11 research outputs found

    NP Animacy Identification for Anaphora Resolution

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    In anaphora resolution for English, animacy identification can play an integral role in the application of agreement restrictions between pronouns and candidates, and as a result, can improve the accuracy of anaphora resolution systems. In this paper, two methods for animacy identification are proposed and evaluated using intrinsic and extrinsic measures. The first method is a rule-based one which uses information about the unique beginners in WordNet to classify NPs on the basis of their animacy. The second method relies on a machine learning algorithm which exploits a WordNet enriched with animacy information for each sense. The effect of word sense disambiguation on the two methods is also assessed. The intrinsic evaluation reveals that the machine learning method reaches human levels of performance. The extrinsic evaluation demonstrates that animacy identification can be beneficial in anaphora resolution, especially in the cases where animate entities are identified with high precision

    Analysis of Anaphora Resolution System for English Language

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    ABSTRACT Anaphora resolution is complex problem in linguistics and has attracted the attention of many researchers. It is the problem of identifying referents in the discourse. Anaphora Resolution plays an important role in Natural language processing task. This paper completely emphasis on pronominal anaphora resolution for English Language in which pronouns refers to the intended noun in discourse. In this paper two computational models are proposed for anaphora resolution. Resolution of anaphora is based on various factors among which these models use Recency factor and Animistic Knowledge. Recency factor is implemented by using Lappin Leass approach in first model and using Centering approach in second model. Information about animacy is obtained by Gazetteer method. The identification of animistic elements is employed to improve the accuracy of the system. This paper demonstrates experiment conducted by both the models on different data sets from different domains. A comparative result of both the model is summarized and conclusion is drawn for the best suitable model

    Living Machines: A study of atypical animacy

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    This paper proposes a new approach to animacy detection, the task of determining whether an entity is represented as animate in a text. In particular, this work is focused on atypical animacy and examines the scenario in which typically inanimate objects, specifically machines, are given animate attributes. To address it, we have created the first dataset for atypical animacy detection, based on nineteenth-century sentences in English, with machines represented as either animate or inanimate. Our method builds on recent innovations in language modeling, specifically BERT contextualized word embeddings, to better capture fine-grained contextual properties of words. We present a fully unsupervised pipeline, which can be easily adapted to different contexts, and report its performance on an established animacy dataset and our newly introduced resource. We show that our method provides a substantially more accurate characterization of atypical animacy, especially when applied to highly complex forms of language use

    Odkrivanje koreferenčnosti v slovenskem jeziku na označenih besedilih iz coref149

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    Odkrivanje koreferenčnosti je ena izmed treh ključnih nalog ekstrakcije informacij iz besedil, kamor spadata še prepoznavanje imenskih entitet in ekstrakcija povezav. Namen odkrivanja koreferenčnosti je prek celotnega besedila ustrezno združiti vse omenitve entitet v skupine, v katerih vsaka skupina predstavlja svojo entiteto. Metode za reševanje te naloge se za nekatere jezike z več govorci razvijajo že dalj časa, medtem ko za slovenski jezik še niso bile izdelane. V prispevku predstavljamo nov, ročno označen korpus za odkrivanje koreferenčnosti v slovenskem jeziku – korpus coref149. Za avtomatsko odkrivanje koreferenčnosti smo prilagodili sistem SkipCor, ki smo ga izdelali za angleški jezik. Sistem SkipCor je na slovenskem gradivu dosegel 76 % ocene CoNLL 2012. Ob tem smo analizirali še vplive posameznih tipov značilk in preverili, katere so pogoste napake. Pri analiziranju besedil smo razvili tudi programsko knjižnico s spletnim vmesnikom, prek katere je možno izvesti vse opisane analize in neposredno primerjati njihovo uspešnost. Rezultati analiz so obetavni in primerljivi z rezultati pri drugih, bolj razširjenih jezikih. S tem smo dokazali, da je avtomatsko odkrivanje koreferenčnosti v slovenskem jeziku lahko uspešno, v prihodnosti pa bi bilo potrebno izdelati še večji in kvalitetnejši korpus, v katerem bodo koreferenčno naslovljene vse posebnosti slovenskega jezika, kar bi omogočilo izgradnjo učinkovitih metod za avtomatsko reševanje koreferenčnih problemov

    Automatic animacy classification for Dutch

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    We present an automatic animacy classifier for Dutch that can determine the animacy status of nouns -- how alive the noun's referent is (human, inanimate, etc.). Animacy is a semantic property that has been shown to play a role in human sentence processing, felicity and grammaticality. Although animacy is not marked explicitly in Dutch, we expect knowledge about animacy to be helpful for parsing, translation and other NLP tasks. Only a few animacy classifiers and animacy- annotated corpora exist internationally. For Dutch, animacy information is only available in the Cornetto lexical-semantic database. We augment this lexical information with context information from the Dutch Lassy Large treebank, to create training data for an animacy classifier that uses a novel kind of context features. We use the k-nearest neighbour algorithm with distributional lexical features, e.g. how frequently the noun occurs as a subject of the verb `to think' in a corpus, to decide on the (pre-dominant) animacy class. The size of the Lassy Large corpus makes this possible, and the high level of detail these word association features provide, results in accurate Dutch-language animacy classification

    Anaphora resolution for Arabic machine translation :a case study of nafs

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    PhD ThesisIn the age of the internet, email, and social media there is an increasing need for processing online information, for example, to support education and business. This has led to the rapid development of natural language processing technologies such as computational linguistics, information retrieval, and data mining. As a branch of computational linguistics, anaphora resolution has attracted much interest. This is reflected in the large number of papers on the topic published in journals such as Computational Linguistics. Mitkov (2002) and Ji et al. (2005) have argued that the overall quality of anaphora resolution systems remains low, despite practical advances in the area, and that major challenges include dealing with real-world knowledge and accurate parsing. This thesis investigates the following research question: can an algorithm be found for the resolution of the anaphor nafs in Arabic text which is accurate to at least 90%, scales linearly with text size, and requires a minimum of knowledge resources? A resolution algorithm intended to satisfy these criteria is proposed. Testing on a corpus of contemporary Arabic shows that it does indeed satisfy the criteria.Egyptian Government

    NP animacy identification for anaphora resolution

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    In anaphora resolution for English, animacy identification can play an integral role in the application of agreement restrictions between pronouns and candidates, and as a result, can improve the accuracy of anaphora resolution systems. In this paper, two methods for animacy identification are proposed and evaluated using intrinsic and extrinsic measures. The first method is a rule-based one which uses information about the unique beginners in WordNet to classify NPs on the basis of their animacy. The second method relies on a machine learning algorithm which exploits a WordNet enriched with animacy information for each sense. The effect of word sense disambiguation on the two methods is also assessed. The intrinsic evaluation reveals that the machine learning method reaches human levels of performance. The extrinsic evaluation demonstrates that animacy identification can be beneficial in anaphora resolution, especially in the cases where animate entities are identified with high precision. 1