84 research outputs found

    NEURON and Python

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    The NEURON simulation program now allows Python to be used, alone or in combination with NEURON's traditional Hoc interpreter. Adding Python to NEURON has the immediate benefit of making available a very extensive suite of analysis tools written for engineering and science. It also catalyzes NEURON software development by offering users a modern programming tool that is recognized for its flexibility and power to create and maintain complex programs. At the same time, nothing is lost because all existing models written in Hoc, including graphical user interface tools, continue to work without change and are also available within the Python context. An example of the benefits of Python availability is the use of the xml module in implementing NEURON's Import3D and CellBuild tools to read MorphML and NeuroML model specifications

    Conedy: a scientific tool to investigate Complex Network Dynamics

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    We present Conedy, a performant scientific tool to numerically investigate dynamics on complex networks. Conedy allows to create networks and provides automatic code generation and compilation to ensure performant treatment of arbitrary node dynamics. Conedy can be interfaced via an internal script interpreter or via a Python module

    Neuronvisio: A Graphical User Interface with 3D Capabilities for NEURON

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    The NEURON simulation environment is a commonly used tool to perform electrical simulation of neurons and neuronal networks. The NEURON User Interface, based on the now discontinued InterViews library, provides some limited facilities to explore models and to plot their simulation results. Other limitations include the inability to generate a three-dimensional visualization, no standard mean to save the results of simulations, or to store the model geometry within the results. Neuronvisio (http://neuronvisio.org) aims to address these deficiencies through a set of well designed python APIs and provides an improved UI, allowing users to explore and interact with the model. Neuronvisio also facilitates access to previously published models, allowing users to browse, download, and locally run NEURON models stored in ModelDB. Neuronvisio uses the matplotlib library to plot simulation results and uses the HDF standard format to store simulation results. Neuronvisio can be viewed as an extension of NEURON, facilitating typical user workflows such as model browsing, selection, download, compilation, and simulation. The 3D viewer simplifies the exploration of complex model structure, while matplotlib permits the plotting of high-quality graphs. The newly introduced ability of saving numerical results allows users to perform additional analysis on their previous simulations

    Automated optimization of a reduced layer 5 pyramidal cell model based on experimental data.

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    The construction of compartmental models of neurons involves tuning a set of parameters to make the model neuron behave as realistically as possible. While the parameter space of single-compartment models or other simple models can be exhaustively searched, the introduction of dendritic geometry causes the number of parameters to balloon. As parameter tuning is a daunting and time-consuming task when performed manually, reliable methods for automatically optimizing compartmental models are desperately needed, as only optimized models can capture the behavior of real neurons. Here we present a three-step strategy to automatically build reduced models of layer 5 pyramidal neurons that closely reproduce experimental data. First, we reduce the pattern of dendritic branches of a detailed model to a set of equivalent primary dendrites. Second, the ion channel densities are estimated using a multi-objective optimization strategy to fit the voltage trace recorded under two conditions - with and without the apical dendrite occluded by pinching. Finally, we tune dendritic calcium channel parameters to model the initiation of dendritic calcium spikes and the coupling between soma and dendrite. More generally, this new method can be applied to construct families of models of different neuron types, with applications ranging from the study of information processing in single neurons to realistic simulations of large-scale network dynamics

    A Comprehensive Framework for Computational Neuroscience: Exploring Descriptive, Mechanistic, and Interpretive Models with Analysis

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    This paper introduces a groundbreaking framework for computational neuroscience, uniting Descriptive, Mechanistic, and Interpretive models. Tailored to unravel the complexities of the brain, our framework categorizes and establishes a dynamic platform for real-time comparative analysis, offering insights into individual model strengths and weaknesses. Descriptive models (Neural Firing Rate, Population Rate, Neural Field) quantitatively capture neural phenomena without an explicit focus on underlying mechanisms. Mechanistic models (Hodgkin-Huxley, Synaptic, Biophysical) delve into intricate biological processes, simulating neural activity with detailed mechanisms. Interpretive models (Integrate-and-Fire, Generalized Linear) prioritize conceptual understanding, offering insights into the principles governing neural processes

    Neuronal gain modulability is determined by dendritic morphology: a computational optogenetic study

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    The mechanisms by which the gain of the neuronal input-output function may be modulated have been the subject of much investigation. However, little is known of the role of dendrites in neuronal gain control. New optogenetic experimental paradigms based on spatial profiles or patterns of light stimulation offer the prospect of elucidating many aspects of single cell function, including the role of dendrites in gain control. We thus developed a model to investigate how competing excitatory and inhibitory input within the dendritic arbor alters neuronal gain, incorporating kinetic models of opsins into our modeling to ensure it is experimentally testable. To investigate how different topologies of the neuronal dendritic tree affect the neuron’s input-output characteristics we generate branching geometries which replicate morphological features of most common neurons, but keep the number of branches and overall area of dendrites approximately constant. We found a relationship between a neuron’s gain modulability and its dendritic morphology, with neurons with bipolar dendrites with a moderate degree of branching being most receptive to control of the gain of their input-output relationship. The theory was then tested and confirmed on two examples of realistic neurons: 1) layer V pyramidal cells—confirming their role in neural circuits as a regulator of the gain in the circuit in addition to acting as the primary excitatory neurons, and 2) stellate cells. In addition to providing testable predictions and a novel application of dual-opsins, our model suggests that innervation of all dendritic subdomains is required for full gain modulation, revealing the importance of dendritic targeting in the generation of neuronal gain control and the functions that it subserves. Finally, our study also demonstrates that neurophysiological investigations which use direct current injection into the soma and bypass the dendrites may miss some important neuronal functions, such as gain modulation

    Frequency dependence of signal power and spatial reach of the local field potential

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    The first recording of electrical potential from brain activity was reported already in 1875, but still the interpretation of the signal is debated. To take full advantage of the new generation of microelectrodes with hundreds or even thousands of electrode contacts, an accurate quantitative link between what is measured and the underlying neural circuit activity is needed. Here we address the question of how the observed frequency dependence of recorded local field potentials (LFPs) should be interpreted. By use of a well-established biophysical modeling scheme, combined with detailed reconstructed neuronal morphologies, we find that correlations in the synaptic inputs onto a population of pyramidal cells may significantly boost the low-frequency components of the generated LFP. We further find that these low-frequency components may be less `local' than the high-frequency LFP components in the sense that (1) the size of signal-generation region of the LFP recorded at an electrode is larger and (2) that the LFP generated by a synaptically activated population spreads further outside the population edge due to volume conduction

    The Brian Simulator

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    “Brian” is a simulator for spiking neural networks (http://www.briansimulator.org). The focus is on making the writing of simulation code as quick and easy as possible for the user, and on flexibility: new and non-standard models are no more difficult to define than standard ones. This allows scientists to spend more time on the details of their models, and less on their implementation. Neuron models are defined by writing differential equations in standard mathematical notation, facilitating scientific communication. Brian is written in the Python programming language, and uses vector-based computation to allow for efficient simulations. It is particularly useful for neuroscientific modelling at the systems level, and for teaching computational neuroscience
