4 research outputs found

    A Visualization Tool for the Mini-Robot Khepera: Behaviour Analysis and Optimization

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    Löffler A, Klahold J, Hußmann M, Rückert U. A Visualization Tool for the Mini-Robot Khepera: Behaviour Analysis and Optimization. In: Floreano D, Nicoud J-D, Mondada F, eds. Proceedings of the 5th International European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL99). Vol 1674. Lausanne, Switzerland: Springer-Verlag; 1999: 329-333.The design of behavior generating control structures for real robots acting autonomously in a real and changing environment is a complex task. This is in particular true with respect to the debugging process, the documentation of the encountered behavior, its quantitative analysis and the final evaluation. To successfully implement such a behavior, it is vital to couple the synthesis on a simulator and the experiment on a real robot with a thorough analysis. The available simulator tools in general only allow behavioral snapshots and do not provide the option of online interference. In order to cure these shortcomings, a visualization tool for aposteriori graphical analysis of recorded data sets which gives access to all relevant internal states and parameters of the system is presented. The mini-robot Khepera has been chosen as experimentatory platform

    The Mini-Robot Khepera as a Foraging Animate: Synthesis and Analysis of Behaviour

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    Löffler A, Klahold J, Rückert U. The Mini-Robot Khepera as a Foraging Animate: Synthesis and Analysis of Behaviour. In: Rückert U, Sitte J, Witkowski U, eds. Proceedings of the 5th International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium: Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE01). Vol 97. Paderborn, Germany: Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universität Paderborn; 2001: 93-130.The work presented in this paper deals with the development of a methodology for resource-efficient behaviour synthesis on autonomous systems. In this context, a definition of a maximal problem with respect to the resources of a given system is introduced. It is elucidated by means of an exemplary implementation of the solution to such a problem using the mini-robot Khepera as the experimental platform. The described task consists of exploring an unknown and dynamically changing environment, collecting and transporting objects, which are associated with light-sources, and navigating to a home-base. The critical point is represented by the accumulated positioning errors in odometrical path-integration due to slippage. Therefore, adaptive sensor calibration using a specific variant of Kohonen’s algorithm is applied in two cases to extract symbolic, e.g. geometric, information from the sub-symbolic sensor data, which is used to enhance position control by landmark mapping and orientation. In order to successfully handle the arising complex interactions, a heterogeneous control-architecture based on a parallel implementation of basic behaviours coupled by a rule-based central unit is proposed