2,181 research outputs found

    Explorations in Ethnic Studies

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    A software development environment utilizing PAMELA

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    Hardware capability and efficiency has increased dramatically since the invention of the computer, while software programmer productivity and efficiency has remained at a relatively low level. A user-friendly, adaptable, integrated software development environment is needed to alleviate this problem. The environment should be designed around the Ada language and a design methodology which takes advantage of the features of the Ada language as the Process Abstraction Method for Embedded Large Applications (PAMELA)

    Teton Dakota Time Concepts: Methodological Foundations for the Writing of Ethnohistory

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    The Modern Status and Future of Dongba Religion

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    I have amassed data related to the changes undergone by the Dongba religion and its effects on local Naxi culture in the Eya, Baidi, Tacheng/Weixi County, and Lijiang communities. Each district was unique in that their religious practices and participation by the community was radically different as a result of outside influence (or lack thereof) as evidenced by how the religion is passed on through the generations and how the religion is publicly represented through art. As Naxi culture and the Dongba religion have already undergone an incredible amount of changes (especially the declining number of the Dongba religion’s religious experts), new facilities and modes of education have sprung up to help Dongba religion continue into the modern era

    Silk Metaphors in Chinese Characters

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    Within the framework of cognitive linguistics, the research introduces the image-based feature of Chinese characters and explores metaphor motivations behind Chinese characters containing images of silk. By studying the existing earliest constructions of those characters and analyzing the corresponding form-meaning connections, three conceptual metaphors are put forward, namely, “LINK IS SILK”; “END IS KNOT”, and “THOUGHT IS SILK”. There are altogether seven characters with the “LINK IS SILK” motivation, and their character meanings form a coherent system in terms of different aspects of “LINK”. The metaphor “END IS KNOT” seems to be consistent with the metaphor “LINK IS SILK” and only one character is found motivated by the former. The metaphor “THOUGHT IS SILK” is reflected in the sound form and meaning connection of the Chinese character “思”,and the sound form is connected with the silk image. All the three metaphors are also reflected in Chinese words and literature, which shows the consistency of Chinese thought patterns. Comparison study with English reveals the three silk metaphors are probably specific to the Chinese language and culture.

    Planar Refrains

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    My practice explores phenomenal poetic truths that exist in fissures between the sensual and physical qualities of material constructs. Magnifying this confounding interspace, my work activates specific instruments within mutable, relational systems of installation, movement, and documentation. The tools I fabricate function within variable orientations and are implemented as both physical barriers and thresholds into alternate, virtual domains. Intersecting fragments of sound and moving image build a nexus of superimposed spatialities, while material constructions are enveloped in ephemeral intensities. Within this compounded environment, both mind and body are charged as active sites through which durational, contemplative experiences can pass. Reverberation, the ghostly refrain of a sound calling back to our ears from a distant plane, can intensify our emotional experience of place. My project Planar Refrains utilizes four electro-mechanical reverb plates, analog audio filters designed to simulate expansive acoustic arenas. Historically these devices have provided emotive voicings to popular studio recordings, dislocating the performer from the commercial studio and into a simulated reverberant territory of mythic proportions. The material resonance of steel is used to filter a recorded signal, shaping the sound of a human performance into something more transformative, a sound embodying otherworldly dynamics. In subverting the designed utility of reverb plates, I am exploring their value as active surfaces extending across different spatial realities. The background of ephemeral sonic residue is collapsed into the foreground, a filter becomes sculpture, and this sculpture becomes an instrument in an evolving soundscape

    Indigenous society and immigrants : tourism and retailing in Lijiang, China, a World Heritage city.

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    This paper examines the present state of commercial use of historical buildings, details of business categories, and descriptions of items on sale in the shops in the old town of Lijiang, China in order to investigate the problems of cultural-tourism development centered on World Heritage sites. In recent years, the usage of historical buildings built by the Naxis, the indigenous ethnic group of Lijiang, has drastically changed. At present, over 60% of shops are tourist-oriented souvenir shops and restaurants. Furthermore, over 50% of the shopkeepers are temporary residents, with a large majority renting rooms from indigenous owners. These findings suggest that the location of the minority's residence and its culture are rapidly changing as tourism develops. They also imply that a re-evaluation of policy is essential for the development of sustainable tourism