269 research outputs found

    Energy-aware Randomized Neighbor Discovery Protocol based on Collision Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    [EN] In wireless ad hoc networks, neighbor discovery is necessary as an initial step. In this work we present LECDH (Low Energy Collision Detection Hello), an energy-aware randomized handshake-based neighbor discovery protocol for static environments. We carried out simulations through Castalia 3.2 simulator and compared LECDH with an existing protocol EAH (Energy Aware Hello) used as reference. We conclude that the proposal outperforms the reference protocol both in one-hop and multi-hop environments in terms of Energy consumption, Discovery time, Number of discovered neighbors, Throughput, and Discoveries per packet sent, for high duty cycles. Moreover, for low number of nodes in LECDH, as the duty cycle is reduced the performance is better according to all 5 metrics in both environments. Overall, we found that our proposal follows more realistic assumptions and still allows nodes to succeed at discovering all their neighbors almost with probability 1. Moreover, a qualitative comparison of the reference solution and our proposal is included in this paper.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR. This work has also been partially founded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through the post-doctoral PAID-10-20 program.Sorribes, JV.; Peñalver Herrero, ML.; Jimenez, JM.; Sendra, S. (2022). Energy-aware Randomized Neighbor Discovery Protocol based on Collision Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Mobile Networks and Applications (Online). 28:31-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-022-01995-731482

    Collision Avoidance Based Neighbor Discovery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

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    [EN] Neighbor discovery is an important first step after the deployment of ad hoc wireless networks since they are a type of network that do not provide a communications infrastructure right after their deployment, the devices have radio transceivers which provide a limited transmission range, and there is a lack of knowledge of the potential neighbors. In this work two proposals to overcome the neighbor discovery in static one-hop environments in the presence of collisions, are presented. We performed simulations through Castalia 3.2, to compare the performance of the proposals against that for two protocols from the literature, i.e. PRR and Hello, and evaluate them according to six metrics. According to simulation results, the Leader-based proposal (O(N)) outperforms the other protocols in terms of neighbor discovery time, throughput, discoveries vs packets sent ratio, and packets received vs sent ratio, and the TDMA-based proposal is the slowest (O(N-2)) and presents the worst results regarding energy consumption, and discoveries vs packets sent ratio. However, both proposals follow a predetermined transmission schedule that allows them to discover all the neighbors with probability 1, and use a feedback mechanism. We also performed an analytical study for both proposals according to several metrics. Moreover, the Leader-based solution can only properly operate in one-hop environments, whereas the TDMA-based proposal is appropriate for its use in multi-hop environments.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad" in the "Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia, Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento" within the project under Grant TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P. This work has also been partially supported by European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR.Sorribes, JV.; Peñalver Herrero, ML.; Lloret, J.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM. (2022). Collision Avoidance Based Neighbor Discovery in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. 125(2):987-1011. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-09091-x9871011125

    Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks

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    Tesis por compendioProducts related with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are becoming a reality on our roads. All car manufacturers are starting to include Internet access in their vehicles and to integrate smartphones directly from the dashboard, but more and more services will be introduced in the near future. Connectivity through "vehicular networks" will become a cornerstone of every new proposal, and offering an adequate quality of service is obviously desirable. However, a lot of work is needed for vehicular networks to offer performances similar to those of the wired networks. Vehicular networks can be characterized by two main features: high variability due to mobility levels that can reach up to 250 kilometers per hour, and heterogeneity, being that various competing versions from different vendors have and will be released. Therefore, to make the deployment of efficient services possible, an extensive study must be carried out and adequate tools must be proposed and developed. This PhD thesis addresses the service deployment problem in these networks at three different levels: (i) the physical and link layer, showing an exhaustive analysis of the physical channel and models; (ii) the network layer, proposing a forwarding protocol for IP packets; and (iii) the transport layer, where protocols are proposed to improve data delivery. First of all, the two main wireless technologies used in vehicular networks where studied and modeled, namely the 802.11 family of standards, particularly 802.11p, and the cellular networks focusing on LTE. Since 802.11p is a quite mature standard, we defined (i) a propagation and attenuation model capable of replicating the transmission range and the fading behavior of real 802.11p devices, both in line-of-sight conditions and when obstructed by small obstacles, and (ii) a visibility model able to deal with large obstacles, such as buildings and houses, in a realistic manner. Additionally, we proposed a model based on high-level performance indicators (bandwidth and delay) for LTE, which makes application validation and evaluation easier. At the network layer, a hybrid protocol called AVE is proposed for packet forwarding by switching among a set of standard routing strategies. Depending on the specific scenario, AVE selects one out of four different routing solutions: a) two-hop direct delivery, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO), c) greedy georouting, and d) store-carry-and-forward technique, to dynamically adapt its behavior to the specific situation. At the transport layer, we proposed a content delivery protocol for reliable and bidirectional unicast communication in lossy links that improves content delivery in situations where the wireless network is the bottleneck. It has been designed, validated, optimized, and its performance has been analyzed in terms of throughput and resource efficiency. Finally, at system level, we propose an edge-assisted computing model that allows reducing the response latency of several queries by placing a computing unit at the network edge. This way, traffic traversal through the Internet is avoided when not needed. This scheme could be used in both 802.11p and cellular networks, and in this thesis we decided to focus on its evaluation using LTE networks. The platform presented in this thesis combines all the individual efforts to create a single efficient platform. This new environment could be used by any provider to improve the quality of the user experience obtainable through the proposed vehicular network-based services.Los productos relacionados con los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) se están transformando en una realidad en nuestras carreteras. Todos los fabricantes de coches comienzan a incluir acceso a internet en sus vehículos y a facilitar su integración con los teléfonos móviles, pero más y más servicios se introducirán en el futuro. La conectividad usando las "redes vehiculares" se convertirá en la piedra angular de cada nueva propuesta, y ofrecer una calidad de servicio adecuada será, obviamente, deseable. Sin embargo, se necesita una gran cantidad de trabajo para que las redes vehiculares ofrezcan un rendimiento similar al de las redes cableadas. Las redes vehiculares quedan definidas por sus dos características básicas: alto dinamismo, pues los nodos pueden alcanzar una velocidad relativa de más de 250 km/h; y heterogeneidad, por la gran cantidad de propuestas diferentes que los fabricantes están lanzando al mercado. Por ello, para hacer posible el despliegue de servicios sobre ellas, se impone la necesidad de hacer un estudio en profundidad de este entorno, y deben de proponerse y desarrollarse las herramientas adecuadas. Esta tesis ataca la problemática del despliegue de servicios en estas redes a tres niveles diferentes: (i) el nivel físico y de enlace, mostrando varios análisis en profundidad del medio físico y modelos derivados para su simulación; (ii) el nivel de red, proponiendo un protocolo de difusión de la información para los paquetes IP; y (iii) el nivel de transporte, donde otros protocolos son propuestos para mejorar el rendimiento del transporte de datos. En primer lugar, se han estudiado y modelado las dos principales tecnologías inalámbricas que se utilizan para la comunicación en redes vehiculares, la rama de estándares 802.11, en concreto 802.11p; y la comunicación celular, en particular LTE. Dado que el estándar 802.11p es un estándar bastante maduro, nos centramos en crear (i) un modelo de propagación y atenuación capaz de replicar el rango de transmisión de dispositivos 802.11p reales, en condiciones de visión directa y obstrucción por pequeños obstáculos, y (ii) un modelo de visibilidad capaz de simular el efecto de grandes obstáculos, como son los edifcios, de una manera realista. Además, proponemos un modelo basado en indicadores de rendimiento de alto nivel (ancho de banda y retardo) para LTE, que facilita la validación y evaluación de aplicaciones. En el plano de red, se propone un protocolo híbrido, llamado AVE, para el encaminamiento y reenvío de paquetes usando un conjunto de estrategias estándar de enrutamiento. Dependiendo del escenario, AVE elige entre cuatro estrategias diferentes: a) entrega directa a dos saltos, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraz, y d) una técnica store-carry-and- forward, para adaptar su comportamiento dinámicamente a cada situación. En el plano de transporte, se propone un protocolo bidireccional de distribución de contenidos en canales con pérdidas que mejora la entrega de contenidos en situaciones en las que la red es un cuello de botella, como las redes inalámbricas. Ha sido diseñado, validado, optimizado, y su rendimiento ha sido analizado en términos de productividad y eficiencia en la utilización de recursos. Finalmente, a nivel de sistema, proponemos un modelo de computación asistida que permite reducir la latencia en la respuesta a muchas consultas colocando una unidad de computación en el borde de la red, i.e., la red de acceso. Este esquema podría ser usado en redes basadas en 802.11p y en redes celulares, si bien en esta tesis decidimos centrarnos en su evaluación usando redes LTE. La plataforma presentada en esta tesis combina todos los esfuerzos individuales para crear una plataforma única y eficiente. Este nuevo entorno puede ser usado por cualquier proveedor para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de usuario en los servicios desplegados sobre redes vehiculares.Els productes relacionats amb els sistemes intel · ligents de transport (ITS) s'estan transformant en una realitat en les nostres carreteres. Tots els fabri- cants de cotxes comencen a incloure accés a internet en els vehicles i a facilitar- ne la integració amb els telèfons mòbils, però en el futur més i més serveis s'hi introduiran. La connectivitat usant les xarxes vehicular esdevindrà la pedra angular de cada nova proposta, i oferir una qualitat de servei adequada serà, òbviament, desitjable. No obstant això, es necessita una gran quantitat de treball perquè les xarxes vehiculars oferisquen un rendiment similar al de les xarxes cablejades. Les xarxes vehiculars queden definides per dues característiques bàsiques: alt dinamisme, ja que els nodes poden arribar a una velocitat relativa de més de 250 km/h; i heterogeneïtat, per la gran quantitat de propostes diferents que els fabricants estan llançant al mercat. Per això, per a fer possible el desplegament de serveis sobre aquestes xarxes, s'imposa la necessitat de fer un estudi en profunditat d'aquest entorn, i cal proposar i desenvolupar les eines adequades. Aquesta tesi ataca la problemàtica del desplegament de serveis en aquestes xarxes a tres nivells diferents: (i) el nivell físic i d'enllaç , mostrant diverses anàlisis en profunditat del medi físic i models derivats per simular-lo; (ii) el nivell de xarxa, proposant un protocol de difusió de la informació per als paquets IP; i (iii) el nivell de transport, on es proposen altres protocols per a millorar el rendiment del transport de dades. En primer lloc, s'han estudiat i modelat les dues principals tecnologies sense fils que s'utilitzen per a la comunicació en xarxes vehiculars, la branca d'estàndards 802.11, en concret 802.11p; i la comunicació cel · lular, en partic- ular LTE. Atès que l'estàndard 802.11p és un estàndard bastant madur, ens centrem a crear (i) un model de propagació i atenuació capaç de replicar el rang de transmissió de dispositius 802.11p reals, en condicions de visió directa i obstrucció per petits obstacles, i (ii) un model de visibilitat capaç de simular l'efecte de grans obstacles, com són els edificis, d'una manera realista. A més, proposem un model basat en indicadors de rendiment d'alt nivell (ample de banda i retard) per a LTE, que facilita la validació i l'avaluació d'aplicacions. En el pla de xarxa, es proposa un protocol híbrid, anomenat AVE, per a l'encaminament i el reenviament de paquets usant un conjunt d'estratègies estàndard d'encaminament. Depenent de l'escenari , AVE tria entre quatre estratègies diferents: a) lliurament directe a dos salts, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraç, i d) una tècnica store-carry-and- forward, per a adaptar-ne el comportament dinàmicament a cada situació. En el pla de transport, es proposa un protocol bidireccional de distribució de continguts en canals amb pèrdues que millora el lliurament de continguts en situacions en què la xarxa és un coll de botella, com les xarxes sense fils. Ha sigut dissenyat, validat, optimitzat, i el seu rendiment ha sigut analitzat en termes de productivitat i eficiència en la utilització de recursos. Finalment, a nivell de sistema, proposem un model de computació assistida que permet reduir la latència en la resposta a moltes consultes col · locant una unitat de computació a la vora de la xarxa, és a dir, la xarxa d'accés. Aquest esquema podria ser usat en xarxes basades en 802.11p i en xarxes cel · lulars, si bé en aquesta tesi decidim centrar-nos en la seua avaluació usant xarxes LTE. La plataforma presentada en aquesta tesi combina tots els esforços indi- viduals per a crear una plataforma única i eficient. Aquest nou entorn pot ser usat per qualsevol proveïdor per a millorar la qualitat de l'experiència d'usuari en els serveis desplegats sobre xarxes vehiculars.Báguena Albaladejo, M. (2017). Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85333TESISCompendi

    Design and development of low cost smart turbidity sensor for water quality monitoring in fish farms

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    [EN] Turbidity monitoring is necessary in many cases and several sensors have been developed for this purpose. However, in some cases to quantify the turbidity it is not enough and its characterization is necessary. In fish farms, the increase of sedimentary or phytoplanktonic turbidity requires different actions to prevent further damages. For this reason, a sensor able to differentiate between turbidity sources is necessary. In this paper, a turbidity sensor able to distinguish different types of turbidity is designed, developed and calibrated. The sensor is based on the Beer-Lambert law and it uses four LEDs as light sources with different wavelengths. The sensing elements are located at 180° of the light sources and consist of a photodiode and a photoresistor, sensitive to infrared and visible wavelengths respectively. For the calibration process different turbidity sources were employed, Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmis chuii and sediment. The results show that it is possible to determine the turbidity using the infrared light and to characterize the origin of that turbidity with the red light. An algorithm was created in order to create a method to process the data from each sample to obtain the turbidity, the origin of this turbidity and the concentration of the turbidity source. With this algorithm, we can create a smart turbidity sensor for water quality monitoring. Our main application is focused on monitoring the water input in fish farm facilities; however, this smart sensor will be useful in many other areas.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte", through the "Ayudas para contratos predoctorales de Formacion del Profesorado Universitario FPU (Convocatoria 2014)". Grant number FPU14/02953. This work has been partially supported by the "Conselleria de Educacion, Investigacion, Cultura y Deporte", through the "Subvenciones para la contratacion de personal investigador de caracter (Convocatoria 2017)".Grant number ACIF/2017/069.Parra-Boronat, L.; Rocher-Morant, J.; Escrivá-Perales, J.; Lloret, J. (2018). Design and development of low cost smart turbidity sensor for water quality monitoring in fish farms. Aquacultural Engineering. 81:10-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaeng.2018.01.004S10188

    BotGM: Unsupervised Graph Mining to Detect Botnets in Traffic Flows

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    International audienceBotnets are one of the most dangerous and serious cybersecurity threats since they are a major vector of large-scale attack campaigns such as phishing, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, trojans, spams, etc. A large body of research has been accomplished on botnet detection, but recent security incidents show that there are still several challenges remaining to be addressed, such as the ability to develop detectors which can cope with new types of botnets. In this paper, we propose BotGM, a new approach to detect botnet activities based on behavioral analysis of network traffic flow. BotGM identifies network traffic behavior using graph-based mining techniques to detect botnets behaviors and model the dependencies among flows to trace-back the root causes then. We applied BotGM on a publicly available large dataset of Botnet network flows, where it detects various botnet behaviors with a high accuracy without any prior knowledge of them

    Optimal route reflection topology design

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    An Autonomous System (AS) is a group of Internet Protocol-based networks with a single and clearly defined external routing policy, usually under single ownership, trust or administrative control. The AS represents a connected group of one or more blocks of IP addresses, called IP prefixes, that have been assigned to that organization and provides a single routing policy to systems outside the AS. The Internet is composed of the interconnection of several thousands of ASes, which use the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to exchange network prefixes (aggregations of IP addresses) reachability advertisements. BGP advertisements (or updates) are sent over BGP sessions administratively set between pairs of routers. BGP is a path vector routing protocol and is used to span different ASes. A path vector protocol defines a route as a pairing between a destination and the attributes of the path to that destination. Interior Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) refers to the BGP neighbor relationship within the same AS. When BGP neighbor relationship are formed between two peers belonging to different AS are called Exterior Border Gateway Protocol (eBGP). In the last case, BGP routers are called Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs), while those running only iBGP sessions are referred to as Internal Routers (IRs). Traditional iBGP implementations require a full-mesh of sessions among routers of each AS

    An autoregressive estimator for overhead reduction in Substitution Networks

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    International audienceA substitution network is a temporary networkthat self-deploys to dynamically replace a portion of a damagedinfrastructure by means of a fleet of mobile routers. Someefficient solutions deploy robots based on active measurements.A robot/node in the network may use active link monitoring toassess the link quality towards its neighbors through the useof probe packets. Such probe packets are sent periodically at agiven rate, and so, the accuracy of the measurements depends onthe number and the frequency of exchanged packets. However,exchanging probe packets is energy and bandwidth consuming,thus active monitoring is considered as a costly mechanism.Even so, active link monitoring is a technique widely used onmany network protocols. In this paper, we focus on an adaptivepositioning algorithm (APOLO) to self-deploy a network. APOLOis based on active monitoring to gather essential information fromnodes. Therefore, we show how autoregressive estimation maybe used to reduce the overhead caused by the active measuringtechnique. Moreover, it is possible to use surrogate data ratherthan real data to feed APOLO without impacting its performance

    A Survey and Comparative Study of Broadcast Warning Message Dissemination Schemes for VANETs

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    © 2016 Julio A. Sanguesa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications also known as vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) allow vehicles to cooperate to increase driving efficiency and safety on the roads. In particular, they are forecasted as one of the key technologies to increase traffic safety by providing useful traffic services. In this scope, vehicle-to-vehicle dissemination of warning messages to alert nearby vehicles is one of the most significant and representative solutions. The main goal of the different dissemination strategies available is to reduce the message delivery latency of such information while ensuring the correct reception of warning messages in the vehicle's neighborhood as soon as a dangerous situation occurs. Despite the fact that several dissemination schemes have been proposed so far, their evaluation has been done under different conditions, using different simulators, making it difficult to determine the optimal dissemination scheme for each particular scenario. In this paper, besides reviewing the most relevant broadcast dissemination schemes available in the recent literature, we also provide a fair comparative analysis by evaluating them under the same environmental conditions, focusing on the same metrics, and using the same simulation platform. Overall, we provide researchers with a clear guideline of the benefits and drawbacks associated with each scheme.This work was partially supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Proyectos I+D+I 2014, Spain, under Grant TEC2014-52690-R, and by the Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund (T91 Research Group).Sangüesa-Escorihuela, JA.; Fogue, M.; Garrido, P.; Martinez Dominguez, FJ.; Cano Escribá, JC.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM. (2016). A Survey and Comparative Study of Broadcast Warning Message Dissemination Schemes for VANETs. Mobile Information Systems. 2016:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/8714142S118201