13 research outputs found

    SeeReader: An (Almost) Eyes-Free Mobile Rich Document Viewer

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    Reading documents on mobile devices is challenging. Not only are screens small and difficult to read, but also navigating an environment using limited visual attention can be difficult and potentially dangerous. Reading content aloud using text-to-speech (TTS) processing can mitigate these problems, but only for content that does not include rich visual information. In this paper, we introduce a new technique, SeeReader, that combines TTS with automatic content recognition and document presentation control that allows users to listen to documents while also being notified of important visual content. Together, these services allow users to read rich documents on mobile devices while maintaining awareness of their visual environment

    SurfaceConstellations: A Modular Hardware Platform for Ad-Hoc Reconfigurable Cross-Device Workspaces

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    We contribute SurfaceConstellations, a modular hardware platform for linking multiple mobile devices to easily create novel cross-device workspace environments. Our platform combines the advantages of multi-monitor workspaces and multi-surface environments with the flexibility and extensibility of more recent cross-device setups. The SurfaceConstellations platform includes a comprehensive library of 3D-printed link modules to connect and arrange tablets into new workspaces, several strategies for designing setups, and a visual configuration tool for automatically generating link modules. We contribute a detailed design space of cross-device workspaces, a technique for capacitive links between tablets for automatic recognition of connected devices, designs of flexible joint connections, detailed explanations of the physical design of 3D printed brackets and support structures, and the design of a web-based tool for creating new SurfaceConstellation setups

    Electronic Environments for Reading: An Annotated Bibliography of Pertinent Hardware and Software

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    In the development of new research environments, hardware has often been neglected. E-readers have (reasonably) successfully been developed for leisurely reading, but reading with the goal of writing demands a different approach. This bibliography has been written to inform the INKE research group on physical aspects of digital scholarly reading. It consists of two parts: a hardware section, including a description of commercial e-readers as well as an overview of academically developed digital reading devices and a software section, also including commercially available packages next to academically developed reading environments which allow for flexible manipulation of text and other modalities; as well as reflections on digital scholarly reading. Combined, the two sections inform an integrated approach in the development of new research environments

    Web page enhancement on desktop and mobile browsers

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, February 2013."February 2013." Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 154-165).The Web is a convenient platform to deliver information, but reading web pages is not as easy as it was in 1990s. This thesis focuses on investigating techniques to enhance web pages on desktop and mobile browsers for two specific populations: non-native English readers and mobile users. There are three issues addressed in this thesis: web page readability, web page skimmability and continuous reading support on mobile devices. On today's primarily English-language Web, non-native readers encounter some problems, even if they have some fluency in English. This thesis focuses on content presentation and proposes a new transformation method, Jenga Format, to enhance web page readability. A user study with 30 non-native users showed that Jenga transformation not only improved reading comprehension, but also made the web page reading easier. On the other hand, readability research has found that average reading times for non-native readers has remained the same or even worse. This thesis studies this issue and proposes Froggy GX (Generation neXt) to improve reading under time constraints. A user study with 20 non-native users showed that Froggy GX not only enhanced reading comprehension under time constraints, but also provided higher user satisfaction than reading unaided. When using the Web on mobile devices, the reading situation becomes challenging. Even worse, context switches, such as from walking to sitting, static standing, or hands-free situations like driving, happen in reading in on-the-go situations, but this scenario was not adequately addressed in previous studies. This thesis investigates this scenario and proposes a new mobile browser, Read4Me, to support continuous reading on a mobile device. A user study with 10 mobile users showed that auto-switching not only provided significantly fewer dangerous encounters than visual-reading, but also provided the best reading experience.by Chen-Hsiang Yu.Ph.D


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    The Use of Multiple Slate Devices to Support Active Reading Activities

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    Reading activities in the classroom and workplace occur predominantly on paper. Since existing electronic devices do not support these reading activities as well as paper, users have difficulty taking full advantage of the affordances of electronic documents. This dissertation makes three main contributions toward supporting active reading electronically. The first contribution is a comprehensive set of active reading requirements, drawn from three decades of research into reading processes. These requirements explain why existing devices are inadequate for supporting active reading activities. The second contribution is a multi-slate reading system that more completely supports the active reading requirements above. Researchers believe the suitability of paper for active reading is largely due to the fact it distributes content across different sheets of paper, which are capable of displaying information as well as capturing input. The multi-slate approach draws inspiration from the independent reading and writing surfaces that paper provides, to blend the beneficial features of e-book readers, tablets, PCs, and tabletop computers. The development of the multi-slate system began with the Dual-Display E-book, which used two screens to provide richer navigation capabilities than a single-screen device. Following the success of the Dual-Display E-book, the United Slates, a general-purpose reading system consisting of an extensible number of slates, was created. The United Slates consisted of custom slate hardware, specialized interactions that enabled the slates to be used cooperatively, and a cloud-based infrastructure that robustly integrated the slates with users' existing computing devices and workflow. The third contribution is a series of evaluations that characterized reading with multiple slates. A laboratory study with 12 participants compared the relative merits of paper and electronic reading surfaces. One month long in-situ deployments of the United Slates with graduate students in the humanities found the multi-slate configuration to be highly effective for reading. The United Slates system delivered desirable paper-like qualities that included enhanced reading engagement, ease of navigation, and peace-of-mind while also providing superior electronic functionality. The positive feedback suggests that the multi-slate configuration is a desirable method for supporting active reading activities


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    玙は少なくずも1000 幎以䞊情報を衚瀺するための䞻たるメディアずしお利甚されおきたが近幎では状況が倉わり぀぀ある文曞を読む掻動の倚くを占める嚯楜や業務を目的ずした読みでは電子メディアを利甚する機䌚が倚くなっおいるこずが指摘されおいる 䞀方こうした電子メディアの利甚が進んでいる読みにおいおも読むためのメディアずしおは䟝然玙が奜たれおいるこのこずは嚯楜や業務を目的ずした読みに関しお珟状の電子メディアが玙に及ばない点があるこずを瀺唆しおいる実際読みのプロセスの芳察に基づき電子メディアにはない玙の利点が読みを効果的に支揎しおいるこずが指摘されおいる しかし嚯楜や業務を目的ずした読みにおけるメディアの読みやすさの違いや読みを支揎する玙の利点はアンケヌトや芳察に基づき定性的に議論されるこずが倚かった蚀い換えれば玙を奜む読み手の心理や芳察者が芋出した玙の利点は先入芳や思い蟌みに過ぎない可胜性があるメディアの効果の違いを実際に確認するこずは玙ず電子メディアを効果的に䜿い分けるための瀺唆を提䟛し埗るたたこれらの読みでの玙の利甚が効果的であるずしおその決定芁因ずなる玙の利点が明らかになれば読みを支揎する電子的システムの改善の瀺唆ずするこずができる そこで本研究では嚯楜や業務を目的ずした読みを察象に玙ず電子メディアの違いが読みに䞎える圱響を定量的に怜蚌しその圱響芁因に぀いおも数量的なデヌタに基づき明らかにするこずを狙いずしお䞀連の評䟡実隓を行ったなお業務では䌚議や打ち合わせで資料を読むこずも頻繁になされるため文曞を1 人で読む堎合だけでなく耇数人で読む堎合も研究察象ずしたすなわち嚯楜を目的ずしお文曞を読む堎合業務の䞭で文曞を1 人で読む堎合業務の䞭で文曞を耇数人で読む堎合の3 皮類の読みを察象に以䞋の実隓を実斜した 実隓1嚯楜を目的ずした読み 本実隓では嚯楜を目的ずした読みを察象に玙の曞籍iPad やKindle ずいった電子曞籍端末PC の利甚が読みに䞎える圱響を分析した埓来研究では怜蚎されおいなかった嚯楜を目的ずした読みでの読みの効率における玙の優䜍性の決定芁因を定量的な怜蚌により明らかにするこずを目的ずした たず嚯楜を目的ずした読みにおける玙の曞籍の優䜍性が嚯楜を目的ずした読みでの文曞操䜜の倧半を占めるペヌゞめくりの操䜜性に起因しおいるず考えこれを怜蚌するこずを詊みた具䜓的にはペヌゞめくりの前埌の読みずそれ以倖のペヌゞめくりを含たない読みずを分離し玙ず電子メディアでの読みのスピヌドを比范したペヌゞめくり前埌の読みでのメディア間での読みのスピヌドの違いがペヌゞめくりの操䜜性のメディア間での違いが読みに䞎える圱響を反映しおいるず蚀える次に実隓で瀺されたペヌゞめくりの操䜜性における玙の優䜍性の理由を探るため操䜜に必芁な認知負荷のメディア間での違いを二重課題法により怜蚌した具䜓的には読みの最䞭にブザヌ音に反応しおできるだけ速くフットペダルを螏むこずを二次課題ずしお課した二次課題ぞの反応時間が長いほどペヌゞめくりの操䜜に芁する認知負荷が高いず蚀える実隓参加者は24 名である 結果ずしおペヌゞめくりを含たない限りにおいおメディア間での読みのスピヌドに違いは無くペヌゞめくり前埌の読みは電子メディアに比べお玙が有意に速かったこのこずから電子メディアに比べお玙での読みが速くその理由がペヌゞめくりの操䜜性の違いにあるこずが明らかずなった次にペヌゞめくり前埌の読みでの二次課題ぞの反応時間は電子メディアに比べお玙が有意に短かった玙でのめくりが優れおいる理由がペヌゞめくりに必芁な認知負荷が䜎いためであるこずが瀺された最埌に読みのプロセスの芳察から玙の曞籍でのめくりの認知負荷が䜎い理由は操䜜を芖芚のみに䟝存しおいないためであるこずが瀺唆された以䞊の結果より嚯楜を目的ずした読みにおける玙の曞籍の優䜍性はペヌゞめくりの操䜜性が䞀因であるこずを実蚌した 実隓2業務の䞭で文曞を1 人で読む掻動 (耇数の文曞を盞互に参照する読み)本実隓では業務の䞭で文曞を1 人で読む堎面で頻繁に生じる耇数の文曞を盞互に参照する読みを察象に玙ずPC の利甚が読みに䞎える圱響を分析した埓来研究ではこうした読みを玙の操䜜性が効果的に支揎するこずが指摘されおいるがその効果が定量的に瀺されるこずはなかったそこで玙ずPC の違いが読みのパフォヌマンスに䞎える圱響を定量的に怜蚌するこずさらに圱響が存圚する堎合にはその圱響芁因を明らかにするこずを目的ずした 実隓参加者24 名に耇数の文曞を盞互に参照しながら文章の誀りを芋぀ける (æ ¡æ­£)課題を玙ずPC で行っおもらい読みのパフォヌマンスずしお䜜業のスピヌドず正確性を比范した次に読みのパフォヌマンスの比范で明らかになった玙の優䜍性の理由を探るため読みのプロセスに぀いお分析した実隓参加者16 名に玙ずPC で耇数の文曞を盞互に参照する校正読みを行っおもらい読みの最䞭になされる行為ず参加者からの蚀語報告をもずに行為の意図を収集したこうしお埗られたデヌタをもずに読んでいる最䞭に文曞になされる操䜜行為を類型化し玙で読んだ堎合ずPC で読んだ堎合ずでどのような行為がどの皋床行われるのかを分析したさらに読みのプロセス分析で瀺唆されたメディア間での文曞の配眮効率の違いの怜蚌ずその圱響芁因に぀いおも远求を行った具䜓的には実隓参加者24 名に指定した配眮に文曞を䞊べる課題を行っおもらった 結果ずしおたずPC に比べお玙での読みは有意に速く読みの正確性も有意に高いこずを確認した次に読みのプロセスの分析から文曞間での泚意の行き来をしやすくしたり読み飛ばしや読んでいる箇所を芋倱うこずを防止するポむンティングをPC に比べお玙が有意に促進するこずがわかったたたPC よりも玙は読みの最䞭に文曞の移動に費やされる時間が有意に短く文曞配眮の倉曎により読みが阻害されないこずがわかった最埌に文曞配眮課題の結果からPC に比べお玙での配眮効率が有意に高いこずが明らかになったそしお玙では文曞を操䜜する手を片手に制限したり文曞の接觊領域を制限するこずで文曞の配眮効率が有意に䜎くなったこのこずから䞡手を䜿っお耇数の文曞を同時に移動できるこず文曞の接觊䜍眮の自由床が高いこずが玙文曞の配眮効率に寄䞎しおいるこずがわかったさらに操䜜可胜な手を片手に制限し文曞の接觊領域を制限したずしおもPC に比べお玙での文曞配眮効率が有意に高かったこのこずからマりスを介した間接的な文曞移動よりも手で盎接文曞を移動する方が速いこずがわかった以䞊の結果より耇数の文曞を盞互に参照する読みにおいおPC に比べお玙での読みのパフォヌマンスが高いこずを実蚌したさらに玙の優䜍性が文曞をポむンティングしたり文曞を移動するずいった行為のしやすさに起因しおいるこずが明らかになった 実隓3業務の䞭で文曞を耇数人で読む掻動 (文曞を参照しながら議論する) 本実隓では業務の䞭で文曞を耇数人で読む掻動ずしお業務の䞭で頻繁に生じる議論のための読みを分析察象ずした埓来研究では玙の優れた操䜜性が議論を効果的に支揎するこずが指摘されおいるがその効果が定量的に瀺されるこずはなかったたたそこでの分析察象のメディアは玙ずPC でありタブレット端末の利甚が議論に䞎える圱響は未怜蚎のたたであったそこで文曞を参照しながら議論をする堎面を察象に文曞をタブレット端末やPC で衚瀺した堎合ず玙文曞を利甚する堎合ずで議論のしやすさを定量的に比范したこれらのメディアの違いが議論のプロセスに䞎える圱響の定量的な怜蚌ず圱響が存圚する堎合にはその圱響芁因を明らかにするこずを目的ずした 実隓参加者24 名 (2 名1 組の12 組) に文曞を参照しながら議論する課題を玙iPadノヌトPC の3 皮類の衚瀺メディアを甚いお行っおもらい議論に芁した時間やプロセスを分析した議論のプロセスを調べる指暙ずしお議論の最䞭になされる課題達成のために必芁䞍可欠な意芋のやりずりの発生頻床指瀺代名詞の䜿甚頻床盞手の顔を芋る頻床に着目したさらにメディア間での議論のプロセスに違いが生じた理由を探るため議論の最䞭に文曞になされる操䜜に぀いおも分析した 結果ずしおたず統蚈的に有意な違いが埗られおいるわけではないが議論に芁する時間は電子メディアに比べお玙が短いこずが瀺唆された次に課題達成のために必芁䞍可欠な意芋のやりずりの発生頻床指瀺代名詞の䜿甚頻床盞手の顔を芋る頻床は電子メディアに比べお玙が有意に高かったすなわち掻発な意芋亀換や盞手に配慮しながら議論するこずが求められる堎面では電子メディアより玙を䜿う方が望たしいこずがわかった最埌に議論䞭の文曞操䜜の芳察から電子メディアではペヌゞ間の行き来の操䜜に手間取っおおりこのこずが意芋亀換に集䞭するこずを阻害し盞手の顔を芋ながら話す䜙裕を倱わせたこずが瀺唆されたたた議論䞭に盞手に自分の文曞を芋せる頻床は電子メディアに比べお玙は有意に高かった盞手に自分の文曞を芋せやすいこずが盞手ず同じものを芋る機䌚を増やし指瀺代名詞の利甚を促進したこずがわかった 以䞊のように嚯楜を目的ずしお文曞を読む堎合業務の䞭で文曞を1 人で読む堎合業務の䞭で文曞を耇数人で読む堎合での代衚的な3 ぀の読みを玙ず電子メディアで行いその効果の違いを怜蚌したたた読みやすさに圱響を䞎える具䜓的な因子をあげその効果を定量的デヌタに基づき分析した結果ずしおいずれの読みにおいおも玙の優䜍性が確認されメディアの操䜜性の違いがその圱響芁因であるこずが瀺された電気通信倧孊201

    Spatial peripheral interaction techniques for viewing and manipulating off-screen digital content

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    When an information space is larger than the display, it is typical for interfaces to only support interacting with content that is rendered within its viewport. To support interacting with off-screen content, our work explores the design and evaluation of several spatial off-screen exploration techniques that make use of the interaction space around the display. These include Paper Distortion, Dynamic Distortion, Dynamic Peephole Inset, Spatial Panning, and Point2Pan. We also contribute a formalized descriptive framework of the off-screen interaction space that divides the around-device space into interaction volumes and analyzes them based on different factors. This framework guided the design of an off-screen interaction system, called Off-Screen Desktop, which implemented our spatial techniques using consumer-level motion sensing hardware. To enable a more detailed analysis of spatial interaction systems, we also developed a web-based visualization system, called SpatialVis, that visualizes log data over a video screen capture of the associated user interface

    Navigation Techniques for Dual-Display E-Book Readers

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    Existing e-book readers do not do a good job supporting many reading tasks that people perform, as ethnographers report that when reading, people frequently read from multiple display surfaces. In this paper we present our design of a dual-display e-book reader and explore how it can be used to interact with electronic documents. Our design supports embodied interactions like folding, flipping, and fanning for local/lightweight navigation. We also show how mechanisms like Space Filling Thumbnails can use the increased display space to aid global navigation. Lastly, the detachable faces in our design can facilitate inter-document operations and flexible layout of documents in the workspace. Semi-directed interviews with seven users found that dual-displays have the potential to improve the reading experience by supporting several local navigation tasks better than a single display device. Users also identified many reading tasks for which the device would be valuable. Users did not find the embodied interface particularly useful when reading in our controlled lab setting, however. Author Keywords E-book, reading, multiple display devices, embodied interfaces