226 research outputs found

    Target-adaptive CNN-based pansharpening

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    We recently proposed a convolutional neural network (CNN) for remote sensing image pansharpening obtaining a significant performance gain over the state of the art. In this paper, we explore a number of architectural and training variations to this baseline, achieving further performance gains with a lightweight network which trains very fast. Leveraging on this latter property, we propose a target-adaptive usage modality which ensures a very good performance also in the presence of a mismatch w.r.t. the training set, and even across different sensors. The proposed method, published online as an off-the-shelf software tool, allows users to perform fast and high-quality CNN-based pansharpening of their own target images on general-purpose hardware

    Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion by MS/HS Fusion Net

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    Hyperspectral imaging can help better understand the characteristics of different materials, compared with traditional image systems. However, only high-resolution multispectral (HrMS) and low-resolution hyperspectral (LrHS) images can generally be captured at video rate in practice. In this paper, we propose a model-based deep learning approach for merging an HrMS and LrHS images to generate a high-resolution hyperspectral (HrHS) image. In specific, we construct a novel MS/HS fusion model which takes the observation models of low-resolution images and the low-rankness knowledge along the spectral mode of HrHS image into consideration. Then we design an iterative algorithm to solve the model by exploiting the proximal gradient method. And then, by unfolding the designed algorithm, we construct a deep network, called MS/HS Fusion Net, with learning the proximal operators and model parameters by convolutional neural networks. Experimental results on simulated and real data substantiate the superiority of our method both visually and quantitatively as compared with state-of-the-art methods along this line of research.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Quality assessment by region in spot images fused by means dual-tree complex wavelet transform

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    This work is motivated in providing and evaluating a fusion algorithm of remotely sensed images, i.e. the fusion of a high spatial resolution panchromatic image with a multi-spectral image (also known as pansharpening) using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT), an effective approach for conducting an analytic and oversampled wavelet transform to reduce aliasing, and in turn reduce shift dependence of the wavelet transform. The proposed scheme includes the definition of a model to establish how information will be extracted from the PAN band and how that information will be injected into the MS bands with low spatial resolution. The approach was applied to Spot 5 images where there are bands falling outside PAN’s spectrum. We propose an optional step in the quality evaluation protocol, which is to study the quality of the merger by regions, where each region represents a specific feature of the image. The results show that DT-CWT based approach offers good spatial quality while retaining the spectral information of original images, case SPOT 5. The additional step facilitates the identification of the most affected regions by the fusion process

    Fusion of MultiSpectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Morphological Operators

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    International audienceNonlinear decomposition schemes constitute an alternative to classical approaches for facing the problem of data fusion. In this paper we discuss the application of this methodology to a popular remote sensing application called pansharpening, which consists in the fusion of a low resolution multispectral image and a high resolution panchromatic image. We design a complete pansharpening scheme based on the use of morphological half gradients operators and demonstrate the suitability of this algorithm through the comparison with state of the art approaches. Four datasets acquired by the Pleiades, Worldview-2, Ikonos and Geoeye-1 satellites are employed for the performance assessment, testifying the effectiveness of the proposed approach in producing top-class images with a setting independent of the specific sensor

    Multispectral pansharpening with radiative transfer-based detail-injection modeling for preserving changes in vegetation cover

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    Whenever vegetated areas are monitored over time, phenological changes in land cover should be decoupled from changes in acquisition conditions, like atmospheric components, Sun and satellite heights and imaging instrument. This especially holds when the multispectral (MS) bands are sharpened for spatial resolution enhancement by means of a panchromatic (Pan) image of higher resolution, a process referred to as pansharpening. In this paper, we provide evidence that pansharpening of visible/near-infrared (VNIR) bands takes advantage of a correction of the path radiance term introduced by the atmosphere, during the fusion process. This holds whenever the fusion mechanism emulates the radiative transfer model ruling the acquisition of the Earth's surface from space, that is for methods exploiting a multiplicative, or contrast-based, injection model of spatial details extracted from the panchromatic (Pan) image into the interpolated multispectral (MS) bands. The path radiance should be estimated and subtracted from each band before the product by Pan is accomplished. Both empirical and model-based estimation techniques of MS path radiances are compared within the framework of optimized algorithms. Simulations carried out on two GeoEye-1 observations of the same agricultural landscape on different dates highlight that the de-hazing of MS before fusion is beneficial to an accurate detection of seasonal changes in the scene, as measured by the normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI)