201 research outputs found

    Fast Near Collision Attack on the Grain v1 Stream Cipher

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    Modern stream ciphers often adopt a large internal state to resist various attacks, where the cryptanalysts have to deal with a large number of variables when mounting state recovery attacks. In this paper, we propose a general new cryptanalytic method on stream ciphers, called fast near collision attack, to address this situation. It combines a near collision property with the divide-and-conquer strategy so that only subsets of the internal state, associated with different keystream vectors, are recovered first and merged carefully later to retrieve the full large internal state. A self-contained method is introduced and improved to derive the target subset of the internal state from the partial state difference efficiently. As an application, we propose a new key recovery attack on Grain v1, one of the 77 finalists selected by the eSTREAM project, in the single-key setting. Both the pre-computation and the online phases are tailored according to its internal structure, to provide an attack for any fixed IV in 275.72^{75.7} cipher ticks after the pre-computation of 28.12^{8.1} cipher ticks, given 2282^{28}-bit memory and about 2192^{19} keystream bits. Practical experiments on Grain v1 itself whenever possible and on a 80-bit reduced version confirmed our results

    Near Collision Attack Against Grain v1

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    A near collision attack against the Grain v1 stream cipher was proposed by Zhang et al. in Eurocrypt 18. The attack uses the fact that two internal states of the stream cipher with very low hamming distance between them, produce similar keystream sequences which can be identified by simple statistical tests. Such internal states once found in the stream cipher simplify the task of cryptanalysis for the attacker. However this attack has recently come under heavy criticism from Derbez et al. at ToSC 2020:4, who claim that some of the assumptions made in the above paper were not correct. As a result they concluded that the attack presented by Zhang et al. when implemented would take time more than required for a brute force search. In this paper, we take another look at the near collision attack against the Grain v1 stream cipher. We avoid the techniques of the above Eurocrypt paper that have come under criticism, and independently show that a near collision attack can still be applied to Grain v1

    Fast Correlation Attack Revisited --Cryptanalysis on Full Grain-128a, Grain-128, and Grain-v1

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    A fast correlation attack (FCA) is a well-known cryptanalysis technique for LFSR-based stream ciphers. The correlation between the initial state of an LFSR and corresponding key stream is exploited, and the goal is to recover the initial state of the LFSR. In this paper, we revisit the FCA from a new point of view based on a finite field, and it brings a new property for the FCA when there are multiple linear approximations. Moreover, we propose a novel algorithm based on the new property, which enables us to reduce both time and data complexities. We finally apply this technique to the Grain family, which is a well-analyzed class of stream ciphers. There are three stream ciphers, Grain-128a, Grain-128, and Grain-v1 in the Grain family, and Grain-v1 is in the eSTREAM portfolio and Grain-128a is standardized by ISO/IEC. As a result, we break them all, and especially for Grain-128a, the cryptanalysis on its full version is reported for the first time

    Lightweight cryptography on ultra-constrained RFID devices

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    Devices of extremely small computational power like RFID tags are used in practice to a rapidly growing extent, a trend commonly referred to as ubiquitous computing. Despite their severely constrained resources, the security burden which these devices have to carry is often enormous, as their fields of application range from everyday access control to human-implantable chips providing sensitive medical information about a person. Unfortunately, established cryptographic primitives such as AES are way to 'heavy' (e.g., in terms of circuit size or power consumption) to be used in corresponding RFID systems, calling for new solutions and thus initiating the research area of lightweight cryptography. In this thesis, we focus on the currently most restricted form of such devices and will refer to them as ultra-constrained RFIDs. To fill this notion with life and in order to create a profound basis for our subsequent cryptographic development, we start this work by providing a comprehensive summary of conditions that should be met by lightweight cryptographic schemes targeting ultra-constrained RFID devices. Building on these insights, we then turn towards the two main topics of this thesis: lightweight authentication and lightweight stream ciphers. To this end, we first provide a general introduction to the broad field of authentication and study existing (allegedly) lightweight approaches. Drawing on this, with the (n,k,L)^-protocol, we suggest our own lightweight authentication scheme and, on the basis of corresponding hardware implementations for FPGAs and ASICs, demonstrate its suitability for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Subsequently, we leave the path of searching for dedicated authentication protocols and turn towards stream cipher design, where we first revisit some prominent classical examples and, in particular, analyze their state initialization algorithms. Following this, we investigate the rather young area of small-state stream ciphers, which try to overcome the limit imposed by time-memory-data tradeoff (TMD-TO) attacks on the security of classical stream ciphers. Here, we present some new attacks, but also corresponding design ideas how to counter these. Paving the way for our own small-state stream cipher, we then propose and analyze the LIZARD-construction, which combines the explicit use of packet mode with a new type of state initialization algorithm. For corresponding keystream generator-based designs of inner state length n, we prove a tight (2n/3)-bound on the security against TMD-TO key recovery attacks. Building on these theoretical results, we finally present LIZARD, our new lightweight stream cipher for ultra-constrained RFIDs. Its hardware efficiency and security result from combining a Grain-like design with the LIZARD-construction. Most notably, besides lower area requirements, the estimated power consumption of LIZARD is also about 16 percent below that of Grain v1, making it particularly suitable for passive RFID tags, which obtain their energy exclusively through an electromagnetic field radiated by the reading device. The thesis is concluded by an extensive 'Future Research Directions' chapter, introducing various new ideas and thus showing that the search for lightweight cryptographic solutions is far from being completed

    Cryptanalysis of Plantlet

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    Plantlet is a lightweight stream cipher designed by Mikhalev, Armknecht and Müller in \texttt{IACR ToSC} 2017. It has a Grain-like structure with two state registers of size 4040 and 6161 bits. In spite of this, the cipher does not seem to lose in security against generic Time-Memory-Data Tradeoff attacks due to the novelty of its design. The cipher uses a 80-bit secret key and a 90-bit IV. In this paper, we first present a key recovery attack on Plantlet that requires around 276.262^{76.26} Plantlet encryptions. The attack leverages the fact that two internal states of Plantlet that differ in the 43rd LFSR location are guaranteed to produce keystream that are either equal or unequal in 45 locations with probability 1. Thus an attacker can with some probability guess that when 2 segments of keystream blocks possess the 45 bit difference just mentioned, they have been produced by two internal states that differ only in the 43rd LFSR location. Thereafter by solving a system of polynomial equations representing the keystream bits, the attacker can find the secret key if his guess was indeed correct, or reach some kind of contradiction if his guess was incorrect. In the latter event, he would repeat the procedure for other keystream blocks with the given difference. We show that the process when repeated a finite number of times, does indeed yield the value of the secret key. In the second part of the paper, we observe that the previous attack was limited to internal state differences that occurred at time instances that were congruent to 0mod800\bmod 80. We further observe that by generalizing the attack to include internal state differences that are congruent to all equivalence classed modulo 80, we lower the total number of keystream bits required to perform the attack and in the process reduce the attack complexity to 269.982^{69.98} Plantlet encryptions

    Revisit Two Memoryless State-Recovery Cryptanalysis Methods on A5/1

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    At ASIACRYPT 2019, Zhang proposed a near collision attack on A5/1 claiming to recover the 64-bit A5/1 state with a time complexity around 2322^{32} cipher ticks with negligible memory requirements. Soon after its proposal, Zhang\u27s near collision attack was severely challenged by Derbez \etal who claimed that Zhang\u27s attack cannot have a time complexity lower than Golic\u27s memoryless guess-and-determine attack dating back to EUROCRYPT 1997. In this paper, we study both the guess-and-determine and the near collision attacks for recovering A5/1 states with negligible memory complexities. Firstly, we propose a new guessing technique called the \emph{move guessing technique} that can construct linear equation filters in a more efficient manner. Such a technique can be applied to both guess-and-determine and collision attacks for efficiency improvements. Secondly, we take the filtering strength of the linear equation systems into account for complexity analysis. Such filtering strength are evaluated with practical experiments making the complexities more convincing. Based on such new techniques, we are able to give 2 new guess-and-determine attacks on A5/1: the 1st attack recovers the internal state s0\vec{s}^0 with time complexity 243.922^{43.92}; the 2nd one recovers a different state s1\vec{s}^1 with complexity 243.252^{43.25}. We also revisit Golic\u27s guess-and-determine attack and Zhang\u27s near collision attacks. According to our detailed analysis, the complexity of Golic\u27s s1\vec{s}^1 recovery attack is no lower than 246.042^{46.04}, higher than the previously believed 2432^{43}. On the other hand, Zhang\u27s near collision attack recovers s0\vec{s}^0 with the time complexity 253.192^{53.19}: such a complexity can be further lowered to 250.782^{50.78} with our move guessing technique

    Criptografía ligera en dispositivos de identificación por radiofrecuencia- RFID

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    Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la tecnología de identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID), la cual puede ser considerada como una de las tecnologías más prometedoras dentro del área de la computación ubicua. La tecnología RFID podría ser el sustituto de los códigos de barras. Aunque la tecnología RFID ofrece numerosas ventajas frente a otros sistemas de identificación, su uso lleva asociados riesgos de seguridad, los cuales no son fáciles de resolver. Los sistemas RFID pueden ser clasificados, atendiendo al coste de las etiquetas, distinguiendo principalmente entre etiquetas de alto coste y de bajo coste. Nuestra investigación se centra fundamentalmente en estas últimas. El estudio y análisis del estado del arte nos ha permitido identificar la necesidad de desarrollar soluciones criptográficas ligeras adecuadas para estos dispositivos limitados. El uso de soluciones criptográficas estándar supone una aproximación correcta desde un punto de vista puramente teórico. Sin embargo, primitivas criptográficas estándar (funciones resumen, código de autenticación de mensajes, cifradores de bloque/flujo, etc.) exceden las capacidades de las etiquetas de bajo coste. Por tanto, es necesario el uso de criptografía ligera._______________________________________This thesis examines the security issues of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, one of the most promising technologies in the field of ubiquitous computing. Indeed, RFID technology may well replace barcode technology. Although it offers many advantages over other identification systems, there are also associated security risks that are not easy to address. RFID systems can be classified according to tag price, with distinction between high-cost and low-cost tags. Our research work focuses mainly on low-cost RFID tags. An initial study and analysis of the state of the art identifies the need for lightweight cryptographic solutions suitable for these very constrained devices. From a purely theoretical point of view, standard cryptographic solutions may be a correct approach. However, standard cryptographic primitives (hash functions, message authentication codes, block/stream ciphers, etc.) are quite demanding in terms of circuit size, power consumption and memory size, so they make costly solutions for low-cost RFID tags. Lightweight cryptography is therefore a pressing need. First, we analyze the security of the EPC Class-1 Generation-2 standard, which is considered the universal standard for low-cost RFID tags. Secondly, we cryptanalyze two new proposals, showing their unsuccessful attempt to increase the security level of the specification without much further hardware demands. Thirdly, we propose a new protocol resistant to passive attacks and conforming to low-cost RFID tag requirements. In this protocol, costly computations are only performed by the reader, and security related computations in the tag are restricted to very simple operations. The protocol is inspired in the family of Ultralightweight Mutual Authentication Protocols (UMAP: M2AP, EMAP, LMAP) and the recently proposed SASI protocol. The thesis also includes the first published cryptanalysis of xi SASI under the weakest attacker model, that is, a passive attacker. Fourthly, we propose a new protocol resistant to both passive and active attacks and suitable for moderate-cost RFID tags. We adapt Shieh et.’s protocol for smart cards, taking into account the unique features of RFID systems. Finally, because this protocol is based on the use of cryptographic primitives and standard cryptographic primitives are not supported, we address the design of lightweight cryptographic primitives. Specifically, we propose a lightweight hash function (Tav-128) and a lightweight Pseudo-Random Number Generator (LAMED and LAMED-EPC).We analyze their security level and performance, as well as their hardware requirements and show that both could be realistically implemented, even in low-cost RFID tags

    New cryptanalysis of LFSR-based stream ciphers and decoders for p-ary QC-MDPC codes

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    The security of modern cryptography is based on the hardness of solving certain problems. In this context, a problem is considered hard if there is no known polynomial time algorithm to solve it. Initially, the security assessment of cryptographic systems only considered adversaries with classical computational resources, i.e., digital computers. It is now known that there exist polynomial-time quantum algorithms that would render certain cryptosystems insecure if large-scale quantum computers were available. Thus, adversaries with access to such computers should also be considered. In particular, cryptosystems based on the hardness of integer factorisation or the discrete logarithm problem would be broken. For some others such as symmetric-key cryptosystems, the impact seems not to be as serious; it is recommended to at least double the key size of currently used systems to preserve their security level. The potential threat posed by sufficiently powerful quantum computers motivates the continued study and development of post-quantum cryptography, that is, cryptographic systems that are secure against adversaries with access to quantum computations. It is believed that symmetric-key cryptosystems should be secure from quantum attacks. In this manuscript, we study the security of one such family of systems; namely, stream ciphers. They are mainly used in applications where high throughput is required in software or low resource usage is required in hardware. Our focus is on the cryptanalysis of stream ciphers employing linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs). This is modelled as the problem of finding solutions to systems of linear equations with associated probability distributions on the set of right hand sides. To solve this problem, we first present a multivariate version of the correlation attack introduced by Siegenthaler. Building on the ideas of the multivariate attack, we propose a new cryptanalytic method with lower time complexity. Alongside this, we introduce the notion of relations modulo a matrix B, which may be seen as a generalisation of parity-checks used in fast correlation attacks. The latter are among the most important class of attacks against LFSR-based stream ciphers. Our new method is successfully applied to hard instances of the filter generator and requires a lower amount of keystream compared to other attacks in the literature. We also perform a theoretical attack against the Grain-v1 cipher and an experimental attack against a toy Grain-like cipher. Compared to the best previous attack, our technique requires less keystream bits but also has a higher time complexity. This is the result of joint work with Semaev. Public-key cryptosystems based on error-correcting codes are also believed to be secure against quantum attacks. To this end, we develop a new technique in code-based cryptography. Specifically, we propose new decoders for quasi-cyclic moderate density parity-check (QC-MDPC) codes. These codes were proposed by Misoczki et al.\ for use in the McEliece scheme. The use of QC-MDPC codes avoids attacks applicable when using low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes and also allows for keys with short size. Although we focus on decoding for a particular instance of the p-ary QC-MDPC scheme, our new decoding algorithm is also a general decoding method for p-ary MDPC-like schemes. This algorithm is a bit-flipping decoder, and its performance is improved by varying thresholds for the different iterations. Experimental results demonstrate that our decoders enjoy a very low decoding failure rate for the chosen p-ary QC-MDPC instance. This is the result of joint work with Guo and Johansson.Doktorgradsavhandlin