14 research outputs found

    Can NSEC5 be practical for DNSSEC deployments?

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    NSEC5 is proposed modification to DNSSEC that simultaneously guarantees two security properties: (1) privacy against offline zone enumeration, and (2) integrity of zone contents, even if an adversary compromises the authoritative nameserver responsible for responding to DNS queries for the zone. This paper redesigns NSEC5 to make it both practical and performant. Our NSEC5 redesign features a new fast verifiable random function (VRF) based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), along with a cryptographic proof of its security. This VRF is also of independent interest, as it is being standardized by the IETF and being used by several other projects. We show how to integrate NSEC5 using our ECC-based VRF into the DNSSEC protocol, leveraging precomputation to improve performance and DNS protocol-level optimizations to shorten responses. Next, we present the first full-fledged implementation of NSEC5—extending widely-used DNS software to present a nameserver and recursive resolver that support NSEC5—and evaluate their performance under aggressive DNS query loads. Our performance results indicate that our redesigned NSEC5 can be viable even for high-throughput scenarioshttps://eprint.iacr.org/2017/099.pdfFirst author draf

    NSEC5 from Elliptic Curves: Provably Preventing DNSSEC Zone Enumeration with Shorter Responses

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    While DNSSEC securely provides authenticity and integrity to the domain name system (DNS), it also creates a new security vulnerability called zone enumeration that allows an adversary that asks a small number of targeted DNS queries to learn the IP addresses of all domain names in a zone. An enumerated zone can be used as \u27\u27a source of probable e-mail addresses for spam, or as a key for multiple WHOIS queries to reveal registrant data that many registries may have legal obligations to protect\u27\u27 [RFC 5155] (e.g., per EU data protection laws), or to create a toehold for more complex attacks. As the Internet of things becomes increasingly ubiquitous, it also becomes increasingly important to keep the names and addresses of these \u27\u27things\u27\u27 (e.g., thermostats, fridges, baby monitors) away from remote attackers. In previous work we solved DNSSEC\u27s zone enumeration problem by introducing NSEC5, a cryptographic construction based on RSA digital signatures. NSEC5 provides authenticated denial of existence, i.e., it is used to answer DNS queries that have negative responses (e.g., NXDOMAIN). RSA-based NSEC5 was recently submitted for specification in an Internet draft [draft-vcelak-nsec5-01], and a working implementation of a nameserver that supports RSA-based NSEC5 is also available [https://github.com/dipapado/nsec5-implementation]. However, recent years have seen the DNSSEC community aiming to replace RSA with elliptic curve cryptography (EC), in order to shorten the length of DNSSEC responses. Therefore, in this paper we present a new variant of NSEC5 that uses elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) to produce shorter NSEC5 responses. If a zone is signed with ECDSA at the 128-bit security level and also uses our new ECC-based NSEC5 scheme, its denial-of-existence responses (response code NXDOMAIN) will be about 2 times shorter than that a zone signed with 2048-bit RSA and RSA-based NSEC5. Moreover, our ECC-based NSEC5 has responses lengths that are comparable to NSEC3, DNSSEC\u27s current authenticated-denial-of-existence mechanism that is vulnerable to zone enumeration via offline dictionary attacks. In fact, if a zone signed with ECDSA at the 128-bit security level also uses our new ECC-based NSEC5 scheme, it will have responses that are shorter than a zone using NSEC3 with 1024-bit RSA and SHA1 (for an 80-bit security level), which is today\u27s dominant deployment configuration

    The Impact of DNSSEC on the Internet Landscape

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    In this dissertation we investigate the security deficiencies of the Domain Name System (DNS) and assess the impact of the DNSSEC security extensions. DNS spoofing attacks divert an application to the wrong server, but are also used routinely for blocking access to websites. We provide evidence for systematic DNS spoofing in China and Iran with measurement-based analyses, which allow us to examine the DNS spoofing filters from vantage points outside of the affected networks. Third-parties in other countries can be affected inadvertently by spoofing-based domain filtering, which could be averted with DNSSEC. The security goals of DNSSEC are data integrity and authenticity. A point solution called NSEC3 adds a privacy assertion to DNSSEC, which is supposed to prevent disclosure of the domain namespace as a whole. We present GPU-based attacks on the NSEC3 privacy assertion, which allow efficient recovery of the namespace contents. We demonstrate with active measurements that DNSSEC has found wide adoption after initial hesitation. At server-side, there are more than five million domains signed with DNSSEC. A portion of them is insecure due to insufficient cryptographic key lengths or broken due to maintenance failures. At client-side, we have observed a worldwide increase of DNSSEC validation over the last three years, though not necessarily on the last mile. Deployment of DNSSEC validation on end hosts is impaired by intermediate caching components, which degrade the availability of DNSSEC. However, intermediate caches contribute to the performance and scalability of the Domain Name System, as we show with trace-driven simulations. We suggest that validating end hosts utilize intermediate caches by default but fall back to autonomous name resolution in case of DNSSEC failures.In dieser Dissertation werden die Sicherheitsdefizite des Domain Name Systems (DNS) untersucht und die Auswirkungen der DNSSEC-Sicherheitserweiterungen bewertet. DNS-Spoofing hat den Zweck eine Anwendung zum falschen Server umzuleiten, wird aber auch regelmäßig eingesetzt, um den Zugang zu Websites zu sperren. Durch messbasierte Analysen wird in dieser Arbeit die systematische Durchführung von DNS-Spoofing-Angriffen in China und im Iran belegt, wobei sich die Messpunkte außerhalb der von den Sperrfiltern betroffenen Netzwerke befinden. Es wird gezeigt, dass Dritte in anderen Ländern durch die Spoofing-basierten Sperrfilter unbeabsichtigt beeinträchtigt werden können, was mit DNSSEC verhindert werden kann. Die Sicherheitsziele von DNSSEC sind Datenintegrität und Authentizität. Die NSEC3-Erweiterung sichert zudem die Privatheit des Domainnamensraums, damit die Inhalte eines DNSSEC-Servers nicht in Gänze ausgelesen werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden GPU-basierte Angriffsmethoden auf die von NSEC3 zugesicherte Privatheit vorgestellt, die eine effiziente Wiederherstellung des Domainnamensraums ermöglichen. Ferner wird mit aktiven Messmethoden die Verbreitung von DNSSEC untersucht, die nach anfänglicher Zurückhaltung deutlich zugenommen hat. Auf der Serverseite gibt es mehr als fünf Millionen mit DNSSEC signierte Domainnamen. Ein Teil davon ist aufgrund von unzureichenden kryptographischen Schlüssellängen unsicher, ein weiterer Teil zudem aufgrund von Wartungsfehlern nicht mit DNSSEC erreichbar. Auf der Clientseite ist der Anteil der DNSSEC-Validierung in den letzten drei Jahren weltweit gestiegen. Allerdings ist hierbei offen, ob die Validierung nahe bei den Endgeräten stattfindet, um unvertraute Kommunikationspfade vollständig abzusichern. Der Einsatz von DNSSEC-Validierung auf Endgeräten wird durch zwischengeschaltete DNS-Cache-Komponenten erschwert, da hierdurch die Verfügbarkeit von DNSSEC beeinträchtigt wird. Allerdings tragen zwischengeschaltete Caches zur Performance und Skalierbarkeit des Domain Name Systems bei, wie in dieser Arbeit mit messbasierten Simulationen gezeigt wird. Daher sollten Endgeräte standardmäßig die vorhandene DNS-Infrastruktur nutzen, bei Validierungsfehlern jedoch selbständig die DNSSEC-Zielserver anfragen, um im Cache gespeicherte, fehlerhafte DNS-Antworten zu umgehen

    Internet-Wide Evaluations of Security and Vulnerabilities

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    The Internet significantly impacts the world culture. Since the beginning, it is a multilayered system, which is even gaining more protocols year by year. At its core, remains the Internet protocol suite, where the fundamental protocols such as IPv4, TCP/UDP, DNS are initially introduced. Recently, more and more cross-layer attacks involving features in multiple layers are reported. To better understand these attacks, e.g. how practical they are and how many users are vulnerable, Internet-wide evaluations are essential. In this cumulative thesis, we summarise our findings from various Internet-wide evaluations in recent years, with a main focus on DNS. Our evaluations showed that IP fragmentation poses a practical threat to DNS security, regardless of the transport protocol (TCP or UDP). Defense mechanisms such as DNS Response Rate Limiting could facilitate attacks on DNS, even if they are designed to protect DNS. We also extended the evaluations to a fundamental system which heavily relies on DNS, the web PKI. We found that Certificate Authorities suffered a lot from previous DNS vulnerabilities. We demonstrated that off-path attackers could hijack accounts at major CAs and manipulate resources there, with various DNS cache poisoning attacks. The Domain Validation procedure faces similar vulnerabilities. Even the latest Multiple-Validation-Agent DV could be downgraded and poisoned. On the other side, we also performed Internet-wide evaluations of two important defence mechanisms. One is the cryptographic protocol for DNS security, called DNSSEC. We found that only less than 2% of popular domains were signed, among which about 20% were misconfigured. This is another example showing how poorly deployed defence mechanisms worsen the security. The other is ingress filtering, which stops spoofed traffic from entering a network. We presented the most completed Internet-wide evaluations of ingress filtering, which covered over 90% of all Autonomous Systems. We found that over 80% of them were vulnerable to inbound spoofing

    Design and implementation of a secure wide-area object middleware

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    Tanenbaum, A.S. [Promotor]Crispo, C.B. [Copromotor

    Diameter Base Protocol

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    Junos OS Security Configuration Guide

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    This preface provides the following guidelines for using the Junos OS Security Configuration Guide: • J Series and SRX Series Documentation and Release Notes on page xli • Objectives on page xlii • Audience on page xlii • Supported Routing Platforms on page xlii • Document Conventions on page xlii • Documentation Feedback on page xliv • Requesting Technical Support on page xliv Juniper Networks supports a technical book program to publish books by Juniper Networks engineers and subject matter experts with book publishers around the world. These books go beyond the technical documentation to explore the nuances of network architecture, deployment, and administration using the Junos operating system (Junos OS) and Juniper Networks devices. In addition, the Juniper Networks Technical Library, published in conjunction with O'Reilly Media, explores improving network security, reliability, and availability using Junos OS configuration techniques. All the books are for sale at technical bookstores and book outlets around the world. The current list can be viewed at http://www.juniper.net/books .Junos OS for SRX Series Services Gateways integrates the world-class network security and routing capabilities of Juniper Networks. Junos OS includes a wide range of packet-based filtering, class-of-service (CoS) classifiers, and traffic-shaping features as well as a rich, extensive set of flow-based security features including policies, screens, network address translation (NAT), and other flow-based services. Traffic that enters and exits services gateway is processed according to features you configure, such as packet filters, security policies, and screens. For example, the software can determine: • Whether the packet is allowed into the device • Which firewall screens to apply to the packet • The route the packet takes to reach its destination • Which CoS to apply to the packet, if any • Whether to apply NAT to translate the packet’s IP address • Whether the packet requires an Application Layer Gateway (ALG

    Internet of Things From Hype to Reality

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant mindshare, let alone attention, in academia and the industry especially over the past few years. The reasons behind this interest are the potential capabilities that IoT promises to offer. On the personal level, it paints a picture of a future world where all the things in our ambient environment are connected to the Internet and seamlessly communicate with each other to operate intelligently. The ultimate goal is to enable objects around us to efficiently sense our surroundings, inexpensively communicate, and ultimately create a better environment for us: one where everyday objects act based on what we need and like without explicit instructions

    A session-based architecture for Internet mobility

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 179-189).The proliferation of mobile computing devices and wireless networking products over the past decade has led to an increasingly nomadic computing lifestyle. A computer is no longer an immobile, gargantuan machine that remains in one place for the lifetime of its operation. Today's personal computing devices are portable, and Internet access is becoming ubiquitous. A well-traveled laptop user might use half a dozen different networks throughout the course of a day: a cable modem from home, wide-area wireless on the commute, wired Ethernet at the office, a Bluetooth network in the car, and a wireless, local-area network at the airport or the neighborhood coffee shop. Mobile hosts are prone to frequent, unexpected disconnections that vary greatly in duration. Despite the prevalence of these multi-homed mobile devices, today's operating systems on both mobile hosts and fixed Internet servers lack fine-grained support for network applications on intermittently connected hosts. We argue that network communication is well-modeled by a session abstraction, and present Migrate, an architecture based on system support for a flexible session primitive. Migrate works with application-selected naming services to enable seamless, mobile "suspend/resume" operation of legacy applications and provide enhanced functionality for mobile-aware, session-based network applications, enabling adaptive operation of mobile clients and allowing Internet servers to support large numbers of intermittently connected sessions. We describe our UNIX-based implementation of Migrate and show that sessions are a flexible, robust, and efficient way to manage mobile end points, even for legacy applications.(cont.) In addition, we demonstrate two popular Internet servers that have been extended to leverage our novel notion of session continuations to enable support for large numbers of suspended clients with only minimal resource impact. Experimental results show that Migrate introduces only minor throughput degradation (less than 2% for moderate block sizes) when used over popular access link technologies, gracefully detects and suspends disconnected sessions, rapidly resumes from suspension, and integrates well with existing applications.by Mark Alexander Connell Snoeren.Ph.D