85,799 research outputs found

    The use of composted woodchip as a substrate for growing varieties of edible mushrooms

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    The world market for edible mycorrhizal mushrooms has experienced considerable growth over the past two decades with annual production estimated to exceed 14 billion USD. The market continues to grow due to interest in the nutritional and health benefits of edible mushrooms. The size of the market for speciality mushrooms has also increased and the overall market trend has been towards fresh rather than canned product. There are a number of different cultural methods in commercial use, with a wide variety of species produced on different substrates. The aim of this project was to evaluate woodchip compost as a substrate to produce edible mushrooms. Woodchip compost appears to have potential as a growing medium but more development is necessary to make this a commercial proposition. This report sets out these findings in more detail

    The Pharmacological Potential of Mushrooms

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    This review describes pharmacologically active compounds from mushrooms. Compounds and complex substances with antimicrobial, antiviral, antitumor, antiallergic, immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, antiatherogenic, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective and central activities are covered, focusing on the review of recent literature. The production of mushrooms or mushroom compounds is discussed briefly

    Economic Analysis of Using Soybean Meal as a Mushroom Growing Substrate

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    Mushrooms have been grown commercially on many different substrates for years, usually agricultural by-products such as straw or stover. Increased popularity for specialty mushrooms with consumers has led to increased production and great demand for economic substrates. Oyster mushrooms are easier to grow relative to other types of mushrooms and their production has increased dramatically in recent years. This study examines the economic feasibility of using soybean hulls as a primary substrate for oyster mushrooms, replacing traditional wheat straw. The study uses a cost-benefit analysis to determine an optimal substrate based on yield and the number of crops harvested per year. The study shows that soybean hulls, combined with corn gluten or soybean meal increases yield 4.5 times, which more than offsets for higher costs for soybean hulls. The use of soybean substrate also allows a producer to raise about four more crops per year, which in turn uses fixed resources more efficiently and increases profitability.Oyster, Mushrooms, Substrate, Soybean, Hulls, Meal, Economic, Feasibility, Crop Production/Industries,

    Kajian Fitokimia dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus)

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    Processed products derived from mushrooms have been found and enjoyed by the community. One of the edible mushrooms used as traditional medicinal ingredients and also, functional food is oyster mushrooms. Although oyster mushrooms have often been studied even using sophisticated instruments, some chemical laboratories that do not yet have sophisticated instruments still need literature data in the process of separation until pure isolates are obtained. This research was conducted to be the solution. The study uses descriptive methods by collecting data from the results of extraction, characterization, identification, and testing of antioxidant activity. Characterization includes retention factor (Rf) from elution of thin-layer chromatography (TLC), determination of melting point (to determine the purity of isolates), and solubility test (to determine the nature of polarity). The identification of isolates was done by analyzing the results of Infrared and UV-Vis spectra. Phytochemical studies of white oyster mushrooms can be done based on secondary metabolite screening, separation by extraction, and fractionation using organic solvents. Based on phytochemical screening, white oyster mushrooms are known to positively contain flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids. The crude extract had an absorbance of 0.669 at 274 nm, the chloroform fraction had an absorbance of 0.827 at 267 nm, and pure isolates had an absorbance of 0.628 at 282 nm. A spectrum with a maximum wavelength of> 210 nm indicates a conjugated system. The longer the conjugated system, the more inactive in the UV region of 200- 360 nm (UV) but more active in the 360-729 nm (Visible) region (Worsfold et al, 2019). UV-Vis spectrum of methanol extract, chloroform fraction, and pure isolate showed wave crests in the region> 210 nm so that all three were shown to have a conjugated system

    Disappearance of tachysterol in white button mushrooms

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityVitamin D has proven to be an important factor in health through a plethora of studies. Tachysterol is a photoproduct of previtamin D with sun or ultraviolet radiation exposure. While vitamin D is well known for its importance in bone health, the biologic function of tachysterol is unknown. Many vertebrates and fungi can produce vitamin D from a precursor after UV irradiation or sun exposure, including white button mushrooms. This project aims to determine if tachysterol might have a biologic function in white button mushrooms by determining if the disappearance of tachysterol2 was due to some active process in live mushrooms. To provide evidence that tachysterol serves a function, tachysterol2 disappearance in white button mushrooms was monitored after 24 hours. The aim was to create conditions in a white button mushroom, including freezing and microwaving them to determine their effects on tachysterol2 disappearance at 24 hours. The idea was that freezing or microwaving the mushroom would disrupt any metabolic process in the mushroom, providing a clue as to the mechanism of tachysterol2 disappearance. The hypothesis was that freezing and microwaving the white button mushroom would cause a reduction in tachysterol2 disappearance. To evaluate this, 1) white button mushrooms were irradiated with ultraviolet radiation (UVB, 290nm-320nm), 2) an irradiated white button mushroom was frozen, and 3) an irradiated white button mushroom was microwaved. These white button mushrooms were biopsied in triplicate, extracted, and run on high-performance liquid chromatography in order to determine the concentrations of tachysterol2 in the mushrooms. A white button mushroom without UVB irradiation was biopsied in triplicate and extracted to confirm that the store-bought mushrooms did not contain tachysterol2. A tachysterol2 standard was incubated in organic solvent to determine if tachysterol2 was stable. The results showed statistically significant decrease in tachysterol2 for the irradiated mushroom, the frozen irradiated mushroom, the microwaved mushroom 24 hours after irradiation, compared to the standard tachysterol2 in organic solvent. The decrease in tachysterol2 in the microwaved mushroom was 65% in 24 hours, which was not significantly less than in the irradiated mushroom and the frozen irradiated mushroom (p= 0.10 and 0.22, respectively). The decrease in tachysterol2 for the frozen mushroom was 93%, which was not significantly less than the irradiated mushroom (p = 0.21). These findings suggest that microwaving a mushroom at 5mW and 60 seconds and freezing a mushroom does not significantly interfere with metabolic processes that may involve tachysterol2, although microwaving a mushroom trended towards less of a decrease in the tachysterol concentration

    Pengembangan Hidangan Kontinental dengan Bahan Dasar Jamur Tiram

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    Penelitian ini mengembangkan Hidangan Kontinental dengan Bahan Dasar Jamur Tiram yang bertujuan 1) Menemukan formula,teknik olah, penyajian dan penerimaan konsumen terhadap risoles dengan substitusi jamur tiram, 2) Menemukan formula,teknik olah, penyajian dan penerimaan konsumen terhadap steak dengan substitusi jamur tiram, 3)Menemukan formula,teknik olah, penyajian dan penerimaan konsumen terhadap pudding dengan substitusi jamur tiram. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Maret-Mei 2012. Tempat penelitian dilakukan di Fakultas Teknik PTBB UNY. Pameran dilakukan di lapangan KPLT Fakultas Teknik UNY. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan R&D yang salah satunya menentukan bahan dasar yang akan digunakan untuk tiga macam produk kemudian menentukan resep acuan yang akan digunakan untuk ketiga produk tersebut selanjutnya adalah menentukan formula yang paling tepat untuk ketiga produk tersebut. Setelah formula di dapatkan selanjutnya melakukan validasi produk sampai dua kali yang di nilai kurang lebih 3 dosen. Langkah selanjutnya adalah uji penerimaan produk dengan 30 panelis dari mahasiswa yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pameran produk. Selain itu juga menggunakan beberapa teknik olah masakan kontinental. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah 1) risoles dengan formula 50% jamur tiram dengan teknik olah baking dan isinya dengan sautéing, dan disajikan dengan dessert plate ditambah dengan garnish saus dan parsly yang kemudian diberi nama risoles with mushrooms cheese sehingga penerimaan konsumen 100% menyukai produk tersebut. 2) beef steak dengan formula 25% jamur tiram dengan teknik olah grilled, dan disajikan dengan dinner plate ditambah saus jamur dan beberapa side dish untuk steak agar terlihat menarik serta di beri nama beef steak mushrooms with black pepper mushrooms sauce sehingga pada uji penerimaan konsumen 100% menyukai produk tersebut. 3) pudding dengan formula 50% jamur tiram dengan teknik olah boiling dan disajikan dengan dessert plate ditambah dengan garnish saus dan strowberry yang kemudian diberi nama mushrooms pudding with mushrooms sauce sehingga penerimaan konsumen 100% menyukai produk tersebut

    Double-stranded RNA elements associated with the MVX disease of Agaricus bisporus

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    Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been isolated from Agaricus bisporus fruit bodies exhibiting a wide range of disease symptoms. The symptoms which occurred singularly or in combination included; bare cropping areas on commercial beds (primordia disruption), crop delay, premature veil opening, off- or brown-coloured mushrooms, sporophore malformations and loss of crop yield. All symptoms were associated with loss of yield and/or product quality. Collectively, these symptoms are described as mushroom virus X (MVX) disease. The dsRNA titre was much lower than that previously encountered with the La France viral disease of mushrooms and a modified cellulose CF11 protocol was used for their detection. A broad survey of cultivated mushrooms from the British industry identified dsRNA elements ranging between 640 bp and 20.2 kbp; the majority have not previously been described in A. bisporus. 26 dsRNA elements were identified with a maximum of 17, apparently non-encapsidated dsRNA elements, in any one sample. Three dsRNAs (16.2, 9.4 and 2.4 kbp) were routinely found in mushrooms asymptomatic for MVX. Previously, La France disease was effectively contained and controlled by minimising the on-farm production and spread of basidiospores. Our on-farm observations suggest that MVX could be spread by infected spores and/or mycelial fragments

    Open Mushrooms: Stickiness revisited

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    We investigate mushroom billiards, a class of dynamical systems with sharply divided phase space. For typical values of the control parameter of the system ρ\rho, an infinite number of marginally unstable periodic orbits (MUPOs) exist making the system sticky in the sense that unstable orbits approach regular regions in phase space and thus exhibit regular behaviour for long periods of time. The problem of finding these MUPOs is expressed as the well known problem of finding optimal rational approximations of a real number, subject to some system-specific constraints. By introducing a generalized mushroom and using properties of continued fractions, we describe a zero measure set of control parameter values ρ(0,1)\rho\in(0,1) for which all MUPOs are destroyed and therefore the system is less sticky. The open mushroom (billiard with a hole) is then considered in order to quantify the stickiness exhibited and exact leading order expressions for the algebraic decay of the survival probability function P(t)P(t) are calculated for mushrooms with triangular and rectangular stems.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Includes discussion of a three-dimensional mushroo

    Mushroom flavour

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    Mushrooms and fungi not only present a fascinating world of shapes, both macro- and microscopic, but they are also an interesting source of flavours, fragrances and odours, e.g. garlic, coconut, flour-like, cucumber or fruit-like, as well as the most characteristic for this kingdom of living organisms mushroom-like flavour and aroma. Fungi can possess many different and interesting flavours and fragrances - starting from nice anise-like, fruit-like, cucumber, garlic, to cheese-garlic, and ending with potato or flour-like smells. Some mushrooms emit carbide or distinctly faecal-like odour. The taste of mushrooms is frequently correlated with their aroma. What components does the core of a mushroom flavour consist of? Chemical analysis of specimens reveals compounds responsible for characteristic flavour and odour. It was found that the most characteristic flavour compound is defined mainly by C8 volatiles. Between all C8 compounds the most important for mushroom flavour are oct-1-en-3-ol, octan-3-ol, octan-3-on and oct-1-en-3-on. Fungi and mushrooms can enable biotechnological production of some flavour components, for instance the Nidula niveotomentosa produces a characteristic raspberries compound - raspberry ketone in submerged cultures; the biotechnological production can also provide rare and tasty forest mushroom biomass e.g. edible boletus.Bogactwo aromatów w świecie grzybów pozwala na biotechnologiczne wykorzystanie ich do otrzymywania bądź to czystych związków, jak np. w przypadku ketonu malinowego pozyskiwanego z Nidula niveotomentosa, bądź np. aromatycznej grzybni mogącej zastąpić rzadkie i pożądane gatunki grzybów leśnych, np. borowików