215 research outputs found

    Effective Transfer of Pretrained Large Visual Model for Fabric Defect Segmentation via Specifc Knowledge Injection

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    Fabric defect segmentation is integral to textile quality control. Despite this, the scarcity of high-quality annotated data and the diversity of fabric defects present significant challenges to the application of deep learning in this field. These factors limit the generalization and segmentation performance of existing models, impeding their ability to handle the complexity of diverse fabric types and defects. To overcome these obstacles, this study introduces an innovative method to infuse specialized knowledge of fabric defects into the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a large-scale visual model. By introducing and training a unique set of fabric defect-related parameters, this approach seamlessly integrates domain-specific knowledge into SAM without the need for extensive modifications to the pre-existing model parameters. The revamped SAM model leverages generalized image understanding learned from large-scale natural image datasets while incorporating fabric defect-specific knowledge, ensuring its proficiency in fabric defect segmentation tasks. The experimental results reveal a significant improvement in the model's segmentation performance, attributable to this novel amalgamation of generic and fabric-specific knowledge. When benchmarking against popular existing segmentation models across three datasets, our proposed model demonstrates a substantial leap in performance. Its impressive results in cross-dataset comparisons and few-shot learning experiments further demonstrate its potential for practical applications in textile quality control.Comment: 13 pages,4 figures, 3 table

    Automated Fiber Placement Defects: Automated Inspection and Characterization

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    Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) is an additive composite manufacturing technique, and a pressing challenge facing this technology is defect detection and repair. Manual defect inspection is time consuming, which led to the motivation to develop a rapid automatic method of inspection. This paper suggests a new automated inspection system based on convolutional neural networks and image segmentation tasks. This creates a pixel by pixel classification of the defects of the whole part scan. This process will allow for greater defect information extraction and faster processing times over previous systems, motivating rapid part inspection and analysis. Fine shape, height, and boundary detail can be generated through our system as opposed to a more coarse resolution demonstrated in other techniques. These scans are analyzed for defects, and then each defect is stored for export, or correlated to machine parameters or part design. The network is further improved through novel optimization techniques. New training instances can also be created with every new part scan by including the machine operator as a post inspection check on the accuracy of the system. Having a continuously adapting inspection system will increase accuracy for automated inspections, cutting down on false readings

    Deep Industrial Image Anomaly Detection: A Survey

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    The recent rapid development of deep learning has laid a milestone in industrial Image Anomaly Detection (IAD). In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of deep learning-based image anomaly detection techniques, from the perspectives of neural network architectures, levels of supervision, loss functions, metrics and datasets. In addition, we extract the new setting from industrial manufacturing and review the current IAD approaches under our proposed our new setting. Moreover, we highlight several opening challenges for image anomaly detection. The merits and downsides of representative network architectures under varying supervision are discussed. Finally, we summarize the research findings and point out future research directions. More resources are available at https://github.com/M-3LAB/awesome-industrial-anomaly-detection

    Machine Learning in Manufacturing towards Industry 4.0: From ‘For Now’ to ‘Four-Know’

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    While attracting increasing research attention in science and technology, Machine Learning (ML) is playing a critical role in the digitalization of manufacturing operations towards Industry 4.0. Recently, ML has been applied in several fields of production engineering to solve a variety of tasks with different levels of complexity and performance. However, in spite of the enormous number of ML use cases, there is no guidance or standard for developing ML solutions from ideation to deployment. This paper aims to address this problem by proposing an ML application roadmap for the manufacturing industry based on the state-of-the-art published research on the topic. First, this paper presents two dimensions for formulating ML tasks, namely, ’Four-Know’ (Know-what, Know-why, Know-when, Know-how) and ’Four-Level’ (Product, Process, Machine, System). These are used to analyze ML development trends in manufacturing. Then, the paper provides an implementation pipeline starting from the very early stages of ML solution development and summarizes the available ML methods, including supervised learning methods, semi-supervised methods, unsupervised methods, and reinforcement methods, along with their typical applications. Finally, the paper discusses the current challenges during ML applications and provides an outline of possible directions for future developments

    Index to Defence Science Journal Volume 68

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    A Comprehensive Survey on Data-Efficient GANs in Image Generation

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have achieved remarkable achievements in image synthesis. These successes of GANs rely on large scale datasets, requiring too much cost. With limited training data, how to stable the training process of GANs and generate realistic images have attracted more attention. The challenges of Data-Efficient GANs (DE-GANs) mainly arise from three aspects: (i) Mismatch Between Training and Target Distributions, (ii) Overfitting of the Discriminator, and (iii) Imbalance Between Latent and Data Spaces. Although many augmentation and pre-training strategies have been proposed to alleviate these issues, there lacks a systematic survey to summarize the properties, challenges, and solutions of DE-GANs. In this paper, we revisit and define DE-GANs from the perspective of distribution optimization. We conclude and analyze the challenges of DE-GANs. Meanwhile, we propose a taxonomy, which classifies the existing methods into three categories: Data Selection, GANs Optimization, and Knowledge Sharing. Last but not the least, we attempt to highlight the current problems and the future directions.Comment: Under revie

    A Review Of Vision Based Defect Detection Using Image Processing Techniques For Beverage Manufacturing Industry

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    Vision based quality inspection emerged as a prime candidate in beverage manufacturing industry. It functions to control the product quality for the large scale industries; not only to save time, cost and labour, but also to secure a competitive advantage. It is a requirement of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001, to appease the customer satisfaction in term of frequent improvement of the quality of products and services. It is totally impractical to rely on human inspector to handle a large scale quality control production because human has major drawback in their performance such as inconsistency and time consuming. This article reviews defect detection using image processing techniques for beverage manufacturing industry. There are comparative studies on techniques suggested by previous researchers. This review focuses on shape defect detection, color concentration inspection and level of liquid products measurement in a container. Shape, color and level defects are the main concern for bottle inspection in beverage manufacturing industry. The development of practical testing and the services performance are also discussed in this paper

    Thermodynamic Approach to Fatigue Failure Analysis in Metals and Composite Materials

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    Fatigue is a dissipative process and must obey the laws of thermodynamics. In general, it can be hypothesized that the degradation of machinery components is a consequence of irreversible thermodynamic processes that disorder a component, and that degradation is a time dependent phenomenon with increasing disorder. This suggests that entropy —a fundamental parameter in thermodynamics that characterizes disorder— offers a natural measure of component degradation. The majority of the existing methods for prediction of fatigue are limited to the study of a single fatigue mode, i.e., bending or torsion or tension-compression. Further, the variability in the duty cycle in a practical application may render many of these existing methods incapable of reliable performance. During this research, we put forward the idea that fatigue is a degradation process and that entropy is the most suitable index for assessing degradation. That is, tallying irreversible entropy is more reliable and accurate than many of the other methods presented in the existing papers. We show that in processes involving fatigue, for a given material (metal and composite laminate), there exists a unique threshold of the cumulative thermodynamic entropy beyond which fatigue fracture takes place. This threshold is shown to be independent of the type of the fatigue process and the loading history. This exciting result is the basis of the development of a Fatigue Monitoring Unit (FMU) described in this research. We also propose a general procedure for assessment of damage evolution based on the concept of entropy production. The procedure is applicable to both constant- and variable amplitude loading. Empirical relations between entropy generation and damage evolution for two types of metals (Alumunium 6061-T6 and Stainless steel 304) and a woven Glass/Epoxy composite laminate are proposed and their potential for evaluation of fatigue damage are investigated
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