3 research outputs found

    Neglect Benevolence in Human-Swarm Interaction with Communication Latency

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    In practical applications of robot swarms with bio-inspired behaviors, a human operator will need to exert control over the swarm to fulfill the mission objectives. In many operational settings, human operators are remotely located and the communication environment is harsh. Hence, there exists some latency in information (or control command) transfer between the human and the swarm. In this paper, we conduct experiments of human-swarm interaction to investigate the effects of communication latency on the performance of a human-swarm system in a swarm foraging task. We develop and investigate the concept of neglect benevolence, where a human operator allows the swarm to evolve on its own and stabilize before giving new commands. Our experimental results indicate that operators exploited neglect benevolence in different ways to develop successful strategies in the foraging task. Furthermore, we show experimentally that the use of a predictive display can help mitigate the adverse effects of communication latency

    Asset Allocation with Swarm/Human Blended Intelligence

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    PSO has been used to demonstrate the near-real-time optimization of frequency allocations and spatial positions for receiver assets in highly complex Electronic Warfare (EW) environments. The PSO algorithm computes optimal or near-optimal solutions so rapidly that multiple assets can be exploited in real-time and re-optimized on the fly as the situation changes. The allocation of assets in 3D space requires a blend of human intelligence and computational optimization. This paper advances the research on the tough problem of how humans interface to the swarm for directing the solution. The human intelligence places new pheromone-inspired spheres of influence to direct the final solution. The swarm can then react to the new input from the human intelligence. Our results indicate that this method can maintain the speed goal of less than 1 second, even with multiple spheres of pheromone influence in the solution space