21 research outputs found

    Regression and Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Using NMF-TDNet Features From 3D Brain MR Image

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    Because of headways in deep learning and clinical imaging innovation, a few specialists are presently utilizing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to extricate profound level properties from clinical pictures to all the more exactly classify Alzheimer's disease (AD) and expect clinical scores. A limited scale profound learning network called PCANet utilizes principal component analysis (PCA) to make multi-facet channel banks for the incorporated learning of information. Blockwise histograms are made after binarization to get picture ascribes. PCANet is less versatile than different frameworks since the multi-facet channel banks are made involving test information and the produced highlights have aspects during the many thousands or even many thousands. To conquer these issues, we present in this study a PCANet-based, information free organization called the nonnegative matrix factorization tensor decomposition network (NMF-TDNet). To deliver the last picture highlights, we first form higher-request tensors and utilize tensor decomposition (TD) to achieve information dimensionality decrease. Specifically, we foster staggered channel banks for test getting the hang of utilizing nonnegative matrix factorization(NMF) as opposed to PCA. These properties serve as input to the support vector machine (SVM) that our technique employs to diagnose AD, forecast clinical score, and categorise AD

    Hybrid Approach for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis For 3D Brain MR Image

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    Because of headways in deep learning and clinical imaging innovation, a few specialists are presently utilizing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to extricate profound level properties from clinical pictures to all the more exactly classify Alzheimer's disease (AD) and expect clinical scores. A limited scale profound learning network called PCANet utilizes principal component analysis (PCA) to make multi-facet channel banks for the incorporated learning of information. Blockwise histograms are made after binarization to get picture ascribes. PCANet is less versatile than different frameworks since the multi-facet channel banks are made involving test information and the produced highlights have aspects during the many thousands or even many thousands. To conquer these issues, we present in this study a PCANet-based, information free organization called the nonnegative matrix factorization tensor decomposition network (NMF-TDNet). To deliver the last picture highlights, we first form higher-request tensors and utilize tensor decomposition (TD) to achieve information dimensionality decrease. Specifically, we foster staggered channel banks for test getting the hang of utilizing nonnegative matrix factorization(NMF) as opposed to PCA. These properties serve as input to the support vector machine (SVM) that our technique employs to diagnose AD, forecast clinical score, and categorise AD

    Alzheimer Disease Detection Techniques and Methods: A Review

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    Brain pathological changes linked with Alzheimer's disease (AD) can be measured with Neuroimaging. In the past few years, these measures are rapidly integrated into the signatures of Alzheimer disease (AD) with the help of classification frameworks which are offering tools for diagnosis and prognosis. Here is the review study of Alzheimer's disease based on Neuroimaging and cognitive impairment classification. This work is a systematic review for the published work in the field of AD especially the computer-aided diagnosis. The imaging modalities include 1) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 2) Functional MRI (fMRI) 3) Diffusion tensor imaging 4) Positron emission tomography (PET) and 5) amyloid-PET. The study revealed that the classification criterion based on the features shows promising results to diagnose the disease and helps in clinical progression. The most widely used machine learning classifiers for AD diagnosis include Support Vector Machine, Bayesian Classifiers, Linear Discriminant Analysis, and K-Nearest Neighbor along with Deep learning. The study revealed that the deep learning techniques and support vector machine give higher accuracies in the identification of Alzheimer’s disease. The possible challenges along with future directions are also discussed in the paper

    A Proposed Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosing System Based on Clustering and Segmentation Techniques

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    Alzheimer's-disease (AD) is one of the prevalent diseases that afflict theelderly. The medical field defines Alzheimer is the destruction of brain cells sothat the person loses knowledge and perception, afflict both sexes and is calleddementia. The medical field often suffers from accurate diagnosis and detection ofthe disease in the early stages. This paper presents a diagnostic approach ofAlzheimer based on K-mean clustering algorithm with Markov random fieldsegmentation on Magnetic Reasoning Images (MRI) to build software able to helpthe medical staff identifying and diagnosis the disease. The experimental resultshows that 91% accuracy is achieved, which demonstrate the system's reliabilityin the medical diagnostic environment

    Progression Modeling of Cognitive Disease Using Temporal Data Mining: Research Landscape, Gaps and Solution Design

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    Dementia is a cognitive disorder whose diagnosis and progression monitoring is very difficult due to a very slow onset and progression. It is difficult to detect whether cognitive decline is due to ageing process or due to some form of dementia as MRI scans of the brain cannot reliably differentiate between ageing related volume loss and pathological changes. Laboratory tests on blood or CSF samples have also not proved very useful. Alzheimer�s disease (AD) is recognized as the most common cause of dementia. Development of sensitive and reliable tool for evaluation in terms of early diagnosis and progression monitoring of AD is required. Since there is an absence of specific markers for predicting AD progression, there is a need to learn more about specific attributes and their temporal relationships that lead to this disease and determine progression from mild cognitive impairment to full blown AD. Various stages of disease and transitions from one stage to the have be modelled based on longitudinal patient data. This paper provides a critical review of the methods to understand disease progression modelling and determine factors leading to progression of AD from initial to final stages. Then the design of a machine learning based solution is proposed to handle the gaps in current research

    Morphometric data fusion for early detection of alzheimer’s disease

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    Abstract. We present a morphometry method which uses brain models generated using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) characterized by signatures calculated from perceptual features such as intensities, edges and orientations, of some regions obtained by comparing the models. Two different measures are used to calculate volume-models distances in the regions of interest. The discerning power of these distances is tested by using them as features for a Support Vector Machine classifier. This work shows the usefulness of both measures as metrics in medical image applications when they are used in binary classification tasks. Our methodology was tested with two experimental groups extracted from a public brain MR dataset (OASIS), the classification between healthy subjects and patients with mild AD reveals an equal error rate (EER) measure which is better than previous approaches tested on the same dataset (0.1 in the former and 0.2 in the latter). When detecting very mild AD, our results (near to 75% of sensitivity and specificity) are comparable to the results with those approaches.Presentamos un m´etodo de morfometr´ı que usa modelos de cerebro que se generan usando factorizaci´on de matrices no-negativas (NMF por su nombre en ingl´es) y se caracterizan por firmas calculadas de rasgos perceptules como las intensidades, bordes y orientaciones de algunas regiones del cerebro obtenidas de la comparaci´on entre modelos. Dos medidas, la divergencia de Kullback-Leibler y la “Earth Mover’s Distance”, son usadas para calcular la distancia entre vol´umenes y modelos en las regiones de inter´es. Probamos el poder discriminante de estas distancias us´andolas para construir los vectores de caracter´ısticas para una m´aquina de soporte vectorial. Este trabajo muestra la utilidad de ambas medidas en tareas de clasificaci´on binaria. Nuestra metodolog´ıa fue probada con dos grupos experimentales extra´ıdos de la base de datos OASIS, la clasificaci´on entre sujetos sanos y pacientes con Alzheimer leve revela un EER que mejora los resultados obtenidos por trabajos publicados previamente con los mismos grupos experimentales. Cuando se trata de detectar Alzheimer muy leve, los resultados (cercanos a 75% de sensibilidad y especificidad) son comparables con los resultados obtenidos en dichas publicaciones.Maestrí

    Multilevel Feature Representation of FDG-PET Brain Images for Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease

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    International audienc

    Differentiation of Alzheimer's disease dementia, mild cognitive impairment and normal condition using PET-FDG and AV-45 imaging : a machine-learning approach

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    Nous avons utilisé l'imagerie TEP avec les traceurs F18-FDG et AV45 en conjonction avec les méthodes de classification du domaine du "Machine Learning". Les images ont été acquises en mode dynamique, une image toutes les 5 minutes. Les données ont été transformées par Analyse en Composantes Principales et Analyse en Composantes Indépendantes. Les images proviennent de trois sources différentes: la base de données ADNI (Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative) et deux protocoles réalisés au sein du centre TEP de l'hôpital Purpan. Pour évaluer la performance de la classification nous avons eu recours à la méthode de validation croisée LOOCV (Leave One Out Cross Validation). Nous donnons une comparaison entre les deux méthodes de classification les plus utilisées, SVM (Support Vector Machine) et les réseaux de neurones artificiels (ANN). La combinaison donnant le meilleur taux de classification semble être SVM et le traceur AV45. Cependant les confusions les plus importantes sont entre les patients MCI et les sujets normaux. Les patients Alzheimer se distinguent relativement mieux puisqu'ils sont retrouvés souvent à plus de 90%. Nous avons évalué la généralisation de telles méthodes de classification en réalisant l'apprentissage sur un ensemble de données et la classification sur un autre ensemble. Nous avons pu atteindre une spécificité de 100% et une sensibilité supérieure à 81%. La méthode SVM semble avoir une meilleure sensibilité que les réseaux de neurones. L'intérêt d'un tel travail est de pouvoir aider à terme au diagnostic de la maladie d'Alzheimer.We used PET imaging with tracers F18-FDG and AV45 in conjunction with the classification methods in the field of "Machine Learning". PET images were acquired in dynamic mode, an image every 5 minutes.The images used come from three different sources: the database ADNI (Alzheimer's Disease Neuro-Imaging Initiative, University of California Los Angeles) and two protocols performed in the PET center of the Purpan Hospital. The classification was applied after processing dynamic images by Principal Component Analysis and Independent Component Analysis. The data were separated into training set and test set. To evaluate the performance of the classification we used the method of cross-validation LOOCV (Leave One Out Cross Validation). We give a comparison between the two most widely used classification methods, SVM (Support Vector Machine) and artificial neural networks (ANN) for both tracers. The combination giving the best classification rate seems to be SVM and AV45 tracer. However the most important confusion is found between MCI patients and normal subjects. Alzheimer's patients differ somewhat better since they are often found in more than 90%. We evaluated the generalization of our methods by making learning from set of data and classification on another set . We reached the specifity score of 100% and sensitivity score of more than 81%. SVM method showed a bettrer sensitivity than Artificial Neural Network method. The value of such work is to help the clinicians in diagnosing Alzheimer's disease

    Applying novel machine learning technology to optimize computer-aided detection and diagnosis of medical images

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    The purpose of developing Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) schemes is to assist physicians (i.e., radiologists) in interpreting medical imaging findings and reducing inter-reader variability more accurately. In developing CAD schemes, Machine Learning (ML) plays an essential role because it is widely used to identify effective image features from complex datasets and optimally integrate them with the classifiers, which aims to assist the clinicians to more accurately detect early disease, classify disease types and predict disease treatment outcome. In my dissertation, in different studies, I assess the feasibility of developing several novel CAD systems in the area of medical imaging for different purposes. The first study aims to develop and evaluate a new computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) scheme based on analysis of global mammographic image features to predict the likelihood of cases being malignant. CADx scheme is applied to pre-process mammograms, generate two image maps in the frequency domain using discrete cosine transform and fast Fourier transform, compute bilateral image feature differences from left and right breasts, and apply a support vector machine (SVM) method to predict the likelihood of the case being malignant. This study demonstrates the feasibility of developing a new global image feature analysis based CADx scheme of mammograms with high performance. This new CADx approach is more efficient in development and potentially more robust in future applications by avoiding difficulty and possible errors in breast lesion segmentation. In the second study, to automatically identify a set of effective mammographic image features and build an optimal breast cancer risk stratification model, I investigate advantages of applying a machine learning approach embedded with a locally preserving projection (LPP) based feature combination and regeneration algorithm to predict short-term breast cancer risk. To this purpose, a computer-aided image processing scheme is applied to segment fibro-glandular tissue depicted on mammograms and initially compute 44 features related to the bilateral asymmetry of mammographic tissue density distribution between left and right breasts. Next, an embedded LLP algorithm optimizes the feature space and regenerates a new operational vector with 4 features using a maximal variance approach. This study demonstrates that applying the LPP algorithm effectively reduces feature dimensionality, and yields higher and potentially more robust performance in predicting short-term breast cancer risk. In the third study, to more precisely classify malignant lesions, I investigate the feasibility of applying a random projection algorithm to build an optimal feature vector from the initially CAD-generated large feature pool and improve the performance of the machine learning model. In this process, a CAD scheme is first applied to segment mass regions and initially compute 181 features. An SVM model embedded with the feature dimensionality reduction method is then built to predict the likelihood of lesions being malignant. This study demonstrates that the random project algorithm is a promising method to generate optimal feature vectors to improve the performance of machine learning models of medical images. The last study aims to develop and test a new CAD scheme of chest X-ray images to detect coronavirus (COVID-19) infected pneumonia. To this purpose, the CAD scheme first applies two image preprocessing steps to remove the majority of diaphragm regions, process the original image using a histogram equalization algorithm, and a bilateral low-pass filter. Then, the original image and two filtered images are used to form a pseudo color image. This image is fed into three input channels of a transfer learning-based convolutional neural network (CNN) model to classify chest X-ray images into 3 classes of COVID-19 infected pneumonia, other community-acquired no-COVID-19 infected pneumonia, and normal (non-pneumonia) cases. This study demonstrates that adding two image preprocessing steps and generating a pseudo color image plays an essential role in developing a deep learning CAD scheme of chest X-ray images to improve accuracy in detecting COVID-19 infected pneumonia. In summary, I developed and presented several image pre-processing algorithms, feature extraction methods, and data optimization techniques to present innovative approaches for quantitative imaging markers based on machine learning systems in all these studies. The studies' simulation and results show the discriminative performance of the proposed CAD schemes on different application fields helpful to assist radiologists on their assessments in diagnosing disease and improve their overall performance

    Representation learning for histopathology image analysis

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    Abstract. Nowadays, automatic methods for image representation and analysis have been successfully applied in several medical imaging problems leading to the emergence of novel research areas like digital pathology and bioimage informatics. The main challenge of these methods is to deal with the high visual variability of biological structures present in the images, which increases the semantic gap between their visual appearance and their high level meaning. Particularly, the visual variability in histopathology images is also related to the noise added by acquisition stages such as magnification, sectioning and staining, among others. Many efforts have focused on the careful selection of the image representations to capture such variability. This approach requires expert knowledge as well as hand-engineered design to build good feature detectors that represent the relevant visual information. Current approaches in classical computer vision tasks have replaced such design by the inclusion of the image representation as a new learning stage called representation learning. This paradigm has outperformed the state-of-the-art results in many pattern recognition tasks like speech recognition, object detection, and image scene classification. The aim of this research was to explore and define a learning-based histopathology image representation strategy with interpretative capabilities. The main contribution was a novel approach to learn the image representation for cancer detection. The proposed approach learns the representation directly from a Basal-cell carcinoma image collection in an unsupervised way and was extended to extract more complex features from low-level representations. Additionally, this research proposed the digital staining module, a complementary interpretability stage to support diagnosis through a visual identification of discriminant and semantic features. Experimental results showed a performance of 92% in F-Score, improving the state-of-the-art representation by 7%. This research concluded that representation learning improves the feature detectors generalization as well as the performance for the basal cell carcinoma detection task. As additional contributions, a bag of features image representation was extended and evaluated for Alzheimer detection, obtaining 95% in terms of equal error classification rate. Also, a novel perspective to learn morphometric measures in cervical cells based on bag of features was presented and evaluated obtaining promising results to predict nuclei and cytoplasm areas.Los métodos automáticos para la representación y análisis de imágenes se han aplicado con éxito en varios problemas de imagen médica que conducen a la aparición de nuevas áreas de investigación como la patología digital. El principal desafío de estos métodos es hacer frente a la alta variabilidad visual de las estructuras biológicas presentes en las imágenes, lo que aumenta el vacío semántico entre su apariencia visual y su significado de alto nivel. Particularmente, la variabilidad visual en imágenes de histopatología también está relacionada con el ruido añadido por etapas de adquisición tales como magnificación, corte y tinción entre otros. Muchos esfuerzos se han centrado en la selección de la representacion de las imágenes para capturar dicha variabilidad. Este enfoque requiere el conocimiento de expertos y el diseño de ingeniería para construir buenos detectores de características que representen la información visual relevante. Los enfoques actuales en tareas de visión por computador han reemplazado ese diseño por la inclusión de la representación en la etapa de aprendizaje. Este paradigma ha superado los resultados del estado del arte en muchas de las tareas de reconocimiento de patrones tales como el reconocimiento de voz, la detección de objetos y la clasificación de imágenes. El objetivo de esta investigación es explorar y definir una estrategia basada en el aprendizaje de la representación para imágenes histopatológicas con capacidades interpretativas. La contribución principal de este trabajo es un enfoque novedoso para aprender la representación de la imagen para la detección de cáncer. El enfoque propuesto aprende la representación directamente de una colección de imágenes de carcinoma basocelular en forma no supervisada que permite extraer características más complejas a partir de las representaciones de bajo nivel. También se propone el módulo de tinción digital, una nueva etapa de interpretabilidad para apoyar el diagnóstico a través de una identificación visual de las funciones discriminantes y semánticas. Los resultados experimentales mostraron un rendimiento del 92% en términos de F-Score, mejorando la representación del estado del arte en un 7%. Esta investigación concluye que el aprendizaje de la representación mejora la generalización de los detectores de características así como el desempeño en la detección de carcinoma basocelular. Como contribuciones adicionales, una representación de bolsa de caracteristicas (BdC) fue ampliado y evaluado para la detección de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, obteniendo un 95% en términos de EER. Además, una nueva perspectiva para aprender medidas morfométricas en las células del cuello uterino basado en BdC fue presentada y evaluada obteniendo resultados prometedores para predecir las areás del nucleo y el citoplasma.Maestrí