102 research outputs found

    Nonconvulsive Epileptic Seizure Detection in Scalp EEG Using Multiway Data Analysis

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    Nonconvulsive status epilepticus is a condition where the patient is exposed to abnormally prolonged epileptic seizures without evident physical symptoms. Since these continuous seizures may cause permanent brain damage, it constitutes a medical emergency. This paper proposes a method to detect nonconvulsive seizures for a further nonconvulsive status epilepticus diagnosis. To differentiate between the normal and seizure electroencephalogram (EEG), a K-Nearest Neighbor, a Radial Basis Support Vector Machine, and a Linear Discriminant Analysis classifier are used. The classifier features are obtained from the Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD) and Block Term Decomposition (BTD) of the EEG data represented as third order tensor. To expand the EEG into a tensor, Wavelet or Hilbert-Huang transform are used. The algorithm is tested on a scalp EEG database of 139 seizures of different duration. The experimental results suggest that a Hilbert-Huang tensor representation and the CPD analysis provide the most suitable framework for nonconvulsive seizure detection. The Radial Basis Support Vector Machine classifier shows the best performance with sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy values over 98%. A rough comparison with other methods proposed in the literature shows the superior performance of the proposed method for nonconvulsive epileptic seizure detection

    Multiview classification and dimensionality reduction of scalp and intracranial EEG data through tensor factorisation

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) signals arise as a mixture of various neural processes that occur in different spatial, frequency and temporal locations. In classification paradigms, algorithms are developed that can distinguish between these processes. In this work, we apply tensor factorisation to a set of EEG data from a group of epileptic patients and factorise the data into three modes; space, time and frequency with each mode containing a number of components or signatures. We train separate classifiers on various feature sets corresponding to complementary combinations of those modes and components and test the classification accuracy of each set. The relative influence on the classification accuracy of the respective spatial, temporal or frequency signatures can then be analysed and useful interpretations can be made. Additionaly, we show that through tensor factorisation we can perform dimensionality reduction by evaluating the classification performance with regards to the number mode components and by rejecting components with insignificant contribution to the classification accuracy

    Iterative Methods for Symmetric Outer Product Tensor Decompositions

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    We study the symmetric outer product decomposition which decomposes a fully (partially) symmetric tensor into a sum of rank-one fully (partially) symmetric tensors. We present iterative algorithms for the third-order partially symmetric tensor and fourth-order fully symmetric tensor. The numerical examples indicate a faster convergence rate for the new algorithms than the standard method of alternating least squares

    Early soft and flexible fusion of electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging via double coupled matrix tensor factorization for multisubject group analysis

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    Data fusion refers to the joint analysis of multiple datasets that provide different (e.g., complementary) views of the same task. In general, it can extract more information than separate analyses can. Jointly analyzing electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measurements has been proved to be highly beneficial to the study of the brain function, mainly because these neuroimaging modalities have complementary spatiotemporal resolution: EEG offers good temporal resolution while fMRI is better in its spatial resolution. The EEG–fMRI fusion methods that have been reported so far ignore the underlying multiway nature of the data in at least one of the modalities and/or rely on very strong assumptions concerning the relation of the respective datasets. For example, in multisubject analysis, it is commonly assumed that the hemodynamic response function is a priori known for all subjects and/or the coupling across corresponding modes is assumed to be exact (hard). In this article, these two limitations are overcome by adopting tensor models for both modalities and by following soft and flexible coupling approaches to implement the multimodal fusion. The obtained results are compared against those of parallel independent component analysis and hard coupling alternatives, with both synthetic and real data (epilepsy and visual oddball paradigm). Our results demonstrate the clear advantage of using soft and flexible coupled tensor decompositions in scenarios that do not conform with the hard coupling assumption
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