of this study is to determine the political capital and social capital utilized by Athari Gauthi Ardi in the 2019 legislative elections and the relationship between political capital and social capital to Athari Gauthi Ardi's victory in the 2019 legislative general election. This study used study case qualitative methods. The results of this study indicate that Athari Gauthi Ardi has sufficient capital, such as : (1) Parent's network and Ali Mukhni's network are used by Athari Gauthi Ardi. (2) Political support obtained by Athari Gauthi Ardi from the community, religious and traditional leaders, the PAN Party, and regional cadres from the West Sumatra of PAN party. (3) Athari Gauthi Ardi was  intelligent woman with a tough personality, diligent and also can mingle with the community. (4) As well as sufficient economic capital owned by Athari Gauthi Ardi and his parents, who is a successful businessman

    Influence of social capital on inter-firm knowledge transfer: a qualitative study of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of Philosophy.This thesis explores the influence of social capital on knowledge transfer among Nigerian Small Medium scale Enterprises’ (SME) managers. It aimed to address a number of important gaps recognized in the literature, particularly because there is limited research in this area as regards developing countries in disparity to developed countries. Specifically, the study attempts to shed light on how Nigerian SME managers perceive social capital, how social capital develops in Nigerian SMEs, how Nigerian SME managers transfer knowledge among each other and how social capital influences knowledge transfer within the context of Nigerian SMEs. Extant literature has focused more on how social capital influences knowledge transfer within the context of multinational corporations in developed economies with limited focus on SMEs and specifically, SME managers in developing ones. This study contributes to addressing this critical gap in literature by adopting an SME perspective to exploring how social capital influences knowledge transfer among Nigerian SME managers. A qualitative research method is adopted, involving semi-structured interviews of 26 Nigerian SME managers in Nigeria. Thematic analysis has been conducted using NVivo to identify relevant themes and subthemes in relation to the focus of the study. A conceptual framework was developed to illustrate how Nigerian SME managers develop social capital by leveraging on building synergy, attending business events, deliberately targeting proven knowledge sources, developing passionate personality, leveraging on shared values, volunteering and referrals. However, for SME managers to develop social capital, they must initiate interaction, position themselves to be seen and find ways to network. This conceptual framework not only highlights how Nigerian SME managers perceive social capital, it went further to highlight the different social capital triggers from the perspective of Nigerian SME managers. 5 Overall, this study reveals that weak ties can also access tacit knowledge transfer, if the knowledge seeker leverages on referrals which provide the privileges of strong ties. Moreover, this study found that tacit knowledge can be transferred in a large network with weak ties when the nature of the discussion is intense. This happens among SME managers in large WhatsApp groups, where SME managers barely know each other

    The Effect of Social Capital of Entrepreneurs in Entrepreneurial Process

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    Abstract. when many entrepreneurial processes framework identify the role of networking as important part at the start-up development stage, this study have extended the concept of networking and embraced it in the concept of individual social capital of entrepreneurs. However, much of literature on measuring social capital has focused on the quantity of social capital rather than quality made by it. This study will focus and seek to expand the depth and richness of social capital during new venture creation and later identifying the effect of individual social capital in entrepreneurial process. to expand and specify the richness of individual social capital during venture creation, Timmons Model of Entrepreneurial process are used. It considers opportunity, team, and resources as three components for successful new business, and later associate it with Bonding and Bridging and Linking Social Capital of Entrepreneur. The research is mainly expected to provide insight for the business founders and nascent entrepreneurs, help them facing the challenges in starting and running the business, so that they can aware the important of good network and relationship during entrepreneurial process. The focus is to describe how individual social capital of entrepreneur’s networks can affect their own business. This study only considers social capital in individual level and ignore social capital on collective level. This study uses qualitative approach and conducts semi-structured interview with 10 entrepreneurs operating on various industry and various background in Bandung to enhance the Social Capital variety of this study. The Result of This Study shows that individual social capital playing major role during entrepreneurial process. having family and close friends in business, and as well encouragement from family and close friends are strongly associated with successful nascent outcomes. the good social capital of founder’s will be result in better business. We also found as the company grow bigger, the result looks indicate that bridging social capital and linking social capital increasingly become more important, it reveal that bridging social capital connection of entrepreneur’s link it into specific networking and knowledge which may be not available in Bonding Social Capital ties. Overall, Individual social capital exists and affecting entrepreneur’s entrepreneurial process conscious or unconsciously. Suggestion for future research regarding this topic is qualitative study that including personality and environment and relationship or correlation between individual social capital in opportunity, team, and resource aspect of new venture creation. Keywords: Individual Social Capital, Nascent Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Process, Start-upÂ

    Nurturing User Creative Performance in Social Media Networks: An Integration of Habit of Use with Social Capital and Information Exchange Theories

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    [[abstract]]Purpose – Creative performance relies on the capability of developing and presenting an original concept or idea, and the collaborative production of creative content which enhances feeling of connection with others and formation of strong community. The purpose of this paper is to apply the theory of work performance containing four dimensions (capacity, opportunities, willingness, and performance) to investigate how the capabilities of social network sites enhance user creative performance through collective social capital and information capital (opportunities) for and individual habit of use (willingness) of the user to engage in social learning process. Design/methodology/approach – Many measurement items are adapted from the literature, except those measuring the constructs of social media capabilities (i.e. transmission velocity (TV), parallelism, symbol sets, rehearsability, and reprocessability) and user creative performance. The study uses survey method to collect data from social media network (SMN) users in Taiwan. Facebook is chosen as the source because it is the most prevalent and sophisticated social media platform that provides a home for users to interact and communicate. Structural equation modeling with partial least square is used to analyze the usable data collected from 533 Facebook users. Findings – The results show that the constructs are significantly and positively correlated, meaning that social media capabilities enable social capital, information capital, and habit of use to improve user creative performance in SMNs. Three out of five social media capabilities (i.e. TV, parallelism, and rehearsability) are identified as the key enablers. Research limitations/implications – Because of the sampled surveyed subjects and the single research method, there are some limitations in this study. The research results may lack generalizability that should be taken into account when they are interpreted. The authors encourage researchers to test the proposed theoretical model further with additional subjects, variables, and linkages. Practical implications – The findings of this research shed light for managers of SMN platforms on how to manage the platforms more effectively. A healthy SMN platform must implement at least these three media capabilities: the functions of news feed (i.e. TV), chat (i.e. parallelism), edit (i.e. rehearsability), in order to sustain its service. Social implications – This study confirmed that user creative performance can be increased in various ways through social capital, information capital, and habit of use. Company management should use SMNs (e.g. Facebook or Twitter) to enable employees to interact and exchange ideas and promote “coopetition” among employees across the company. If the organizational culture supports free expression of ideas and sharing of opinions, the development and robustness of group creativity can be enhanced, leading to higher competitive advantage for a company against its competitors. Originality/value – Past studies related to individual creativity have mostly discussed it as a personality trait or talent; yet, personality trait or talent is implicit until it is shown by one’s behavior. Thus, for the collective performance of user creativity on SMNs, the authors elicit individual creativity through the creative performance manifested by user behavior. Furthermore, the authors confirm that social capital, information capital, and habit of use are the critical antecedents of user creative performance, and that the five social media capabilities are the enablers of social capital, information capital, and habit of use on SMNs.[[notice]]補正完

    The Effect of Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing on Innovation Capability

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    This research examines social capital and knowledge sharing effect on innovation capability among lectures in universities. Social capital was analyzed using three constructs, namely trust, norm and network. While knowledge sharing was broken down into two variables, namely knowledge collecting and knowledge donating. Innovation capability was explained on an individual level based on personality, behavioral and output perspectives.The research model and hypotheses were developed from the literature. Data collection is conducted through a survey on lecturers of private universities in Surabaya. The obtained data from the questionnaires were analyzed with the Partial Least Square (PLS) to investigate the research model. The results suggest that social capital significantly influences innovation capability, while high level of knowledge collecting and knowledge donating can lead to high level of innovation capability. This study offer a foundation to analyze relationships between social capital, knowledge-sharing process, consist of knowledge collecting and knowledge donating, and innovation capability
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