6,898 research outputs found

    Named Entity WordNet

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    This paper presents the automatic extension of Princeton WordNet with Named Entities (NEs). This new resource is called Named Entity WordNet. Our method maps the noun is-a hierarchy of WordNet to Wikipedia categories, identifies the NEs present in the latter and extracts different information from them such as written variants, definitions, etc. This information is inserted into a NE repository. A module that converts from this generic repository to the WordNet specific format has been developed. The paper explores different aspects of our methodology such as the treatment of polysemous terms, the identification of hyponyms within the Wikipedia categorization system, the identification of Wikipedia articles which are NEs and the design of a NE repository compliant with the LMF ISO standard. So far, this procedure enriches WordNet with 310,742 NEs and 381,043 ?instance of? relations

    A hybrid approach for paraphrase identification based on knowledge-enriched semantic heuristics

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    In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach for sentence paraphrase identification. The proposal addresses the problem of evaluating sentence-to-sentence semantic similarity when the sentences contain a set of named-entities. The essence of the proposal is to distinguish the computation of the semantic similarity of named-entity tokens from the rest of the sentence text. More specifically, this is based on the integration of word semantic similarity derived from WordNet taxonomic relations, and named-entity semantic relatedness inferred from Wikipedia entity co-occurrences and underpinned by Normalized Google Distance. In addition, the WordNet similarity measure is enriched with word part-of-speech (PoS) conversion aided with a Categorial Variation database (CatVar), which enhances the lexico-semantics of words. We validated our hybrid approach using two different datasets; Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MSRPC) and TREC-9 Question Variants. In our empirical evaluation, we showed that our system outperforms baselines and most of the related state-of-the-art systems for paraphrase detection. We also conducted a misidentification analysis to disclose the primary sources of our system errors

    Optimasi Suffix Tree Clustering dengan Wordnet dan Named Entity Recognition untuk Pengelompokan Dokumen

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    AbstrakSemakin meningkatnya jumlah dokumen teks di dunia digital mempengaruhi banyaknya jumlah informasi  dan menyebabkan kesulitan dalam proses temu kembali informasi (information retreival). Clustering dokumen merupakan suatu bidang text mining yang penting dan dapat digunakan untuk mengefisienkan dalam pengelolaan teks serta peringkasan teks. Namun beberapa permasalahan muncul dalam clustering dokumen teks terutama dalam dokumen berita seperti ambiguitas dalam content, overlapping cluster, dan struktur unik yang terdapat dalam dokumen berita. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode baru yaitu optimasi Suffix Tree Clustering (STC) dengan WordNet dan Named Entity Recognition (NER) untuk pengelompokan dokumen. Metode ini memiliki beberapa tahap, yaitu prepocessing dokumen dengan mengekstraksi named entity serta melakukan deteksi sinonim berdasarkan WordNet. Tahap kedua adalah pembobotan term dengan tfidf dan nerfidf. Tahap ketiga adalah melakukan clustering dokumen dengan menggunakan Suffix Tree Clustering. Berdasarkan pengujian didapatkan rata-rata nilai precision sebesar 79.83%, recall 77.25%, dan f-measure78.30 %.Kata kunci: Clustering dokumen, Named Entity Recognition, Suffix Tree Clustering, WordNetAbstractThe increasingnumber oftext documentsin the internet, influence on the number of information and lead to difficulties in the process of information retrieval. Documents clustering is main field of text mining and can be used to stream line the management of text and summarization of text. However, some problems a risein documents clustering, especially in news documents such as ambiguity in the content, overlapping clusters, and theuniquestructure ofthe news thatcontained inthe document. Inthisresearch, we proposea newmethodfor documents clustering, optimization Suffix Tree Clustering (STC) with WordNet and Named Entity Recognition (NER). In this method there are several step, step one is prepocessing documents with named entity extraction and synonym detection based on WordNet. Step two is term weighting with tfidf and nerfidf. For the last step is document clustering using Suffix Tree Clustering. Based on testingwe obtained 79.83% for precision, 77.25% for recall, and78.30% for F-measureKeywords: Documents Clustering, Named Entity Recognition, Suffix Tree Clustering, WordNe

    A Logic-based Approach for Recognizing Textual Entailment Supported by Ontological Background Knowledge

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    We present the architecture and the evaluation of a new system for recognizing textual entailment (RTE). In RTE we want to identify automatically the type of a logical relation between two input texts. In particular, we are interested in proving the existence of an entailment between them. We conceive our system as a modular environment allowing for a high-coverage syntactic and semantic text analysis combined with logical inference. For the syntactic and semantic analysis we combine a deep semantic analysis with a shallow one supported by statistical models in order to increase the quality and the accuracy of results. For RTE we use logical inference of first-order employing model-theoretic techniques and automated reasoning tools. The inference is supported with problem-relevant background knowledge extracted automatically and on demand from external sources like, e.g., WordNet, YAGO, and OpenCyc, or other, more experimental sources with, e.g., manually defined presupposition resolutions, or with axiomatized general and common sense knowledge. The results show that fine-grained and consistent knowledge coming from diverse sources is a necessary condition determining the correctness and traceability of results.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure