43 research outputs found

    Humanidades Digitais: Novos desafios e oportunidades

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    A área de investigação das Humanidades Digitais agrega as ciências sociais e humanas, as ciências de computação e as ciências da informação e documentação. Apesar de se ter afirmado recentemente, é extremamente dinâmica, com um número crescente de organizações associadas, eventos promovidos e de jornais editados. As Humanidades Digitais exibem simultaneamente, para cada disciplina, reptos próprios e grandes questões transversais. Em termos gerais, as linhas de investigação procuram o entendimento e gestão dos ciclos de vida da informação de interesse histórico e social, para reutilização como objeto de estudo pelas comunidades académicas e escolares. Os projetos existentes ou anunciados abrangem variadas áreas, destacando-se aqui aqueles que têm relação mais direta com as ciências da informação

    Infrastructures for digital research: new opportunities and challenges

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    Space and time visualization book

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    This contribution aims to present a recently finalized book on digital “Space and time visualization” of cultural heritage: buildings and landscapes. The book is currently in press (in July 2015) at Springer Netherlands. Topics of the contributions include: - Network analysis of heritage architecture - Historic cartography investigation of lost landscapes - Digital cartography - Digital landscape architecture techniques - GIS representations, including of natural hazards - Computer aided priority setting of risk mitigation on cultural artefacts - 3D modeling of historic sites affected by natural hazards - Virtual reality robots - Digital building survey - Virtual architecture design studio - Essays on digital archives and media architecture - Review of digital art conservation Authors are from 3 continents, including countries like USA, Sri Lanka, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Germany, Romania

    Partnerships, relationships and associated initiatives — Towards a strategic plan for DARIAH

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    This report is a subjective attempt to provide an overview of the environmental factors that may impact on developing a strategy for the future of DARIAH. To this end, we revisit the core objectives of DARIAH and use this analysis to better understand how DARIAH may be further integrated in a rapidly evolving European context

    Marking dictionary entries in della Bella’s Dictionary and linking authors of the quotation sources to external resources

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    U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća sve se više povijesnih tekstova digitalizira. Međutim kako se razvoj odvijao izolirano na projektima, sveučilištima i institutima, ili među pojedincima, nedostajala je komunikacija među članovima zajednice, što je rezultiralo resursima, alatima i sustavima koji međusobno ne mogu razmjenjivati informacije. Stoga se u novije vrijeme pokazala potreba za standardizacijom tehnologija, ali i cijelih procesa razvoja. Kao ključni pojam u fazi digitalizacijskih projekata javlja se interoperabilnost, kojom se želi omogućiti međusobna komunikacija digitaliziranih resursa. U radu je prikazan način kodiranja rječničkih natuknica iz della Bellina rječnika iz XVIII. st. korištenjem TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) standarda te njihovo povezivanje na vanjske resurse (mrežno izdanje Hrvatske enciklopedije Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža i hrvatsku inačicu Wikipedije).The digitization process of historical texts is increasing in the last several decades. However, the digitization projects are usually isolated to the project teams, universities and institutes, but also to individuals developing the project. There was a lack of communication between the community members, which resulted in resources, tools and systems that are not able to exchange information. Consequently, recently it was demonstrated that there is demand for standardization of technologies, but also all processes of development. Interoperability emerges as the key concept at this phase of digital humanities, which aims to facilitate communication of data. In this paper we present encoding scheme of dictionary entries of della Bella’s 18th century dictionary using the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) standard and a method of linking to external resources (web edition of Croatian encyclopedia of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography and the Croatian version of Wikipedia)

    The emergence of the Digital Humanities in Ireland

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    Tracing the emergence of academic disciplines in a national context is a useful undertaking, as it goes beyond the definition of a field to an assessment of its evolution within a more specific cultural context. This is particularly the case in the Digital Humanities, where the infrastructural requirements are such that the development of the field is strongly connected to social and economic trends. This paper outlines the emergence of the Digital Humanities in Ireland, detailing the history and key milestones of the field’s development, while delineating those particularities that are culturally significant in contrast with the global pictur

    The Emergence of the Digital Humanities in Ireland

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    Tracing the emergence of academic disciplines in a national context is a useful undertaking, as it goes beyond the definition of a field to an assessment of its evolution within a more specific cultural context. This is particularly the case in the Digital Humanities, where the infrastructural requirements are such that the development of the field is strongly connected to social and economic trends. This paper outlines the emergence of the Digital Humanities in Ireland, detailing the history and key milestones of the field’s development, while delineating those particularities that are culturally significant in contrast with the global picture

    Introduction: digital methods and tools for historical research

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    As an introduction to a series of articles focused on the exploration of particular tools and/or methods to bring together digital technology and historical research, the aim of this paper is mainly to highlight and discuss in what measure those methodological approaches can contribute to improve analytical and interpretative capabilities available to historians. In a moment when the digital world present us with an ever-increasing variety of tools to perform extraction, analysis and visualization of large amounts of text, we thought it would be relevant to bring the digital closer to the vast historical academic community. More than repeating an idea of digital revolution introduced in the historical research, something recurring in the literature since the 1980s, the aim was to show the validity and usefulness of using digital tools and methods, as another set of highly relevant tools that the historians should consider. For this several case studies were used, combining the exploration of specific themes of historical knowledge and the development or discussion of digital methodologies, in order to highlight some changes and challenges that, in our opinion, are already affecting the historians' work, such as a greater focus given to interdisciplinarity and collaborative work, and a need for the form of communication of historical knowledge to become more interactive

    Describing Digital Humanities Projects With Linked Data: A Task-based Evaluation of Linked Data Ontologies

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    This study attempts to shed light on the lack of semantic web infrastructure for documenting digital humanities projects by creating a proof-of-concept workflow for manual and semi-automatic semantic web data creation. First, utilizing a set of five ontologies, triple data is created for a set of four projects from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The utility of these data is then determined via task-based assessment alongside a set of metrics for the data retrieved for the tasks. Ultimately, this study aims to detail the benefits of improving linked open data support for describing, and ultimately preserving, digital humanities projects in hopes of paving a path for the creation of a LOD database for digital humanities projects.Master of Science in Information Scienc