197,166 research outputs found

    College Kids with Guns: Hidden in Plain Sight

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    Sunday morning found me out in the field with a stalwart group of Gettysburg devotees: the Gettysburg Discussion Group\u27s annual spring Muster. When the coordinator of this year\u27s Muster put out the call for something a bit different, perhaps something in town for Sunday, my ears perked up. I\u27ve been looking for groups to test out the nuggets of the College\u27s Civil War story on and the GDG seemed like the perfect group of guinea pigs. [excerpt

    Passing Muster: Evaluating Teacher Evaluation Systems

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    Describes how state or federal governments could reward exceptional teachers based on a uniform standard across various district-level teacher evaluation systems by determining the systems' reliability in predicting future performance. Includes Q & A

    Esthetic rehabilitation with ultra-thin ceramic veneers and direct mock-up in the treatment of dental erosion – Case report

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.Dental erosion is a high prevalence condition characterized by the loss of dental substance due to chemical agents. It can also be associated with ïżœphysical wear, affecting function and aesthetics. Ceramic veneers can provide effective solutions to patients affected by erosive disorders, by means of an indirect approach and minimal intervention. Recent advances in cementation techniques and ceramic materials have allowed their use in reduced thicknesses, known as "dental contact lenses" or "ultra-thin veneers". They contribute significantly to the preservation of the dental structures, having excellent models or mock ups in order to preview the final outcome. Case: The aim of this report is to communicate the use of this technique for the treatment and successful 12-months follow-up of a patient affected by dental erosion of the maxillary central incisors. Special interest was placed on direct mock-up, which is a simple technique not requiring laboratory steps. Luting of the lithium disilicate veneers was carried out with a light-curing resin cement and try-in pastes, yielding a very satisfactory result. Conclusion: Diagnosis and early treatment of this disorder allows the application of conservative techniques, such as ultra-thin veneers, which are seen as a promising alternative treatment to full coverage restorations and traditional ceramic veneers. © 2018, Universidad de Concepcion. All rights reserved.http://joralres.com/index.php/JOR/article/view/481/45

    New Zealand regions, 1986-2001: Dependency and development of social capital

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    The development of social capital is significantly affected by benefit dependency of the population. This paper investigates measures of social cohesion and measures of dependency on society across the regions of New Zealand. Some of the measures looked at specifically are social security benefit use and convictions, custodial sentences and the prison muster across regions. The paper also focuses on housing and specifically considers overcrowding

    Water Body Distributions Across Scales: A Remote Sensing Based Comparison of Three Arctic Tundra Wetlands

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    Water bodies are ubiquitous features in Arctic wetlands. Ponds, i.e., waters with a surface area smaller than 104 m2, have been recognized as hotspots of biological activity and greenhouse gas emissions but are not well inventoried. This study aimed to identify common characteristics of three Arctic wetlands including water body size and abundance for different spatial resolutions, and the potential of Landsat-5 TM satellite data to show the subpixel fraction of water cover (SWC) via the surface albedo. Water bodies were mapped using optical and radar satellite data with resolutions of 4mor better, Landsat-5 TM at 30mand the MODIS water mask (MOD44W) at 250m resolution. Study sites showed similar properties regarding water body distributions and scaling issues. Abundance-size distributions showed a curved pattern on a log-log scale with a flattened lower tail and an upper tail that appeared Paretian. Ponds represented 95% of the total water body number. Total number of water bodies decreased with coarser spatial resolutions. However, clusters of small water bodies were merged into single larger water bodies leading to local overestimation of water surface area. To assess the uncertainty of coarse-scale products, both surface water fraction and the water body size distribution should therefore be considered. Using Landsat surface albedo to estimate SWC across different terrain types including polygonal terrain and drained thermokarst basins proved to be a robust approach. However, the albedo–SWC relationship is site specific and needs to be tested in other Arctic regions. These findings present a baseline to better represent small water bodies of Arctic wet tundra environments in regional as well as global ecosystem and climate models

    On spiders associated with dead trunks : investigations in a semi-natural woodland in North-West Germany

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    The communities of bark-dwelling spiders and false scorpions on standing trunks of living and dead oaks (Quercus robur) of various stages were studied in an ancient woodland in the lowland of NW-Germany. The investigations were carried out from march to october 1996 by use of 28 emergence traps. For comparative purpose one stem-eclector was used. All traps were installed at a height of 2 meters. The appropriateness of these methods for collecting spiders is discussed. A total of 1828 spiders (41 species) and 57 false scorpions (1 species) were encountered. Abundance gradients are analysed with regard to bark-structure, insolation and age of the dead wood. Three species are first recorded in the NW-German Plain: Dipoena torva, Haplodrassus cognatus and Synema globosum. Hitherto the predominant spiders Thyreosthenius parasiticus and Haplodrassus cognatus have not been found on bark abundantly. Thus, the structure of the bark-dwelling fauna varies considerably with region, biotope structure and historical aspects. The occurence of Dendrochemes cymeus, which in Britain is associated with ancient woodlands, indicates that this species could be restricted to such woodlands in Northern Germany, too.Von MĂ€rz bis Oktober 1996 wurde die Stammfauna an stehendem Eichentotholz verschiedenen Absterbedatums im niedersĂ€chsischen Naturwald Pretzetzer Landwehr untersucht. Es kamen 28 in 2m Hohe installierte Borkenemergenzeklektoren zum Einsatz. FĂŒr Vergleichszwecke wurden auch gesunde BĂ€ume beprobt und ein Stammeklektor betrieben. Dabei wurden 1828 Spinnen aus 41 Arten und 57 Exemplare einer Pseudoskorpionart gefangen. Die Zusammensetzung der Araneozonosen Ă€ndert sich mit dem Alter des Totholzes. FĂŒr einige Arten lĂ€sst sich eine AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Rindenstruktur aufzeigen. Bei anderen Arten lĂ€sst sich die Verteilung eher durch unterschiedliche BelichtungsverhĂ€ltnisse der StammoberflĂ€che erklĂ€ren. Die Fangeffizienz von Borkenemergenz-und Stammeklektoren fĂŒr Spinnentiere wird diskutiert. Dabei ist hervorzuheben, dass derZeitpunkt der Installation bei geschlossenen BEE einen betrĂ€chtlichen Einfluss auf die Resultate hat. Ein Vergleich mit anderen Ergebnissen zur Arachnofauna von BaumstĂ€mmen in Mitteleuropa zeigt, dass die meisten charakteristischen Rindenbewohner nicht baumartenspezifisch auftreten und in allen untersuchten Regionen zu finden sind. Die Dominanzverteilungen fallen jedoch extrem unterschiedlich aus. Die beiden hĂ€ufigsten Arten dieser Untersuchung, Thyreosthenius parasiticus und Haplodrassus cognatus, wurden bisher nur sehr selten bzw. in geringen Individuenzahlen an BaumstĂ€mmen festgestellt. H. cognatus wurde bisher im nordwestdeutschen Flachland Überhaupt noch nicht gefunden. Weitere Erstnachweise fĂŒr diese Region sind Dipoena torva und Synema globosum. Bemerkenswert ist auch 45 das hĂ€ufige Auftreten des stenoken Pseudoskorpions Dendrochernes cyrneus. Diese Art kann als potentieller Indikator fĂŒr historisch alte WĂ€lder in Norddeutschland gelten. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen den hohen Naturschutzwert von totholzreichen Naturwaldzellen

    Back in Formation: Presenting the 2018-2019 CWI Fellows

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    With the new academic year off to a racing start, the Civil War Institute Fellows are back and ready to muster in. Veterans, Ryan Bilger ’19, Savannah Labbe ’19, Jonathan Tracey ’19, and Zachary Wesley ’20 will be joined by new recruits, James Goodman ’20, Elizabeth Hobbs ’21, Benjamin Hutchison ’21, Benjamin Roy ’21, Cameron Sauers ’21, and Isaac Shoop ’21. Everyone is eager to begin working on their new projects and sharing history with all of you. [excerpt

    Language and identity in the school adjustment of immigrant students in Israel

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    Der Autor, dessen in diesem Band dargestellte Analyse... auf dem Datensatz der ICSEY Studie basiert, untersucht Muster der Adaption von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund unter den Aspekten Sprache, IdentitĂ€t und soziokulturelle Anpassung in einem bestimmten Akkulturations- und Bildungskontext, nĂ€mlich dem israelischen Schulsystem. Das israelische Schulsystem ist, so der Autor, durch eine Kombination von assimilationistischen und pluralistischen AnsĂ€tzen gekennzeichnet. Insgesamt 327 neu zugewanderte SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒler aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion sowie aus Äthiopien, die in Israel leben und die Sekundarstufe besuchen, wurden befragt. Der Fragebogen basiert auf Selbstaussagen und umfasst Fragen zu den Themen Sprachgebrauch und Sprachkompetenz (Herkunftssprache und Schulsprache), IdentitĂ€t, wahrgenommene Diskriminierung, schulische Adaption und Verhaltensprobleme. Zwischen den beiden ethnischen Gruppen konnten erhebliche Unterschiede im Sprachgebrauch und in den Sprachkompetenzen festgestellt werden. Die Beherrschung der Schulsprache erweist sich als der bedeutsamere PrĂ€diktor fĂŒr schulische Adaption und Verhaltensprobleme als Kompetenzen in der Herkunftssprache. Gleichzeitig ist die ethnische IdentitĂ€t (im Sinne der LoyalitĂ€t zur Herkunftskultur) in beiden Gruppen stĂ€rker ausgeprĂ€gt als die Identifikation mit der Kultur der Aufnahmegesellschaft. Schulische Adaption wird von beiden GruppenloyalitĂ€ten, stĂ€rker jedoch von der Identifikation mit der Kultur der Aufnahmegesellschaft beeinflusst. ZusĂ€tzlich hĂ€ngt die wahrgenommene Diskriminierung negativ mit schulischer Adaption zusammen. Die Ergebnisse der Analysen werden unter dem Aspekt der Passung zwischen dem akkulturativen Kontext von Schulen in Israel und dem Muster der IdentitĂ€tsbildung einerseits und der Akkulturation, die die Jugendlichen an den Tag legen andererseits, diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)

    The First Step to the International Tax Regime in 1923 – Edwin R. A. Seligman, New York, and the League of Nations : Ramblings in New York City and Lake Placid, StreifzĂŒge in Heidelberg, FlĂąneries Ă  GenĂšve et Ă  Paris

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    In 1919, following the ‘deluge’ of World War One, Europe was in ruins. To keep the peace, an international organization named the League of Nations was created. While lasting peace remained a pipedream, a fruitful ‘technical’ coordination developed under the League’s umbrella: A wide variety of networks of experts sought to coordinate economic, social, hu-manitarian, and ‘technical’ problems transnationally. From its conception to its organization, the League of Nations was influenced by two Presi-dents of the United States, the Republican Theodore Roosevelt and the Democrat Woodrow Wilson; however, the United States did not become a member of the League of Nations. Wilson, who was in poor health in 1919, could not convince the US Senate to join the League. Nevertheless, an intensive exchange between the League and Americans followed in the 1920s, including many private initiatives. Furthermore, a substantial number of Americans worked in the secretariat of the League. The financial field provided various examples of successful instances of ‘technical’ coordi-nation through the League’s platform. Many understood that economic recovery could be delayed by barriers to transnational economic exchange, such as when tax burdens that had increased sharply since the war were applied more than once. Double taxation between states, however, was an exotic topic at the time, even for most tax experts. In 1921, the League asked several economists to prepare a report on the economic impact of international double taxation and on general principles to remove the ‘evil consequences of double taxation’. A group of four economic experts on double taxation was formed, com-prising the following members: Josiah Stamp of the United Kingdom, Luigi Einaudi of the Kingdom of Italy, Gijsbert Weijer Jan Bruins of the Netherlands, and Edwin R. A. Seligman from New York City (the United States was not member state of the League of Nations). The collaboration of these four economic experts was successful, and they delivered an eco-nomic report to the League in April 1923. Tax scholars on both sides of the Atlantic have since agreed that this 1923 economists’ Report on Double Taxation created the architecture of today’s international tax regime. As will be revealed below, Seligman was the key figure in the establishment of the 1923 report. For many years before the League requested thereport, Seligman had been in a friendly exchange of views with Luigi Einaudi and Josiah Stamp. It was a dialogue among scientists who respected each other. What led to the successful collaboration of the four economic experts on double taxation in 1923? In the period after the Great War, the world was ready for international coordination. However, the collaboration of the economists was demanding. Their mandate had to be clarified, as did governance questions within the League. Was there any consultation with the US government? Uncataloged, barely tapped source material is involved, particularly from the Edwin R. A. Seligman Papers at Columbia University in New York City. Today, Seligman is forgotten as an economist, or at least ‘somewhat neglected’. This work-ing paper describes Seligman’s personal and scientific background, his studies in Europe in the 1880s, some of his manifold roles in New York, and his affiliation with Columbia Uni-versity, which spanned more than half a century. Is it possible to reveal some buried roots of the ideas that underlie the international tax regime – in Heidelberg, Paris, New York, or Geneva? In addition, this working paper provides a brief account of how various people in the League – as well as the four economists – were operating responsibly, always with the big picture in mind. The goal was ‘the wealth of nations’, not only the domestic wealth of a specific country. Some characteristics of Seligman’s biography support the collaboration of the four economic experts, namely the fact that he grew up in a cosmopolitan family, his broad knowledge of languages and cultures, his transcontinental economic education, his undogmatic goal orientation, his sociable character, his charm, his respect, and his ability to compromise. He was an effective transnational networker on many levels, with an inde-fatigable scientific curiosity. The working paper touches on many narratives from other areas of the social sciences. These include many US-specific themes, but also the changing tides of international scientific transfer in the social sciences between 1880 and 1930, the pioneer-ing role of Americans in the development of a ‘new histography’ between 1900 and 1920, or the emergence of ‘technical’ international coordinations immediately after 1919
