9 research outputs found

    Process-Algebraic Models of Multi-Writer Multi-Reader Non-Atomic Registers

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    We present process-algebraic models of multi-writer multi-reader safe, regular and atomic registers. We establish the relationship between our models and alternative versions presented in the literature. We use our models to formally analyse by model checking to what extent several well-known mutual exclusion algorithms are robust for relaxed atomicity requirements. Our analyses refute correctness claims made about some of these algorithms in the literature

    Process-Algebraic Models of Multi-Writer Multi-Reader Non-Atomic Registers

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    We present process-algebraic models of multi-writer multi-reader safe, regular and atomic registers. We establish the relationship between our models and alternative versions presented in the literature. We use our models to formally analyse by model checking to what extent several well-known mutual exclusion algorithms are robust for relaxed atomicity requirements. Our analyses refute correctness claims made about some of these algorithms in the literature

    Structural Invariants for Parametric Verification of Systems with Almost Linear Architectures

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    We consider concurrent systems consisting of a finite but unknown number of components , that are replicated instances of a given set of finite state automata. The components communicate by executing interactions which are simultaneous atomic state changes of a set of components. We specify both the type of interactions (e.g. rendezvous , broadcast) and the topology (i.e. architecture) of the system (e.g. pipeline, ring) via a decidable interaction logic, which is embedded in the classical weak sequential calculus of one successor (WS1S). Proving correctness of such system for safety properties , such as deadlock freedom or mutual exclusion, requires the inference of an induc-tive invariant that subsumes the set of reachable states and avoids the unsafe states. Our method synthesizes such invariants directly from the formula describing the interactions , without costly fixed point iterations. We applied our technique to the verification of several textbook examples, such as dining philosophers, mutual exclusion protocols and concurrent systems with preemption and priorities

    Abstraction-based verification of parameterized networks

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    The thesis presents a method to verify parameterized networks of finite state processes. The method is based on three main ideas. The first one consists in modeling an infinite family of networks by a single WS1S transition system, that is, a transition system whose variables are set (2nd-order) variables and whose transitions are described in WS1S. Then, we present methods that allow to abstract a WS1S system into a finite state system that can be model-checked. Finally, in order to verify liveness properties, we present an algorithm that allows to enrich the abstract system with strong fairness conditions while preserving safety of the abstraction. We prove applicability of the method by verifying several examples. Moreover, we present generalizations that allow to verify networks of processes with unbounded state space or networks with tree topologies

    Mutual Exclusion Revisited

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    A family of four mutual exclusion algorithms is presented. Its members vary from a simple three-bilinear wait mutual exclusion to the four-bit first-come first-served algorithm immune to various faults. The algorithms are based on a scheme similar to the Morris's solution of the mutual exclusion with three weak semaphores. The presented algorithms compare favorably with equivalent published mutual exclusion algorithms in their program's size and the number of required communication bits