7 research outputs found

    FRCA: A Fuzzy Relevance-Based Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks

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    Clustering is an important mechanism that efficiently provides information for mobile nodes and improves the processing capacity of routing, bandwidth allocation, and resource management and sharing. Clustering algorithms can be based on such criteria as the battery power of nodes, mobility, network size, distance, speed and direction. Above all, in order to achieve good clustering performance, overhead should be minimized, allowing mobile nodes to join and leave without perturbing the membership of the cluster while preserving current cluster structure as much as possible. This paper proposes a Fuzzy Relevance-based Cluster head selection Algorithm (FRCA) to solve problems found in existing wireless mobile ad hoc sensor networks, such as the node distribution found in dynamic properties due to mobility and flat structures and disturbance of the cluster formation. The proposed mechanism uses fuzzy relevance to select the cluster head for clustering in wireless mobile ad hoc sensor networks. In the simulation implemented on the NS-2 simulator, the proposed FRCA is compared with algorithms such as the Cluster-based Routing Protocol (CBRP), the Weighted-based Adaptive Clustering Algorithm (WACA), and the Scenario-based Clustering Algorithm for Mobile ad hoc networks (SCAM). The simulation results showed that the proposed FRCA achieves better performance than that of the other existing mechanisms

    Manutenção de caminhos mínimos em grafos dinâmicos

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    Orientadores : Prof. Dr. André Luiz Pires GuedesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação. Defesa: Curitiba, 30/08/2011Inclui referênciasResumo: Esse trabalho faz uma análise crítica detalhada de alguns algoritmos de manutenção e consulta em grafos dinâmicos como o algoritmo de Even e Shiloach, o algoritmo de Henzinger e King e em especial o algoritmo de Roditty e Zwick, um algoritmo totalmente dinâmico com propriedades interessantes como critérios para a reinicialização de suas estruturas ou o uso de paralelismo em suas consultas. Além de apresentar o algoritmo e sua análise inicial, uma análise crítica é feita examinando diversos aspectos do algoritmo original, onde são propostas modificações de forma a introduzir melhorias de precisão e desempenho, assim como melhores maneiras de escolher seus conjuntos aleatórios, modificações em suas condições de reinício para aumentar as chances de que o caminho mínimo seja encontrado ou ainda inclusão de funcionalidade adicional.Abstract: This work provides a detailed critical analysis of some dynamic graph algorithm, targeting maintenance and queries of shortest paths. Analyzed algorithms includes the Even-Shiloach algorithm, the Henzinger-King Algorithm and as the main focus, the algorithm of Roditty and Zwick, a fully-dynamic all-pairs algorithm with a number of interesting characteristics such as the existence of certain conditions in which a full reinitialization of the structures is performed or the use of parallelism in its query processes. Besides presenting an introduction to the algorithms and the initial analysis, a critical analysis of the Roditty-Zwick algorithm is presented, pointing the strong and weak spots and highlighting some of the more interesting characteristics of the algorithm. Afterwards, a number of changes are proposed, such as better ways to choose its random vertex sets, modifications in the restart conditions or even the addition of new functionality

    Simulation-based Performance Evaluation of MANET Backbone Formation Algorithms

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    As a result of the recent advances in the computation and communications industries, wireless communications-enabled computing devices are ubiquitous nowadays. Even though these devices are introduced to satisfy the user’s mobile computing needs, they are still unable to provide for the full mobile computing functionality as they confine the user mobility to be within certain regions in order to benefit from services provided by fixed network access points. Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are introduced as the technology that potentially will make the nowadays illusion of mobile computing a tangible reality. MANETs are created by the mobile computing devices on an ad hoc basis, without any support or administration provided by a fixed or pre-installed communications infrastructure. Along with their appealing autonomy and fast deployment properties, MANETs exhibit some other properties that make their realization a very challenging task. Topology dynamism and bandwidth limitations of the communication channel adversely affect the performance of routing protocols designed for MANETs, especially with the increase in the number of mobile hosts and/or mobility rates. The Connected Dominating Set (CDS), a.k.a. virtual backbone or Spine, is proposed to facilitate routing, broadcasting, and establishing a dynamic infrastructure for distributed location databases. Minimizing the CDS produces a simpler abstracted topology of the MANET and allows for using shorter routes between any pair of hosts. Since it is NP-complete to find the minimum connected dominating set, MCDS, researchers resorted to approximation algorithms and heuristics to tackle this problem. The literature is rich of many CDS approximation algorithms that compete in terms of CDS size, running time, and signaling overhead. It has been reported that localized CDS creation algorithms are the fastest and the lightest in terms of signaling overhead among all other techniques. Examples of these localized CDS algorithms are Wu and Li algorithm and its Stojmenovic variant, the MPR algorithm, and Alzoubi algorithm. The designers of each of these algorithms claim that their algorithm exhibits the highest degree of localization and hence incurs the lowest cost in the CDS creation phase. However, these claims are not supported by any physical or at least simulation-based evidence. Moreover, the cost of maintaining the CDS (in terms of the change in CDS size, running time, and signaling overhead), in the presence of unpredictable and frequent topology changes, is an important factor that has to be taken into account -a cost that is overlooked most of the time. A simulation-based comparative study between the performance of these algorithms will be conducted using the ns2 network simulator. This study will focus on the total costs incurred by these algorithms in terms of CDS size, running time, and signaling overhead generated during the CDS creation and maintenance phases. Moreover, the effects of mobility rates, network size, and mobility models on the performance of each algorithm will be investigated. Conclusions regarding the pros and cons of each algorithm will be drawn, and directions for future research work will be recommended


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    Configuration management is critical to correct and efficient operation of large networks. In those cases where the users and networks are dynamic and ad hoc, manual configuration quickly becomes too complex. The combination of the sheer number of nodes with the heterogeneity and dynamics makes it almost impossible for the system administrator to ensure good configuration or even ensure correct operation. To achieve the vision of pervasive computing, nodes must automatically discover their environment and self-configure, then must automatically reconfigure to adapt to changes. Protocols such as DHCP, DDNS and mDNS provide some degree of host autoconfiguration, but network administrators must still configure information such as address pools, routing protocols, or OSPF routing areas. Only limited progress has been made to automate the configuration of routers, servers and network topology. This dissertation proposes the autoconfiguration of most host, router and server information, including the automatic generation and maintenance of hierarchy, under the same architectural, algorithmic and protocol framework. The proposed unified framework consists of modules (DRCP, DCDP, YAP, ACA) responsible for the entity autoconfiguration and from a modified and well adjusted general optimization (Simulated Annealing) based algorithm for the domain autoconfiguration. Due to the generality of the optimization algorithm, the generated hierarchy can improve dynamically selected network performance aspects represented by appropriately designed objective functions and constraints. An indicative set related to the physical characteristics of the domains and node mobility is provided. Even though SA has been adjusted for faster convergence, it may still be unable to capture the dynamics of rapidly changing networks. Thus, a faster but suboptimal distributed hierarchy generation mechanism that follows the design philosophy of SA-based mechanism has also been introduced. Inevitably, due to network dynamics, the quality of the hierarchy will degrade. In such scenarios, the frequent reapplication of the expensive optimization based hierarchy generation is prohibitive. Hence, for extending the domain formation framework, distributed maintenance mechanisms have been proposed for reconstructing the feasibility and quality of the hierarchy by enforcing localized decisions. The proposed framework has been applied to provide solutions on some realistic network problems related to hierarchical routing and topology control