5,313 research outputs found

    Feature recognition & tool path generation for 5 axis STEP-NC machining of free form / irregular contoured surfaces

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    This research paper presents a five step algorithm to generate tool paths for machining Free form / Irregular Contoured Surface(s) (FICS) by adopting STEP-NC (AP-238) format. In the first step, a parametrized CAD model with FICS is created or imported in UG-NX6.0 CAD package. The second step recognizes the features and calculates a Closeness Index (CI) by comparing them with the B-Splines / Bezier surfaces. The third step utilizes the CI and extracts the necessary data to formulate the blending functions for identified features. In the fourth step Z-level 5 axis tool paths are generated by adopting flat and ball end mill cutters. Finally, in the fifth step, tool paths are integrated with STEP-NC format and validated. All these steps are discussed and explained through a validated industrial component

    Automatic polishing process of plastic injection molds on a 5-axis milling center

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    The plastic injection mold manufacturing process includes polishing operations when surface roughness is critical or mirror effect is required to produce transparent parts. This polishing operation is mainly carried out manually by skilled workers of subcontractor companies. In this paper, we propose an automatic polishing technique on a 5-axis milling center in order to use the same means of production from machining to polishing and reduce the costs. We develop special algorithms to compute 5-axis cutter locations on free-form cavities in order to imitate the skills of the workers. These are based on both filling curves and trochoidal curves. The polishing force is ensured by the compliance of the passive tool itself and set-up by calibration between displacement and force based on a force sensor. The compliance of the tool helps to avoid kinematical error effects on the part during 5-axis tool movements. The effectiveness of the method in terms of the surface roughness quality and the simplicity of implementation is shown through experiments on a 5-axis machining center with a rotary and tilt table

    Automatic tool path generation for numerically controlled machining of sculptured surfaces

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    This dissertation presents four new tool path generation approaches for numerically controlled machining of sculptured surfaces: TRI\sb-XYINDEX, FINISH, FIVEX\sb-INDEX, FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX. All of the above systems index the tool across the object surface in the Cartesian space so that evenly distributed tool paths are accomplished. TRI\sb-XYINDEX is a three-axis tool path generation system which uses a surface triangle set (STS) representation of the surface for tool position calculations. Surface edges are detected with local searching algorithms. Quick tool positioning is achieved by selecting candidate elements of polygons. Test results show that TRI\sb-XYINDEX is more efficient when machining surfaces which are relatively flat while the discrete point approach is faster for highly curved surfaces. FINISH was developed for generating three-axis ball-end tool paths for local surface finishing. It was based on the SPS. Given a surface with excess material represented by a set of discrete points, FINISH automatically identifies the undercut areas. Results show that FINISH provides significant improvements in machining efficiency. FIVEX\sb-INDEX is developed for generating five-axis flat-end tool paths. It uses an STS approximation. Contact points on the surface are derived from edge lists obtained from the intersections of vertical cutting planes with the polygon set. The distances between adjacent end points set an initial step-forward increment between surface contact points. To verify tool movements, some intermediate tool positions are interpolated. The key features of FIVEX\sb-INDEX are: (1) a polygon set representing an object which may be composed of multiple surfaces; (2) Surface contact point generation by cutting plane intersection; (3) simple tool incrementing and positioning algorithms; (4) minimal user interaction; (5) user controlled accuracy of resulting tool paths. FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX is a subsystem of FIVEX\sb-INDEX, generating tool paths for a tool with fixed orientations. Surface contact points are generated similar to FIVEX\sb-INDEX while tool positions are corrected with the highest point technique along the tool axis direction. Linear fitting is applied to output tool positions. FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX is preferred for machining surfaces curved in one direction, such as ruled surfaces. Test results show that FIX\sb-AXIS\sb-INDEX can serve as a three-axis tool path generation system but a five-axis machine is required to do it. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Optimization of 5-Axis milling processes based on the process models with application to airfoil machining

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    5-axis milling is widely used in machining of complex surfaces such as airfoils. Improper selection of machining parameters may cause low productivity and undesired results during machining. There are several constraints such as available power and torque, chatter stability, tool breakage etc. In order to respect such constraints proper machining parameters should be determined. In this paper, methodologies for improving 5-axis milling processes are presented. Selection of machining parameters is performed using process simulations. The developed methodologies are presented on an example airfoil

    Toolpath algorithm for free form irregular contoured walls / surfaces with internal deflecting connections.

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    This paper presents a toolpath generation method to efficiently machine free form irregular contoured walls / surfaces (FIWS) containing internal deflecting connections (IDC’s). The toolpath generation method is based on a series of identifications and calculations, where initially a ‘Main Computable Zone (MCZ)’ in the Machinable Areas (Ma’s) of FIWS is identified based on the Tool track dimensions (Td). Then the MCZ’s are divided into Split Computable Zones (SCZ’s) and Split Computable Zones for Internal Connections (SCZI’s) which are subsequently sub divided as ‘Categorized Computable Zones’ (CCZ) with simple-medium-high complexity. The identification of CCZ’s is based on the 10 different types of FIWS representations developed for this study. From the CCZ’s categorization of complexity, they are further split into smaller ‘Machinable Zones (MZ’s)’ using a 4-step algorithm. In the algorithm, the first step calculates a common plane (CP) to cut the steep areas in the CCZ’s where the tool cannot have full access for machining. Once the CP is identified, the second step is to extend it by moving them along the CCZ’s and calculate the necessary ‘Machinable Zones (MZ’s)’ in the next stage. This is done by finding the intersection of CP with the FIWS through a point to point / line plane intersection concept. After this step, the MZ’s are re-iterated by including the open and closed surface criteria and is analyzed for the IDC’s to be combined in the fourth stage. This is achieved by adding up the IDC’s with the existing MZ’s computed by the algorithm. At every stage, the algorithm considers tool collision avoidance and tool rubbing in the CCZ’s and MZ’s . This is by an automatic computation based on the height to fixture clearance for safer neck length which avoids collision and rubbings in the final toolpaths. Finally, a combined tool path is generated for all the MZ’s and has been verified / tested for a sample part and impeller containing similar shapes using UG NX / STEP –NC software

    Automated design and STEP-NC machining of impellers

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    This paper presents the four stage approach followed for automated design and STEP-NC based machining of impellers. In the first stage, the design calculations are performed to construct the 'Meridional representation' of the radial impeller. Then 3D curves are projected from the 'Meridional representation' and 3D model is generated using UG-NX software. In the second stage, the process planning activities including tooling & setup plan are completed. Here, ball end mill cutters with suitable diameter and length are selected and appropriate process parameters as suited to 5 axis milling are considered. In the third stage, the tool path data based on contour area milling is generated and verified in the UG NX software. Finally, in the fourth stage, the model with the complete data is imported to STEP-NC software and the AP-238 format is generated. In this article the design procedure adopted for construction of 'Meridional Section' of a radial turbine is discussed with the general methdology to automate the process planning and tool path generation. A test case of radial impeller is presented with the results obtained by adopting STEP-NC format

    Five-Axis Numerical Control Machining of the Tooth Flank of a Logarithmic Spiral Bevel Gear Pinion

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    In this paper, the production of a logarithmic spiral bevel gear prototype is illustrated by the manufacture of the gear pinion. Firstly, the conical gear body of a logarithmic spiral bevel gear pinion was shaped on a C6140A1 lathe. A kinematic model of a five-axis vertical machining centre DMG DMU40 monoBLOCK, with the position and orientation of each axis relative to the movement of the workpiece, was created. In addition, the processing coordinate transformation formula between the workpiece coordinate system and the cutter coordinate system was devised. The cutter location file was converted to the numerical control code of the DMG DMU40 monoBLOCK. Finally, the pinion of a logarithmic spiral bevel gear was machined on the DMG DMU40 monoBLOCK as a prototype to be used in further research of the logarithmic spiral bevel gear

    Multiresolution analysis as an approach for tool path planning in NC machining

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    Wavelets permit multiresolution analysis of curves and surfaces. A complex curve can be decomposed using wavelet theory into lower resolution curves. The low-resolution (coarse) curves are similar to rough-cuts and high-resolution (fine) curves to finish-cuts in numerical controlled (NC) machining.;In this project, we investigate the applicability of multiresolution analysis using B-spline wavelets to NC machining of contoured 2D objects. High-resolution curves are used close to the object boundary similar to conventional offsetting, while lower resolution curves, straight lines and circular arcs are used farther away from the object boundary.;Experimental results indicate that wavelet-based multiresolution tool path planning improves machining efficiency. Tool path length is reduced, sharp corners are smoothed out thereby reducing uncut areas and larger tools can be selected for rough-cuts

    Constant scallop height tool path generation

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    Journal ArticleAn approach for the automatic generation of constant scallop height tool paths is presented. An example is shown generated from a B-spline model, although it can be used with many types of sculptured surfaces. The approach utilizes surface subdivision techniques and a new algorithm for tool path generation. The new algorithm is based on computer graphics shading algorithms and on methods from graph theory. A tool path with a constant scallop height renders minimum waste tool moves and hence results in much better machine time. Since neither numerical methods nor high order derivatives are required by the algorithm, it provides an efficient and robust method for tool path computation. Besides, the new algorithm is capable of producing tool paths whose milling directions are based on local surface geometry
