6 research outputs found

    Mining Rich Seams of Information

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    A successful search strategy involves more than searching for terms on Internet search engines such as Google. The answer to successful web searching is not so much a better search engine, but a strategy that involves different tools and probably a different mindset. Whenever you search, think first about what you hope to achieve. Are you looking for a fact? A brief introduction to a subject? Deep background? You will need different strategies for each

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    An efficient algorithm to generate Search Shortcuts

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    Introduzione e definizione del problema Search Shorcuts; implementazione del metodo di query suggestion basato su Shortcuts; introduzione di un nuovo metodo di valutazione; comparazione dei risultati ottenuti con altre soluzioni presenti in letteratura

    Techniques for Improving Web Search by Understanding Queries

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    This thesis investigates the refinement of web search results with a special focus on the use of clustering and the role of queries. It presents a collection of new methods for evaluating clustering methods, performing clustering effectively, and for performing query refinement. The thesis identifies different types of query, the situations where refinement is necessary, and the factors affecting search difficulty. It then analyses hard searches and argues that many of them fail because users and search engines have different query models. The thesis identifies best practice for evaluating web search results and search refinement methods. It finds that none of the commonly used evaluation measures for clustering meet all of the properties of good evaluation measures. It then presents new quality and coverage measures that satisfy all the desired properties and that rank clusterings correctly in all web page clustering situations. The thesis argues that current web page clustering methods work well when different interpretations of the query have distinct vocabulary, but still have several limitations and often produce incomprehensible clusters. It then presents a new clustering method that uses the query to guide the construction of semantically meaningful clusters. The new clustering method significantly improves performance. Finally, the thesis explores how searches and queries are composed of different aspects and shows how to use aspects to reduce the distance between the query models of search engines and users. It then presents fully automatic methods that identify query aspects, identify underrepresented aspects, and predict query difficulty. Used in combination, these methods have many applications — the thesis describes methods for two of them. The first method improves the search results for hard queries with underrepresented aspects by automatically expanding the query using semantically orthogonal keywords related to the underrepresented aspects. The second method helps users refine hard ambiguous queries by identifying the different query interpretations using a clustering of a diverse set of refinements. Both methods significantly outperform existing methods

    Web Searching on the Vivisimo Search Engine

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    The application of clustering to Web search engine technology is a novel approach that offers structure to the information deluge often faced by Web searchers. Clustering methods have been well studied in research labs; however, real user searching with clustering systems in operational Web environments is not well understood. This article reports on results from a transaction log analysis of Vivisimo.com, which is a Web meta-search engine that dynamically clusters users' search results. A transaction log analysis was conducted on 2-week's worth of data collected from March 28 to April 4 and April 25 to May 2, 2004, representing 100% of site traffic during these periods and 2,029,734 queries overall. The results show that the highest percentage of queries contained two terms. The highest percentage of search sessions contained one query and was less than 1 minute in duration. Almost half of user interactions with clusters consisted of displaying a cluster's result set, and a small percentage of interactions showed cluster tree expansion. Findings show that 11.1% of search sessions were multitasking searches, and there are a broad variety of search topics in multitasking search sessions. Other searching interactions and statistics on repeat users of the search engine are reported. These results provide insights into search characteristics with a cluster-based Web search engine and extend research into Web searching trend