88 research outputs found

    Computing and communications for the software-defined metamaterial paradigm: a context analysis

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    Metamaterials are artificial structures that have recently enabled the realization of novel electromagnetic components with engineered and even unnatural functionalities. Existing metamaterials are specifically designed for a single application working under preset conditions (e.g., electromagnetic cloaking for a fixed angle of incidence) and cannot be reused. Software-defined metamaterials (SDMs) are a much sought-after paradigm shift, exhibiting electromagnetic properties that can be reconfigured at runtime using a set of software primitives. To enable this new technology, SDMs require the integration of a network of controllers within the structure of the metamaterial, where each controller interacts locally and communicates globally to obtain the programmed behavior. The design approach for such controllers and the interconnection network, however, remains unclear due to the unique combination of constraints and requirements of the scenario. To bridge this gap, this paper aims to provide a context analysis from the computation and communication perspectives. Then, analogies are drawn between the SDM scenario and other applications both at the micro and nano scales, identifying possible candidates for the implementation of the controllers and the intra-SDM network. Finally, the main challenges of SDMs related to computing and communications are outlined.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Feed-forward and Feedback Control in Astrocytes for Ca2+-based Molecular Communications Nanonetworks

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    Synaptic plasticity depends on the gliotransmitters’ concentration in the synaptic channel. And, an abnormal concentration of gliotransmitters is linked to neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy. In this paper, a theoretical investigation of the cause of the abnormal concentration of gliotransmitters and how to achieve its control is presented through a Ca2+-signalling-based molecular communications framework. A feed-forward and feedback control technique is used to manipulate IP3 values to stabilise the concentration of Ca2+ inside the astrocytes. The theoretical analysis of the given model aims i) to stabilize the Ca2+ concentration around a particular desired level in order to prevent abnormal gliotransmitters’ concentration (extremely high or low concentration can result in neurodegeneration), ii) to improve the molecular communication performance that utilises Ca2+ signalling, and maintain gliotransmitters’ regulation remotely. It shows that the refractory periods from Ca2+ can be maintained to lower the noise propagation resulting in smaller time-slots for bit transmission, which can also improve the delay and gain performances. The proposed approach can potentially lead to novel nanomedicine solutions for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, where a combination of nanotechnology and gene therapy approaches can be used to elicit the regulated Ca2+ signalling in astrocytes, ultimately improving neuronal activity

    Nanosensores biológicos en red para el control de diabetes con emisión de alertas a usuarios

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    Introduction: This paper is the product of the research "Biological network nanosensors for diabetes control with the issuance of alerts to users", developed in the technological faculty of the Francisco José de Caldas District University carried out during 2018 and 2019. Problem: Diabetes is a disease that affects most of the adult population and not having proper control can lead to health complications that lead to early deaths. Objective: To propose a theoretical prototype for communication between a nano network and the applications that work to monitor networks, which issues an alarm to users who have diabetes and thus have better control of their disease. Methodology: Research articles, books and forums published from 2010 onwards (some exceptions are found in the references) were used, along with official documentation of tools such as Netcool, Nagios and Pandora. Results: 66 sources were found including papers, monographs, forums and others that complied with the research guidelines. In addition, numerous applications were found that can be implemented in the proposed theoretical prototype. Conclusion: A theoretical prototype is proposed for communication between a nano network and an alarm management system for the end user. This prototype use current technologies and specialized tools. Originality: The article presents an innovative theoretical prototype, designed to solve a problem in the health sector, that makes use of emerging technologies.  Limitations: The internet of nano-things, oriented to biological processes, is an emerging technology. At the time of writing this paper, there are no real prototypes or tools to simulate nano networks in conjunction with biotechnology.Introducción: este artículo es el producto de la investigación “Nanosensores biológicos en red para el control de diabetes con emisión de alertas a usuarios”, desarrollada en la facultad tecnológica de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas durante los años 2018 y 2019. Problema: la diabetes es una enfermedad que aqueja a la mayor parte de la población adulta, el no llevar un control adecuado puede generar complicaciones de salud que conllevan a una muerte temprana. Objetivo: proponer un prototipo teórico de comunicación entre una nanored y las aplicaciones que funcionan para monitorear redes, el cual permita emitir alarmas a usuarios que posean diabetes y así llevar mejor control de su enfermedad. Metodología: se usaron artículos de investigación, libros y foros publicados desde el 2010 en adelante (en las referencias se encuentran unas excepciones). Se utilizo documentación oficial de herramientas como Netcool, Nagios y Pandora. Resultados: se encontraron 66 trabajos entre artículos, monografías, foros y demás que cumplían con el lineamiento de la investigación; además, se encontraron numerosas aplicaciones que se pueden implementar en el prototipo teórico propuesto. Conclusión: se propone un prototipo teórico para la comunicación entre una nanored y un sistema gestor de alarmas para usuarios finales haciendo uso de tecnologías actuales y herramientas especializadas.Originalidad: el artículo presenta un prototipo teórico innovador para solucionar una problemática en el sector de la salud haciendo uso de tecnologías emergentes. Originalidad: el artículo presenta un prototipo teórico innovador para solucionar una problemática en el sector de la salud haciendo uso de tecnologías emergentes. Limitaciones: el Internet de las nano cosas orientado a procesos biológicos es una tecnología emergente, en el momento en que se realiza el articulo no se cuenta con prototipos reales ni herramientas para simular nano redes en conjunto con la biotecnología

    Comprendiendo la Internet de las Nano Cosas: visión general, tendencias y desafíos

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    A través de los años, los avances tecnológicos han llevado a un rápido crecimiento de entornos inteligentes (oficinas, hogares, ciudades, etc.). El aumento de entornos inteligentes sugiere la interconectividad de las aplicaciones y el uso de la Internet. Por esta razón, surge lo que se conoce como Internet de las cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés). La ampliación del concepto IoT brinda acceso a la Internet de las nano cosas (IoNT, por sus siglas en inglés), un nuevo paradigma de redes de comunicación basado en nanotecnología y IoT, en otras palabras, un paradigma con la capacidad de interconectar dispositivos a nano escala a través de redes existentes. Este nuevo paradigma denominado IoNT se presenta al mundo como una opción para diversos campos de aplicación. Por lo tanto, surgen nuevos desafíos y oportunidades de investigación. En consecuencia, este trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el estado del arte y analizar las tendencias para el uso de IoNT, su aplicación y los desafíos futuros en diferentes campos de interés social, debido a que IoNT se presenta como una opción para la investigación con las capacidades necesarias para involucrarse en muchos campos del bienestar social. Se concluye que la literatura actual de IoNT está prevalecida por las tecnologías, las aplicaciones se enfocan en el cuidado de la salud y no se dispone de una estandarización internacional en cuanto a la privacidad, seguridad o la arquitectura de las nano redes.Over the years, technological advancements have led to rapid growth of smart environments (offices, homes, cities, etc.). The increase of intelligent environments suggests the interconnectivity of applications and the use of the Internet. For this reason, arise what is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The expansion of the IoT concept gives access to the Internet of Nano Things (IoNT). A new communication networks paradigm based on nanotechnology and IoT, in other words, a paradigm with the capacity to interconnect nano-scale devices through existing networks. This new paradigm so-called IoNT is presented to the world as an option for various fields of application. Therefore, new challenges and research opportunities have arisen. Consequently, this work aims to investigate state of the art and analyze trends for the use of IoNT, its application and future challenges in different fields of social interest, because IoNT is presented as an option for research with the capacities needed to get involved in many fields of social welfare. It is concluded that technologies prevail current IoNT literature, applications are focused on health care, and there is no international standardization regarding privacy, security or architecture of nano-networks.Facultad de Informátic