269,254 research outputs found

    Isomorphic Correspondence: Hybrid Different Media: Music and Architecture

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    School of Crafting Instruments: Hudson Yard in Manhattan, New York, NY In my thesis approach to the music and architecture, I am not evoking the classical Pythagoras and Palladio. I am more dealing with architecture and music as new ground of present architecture and new hybrid medium between them... Architecture, just linked music with simple arithmetic ratios, should confront and try to parallel to contemporary music theory... To hybrid these different media, I have chosen the instruments and Bella Bartok\u27s musical Theory. Instrument has architectonic form with musical character while Bartok\u27s musical theory has visual character. These two media can be sources of the hybrid music and architecture

    A Layered Architectural Model For Music Education: Malaysian Music On The World Wide Web

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    To date, no research has yet been published on the subject of web architectures for music. The two-layered web architecture for Malaysian music, designed and developed in this study, can be applied as a model of web architecture for music education, specifically for the introduction of the music of a particular country or region. The model is designed and developed in two phases: the building of the subject architecture, or the content development phase; and the design and development of the application architecture. However, no comprehensive classification method for Malaysian music currently exists. Furthermore, information about all the various types of music in Malaysia is not easily available. The research includes the collection of information about Malaysian music from existing data sources and through field research, undertaken to obtain informatio

    Music in architecture.

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    Law Ying Kin."Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2004-2005, design report."Synopsis --- p.BOOK0:3Chapter BOOK 1 : --- "FORM, MUSIC & ARCHITECTURE"Introduction --- p.BOOK1:5Formal Exploration --- p.BOOK1:6PROJECT 1 : Music Academy --- p.BOOK1:7Chapter BOOK 2 : --- "EVENT, MUSIC & ARCHITECTURE"Site Studies --- p.BOOK2:13Art in EveryDay's Life --- p.BOOK2:14Bun Festival --- p.BOOK2:15Tourism Invasion --- p.BOOK2:18Tourist Behaviour --- p.BOOK2:21Urban Design Strategy --- p.BOOK2:23PROJECT 2 : Music SchoolProgramme --- p.BOOK2:27Drawings & RenderingsChapter 1 --- PLANS --- p.BOOK2:29Chapter 2 --- ELEVATIONS --- p.BOOK2:34Chapter 3 --- SECTIONS --- p.BOOK2:36Chapter 4 --- PERSPECTIVES --- p.BOOK2:41Chapter BOOK 3 : --- APPENDIXChapter 1 --- Study Report on Form. Music and Architecture --- p.BOOK3:45Chapter 2 --- Basic Informaion of Cheung Chau --- p.BOOK3:5


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    From Vitruvius’ Ten Books on Architecture to Wagner’s conception of the Gesamkunstwerk, many would agree that each area of art should influence the others. By narrowing my study to the relationship of architecture and music, I will explore in depth how music can directly influence the design, in form and experience, of architecture.There are two ways to understand the interactions of music and architecture. The analogical is concerned with the artist’s intention and technical procedure. Often, we think of the Pythagorean philosophy concerning the mathematical relationships that both music and architecture employ. These include, but are not limited to, harmony, rhythm and order. The Pythagoreans are credited for having brought measure to music through the study of the monochord, pipes, and bells. Pythagoras discovered through plucking strings of different lengths, hitting bells, and blowing pipes of different lengths that musical harmony existed in multiples of the original note. Architectural form and structure follow many of the same rules in which music is composed. For example, single components of primary structure, such as rhythm, may include secondary structural components to create harmony. Also, Architecture can use musical iconography in the form of buildings. Frank Gehry uses several musical icons and distorts them in order to give shape to his Experience Music Project building. This is the most literal translation of musical influence on architecture. I am not suggesting this is the appropriate way in which these forces meet. However, a combination of the following two interactions will be further explored.There also exists the metaphorical, the poetic analogies that exist in both architecture and music. We use a different art to describe the impalpable effects that another art has on us in order to better identify that effect. Like built architecture, performed music can capture many emotions and feelings. Music is much like architecture in that it is written as well as experienced. “For Kahn, the work of the architect was closer to that of the musician than to that of the painter because the visual notations on paper which both musicians and architects make represent something outside the paper. A musical score represents sound, an architectural plan the three-dimensional experience of mass, space and light,” (Shaw-Miller, 34). Musicians continually write and rewrite pieces so that in the end, their audience will be able to fully engage in the experience of the music. In order for this to be a rich experience the music must be composed in great detail through many layers. I would argue that music can be used as a precedent for technique and intention, and also for the metaphorical, to create an effect in architecture. In this thesis, I will explain how we, as architects, can learn from the creation and experience of music and translate this into architecture by designing through a deep layering of information in order to create a rich, inspirational experience

    Finding the Relevance of Music and Architecture in Shaping Physical Space and Structural Form of Prince Garden, Mahan, Kerman

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    Finding the relevance between various arts, architecture, poem, music, miniature, painting and, etc., has long been proposed and widespread. The discovery of such a relationship among music and architecture is done, and has pointed to many similarities and differences. Most previous researches taken on this term, are only tangible limited criteria such as movement, rhythm, repetition, symmetric and less discussed the relationship between semantic and content. Architecture is the concrete form of abstract geometry, music is the audio form of abstract mathematics. Architecture is the use of proportions in the mass of space, music is the use of proportions in the length of time. Music like architecture is a multi-layered art that under the influence of the material characteristic, both artists need to be aware about each layer criteria to have a final artistic prominent product, though the whole product always seems to be perceivable. The aim of this paper is providing a kind of aesthetic conceptual assessment and expressing emotional states in the Prince Garden with the same created sensation in Homayon musical Dastgah visitors. Data is gathered through textual and library method and its analysis is by descriptive approach. Moreover, this process has begun with the aim of establishing a connection between music and architecture

    Perancangan pusat seni musik blues di Kota Malang: Tema architecture as music

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    INDONESIA: Pusat seni musik blues ini merupakan suatu wadah atau tempat sebagai media bagi pecinta musik blues untuk dapat menyalurkan semua bakat, minat dan apresiasi musik lebih mendalam demi meningkatnya kemampuan baik untuk sekedar hobi maupun tujuan profesi/karir. Perkembangan yang menonjol adalah perkembangan terhadap kebutuhan pendidikan dan ruang pertunjukan musik, showroom penjualan alat musik dan produk musik juga studio rekaman yang memenuhi syarat dan berkualitas. Untuk melakukan penggalian serta pengembangan musik diperlukan perhatian khusus, yang menampung kegiatan-kegiatan berkaitan dengan musik secara terpusat dimana didalamnya menyediakan fasilitas pendidikan, promosi, penjualan alat musik, pameran serta konser musik yang mempunyai visi utama untuk membina dan mengembangkan apresiasi musik blues dikalangan masyarakat. Sesuai dengan objek perancangan yang menjadikan arsitektur itu sebagai acuan dalam obyek rancangan, serta melihat bahwa arsitektur memiliki banyak sekali kesamaan dengan seni musik, Maka tema yang di pilih adalah architecture as music. Dalam arsitektur sangat banyak digunakan istilah harmoni, balance, ritme, dan lain sebagainya untuk mengartikan sebuah prinsip dasar dalam arsitektur. Tema architecture as music lebih melihat bahwa arsitektur adalah sebuah media dimana kita dapat berkreatifitas tanpa batas dan terus berkembang, memberikan kenyamanan bagi para pengguna karya arsitektur tersebut, serta selalu menghadirkan nuansa baru dalam kehidupan sosial di seluruh dunia. Apabila kita tinjau lebih jauh lagi keteraturan dan perwujudan arsitektur itu sendiri dapat mempengaruhi kita sebagai manusia yang selalu mengalami arsitektur. Manusia dikatakan mengalami arsitektur dikarenakan semua aspek kehidupanmanusia tidak akan lepas dari arsitektur. Sebuah karya arsitektur yang baik akan mampu memberi pengaruh baik bagi seluruh komponen didalamnya, sama halnya dengan musik, sebuah karya musik yang baik juga akan memberi pengaruh baik terhadap penggemar aliran musik tersebut. ENGLISH: The blues music arts center is a place or places as the medium for blues music lovers to be able to channel all their talents, interests and appreciation of music deeper for increased ability for both hobbyists and professional goals/career. Development that stands out is the need for the development of education and music performance space, showroom sales of musical instruments and studio recording music products also are eligible and qualified. To carry out excavation and development of music necessary special attention, which accommodate activities related to music centrally where in providing educational facilities, promotion, musical instrument sales, exhibitions and music concerts that have the vision to nurture and develop a major appreciation of blues music in the community. Objects according to their architectural design that makes it the object reference in the draft, and see that the architecture has many similarities with the art of music, then the selected theme is architecture as music. In a very widely used term architectural harmony, balance, rhythm, and so forth to define a basic principle in architecture. Architecture as music over to see that architecture is a medium where we can creativity without limits and continue to grow, providing convenience for users of the architectural work, and always brings new nuances in the social life around the world. If we review the order and further realization of the architecture itself can affect us as human beings are always experiencing architecture. Man is said to experience all aspects of the architecture caused kehidupanmanusia will not be separated from the architecture. A good piece of architecture will be able to have a positive impact for all its components, as well as music, a good piece of music that will also have a positive impact on fans of the genre

    Hybrid Different Media: Music and Architecture

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    Reuse of Highline Hudson Yard in Manhatten, New York, NY In my thesis approach to the music and architecture, I am not evoking the classical Pythagoras and Palladio. I am more dealing with architecture and music as new ground of present architecture and new hybrid media between them