10 research outputs found

    Nanowire transistor solutions for 5nm and beyond

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    In this paper we present a comprehensive computational study of silicon nanowire transistor (SNT) and a SNM SRAM cell based on advanced design technology co-optimization (DTCO) TCAD tools. Utilizing this methodology, we provide guidelines and solutions for 5 nm and beyond in CMOS technology. At first, drift-diffusion (DD) results are fully calibrated against a Poisson-Schrodinger (PS) solution to calibrate density-gradient quantum corrections, and ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) simulations to calibrate transport models. The calibrated DD gives us the capability to simulate statistical variability in nanowire transistors of the 5nm node and beyond accurately and efficiently. Various SNT structures are evaluated in terms of device figures of merit, and optimization of SNTs in terms of electrostatics driven performance is carried out. A variability-aware hierarchical compact model approach for SNT is adopted and used for statistical SRAM simulation near the scaling limit. The scaling of SNTs beyond the 5 nm is also discussed. ? 2016 IEEE.EI269-2742016-Ma

    Does a Nanowire Transistor Follow the Golden Ratio? A 2D Poisson-Schr枚dinger/3D Monte Carlo Simulation Study

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    In this work, we observed the signatures of isotropic charge distributions showing the same attributes as the golden ratio (Phi) described in art and architecture, we also present a simulation study of ultra-scaled n-type silicon nanowire transistors (NWT) for the 5nm CMOS application. Our results reveal that the amount of mobile charge in the channel is determined by the device geometry and could also be related to the golden ratio (Phi). We also established a link between the main device characteristics, such as a drive and leakage current, and cross-sectional shape and dimensions of the device. We discussed the correlation between the main Figure of Merit (FoM) and the device variability and reliability

    Impact of Strain on the Performance of Si Nanowires Transistors at the Scaling Limit: A 3D Monte Carlo/2D Poisson Schrodinger Simulation Study

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    In this work we investigate the correlation between channel strain and device performance in various n-type Si-NWTs. We establish a correlation between strain, gate length and cross-section dimension of the transistors. For the purpose of this paper we simulate Si NWTs with a <110> channel orientation, four different ellipsoidal channel cross-sections and five gate lengths: 4nm, 6nm, 8nm, 10nm and 12nm. We have also analyzed the impact of strain on drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) and the subthreshold slope (SS). All simulations are based on a quantum mechanical description of the mobile charge distribution in the channel obtained from a 2D solution of the Schr枚dinger equation in multiple cross sections along the current path, which is mandatory for nanowires with such ultra-scale dimensions. The current transport along the channel is simulated using 3D Monte Carlo (MC) and drift-diffusion (DD) approaches

    Simulation study of vertically stacked lateral Si nanowires transistors for 5 nm CMOS applications

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    In this paper we present a simulation study of vertically stacked lateral nanowires transistors (NWTs), which may have applications at 5nm CMOS technology. Our simulation approach is based on a collection of simulation techniques to capture the complexity in such ultra-scaled devices. Initially, we used drift-diffusion methodology with activated Poisson-Schrodinger quantum corrections to accurately capture the quantum confinement in the cross-section of the device. Ensemble Monte Carlo simulations are used to accurately evaluate the drive current capturing the complexity of the carrier transport in the NWTs. We compared the current flow in single, double, and triple vertically stacked lateral NWTs with and without contact resistance. The results presented here suggest a consistent link between channel strain and device performance. Furthermore, we propose a device structure for the 5nm CMOS technology node that meets the required industry scaling projection. We also consider the interplay between various sources of statistical variability and reliability in this work

    Fully Convolutional Generative Machine Learning Method for Accelerating Non-Equilibrium Greens Function Simulations

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    This work describes a novel simulation approach that combines machine learning and device modelling simulations. The device simulations are based on the quantum mechanical non-equilibrium Greens function (NEGF) approach and the machine learning method is an extension to a convolutional generative network. We have named our new simulation approach ML-NEGF and we have implemented it in our in-house simulator called NESS (nano-electronics simulations software). The reported results demonstrate the improved convergence speed of the ML-NEGF method in comparison to the standard NEGF approach. The trained ML model effectively learns the underlying physics of nano-sheet transistor behaviour, resulting in faster convergence of the coupled Poisson-NEGF simulations. Quantitatively, our ML- NEGF approach achieves an average convergence acceleration of 60%, substantially reducing the computational time while maintaining the same accuracy

    Impact of randomly distributed dopants on 惟-gate junctionless silicon nanowire transistors

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    This paper presents experimental and simulation analysis of an 惟-shaped silicon junctionless nanowire field-effect transistor (JL-NWT) with gate lengths of 150 nm and diameter of the Si channel of 8 nm. Our experimental measurements reveal that the ON-currents up to 1.15 mA/渭m for 1.0 V and 2.52 mA/渭m for the 1.8-V gate overdrive with an OFF-current set at 100 nA/渭m. Also, the experiment data reveal more than eight orders of magnitude ON-current to OFF-current ratios and an excellent subthreshold slope of 66 mV/dec recorded at room temperature. The obtained experimental current-voltage characteristics are used as a reference point to calibrate the simulations models used in this paper. Our simulation data show good agreement with the experimental results. All simulations are based on drift-diffusion formalism with activated density gradient quantum corrections. Once the simulations methodology is established, the simulations are calibrated to the experimental data. After this, we have performed statistical numerical experiments of a set of 500 different JL-NWTs. Each device has a unique random distribution of the discrete dopants within the silicon body. From those statistical simulations, we extracted important figures of merit, such as OFF-current and ON-current, subthreshold slope, and voltage threshold. The performed statistical analysis, on samples of those 500 JL-NWTs, shows that the mean ID-VGs characteristic is in excellent agreement with the experimental measurements. Moreover, the mean ID-VGs characteristic reproduces better the subthreshold slope data obtained from the experiment in comparison to the continuous model simulation. Finally, performance predictions for the JL transistor with shorter gate lengths and thinner oxide regions are carried out. Among the simulated JL transistors, the configuration with 25-nm gate length and 2-nm oxide thickness shows the most promising characteristics offering scalable designs

    Experimental and simulation study of 1D silicon nanowire transistors using heavily doped channels

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    The experimental results from 8 nm diameter silicon nanowire junctionless field effect transistors with gate lengths of 150 nm are presented that demonstrate on-currents up to 1.15 mA/m for 1.0 V and 2.52 mA/m for 1.8 V gate overdrive with an off-current set at 100 nA/m. On- to off-current ratios above 108 with a subthreshold slope of 66 mV/dec are demonstrated at 25 oC. Simulations using drift-diffusion which include densitygradient quantum corrections provide excellent agreement with the experimental results. The simulations demonstrate that the present silicon-dioxide gate dielectric only allows the gate to be scaled to 25 nm length before short-channel effects significantly reduce the performance. If high-K dielectrics replace some parts of the silicon dioxide then the technology can be scaled to at least 10 nm gatelength

    Spatial Sensitivity of Silicon GAA Nanowire FETs under Line Edge Roughness Variations

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    Standard analysis of variability sources in nanodevices lacks information about the spatial influence of the variability. However this spatial information is paramount for the industry and academia to improve the design of variability-resistant architectures. A recently developed technique, the Fluctuation Sensitivity Map (FSM) is used to analyse the spatial effect of the Line Edge Roughness (LER) variability in key figures-of-merit (FoM) in silicon Gate-All-Around (GAA) nanowire (NW) FETs. This technique gives insight about the local sensitivity identifying the regions inducing the strongest variability into the FoM. We analyse both 22 nm and 10 nm gate length GAA NW FETs affected by the LER with different amplitudes (0.6, 0.7, 0.85 nm) and correlation lengths (10, 20 nm) using in-house 3D quantum-corrected drift-diffusion simulation tool calibrated against experimental or Monte Carlo data. The FSM finds that the gate is the most sensitive region to LER deformations. We demonstrate that the specific location of the deformation inside the gate plays an important role in the performance and that the effect of the location is also dependent on the FoM analysed. Moreover, there is a negligible impact on the device performance if the LER deformation occurs in the source or drain region

    Modelling and simulation study of NMOS Si nanowire transistors

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    Nanowire transistors (NWTs) represent a potential alternative to Silicon FinFET technology in the 5nm CMOS technology generation and beyond. Their gate length can be scaled beyond the limitations of FinFET gate length scaling to maintain superior off-state leakage current and performance thanks to better electrostatic control through the semiconductor nanowire channels by gate-all-around (GAA) architecture. Furthermore, it is possible to stack nanowires to enhance the drive current per footprint. Based on these considerations, vertically-stacked lateral NWTs have been included in the latest edition of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) to allow for further performance enhancement and gate pitch scaling, which are key criteria of merit for the new CMOS technology generation. However, electrostatic confinement and the transport behaviour in these devices are more complex, especially in or beyond the 5nm CMOS technology generation. At the heart of this thesis is the model-based research of aggressively-scaled NWTs suitable for implementation in or beyond the 5nm CMOS technology generation, including their physical and operational limitations and intrinsic parameter fluctuations. The Ensemble Monte Carlo approach with Poisson-Schr枚dinger (PS) quantum corrections was adopted for the purpose of predictive performance evaluation of NWTs. The ratio of the major to the minor ellipsoidal cross-section axis (cross-sectional aspect ratio - AR) has been identified as a significant contributing factor in device performance. Until now, semiconductor industry players have carried out experimental research on NWTs with two different cross-sections: circular cylinder (or elliptical) NWTs and nanosheet (or nanoslab) NWTs. Each version has its own benefits and drawbacks; however, the key difference between these two versions is the cross-sectional AR. Several critical design questions, including the optimal NWT cross-sectional aspect ratio, remain unanswered. To answer these questions, the AR of a GAA NWT has been investigated in detail in this research maintaining the cross-sectional area constant. Signatures of isotropic charge distributions within Si NWTs were observed, exhibiting the same attributes as the golden ratio (Phi), the significance of which is well-known in the fields of art and architecture. To address the gap in the existing literature, which largely explores NWT scaling using single-channel simulation, thorough simulations of multiple channels vertically-stacked NWTs have been carried out with different cross-sectional shapes and channel lengths. Contact resistance, non-equilibrium transport and quantum confinement effects have been taken into account during the simulations in order to realistically access performance and scalability. Finally, the individual and combined effects of key statistical variability (SV) sources on threshold voltage (VT), subthreshold slope (SS), ON-current (Ion) and drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) have been simulated and discussed. The results indicate that the variability of NWTs is impacted by device architecture and dimensions, with a significant reduction in SV found in NWTs with optimal aspect ratios. Furthermore, a reduction in the variability of the threshold voltage has been observed in vertically-stacked NWTs due to the cancelling-out of variability in double and triple lateral channel NWTs

    Estudio y optimizaci贸n de herramientas num茅ricas para simulaci贸n de dispositivos semiconductores

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    Desde la revoluci贸n del transistor la industria de la electr贸nica ha sido capaz de aumentar el rendimiento de los dispositivos a costa de reducir sus dimensiones hasta los nan贸metros. Sin embargo, este escalado tan agresivo ha originado diversas dificultades asociadas a los procesos de fabricaci贸n. Utilizando dise帽o asistido por ordenador se pueden modelar los efectos indeseados derivados del escalado con simuladores num茅ricos muy costosos computacionalmente. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis se ha centrado en: i) el dise帽o de nuevas herramientas que ayuden a describir de manera m谩s precisa el comportamiento de estos dispositivos ultraescalados, ii) la mejora de la eficiencia de las herramientas de simulaci贸n y iii) su aplicaci贸n en estudios de variabilidad