12 research outputs found

    Unified Performance Analysis of Near and Far User in Downlink NOMA System over η - μ Fading Channel

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    The non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) scheme is considered as a frontier technology to cater the requirements of 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) communication systems. To fully exploit the essence of NOMA, it is very important to explore the behavior of NOMA users over the most realistic nonhomogenous fading conditions. In this paper, we derive unified closed-form expressions of the basic performance metrics of the NOMA users. Their performance is evaluated in terms of average bit error rate (ABER), average channel capacity (ACC) and outage probability (OP) over η−μ fading channel. These expressions are in terms of popular functions, such as Meijer G-function and Gauss hypergeometric function, leading to their versatile use in analytical research. Unlike the existing outage probability expressions in terms of Yacoub integral, the derived expressions are easier to implement in software packages like MATLAB. Moreover, we compare the obtained results with a reference system, consisting of genie-aided NOMA system. We interpret that genie-aided performance results provide benchmark bounds for the metrics. Extensive simulations are carried out to validate the derived analytical expressions

    Uplink Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Finite-Alphabet Inputs

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    This paper focuses on the non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) design for a classical two-user multiple access channel (MAC) with finite-alphabet inputs. We consider practical quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations at both transmitters, the sizes of which are assumed to be not necessarily identical. We propose to maximize the minimum Euclidean distance of the received sum-constellation with a maximum likelihood (ML) detector by adjusting the scaling factors (i.e., instantaneous transmitted powers and phases) of both users. The formulated problem is a mixed continuous-discrete optimization problem, which is nontrivial to resolve in general. By carefully observing the structure of the objective function, we discover that Farey sequence can be applied to tackle the formulated problem. However, the existing Farey sequence is not applicable when the constellation sizes of the two users are not the same. Motivated by this, we define a new type of Farey sequence, termed punched Farey sequence. Based on this, we manage to achieve a closed-form optimal solution to the original problem by first dividing the entire feasible region into a finite number of Farey intervals and then taking the maximum over all the possible intervals. The resulting sum-constellation is proved to be a regular QAM constellation of a larger size. Moreover, the superiority of NOMA over time-division multiple access (TDMA) in terms of minimum Euclidean distance is rigorously proved. Furthermore, the optimal rate allocation among the two users is obtained in closed-form to further maximize the obtained minimum Euclidean distance of the received signal subject to a total rate constraint. Finally, simulation results are provided to verify our theoretical analysis and demonstrate the merits of the proposed NOMA over existing orthogonal and non-orthogonal designs.Comment: Submitted for possible journal publicatio

    Non-orthogonal multiple access for unmanned aerial vehicle assisted communication

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    The future wireless networks promise to provide ubiquitous connectivity to a multitude of devices with diversified traffic patterns wherever and whenever needed. For the sake of boosting resilience against faults, natural disasters, and unexpected traffic, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-assisted wireless communication systems can provide a unique opportunity to cater for such demands in a timely fashion without relying on the overly engineered cellular network. However, for UAV-assisted communication, issues of capacity, coverage, and energy efficiency are considered of paramount importance. The case of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is investigated for aerial base station (BS). NOMA's viability is established by formulating the sum-rate problem constituting a function of power allocation and UAV altitude. The optimization problem is constrained to meet individual user-rates arisen by orthogonal multiple access (OMA) bringing it at par with NOMA. The relationship between energy efficiency and altitude of a UAV inspires the solution to the aforementioned problem considering two cases, namely, altitude fixed NOMA and altitude optimized NOMA. The latter allows exploiting the extra degrees of freedom of UAV-BS mobility to enhance the spectral efficiency and the energy efficiency. Hence, it saves joules in the operational cost of the UAV. Finally, a constrained coverage expansion methodology, facilitated by NOMA user rate gain is also proposed. Results are presented for various environment settings to conclude NOMA manifesting better performance in terms of sum-rate, coverage, and energy efficiency

    Optimization of the Throughput of a NOMA System

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    In an era of Internet of Things (IoT), new services are expected to generate heterogeneous traffic that involves both human-to-human and machine type communications (MTC). There will be MTC services that require massive connectivity, higher throughput, and low latency. 5G networks are under development to meet the needs of MTC. Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) has currently gained a traction in 5G for the realization of MTC. NOMA enables simultaneous utilization of resources by multiple users. This thesis considers Power Domain NOMA (PD-NOMA) among other variations for uplink communications. In PD-NOMA, users transmit signals simultaneously at pre-determined receive power levels. The base station decodes the signals using Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) technique starting from highest power level. Each decoded signal is subtracted from the received signal to enable decoding of the next higher power signal. The decoding continues until a collision is detected at a power level. The signals at that power level as well as signals transmitted at the lower power levels cannot be decoded. The previous work on PD-NOMA assumed uniform user access to the system power levels. This thesis considers random non-uniform selection of power levels by the users. The system model under consideration assumes that the new packets to be transmitted arrive according to a Poisson process and the time axis slotted. As a user may have only a single packet to be transmitted during any slot, each new packet is assumed to be generated by a different user. We consider two packet service strategies which are with and without packet loss. In the packet loss service strategy, a packet can only be transmitted once, and packet is lost if that transmission is not successful. We determine the throughput of the system and then determine the optimal user access probabilities to the power levels that maximizes the throughput. We also determine the receive power levels for SIC as a function of the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR). Numerical results show that the optimal access probabilities are non-uniform, and they are a function of packet arrival rates. Further, in uniform access, the throughput of the system drops to zero at higher power levels whereas, in optimal non-uniform choice, the system maintains a non-zero throughput. We also consider the case that the users may choose not to transmit their packets to reduce the collisions in the system. The packets that are not transmitted, are lost, however the system benefits from reduced collisions. Numerical results show that the optional transmission of packets achieves the same maximum throughput as compulsory packet transmission, but the throughput does not decrease with increasing packet arrival rate. In the service strategy without packet loss, a user will keep transmitting a packet until it is successfully received by the base station. We derive the Probability Generating Function (PGF) of the distribution of the number of packets in the system at the steady-state by imbedding a homogenous Markov chain at the end of the slots. We determine enough number of equations to solve for the unknowns in the PGF. Then, we obtain the mean packet delay from the PGF of the number of packets in the system through application of the Little’s result. Mean packet delay is a function of the user access probabilities to the power levels. We show how to determine the optimal access probabilities both for optional and non-optional transmission of a packet during a slot. We plot the mean packet delay as a function of the packet arrival rate for optimal user access probabilities both for optional and non-optional packet transmission, as well as for uniform choice of power levels. The numerical results show that the optimal access with optional transmission results in lowest mean packet delay and therefore in highest throughput

    Evolution of NOMA Toward Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) for 6G

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    Due to the explosive growth in the number of wireless devices and diverse wireless services, such as virtual/augmented reality and Internet-of-Everything, next generation wireless networks face unprecedented challenges caused by heterogeneous data traffic, massive connectivity, and ultra-high bandwidth efficiency and ultra-low latency requirements. To address these challenges, advanced multiple access schemes are expected to be developed, namely next generation multiple access (NGMA), which are capable of supporting massive numbers of users in a more resource- and complexity-efficient manner than existing multiple access schemes. As the research on NGMA is in a very early stage, in this paper, we explore the evolution of NGMA with a particular focus on non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), i.e., the transition from NOMA to NGMA. In particular, we first review the fundamental capacity limits of NOMA, elaborate on the new requirements for NGMA, and discuss several possible candidate techniques. Moreover, given the high compatibility and flexibility of NOMA, we provide an overview of current research efforts on multi-antenna techniques for NOMA, promising future application scenarios of NOMA, and the interplay between NOMA and other emerging physical layer techniques. Furthermore, we discuss advanced mathematical tools for facilitating the design of NOMA communication systems, including conventional optimization approaches and new machine learning techniques. Next, we propose a unified framework for NGMA based on multiple antennas and NOMA, where both downlink and uplink transmissions are considered, thus setting the foundation for this emerging research area. Finally, several practical implementation challenges for NGMA are highlighted as motivation for future work.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, a survey paper accepted by the IEEE JSAC special issue on Next Generation Multiple Acces

    Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond

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    This work was supported in part by the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant EP/N029720/1 and Grant EP/N029720/2. The work of L. Hanzo was supported by the ERC Advanced Fellow Grant Beam-me-up

    Hybrid generalized non-orthogonal multiple access for the 5G wireless networks.

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    Master of Science in Computer Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, 2018.The deployment of 5G networks will lead to an increase in capacity, spectral efficiency, low latency and massive connectivity for wireless networks. They will still face the challenges of resource and power optimization, increasing spectrum efficiency and energy optimization, among others. Furthermore, the standardized technologies to mitigate against the challenges need to be developed and are a challenge themselves. In the current predecessor LTE-A networks, orthogonal frequency multiple access (OFDMA) scheme is used as the baseline multiple access scheme. It allows users to be served orthogonally in either time or frequency to alleviate narrowband interference and impulse noise. Further spectrum limitations of orthogonal multiple access (OMA) schemes have resulted in the development of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes to enable 5G networks to achieve high spectral efficiency and high data rates. NOMA schemes unorthogonally co-multiplex different users on the same resource elements (RE) (i.e. time-frequency domain, OFDMA subcarrier, or spreading code) via power domain (PD) or code domain (CD) at the transmitter and successfully separating them at the receiver by applying multi-user detection (MUD) algorithms. The current developed NOMA schemes, refered to as generalized-NOMA (G-NOMA) technologies includes; Interleaver Division Multiple Access (IDMA, Sparse code multiple access (SCMA), Low-density spreading multiple access (LDSMA), Multi-user shared access (MUSA) scheme and the Pattern Division Multiple Access (PDMA). These protocols are currently still under refinement, their performance and applicability has not been thoroughly investigated. The first part of this work undertakes a thorough investigation and analysis of the performance of the existing G-NOMA schemes and their applicability. Generally, G-NOMA schemes perceives overloading by non-orthogonal spectrum resource allocation, which enables massive connectivity of users and devices, and offers improved system spectral efficiency. Like any other technologies, the G-NOMA schemes need to be improved to further harvest their benefits on 5G networks leading to the requirement of Hybrid G-NOMA (G-NOMA) schemes. The second part of this work develops a HG-NOMA scheme to alleviate the 5G challenges of resource allocation, inter and cross-tier interference management and energy efficiency. This work develops and investigates the performance of an Energy Efficient HG-NOMA resource allocation scheme for a two-tier heterogeneous network that alleviates the cross-tier interference and improves the system throughput via spectrum resource optimization. By considering the combinatorial problem of resource pattern assignment and power allocation, the HG-NOMA scheme will enable a new transmission policy that allows more than two macro-user equipment’s (MUEs) and femto-user equipment’s (FUEs) to be co-multiplexed on the same time-frequency RE increasing the spectral efficiency. The performance of the developed model is shown to be superior to the PD-NOMA and OFDMA schemes

    Advanced Layered Divsion Multiplexing Technologies for Next-Gen Broadcast

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    Tesis por compendioDesde comienzos del siglo XXI, los sistemas de radiodifusión terrestre han sido culpados de un uso ineficiente del espectro asignado. Para aumentar la eficiencia espectral, los organismos de estandarización de TV digital comenzaron a desarrollar la evolución técnica de los sistemas de TDT de primera generación. Entre otros, uno de los objetivos principales de los sistemas de TDT de próxima generación (DVB-T2 y ATSC 3.0) es proporcionar simultáneamente servicios de TV a dispositivos móviles y fijos. El principal inconveniente de esta entrega simultánea son los diferentes requisitos de cada condición de recepción. Para abordar estas limitaciones, se han considerado diferentes técnicas de multiplexación. Mientras que DVB-T2 acomete la entrega simultánea de los dos servicios mediante TDM, ATSC 3.0 adoptó la Multiplexación por División en Capas (LDM). LDM puede superar a TDM y a FDM al aprovechar la relación de Protección de Error Desigual (UEP), ya que ambos servicios, llamados capas, utilizan todos los recursos de frecuencia y tiempo con diferentes niveles de potencia. En el lado del receptor, se distinguen dos implementaciones, de acuerdo con la capa a decodificar. Los receptores móviles solo están destinados a obtener la capa superior, conocida como Core Layer (CL). Para no aumentar su complejidad en comparación con los receptores de capa única, la capa inferior, conocida como Enhanced Layer (EL), es tratada como un ruido adicional en la decodificación. Los receptores fijos aumentan su complejidad, ya que deben realizar un proceso de Cancelación de Interferencia (SIC) sobre la CL para obtener la EL. Para limitar la complejidad adicional de los receptores fijos, las capas de LDM en ATSC 3.0 están configuradas con diferentes capacidades de corrección, pero comparten el resto de bloques de la capa física, incluido el TIL, el PP, el tamaño de FFT, y el GI. Esta disertación investiga tecnologías avanzadas para optimizar el rendimiento de LDM. Primero se propone una optimización del proceso de demapeo para las dos capas de LDM. El algoritmo propuesto logra un aumento de capacidad, al tener en cuenta la forma de la EL en el proceso de demapeo de la CL. Sin embargo, el número de distancias Euclidianas a computar puede aumentar significativamente, conduciendo no solo a receptores fijos más complejos, sino también a receptores móviles más complejos. A continuación, se determina la configuración de piloto ATSC 3.0 más adecuada para LDM. Teniendo en cuenta que las dos capas comparten el mismo PP, surge una contrapartida entre la densidad de pilotos (CL) y la redundancia sobre los datos (EL). A partir de los resultados de rendimiento, se recomienda el uso de un PP no muy denso, ya que ya han sido diseñados para hacer frente a ecos largos y altas velocidades. La amplitud piloto óptima depende del estimador de canal en los receptores (ej., se recomienda la amplitud mínima para una implementación Wiener, mientras que la máxima para una implementación FFT). También se investiga la potencial transmisión conjunta de LDM con tres tecnologías avanzadas adoptadas en ATSC 3.0: las tecnologías de agregación MultiRF, los esquemas de MISO distribuido y los de MIMO colocalizado. Se estudian los potenciales casos de uso, los aspectos de implementación del transmisor y el receptor, y las ganancias de rendimiento de las configuraciones conjuntas para las dos capas de LDM. Las restricciones adicionales de combinar LDM con las tecnologías avanzadas se consideran admisibles, ya que las mayores demandas ya están contempladas en ATSC 3.0 (ej., una segunda cadena de recepción). Se obtienen ganancias significativas en condiciones de recepción peatonal gracias a la diversidad en frecuencia proporcionada por las tecnologías MultiRF. La conjunción de LDM con esquemas de MISO proporciona ganancias de rendimiento significativas en redes SFN para la capa fija con el esquema de Alamouti.Since the beginning of the 21st century, terrestrial broadcasting systems have been blamed of an inefficient use of the allocated spectrum. To increase the spectral efficiency, digital television Standards Developing Organizations settled to develop the technical evolution of the first-generation DTT systems. Among others, a primary goal of next-generation DTT systems (DVB-T2 and ATSC 3.0) is to simultaneously provide TV services to mobile and fixed devices. The major drawback of this simultaneous delivery is the different requirement of each reception condition. To address these constraints different multiplexing techniques have been considered. While DVB-T2 fulfilled the simultaneous delivery of the two services by TDM, ATSC 3.0 adopted the LDM technology. LDM can outperform TDM and FDM by taking advantage of the UEP ratio, as both services, namely layers, utilize all the frequency and time resources with different power levels. At receiver side, two implementations are distinguished, according to the intended layer. Mobile receivers are only intended to obtain the upper layer, known as CL. In order not to increase their complexity compared to single layer receivers, the lower layer, known as EL is treated as an additional noise on the CL decoding. Fixed receivers, increase their complexity, as they should performed a SIC process on the CL for getting the EL. To limit the additional complexity of fixed receivers, the LDM layers in ATSC 3.0 are configured with different error correction capabilities, but share the rest of physical layer parameters, including the TIL, the PP, the FFT size, and the GI. This dissertation investigates advanced technologies to optimize the LDM performance. A demapping optimization for the two LDM layers is first proposed. A capacity increase is achieved by the proposed algorithm, which takes into account the underlying layer shape in the demapping process. Nevertheless, the number of Euclidean distances to be computed can be significantly increased, contributing to not only more complex fixed receivers, but also more complex mobile receivers. Next, the most suitable ATSC 3.0 pilot configuration for LDM is determined. Considering the two layers share the same PP a trade-off between pilot density (CL) and data overhead (EL) arises. From the performance results, it is recommended the use of a not very dense PP, as they have been already designed to cope with long echoes and high speeds. The optimum pilot amplitude depends on the channel estimator at receivers (e.g. the minimum amplitude is recommended for a Wiener implementation, while the maximum for a FFT implementation). The potential combination of LDM with three advanced technologies that have been adopted in ATSC 3.0 is also investigated: MultiRF technologies, distributed MISO schemes, and co-located MIMO schemes. The potential use cases, the transmitter and receiver implementations, and the performance gains of the joint configurations are studied for the two LDM layers. The additional constraints of combining LDM with the advanced technologies is considered admissible, as the greatest demands (e.g. a second receiving chain) are already contemplated in ATSC 3.0. Significant gains are found for the mobile layer at pedestrian reception conditions thanks to the frequency diversity provided by MultiRF technologies. The conjunction of LDM with distributed MISO schemes provides significant performance gains on SFNs for the fixed layer with Alamouti scheme. Last, considering the complexity in the mobile receivers and the CL performance, the recommended joint configuration is MISO in the CL and MIMO in the EL.Des de començaments del segle XXI, els sistemes de radiodifusió terrestre han sigut culpats d'un ús ineficient de l'espectre assignat. Per a augmentar l'eficiència espectral, els organismes d'estandardització de TV digital van començar a desenvolupar l'evolució tècnica dels sistemes de TDT de primera generació. Entre altres, un dels objectius principals dels sistemes de TDT de pròxima generació (DVB-T2 i el ATSC 3.0) és proporcionar simultàniament serveis de TV a dispositius mòbils i fixos. El principal inconvenient d'aquest lliurament simultani són els diferents requisits de cada condició de recepció. Per a abordar aquestes limitacions, s'han considerat diferents tècniques de multiplexació. Mentre que DVB-T2 escomet el lliurament simultani dels dos serveis mitjançant TDM, ATSC 3.0 va adoptar la Multiplexació per Divisió en Capes (LDM). LDM pot superar a TDM i a FDM en aprofitar la relació de Protecció d'Error Desigual (UEP), ja que tots dos serveis, cridats capes, utilitzen tots els recursos de freqüència i temps amb diferents nivells de potència. En el costat del receptor, es distingeixen dues implementacions, d'acord amb la capa a decodificar. Els receptors mòbils solament estan destinats a obtenir la capa superior, coneguda com Core Layer (CL). Per a no augmentar la seua complexitat en comparació amb els receptors de capa única, la capa inferior, coneguda com Enhanced Layer (EL), és tractada com un soroll addicional en la decodificació. Els receptors fixos augmenten la seua complexitat, ja que han de realitzar un procés de Cancel·lació d'Interferència (SIC) sobre la CL per a obtenir l'EL. Per a limitar la complexitat addicional dels receptors fixos, les capes de LDM en ATSC 3.0 estan configurades amb diferents capacitats de correcció, però comparteixen la resta de blocs de la capa física, inclòs el TIL, el PP, la grandària de FFT i el GI. Aquesta dissertació investiga tecnologies avançades per a optimitzar el rendiment de LDM. Primer es proposa una optimització del procés de demapeo per a les dues capes de LDM. L'algoritme proposat aconsegueix un augment de capacitat, en tenir en compte la forma de l'EL en el procés de demapeo de la CL. No obstant açò, el nombre de distàncies Euclidianes a computar pot augmentar significativament, conduint NO sols a receptors fixos més complexos, sinó també a receptors mòbils més complexos. A continuació, es determina la configuració de pilot ATSC 3.0 més adequada per a LDM. Tenint en compte que les dues capes comparteixen el mateix PP, es produeix una contrapartida entre la densitat de pilots (CL) i la redundància sobre les dades (EL). A partir dels resultats de rendiment, es recomana l'ús d'un PP no gaire dens, ja que ja han sigut dissenyats per a fer front a ecos llargs i altes velocitats. L'amplitud pilot òptima depèn de l'estimador de canal en els receptors (ex., es recomana l'amplitud mínima per a una implementació Wiener, mentre que la màxima per a una implementació FFT). També s'investiga la potencial transmissió conjunta de LDM amb tres tecnologies avançades adoptades en ATSC 3.0: les tecnologies d'agregació de MultiRF, els esquemes de MISO distribuït i els de MIMO colocalitzat. S'estudien els potencials casos d'ús, els principals aspectes d'implementació del transmissor i el receptor, i els guanys de rendiment de les configuracions conjuntes per a les dues capes de LDM. Les restriccions addicionals de combinar LDM amb les tecnologies avançades es consideren admissibles, ja que les majors demandes ja estan contemplades en ATSC 3.0 (ex., una segona cadena de recepció). S'obtenen guanys significatius per a la capa mòbil en condicions de recepció per als vianants gràcies a la diversitat en freqüència proporcionada per les tecnologies MultiRF. La conjunció de LDM amb esquemes MISO distribuïts proporciona guanys de rendiment significatius en xarxes SFN per a la capa fixa amb l'esquema d'Alamouti.Garro Crevillén, E. (2018). Advanced Layered Divsion Multiplexing Technologies for Next-Gen Broadcast [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/105559TESISCompendi