731 research outputs found

    Nidus idearum. Scilogs, III: Viva la Neutrosophia!

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    Welcome into my scientific lab! My lab[oratory] is a virtual facility with noncontrolled conditions in which I mostly perform scientific meditation and chats: a nest of ideas (nidus idearum, in Latin). I called the jottings herein scilogs (truncations of the words scientific, and gr. Λόγος – appealing rather to its original meanings ground , opinion , expectation ), combining the welly of both science and informal (via internet) talks (in English, French, and Romanian). * In this third book of scilogs collected from my nest of ideas, one may find new and old questions and solutions, referring to topics on NEUTROSOPHY – email messages to research colleagues, or replies, notes about authors, articles, or books, so on. Feel free to budge in or just use the scilogs as open source for your own ideas! * Neutrosophy is a new branch of philosophy which studies the origin, nature, and scope of neutralities, as well as their interactions with different ideational spectra. I coined the words “neutrosophy” and “neutrosophic” in my 1998 book: Florentin Smarandache, Neutrosophy. Neutrosophic Probability, Set, and Logic, ProQuest Information & Learning, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 105 p., 1998; http://fs.gallup.unm.edu/eBook-neutrosophics6.pdf (last edition online)

    A Unifying Field in Logics: Neutrosophic Logic.

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    The author makes an introduction to non-standard analysis, then extends the dialectics to “neutrosophy” – which became a new branch of philosophy. This new concept helps in generalizing the intuitionistic, paraconsistent, dialetheism, fuzzy logic to “neutrosophic logic” – which is the first logic that comprises paradoxes and distinguishes between relative and absolute truth. Similarly, the fuzzy set is generalized to “neutrosophic set”. Also, the classical and imprecise probabilities are generalized to “neutrosophic probability”


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    Building upon the concept of D α operator introduced by Atanassov (1989), this article proposes an improved objective approach and a hybrid approach to operationalize D α so that the hesitation in an intuitionistic fuzzy number (IFN) can be further refined and characterized. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the features and novelty of the proposed approach compared to existing methods in the literature. The aim is to furnish an effective way to refine hesitations in intuitionistic fuzzy assessments for more reliable and confident decision aids


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    In 1960s Abraham Robinson has developed the non-standard analysis, a formalization of analysis and a branch of mathematical logic, which rigorously defines the infinitesimals


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    It was a surprise for me when in 1995 I received a manuscript from the mathematician, experimental writer and innovative painter Florentin Smarandache, especially because the treated subject was of philosophy - revealing paradoxes - and logics. He had generalized the fuzzy logic, and introduced two new concepts: a) “neutrosophy” – study of neutralities as an extension of dialectics; b) and its derivative “neutrosophic”, such as “neutrosophic logic”, “neutrosophic set”, “neutrosophic probability”, and “neutrosophic statistics” and thus opening new ways of research in four fields: philosophy, logics, set theory, and probability/statistics. It was known to me his setting up in 1980’s of a new literary and artistic avant-garde movement that he called “paradoxism”, because I received some books and papers dealing with it in order to review them for the German journal “Zentralblatt fur Mathematik”. It was an inspired connection he made between literature/arts and science, philosophy. We started a long correspondence with questions and answers. Because paradoxism supposes multiple value sentences and procedures in creation, antisense and non-sense, paradoxes and contradictions, and it’s tight with neutrosophic logic, I would like to make a small presentation

    Fuzzy Quasi-Metric Spaces: Bicompletion, Contractions on Product Spaces, and Applications to Access Predictions

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    Desde que L.A. Zadeh presentó la teoría de conjuntos difusos en 1965, esta se ha usado en una amplia serie de áreas de las matemáticas y se ha aplicado en una gran variedad de escenarios de la vida real. Estos escenarios cubren procesos complejos sin modelo matemático sencillo tales como dispositivos de control industrial, reconocimiento de patrones o sistemas que gestionen información imprecisa o altamente impredecible. La topología difusa es un importante ejemplo de uso de la teoría de L.A. Zadeh. Durante años, los autores de este campo han buscado obtener la definición de un espacio métrico difuso para medir la distancia entre elementos según grados de proximidad. El presente trabajo trata acerca de la bicompletación de espacios casi-métricos difusos en el sentido de Kramosil y Michalek. Sherwood probó que todo espacio métrico difuso admite completación que es única excepto por isometría basándose en propiedades de la métrica de Lévy. Probamos aquí que todo espacio casi-métrico difuso tiene bicompletación usando directamente el supremo de conjuntos en [0,1] y límites inferiores de secuencias en [0,1] en lugar de usar la métrica de Lévy. Aprovechamos tanto la bicompletitud y bicompletación de espacios casi-métricos difusos como las propiedades de los espacios métricos difusos y difusos intuicionistas para presentar varias aplicaciones a problemas del campo de la informática. Así estudiamos la existencia y unicidad de solución para las ecuaciones de recurrencia asociadas a ciertos algoritmos formados por dos procedimientos recursivos. Para analizar su complejidad aplicamos el principio de contracción de Banach tanto en un producto de casi-métricas no-Arquimedianas en el dominio de las palabras como en la casi-métrica producto de dos espacios de complejidad casi-métricos de Schellekens. Estudiamos también una aplicación de espacios métricos difusos a sistemas de información basados en localidad de accesos.Castro Company, F. (2010). Fuzzy Quasi-Metric Spaces: Bicompletion, Contractions on Product Spaces, and Applications to Access Predictions [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8420Palanci

    Technology assessment with IF-TOPSIS: An application in the advanced underwater system sector

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    Technologies are pivotal for firms' success, but also resource consuming. Therefore, managers have to assess and select technologies carefully in order to allocate resources on the most promising ones, grounding their decisions on adequate sets of criteria on which experienced people can express their opinion.This work proposes an application of Multi Criteria Decision Aids to technology assessment, where Decision Support Systems offer an effective support for evaluating technology impact on firms' success, building on experts' judgments.The method is based on a peer-based modification to Intuitionistic Fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making with TOPSIS method (peer IF-TOPSIS). A case study in which this methodology is applied to a company operating in the military sector (Advanced Underwater System) is also presented.Besides the empirical proof of the method's suitability and value in assisting managers in their decision, the paper's contributions are both methodological and theoretical. Methodologically, while allowing a peer-based voting procedure, the method enhances the consensus in the firm and limits the possible biases that a supra-decision maker could introduce. Theoretically, the set of proposed criteria includes many facets of the assessment problem, and avoids being tailored to the investigated technological field, so enhancing its generalizability

    Design and Evaluation of Ballast Water Management Systems using Modified and Hybridised Axiomatic Design Principles

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    There are two major motivations to this research. The first is based on the concerns raised at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) MEPC 67 and 68 meetings regarding the capacity of some type-approved Ballast Water Management (BWM) Systems to meet the performance standard (D-2) of the BWM Convention at-all-times and in all conditions. The second is based on the reluctance expressed by some ship- owners to install the system onboard their ships as a Lloyd\u27s list survey suggested. In this work, an attempt was made to address these issues and concerns using a set of criteria stipulated in Regulation D-5.2 of the BWM Convention which provides the framework for reviewing and evaluating the practical concepts of managing ballast water, developing a conceptual model for managing ballast water and minimizing the contributions of human-error to BWM System performance by analyzing the associated operational human factors. Firstly, the design of a conceptual model of managing ballast water and the evaluation of some established practical concepts of BWM were achieved by using a suitable technique (Axiomatic Design or AD) which was selected via a robust procedure. The two axioms of Axiomatic Design (information and independence) were used to evaluate four different concepts of managing ballast water as well as develop a BWM Convention-compliant conceptual design matrix model respectively. Based on data collected from ballast water management experts, Post-loading Onshore Ballast Water Management System was shown to be the most appropriate ballast water management concept with respect to the Regulation D-5.2 set of criteria. This presents a paradigm shift in expert preference from traditional shipboard systems to onshore systems with respect to the IMO-criteria. The pathway for improved performance of the Convention-compliant design matrix was subsequently determined and prioritised using Sufield model of Altshuler\u27s theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ). Lastly, a 5-step algorithm was developed to minimise operator errors in the BWM System’s operation. Fatigue and training were found to have the greatest impact on operator performance